

Mar 6th, 2025 (edited)
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  1. wait(40 -(24 + 13) );local v0={};"ScreenGui");v0.ItemDuper.Name="ItemDuper";v0.ItemDuper.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui");v0.ItemDuper.ZIndexBehavior=Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling;v0.ItemDuper.ResetOnSpawn=false;"Frame");v0.Main.Name="Main";v0.Main.Parent=v0.ItemDuper;,1482.5 -(1395 + 87) );v0.Main.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(8 + 22 ,82 -52 ,22 + 8 );v0.Main.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1374 -(729 + 645) ,392 -(232 + 160) ,0 -0 );v0.Main.BorderSizePixel=0; -0 ,1277 -(37 + 1240) ,0.5,0 -0 ); + 0 ,0,0.387413383,0 -0 );"UICorner"); -0 ,768 -(574 + 191) );v0.UICorner.Parent=v0.Main;"Frame");v0.SelectedContainer.Name="SelectedContainer";v0.SelectedContainer.Parent=v0.Main; + 0 ,0.5);v0.SelectedContainer.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(68 -18 ,47 + 3 ,1524 -(1329 + 145) );v0.SelectedContainer.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(971 -(140 + 831) ,0,1850 -(1409 + 441) );v0.SelectedContainer.BorderSizePixel=718 -(15 + 703) ;,0 + 0 ,438.49999994 -(262 + 176) ,1721 -(345 + 1376) ); -(573 + 1217) ,688 -(198 + 490) ,0.360000014 -0 ,0 -0 );"UICorner");v0.UICorner_2.Parent=v0.SelectedContainer;"ImageLabel");v0.ItemImage.Parent=v0.SelectedContainer; -(696 + 510) ,939.5 -(714 + 225) );v0.ItemImage.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,745 -490 ,534 -279 );v0.ItemImage.BackgroundTransparency=1263 -(1091 + 171) ;v0.ItemImage.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0,0 -0 );v0.ItemImage.BorderSizePixel=806 -(118 + 688) ; + 0 ,0 + 0 ,0.5,0); -(927 + 959) ,0 -0 ,3 -2 ,374 -(123 + 251) );v0.ItemImage.Image="";local"TextButton");v40.Parent=v0.ItemImage;v40.Text="";v40.BackgroundTransparency=1;,0.5 -0 ); -(208 + 490) ,0 + 0 ,0.5 + 0 ,0 -0 ); -(660 + 176) ,0 + 0 ,202.8 -(14 + 188) ,675 -(534 + 141) );"UIStroke");v0.UIStroke.Parent=v0.SelectedContainer;v0.UIStroke.Thickness=2.3 + 1 ;"TextLabel");v0.SelectedTitle.Name="SelectedTitle";v0.SelectedTitle.Parent=v0.Main;v0.SelectedTitle.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1316 -(810 + 251) ,255,177 + 78 );v0.SelectedTitle.BackgroundTransparency=1;v0.SelectedTitle.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.SelectedTitle.BorderSizePixel=533 -(43 + 490) ; -(711 + 22) ,0 -0 ,0.76674366,0 -0 ); -0 ,0 + 0 ,0.1039261 + 0 ,396 -(115 + 281) );v0.SelectedTitle.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.SelectedTitle.Text="Selected:";v0.SelectedTitle.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(593 -338 ,17 + 238 ,1999 -(1344 + 400) );v0.SelectedTitle.TextScaled=true;v0.SelectedTitle.TextSize=14;v0.SelectedTitle.TextWrapped=true;"Frame");v0.Main_2.Name="Main";v0.Main_2.Parent=v0.Main; + 0 ,0.5 + 0 );v0.Main_2.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(11 + 9 ,85 -65 ,48 -28 );v0.Main_2.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,0 -0 ,867 -(550 + 317) );v0.Main_2.BorderSizePixel=0; -0 ,0 -0 ,0.100461893 + 0 ,0); -1 ,285 -(134 + 151) ,1665.200923786 -(970 + 695) ,0 -0 );"UICorner"); -(582 + 1408) ,3);v0.UICorner_3.Parent=v0.Main_2;"TextLabel");v0.Title.Name="Title";v0.Title.Parent=v0.Main_2; -0 ,0.5 -0 );v0.Title.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(960 -705 ,2079 -(1195 + 629) ,336 -81 );v0.Title.BackgroundTransparency=242 -(187 + 54) ;v0.Title.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(780 -(162 + 618) ,0 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.Title.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; -0 ,0 + 0 ,1819.5 -(580 + 1239) ,1636 -(1373 + 263) ); -(451 + 549) ,0 + 0 ,0.699999988 -0 ,0);v0.Title.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.Title.Text="Item Duper";v0.Title.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(665 -410 ,159 + 96 ,255);v0.Title.TextScaled=true;v0.Title.TextSize=23 -9 ;v0.Title.TextWrapped=true;"UIStroke");v0.UIStroke_2.Parent=v0.Main_2;v0.UIStroke_2.Thickness=1792.9 -(1010 + 780) ;"UIStroke");v0.UIStroke_3.Parent=v0.Main;v0.UIStroke_3.Thickness=1385.1 -(746 + 638) ;"Frame");v0.InputContainer.Name="InputContainer";v0.InputContainer.Parent=v0.Main; + 0 ,0.5 -0 );v0.InputContainer.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(363 -(218 + 123) ,22,22);v0.InputContainer.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1581 -(1535 + 46) ,0 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.InputContainer.BorderSizePixel=560 -(306 + 254) ; -0 ,0 + 0 ,1574.403002352 -(1281 + 293) ,0 -0 ); -(899 + 568) ,0 + 0 ,0.200000018 -0 ,603 -(268 + 335) );"UICorner");v0.UICorner_4.Parent=v0.InputContainer;"UIStroke");v0.UIStroke_4.Parent=v0.InputContainer;v0.UIStroke_4.Thickness=1.8;"TextBox");v0.Input.Name="Input";v0.Input.Parent=v0.InputContainer; + 0 ,290.5 -(60 + 230) );v0.Input.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(827 -(426 + 146) ,31 + 224 ,1711 -(282 + 1174) );v0.Input.BackgroundTransparency=812 -(569 + 242) ;v0.Input.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 -0 ,0 + 0 );v0.Input.BorderSizePixel=1024 -(706 + 318) ; -(721 + 530) ,1271 -(945 + 326) ,0.5 -0 ,0); -(990 + 465) ,0 + 0 ,0.850000024 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.Input.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans;v0.Input.PlaceholderText="Item Name";v0.Input.Text="";v0.Input.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1003 -748 ,227 + 28 ,955 -(271 + 429) );v0.Input.TextScaled=true;v0.Input.TextSize=13 + 1 ;v0.Input.TextWrapped=true;"Frame");v0.Submit.Name="Submit";v0.Submit.Parent=v0.Main; -(1408 + 92) ,1086.5 -(461 + 625) );v0.Submit.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1333 -(993 + 295) ,3 + 42 ,1216 -(418 + 753) );v0.Submit.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.Submit.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ; -(406 + 123) ,1994 -(109 + 1885) ,1769.620092452 -(1749 + 20) ,0 -0 ); + 0 ,1322 -(1249 + 73) ,0.116859175 -0 ,0 + 0 );"UICorner");v0.UICorner_5.Parent=v0.Submit;"TextButton");v0.StartDupe.Parent=v0.Submit;,1145.5 -(466 + 679) );v0.StartDupe.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(44,105 -61 ,7 + 37 );v0.StartDupe.BackgroundTransparency=0.6 -0 ;v0.StartDupe.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1900 -(106 + 1794) ,0 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.StartDupe.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; -0 ,0 -0 ,0.5 + 0 ,114 -(4 + 110) ); -(57 + 527) ,1427 -(41 + 1386) ,104 -(17 + 86) ,0 + 0 );v0.StartDupe.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.StartDupe.Text="Dupe";v0.StartDupe.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(568 -313 ,738 -483 ,1688 -(797 + 636) );v0.StartDupe.TextSize=180 -(122 + 44) ;"UICorner");v0.UICorner_6.Parent=v0.TextButton;"Frame");v0.StatusContainer.Name="StatusContainer";v0.StatusContainer.Parent=v0.Main; -0 ,0.5);v0.StatusContainer.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(72 -50 ,18 + 4 ,50 -28 );v0.StatusContainer.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 + 0 ,0 -0 );v0.StatusContainer.BorderSizePixel=1276 -(316 + 960) ;,65 -(30 + 35) ,0.883314073 + 0 ,1257 -(1043 + 214) ); -0 ,0 + 0 ,1212.233140856 -(323 + 889) ,0 -0 );"UICorner"); -(361 + 219) ,323 -(53 + 267) );v0.UICorner_7.Parent=v0.StatusContainer;"TextLabel");v0.StatusTitle.Name="StatusTitle";v0.StatusTitle.Parent=v0.StatusContainer; -(1202 + 604) ,0.5);v0.StatusTitle.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(58 + 197 ,424 -169 ,706 -451 );v0.StatusTitle.BackgroundTransparency=414 -(15 + 398) ;v0.StatusTitle.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(982 -(18 + 964) ,0 -0 ,0 + 0 );v0.StatusTitle.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ; + 0 ,0 + 0 ,850.218737498 -(20 + 830) ,0 + 0 ); -(340 + 1571) ,126 -(116 + 10) ,0.25 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.StatusTitle.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.StatusTitle.Text="Status: Waiting";v0.StatusTitle.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(993 -(542 + 196) ,546 -291 ,75 + 180 );v0.StatusTitle.TextScaled=true;v0.StatusTitle.TextSize=38 -24 ;v0.StatusTitle.TextWrapped=true;"TextLabel");v0.Time.Name="Time";v0.Time.Parent=v0.StatusContainer;,0.5 + 0 );v0.Time.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(92 + 163 ,671 -416 ,255);v0.Time.BackgroundTransparency=1 -0 ;v0.Time.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,1551 -(1126 + 425) ,512 -(409 + 103) );v0.Time.BorderSizePixel=405 -(118 + 287) ; -(51 + 44) ,0 -0 ,1121.49999994 -(118 + 1003) ,0 -0 ); -(142 + 235) ,0 -0 ,0.24999997 + 0 ,977 -(553 + 424) );v0.Time.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.Time.Text="Time Remaining";v0.Time.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(481 -226 ,225 + 30 ,255);v0.Time.TextScaled=true;v0.Time.TextSize=14 + 0 ;v0.Time.TextWrapped=true;"TextLabel");v0.ItemRarity.Name="ItemRarity";v0.ItemRarity.Parent=v0.StatusContainer; + 0 ,0.5 + 0 );v0.ItemRarity.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(146 + 109 ,1524 -(231 + 1038) ,552 -297 );v0.ItemRarity.BackgroundTransparency=1163 -(171 + 991) ;v0.ItemRarity.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,0 -0 ,0 + 0 );v0.ItemRarity.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; -0 ,0,753.794047058 -(239 + 514) ,0 + 0 ); -(797 + 532) ,0 -0 ,0.24999997 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v0.ItemRarity.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.ItemRarity.Text="None";v0.ItemRarity.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(599 -344 ,1300 -(373 + 829) ,397 -150 );v0.ItemRarity.TextScaled=true;v0.ItemRarity.TextSize=745 -(476 + 255) ;v0.ItemRarity.TextWrapped=true;v0.ItemRarity.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Left;"TextLabel");v0.RarityTitle.Name="RarityTitle";v0.RarityTitle.Parent=v0.StatusContainer; -(369 + 761) ,0.5 -0 );v0.RarityTitle.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1503 -(111 + 1137) ,148 + 107 ,463 -208 );v0.RarityTitle.BackgroundTransparency=1 -0 ;v0.RarityTitle.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,238 -(64 + 174) ,0 + 0 );v0.RarityTitle.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; -(144 + 192) ,0 -0 ,216.794047058 -(42 + 174) ,0 + 0 ); + 0 ,0 + 0 ,1504.24999997 -(363 + 1141) ,1580 -(1183 + 397) );v0.RarityTitle.Font=Enum.Font.GothamBold;v0.RarityTitle.Text="Rarity:";v0.RarityTitle.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(776 -521 ,187 + 68 ,191 + 64 );v0.RarityTitle.TextScaled=true;v0.RarityTitle.TextSize=22 -8 ;v0.RarityTitle.TextWrapped=true;v0.RarityTitle.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Left;local v238=nil;local v239=true;spawn(function() while v239 do local v260=1975 -(1913 + 62) ;local v261;local v262;local v263;local v264;while true do if (v260==(0 + 0)) then v261,v262=pcall(function() return game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.Game.Crafting.Inventory.Salvage.ScrollFrame.Container;end);v263,v264=pcall(function() return game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.Lobby.Screens.Inventory.Main.Crafting.Main.Salvage.ScrollFrame.Container;end);v260=2 -1 ;end if (v260==(1934 -(565 + 1368))) then if v261 then local v281=0 -0 ;local v282;while true do if (v281==(0 -0)) then v282=1661 -(1477 + 184) ;while true do if (v282==(1 -0)) then v239=false;break;end if (v282==(0 + 0)) then print("Desktop Detected");v238=v262;v282=857 -(564 + 292) ;end end break;end end elseif v263 then local v291=0 -0 ;local v292;while true do if (v291==(0 -0)) then v292=0 -0 ;while true do if (v292==(305 -(244 + 60))) then v239=false;break;end if (v292==(0 + 0)) then print("Mobile Detected");v238=v264;v292=2 -1 ;end end break;end end end wait();break;end end end end);repeat wait();until  not v239 local v240=false;local v241={Rarity="",Name="",AmtDir=nil};loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();local function v242(v246) local v247=476 -(41 + 435) ;while true do local v265=1001 -(938 + 63) ;while true do if (v265==(0 + 0)) then if (v247==(1126 -(936 + 189))) then return nil;end if (v247==(0 + 0)) then for v286,v287 in pairs(v238:GetDescendants()) do if v287:IsA("Frame") then for v295,v296 in pairs(v287:GetChildren()) do if (v296:IsA("TextLabel") and (string.lower(v296.Text)==string.lower(v246))) then local v301=0 + 0 ;local v302;local v303;local v304;while true do if (v301==(1614 -(1565 + 48))) then v303=v287:FindFirstChild("Rarity");v304=v287:FindFirstChild("ItemName");v301=2 + 0 ;end if (v301==(1096 -(709 + 387))) then print("Match found: "   .. v246 );v302=v287:FindFirstChild("Icon");v301=1 + 0 ;end if (v301==(1140 -(782 + 356))) then if v302 then local v306=267 -(176 + 91) ;local v307;while true do if (v306==(0 -0)) then v307=v302.Image;if v307 then local v313=0 -0 ;while true do if (v313==(1093 -(975 + 117))) then return v307;end if (v313==(1875 -(157 + 1718))) then v241.Rarity=v303.Text;v241.Name=v304.Text;v313=1 + 0 ;end end else warn("Icon found, but image is nil for item: "   .. v246 );end break;end end else warn("No Icon found for item: "   .. v246 );end break;end end end end end end print("Invalid item name: "   .. v246 );v247=3 -2 ;end break;end end end end local function v243(v248) local v249=0 -0 ;local v250;while true do if (v249==(0 + 0)) then v250=game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGUI.Game.Inventory.Main.Weapons.Items.Container;for v273,v274 in pairs(v250:GetDescendants()) do if (v274:IsA("Frame") and (v274.Name=="ItemName")) then for v288,v289 in pairs(v274:GetChildren()) do if (v289:IsA("TextLabel") and (string.lower(v289.Text)==string.lower(v248))) then local v293=v274.Parent.Container:FindFirstChild("Amount");if v293 then local v297=1018 -(697 + 321) ;local v298;while true do local v305=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v305==(0 -0)) then if (v297==(0 -0)) then v298=v293.Text;if (v298=="") then v293.Text="x2";else local v310=0 -0 ;local v311;while true do if (v310==(0 -0)) then v311=tonumber(v298:sub(4 -2 ));v293.Text="x"   .. (v311 * (1 + 1)) ;break;end end end v297=1 -0 ;end if (v297==(2 -1)) then return;end break;end end end end end end end end break;end end end v0.Input.FocusLost:Connect(function() if v240 then return;end local v251=v242(v0.Input.Text);if v251 then local v266=0;while true do if (v266==(1227 -(322 + 905))) then v0.ItemImage.Image=v251;v241.Name=v0.Input.Text;break;end end end end);v40.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if v240 then return;end v0.ItemImage.Image="";end);local v244=v0.Time;local function v245(v253) local v254=611 -(602 + 9) ;local v255;local v256;local v257;local v258;while true do if (v254==2) then v258=nil;v258=game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if (v255>0) then local v283=1189 -(449 + 740) ;local v284;while true do if (v283==(872 -(826 + 46))) then v284=tick() -v256 ;if (v284>=(948 -(245 + 702))) then local v299=0 -0 ;local v300;while true do if (v299==(0 + 0)) then v300=1898 -(260 + 1638) ;while true do if (v300==(440 -(382 + 58))) then v257();v256=tick();break;end end break;end end end break;end end else local v285=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v285==(0 -0)) then v0.Time.Text="Dupe Complete";v240=false;v285=1 + 0 ;end if (v285==(1 -0)) then v258:Disconnect();v243(v241.Name);break;end end end end);break;end if (v254==(2 -1)) then v257=nil;function v257() local v275=1205 -(902 + 303) ;local v276;local v277;while true do if (v275==(0 + 0)) then v276=math.floor(v255/(131 -71) );v277=v255%(144 -84) ;v275=1 + 0 ;end if (v275==(1691 -(1121 + 569))) then v0.Time.Text=string.format("%dm, %ds",v276,v277);v255=v255-(215 -(22 + 192)) ;break;end end end v254=2 + 0 ;end if (v254==(683 -(483 + 200))) then local v268=433 -(153 + 280) ;while true do if (v268==1) then v254=1464 -(1404 + 59) ;break;end if (v268==(0 -0)) then v255=v253;v256=tick();v268=1 -0 ;end end end end end v0.StartDupe.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local v259=765 -(468 + 297) ;while true do if ((566 -(334 + 228))==v259) then v240=false;break;end if (v259==(0 -0)) then if v240 then return;end v240=true;v259=2 -1 ;end if (v259==(1 -0)) then v0.StatusTitle.Text="Processing..";wait(1 + 0 );v259=2 + 0 ;end if (v259==(670 -(89 + 578))) then v245(120);print("Done");v259=240 -(141 + 95) ;end if (v259==(2 + 0)) then v0.StatusTitle.Text="Duping..";v0.ItemRarity.Text=v241.Rarity;v259=7 -4 ;end end end);
Tags: MM2 SUPE
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