
Sirhurt Support Full

Jul 16th, 2018
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  5. Any problems with Sirhurt? Here's the solutions. Welcome to Sirhurt Support.
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  11. |Scripts not running/crashing|
  12. Sirhurt can run a lot of lines on a script. Unknown how this really happens, probably the script is too advanced and has way too many lines for Sirhurt to take. If a script keeps on not running or crashing, please use another script.
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  14. |Crash on injection|
  15. It's pretty normal for this to happen, but it's fine. Sometimes you may crash during injection. Just try again and you will be okay.
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  17. |Files missing|
  18. If you think there are files missing, please read all the files that are important or advised to have to have to use Sirhurt, files here: (ChangeLog, DCJ.dll, TroubleShooting.rar, DllCheck Info, SIR_JECTER, GetObjects Example, SirHurt Documentation, sirh.dat, ICSharpCode.TextEditor.dll, 34EOQz.dll, Read Me) There are also two redistributals you will need to download to have access to Sirhurt. Those two redistributals are: (Microsoft C++ Redistributal X64, Microsoft C++ Redistributal X86)
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  20. |Antivirus blocking Sirhurt download or injection|
  21. Turn off your antivirus before Sirhurt download or before Sirhurt injection.
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  23. |Roblox updated|
  24. Roblox may have updated, breaking the Sirhurt system, and or patching it, but don't worry, Sirhurt updates very fast after Sirhurt developers find out Roblox has updated. If you want to know how to get Sirhurt working again, please find a section called "{SIRHURT REDOWNLOAD TUTORIAL}"
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  28. |Outdated whitelist|
  29. Your whitelist may be outdated if you see a FAIL error pop up after you inject Sirhurt. If you want to know how to update your whitelist, please find a section called "{SIRHURT WHITELIST UPDATE TUTORIAL}"
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  33. (Just a disclaimer/advice, I advise you to delete all other Sirhurt related files before redownloading so you can have the new files fresh) Go to and click login, you then put in your login for Sirhurt and confirm you are not a bot. After doing that and logging in you will be greeted with the purchase/redownload page. Find a box that says "DOWNLOAD THE EXPLOIT" and click it, after doing so you will be directed to a MEGA page where Sirhurt is located, search for a zipped file called "Sirhurt.rar" and click it twice, downloading it. You can then extract Sirhurt where you want, what I do is extract is onto my desktop and take "SIR_JECTER" and place it in my taskbar.
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  37. If you don't already have the whitelist updater, i'll show you how to download the updater. You first go to and click "LOGIN" after you click that you login and confirm you're not a bot. After you log in go to the download link, which will direct you to a MEGA page where Sirhurt/Asshurt/Whitelist is located, find a rar file that is named Asshurt Whitelist Updater.rar. Double click the rar file and extract it onto your desktop. Double click the whitelist updater and click "I want to update my already existing whitelist." After that just keep going forward after that. Then you have your whitelist updated after it says your whitelist has updated. (I forgot what it looks like in the whitelist updater but you'll be fine I promise.)
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  39. Contact me awzp#8442 on discord if I missed something
  40. Credits for Sirhurt/Asshurt - |IcePools - Head of Operators, Lead Developer.| |SirK - Administrator, Sirhurt Developer| |NM - Sales, Sales Lead|
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  42. Asshurt Discord -
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  44. Asshurt Discord Administrators - |Leggpiss| |LoneFox| |SirK| |catbot|
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  46. Asshurt Discord Moderator - |Justindhd|
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  48. Asshurt First Generation - |MadameKlair|
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  50. Despacito xdd
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