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- -- // Config: \\ --
- local pixelsize = 1; -- Pixel size, keep at 1 for smoothness.
- local pngimage = game:HttpGet(""); -- Your png link.
- local holder ="ScreenGui",game.CoreGui); -- Any GUI object
- local transparentcolor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255); -- Transparent objects render as white, set a specific color for them and it should work out. Set the variable to "nil" if you don't have any transparency.
- -- // Positional Config: \\ --
- local anchor =,.5); -- The anchor point of the loaded PNG frame
- local position =,0,.5,0); -- The position of the loaded PNG frame
- -- // Do not modify below unless you know what you're doing. \\ --
- holder ="Frame",holder);
- holder.AnchorPoint = anchor;
- holder.Position = position;
- holder.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- local layout ="UIListLayout",holder);
- layout.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Top;
- layout.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal;
- local pixel ="Frame")
- pixel.Size =,pixelsize,0,pixelsize);
- pixel.Name = 'Pixel';
- pixel.Parent = workspace;
- pixel.BorderSizePixel = 0;
- local Row ="Frame")
- local UIListLayout ="UIListLayout")
- Row.Name = "Row"
- Row.Parent = workspace;
- Row.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- Row.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Row.Selectable = true
- Row.Size =, pixelsize, 1, 0)
- UIListLayout.Parent = Row
- UIListLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
- local row = Row;
- local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local PNG = {}
- PNG.__index = PNG
- local chunks = {};
- local function IDAT(file, chunk)
- local crc = chunk.CRC
- local hash = file.Hash or 0
- local data = chunk.Data
- local buffer = data.Buffer
- file.Hash = bit32.bxor(hash, crc)
- file.ZlibStream = file.ZlibStream .. buffer
- end
- chunks['IDAT'] = IDAT;
- local function IEND(file)
- file.Reading = nil
- end
- chunks['IEND'] = IEND;
- local function IHDR(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- file.Width = data:ReadInt32();
- file.Height = data:ReadInt32();
- file.BitDepth = data:ReadByte();
- file.ColorType = data:ReadByte();
- file.Methods =
- {
- Compression = data:ReadByte();
- Filtering = data:ReadByte();
- Interlace = data:ReadByte();
- }
- end
- chunks['IHDR'] = IHDR;
- local function PLTE(file, chunk)
- if not file.Palette then
- file.Palette = {}
- end
- local data = chunk.Data
- local palette = data:ReadAllBytes()
- if #palette % 3 ~= 0 then
- error("PNG - Invalid PLTE chunk.")
- end
- for i = 1, #palette, 3 do
- local r = palette[i]
- local g = palette[i + 1]
- local b = palette[i + 2]
- local color = Color3.fromRGB(r, g, b)
- local index = #file.Palette + 1
- file.Palette[index] = color
- end
- end
- chunks['PLTE'] = PLTE;
- local function bKGD(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- local bitDepth = file.BitDepth
- local colorType = file.ColorType
- bitDepth = (2 ^ bitDepth) - 1
- if colorType == 3 then
- local index = data:ReadByte()
- file.BackgroundColor = file.Palette[index]
- elseif colorType == 0 or colorType == 4 then
- local gray = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- file.BackgroundColor = Color3.fromHSV(0, 0, gray)
- elseif colorType == 2 or colorType == 6 then
- local r = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- local g = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- local b = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- file.BackgroundColor =, g, b)
- end
- end
- chunks['bKGD'] = bKGD;
- local colors = {"White", "Red", "Green", "Blue"}
- local function cHRM(file, chunk)
- local chrome = {}
- local data = chunk.Data
- for i = 1, 4 do
- local color = colors[i]
- chrome[color] =
- {
- [1] = data:ReadUInt32() / 10e4;
- [2] = data:ReadUInt32() / 10e4;
- }
- end
- file.Chromaticity = chrome
- end
- chunks['cHRM'] = cHRM;
- local function gAMA(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- local value = data:ReadUInt32()
- file.Gamma = value / 10e4
- end
- chunks['gAMA'] = gAMA;
- local function sRGB(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- file.RenderIntent = data:ReadByte()
- end
- chunks['sRGB'] = sRGB;
- local function tEXt(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- local key, value = "", ""
- for byte in data:IterateBytes() do
- local char = string.char(byte)
- if char == '\0' then
- key = value
- value = ""
- else
- value = value .. char
- end
- end
- file.Metadata[key] = value
- end
- chunks['tEXt'] = tEXt;
- local function tIME(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- local timeStamp =
- {
- Year = data:ReadUInt16();
- Month = data:ReadByte();
- Day = data:ReadByte();
- Hour = data:ReadByte();
- Minute = data:ReadByte();
- Second = data:ReadByte();
- }
- file.TimeStamp = timeStamp
- end
- chunks['tIME'] = tIME;
- local function tRNS(file, chunk)
- local data = chunk.Data
- local bitDepth = file.BitDepth
- local colorType = file.ColorType
- bitDepth = (2 ^ bitDepth) - 1
- if colorType == 3 then
- local palette = file.Palette
- local alphaMap = {}
- for i = 1, #palette do
- local alpha = data:ReadByte()
- if not alpha then
- alpha = 255
- end
- alphaMap[i] = alpha
- end
- file.AlphaData = alphaMap
- elseif colorType == 0 then
- local grayAlpha = data:ReadUInt16()
- file.Alpha = grayAlpha / bitDepth
- elseif colorType == 2 then
- -- TODO: This seems incorrect...
- local r = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- local g = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- local b = data:ReadUInt16() / bitDepth
- file.Alpha =, g, b)
- else
- error("PNG - Invalid tRNS chunk")
- end
- end
- chunks['tRNS'] = tRNS;
- --[[
- compress.deflatelua - deflate (and zlib) implemented in Lua.
- This is a pure Lua implementation of decompressing the DEFLATE format,
- including the related zlib format.
- Note: This library only supports decompression.
- Compression is not currently implemented.
- [1] DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3
- [2] GZIP file format specification version 4.3
- [3]
- [4] pyflate, by Paul Sladen
- [5] Compress::Zlib::Perl - partial pure Perl implementation of
- Compress::Zlib
- (c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT).
- Heavily modified by Max G. (2019)
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- (end license)
- --]]
- local Deflate = {}
- local band =
- local lshift = bit32.lshift
- local rshift = bit32.rshift
- local lens = -- Size base for length codes 257..285
- {
- [0] = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
- 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258
- }
- local lext = -- Extra bits for length codes 257..285
- {
- [0] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0
- }
- local dists = -- Offset base for distance codes 0..29
- {
- [0] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
- 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
- 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577
- }
- local dext = -- Extra bits for distance codes 0..29
- {
- [0] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
- 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11,
- 12, 12, 13, 13
- }
- local order = -- Permutation of code length codes
- {
- 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5,
- 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
- }
- -- Fixed literal table for BTYPE_FIXED_HUFFMAN
- local fixedLit = {0, 8, 144, 9, 256, 7, 280, 8, 288}
- -- Fixed distance table for BTYPE_FIXED_HUFFMAN
- local fixedDist = {0, 5, 32}
- local function createState(bitStream)
- local state =
- {
- Output = bitStream;
- Window = {};
- Pos = 1;
- }
- return state
- end
- local function write(state, byte)
- local pos = state.Pos
- state.Output(byte)
- state.Window[pos] = byte
- state.Pos = pos % 32768 + 1 -- 32K
- end
- local function memoize(fn)
- local meta = {}
- local memoizer = setmetatable({}, meta)
- function meta:__index(k)
- local v = fn(k)
- memoizer[k] = v
- return v
- end
- return memoizer
- end
- -- small optimization (lookup table for powers of 2)
- local pow2 = memoize(function (n)
- return 2 ^ n
- end)
- -- weak metatable marking objects as bitstream type
- local isBitStream = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
- local function createBitStream(reader)
- local buffer = 0
- local bitsLeft = 0
- local stream = {}
- isBitStream[stream] = true
- function stream:GetBitsLeft()
- return bitsLeft
- end
- function stream:Read(count)
- count = count or 1
- while bitsLeft < count do
- local byte = reader:ReadByte()
- if not byte then
- return
- end
- buffer = buffer + lshift(byte, bitsLeft)
- bitsLeft = bitsLeft + 8
- end
- local bits
- if count == 0 then
- bits = 0
- elseif count == 32 then
- bits = buffer
- buffer = 0
- else
- bits = band(buffer, rshift(2^32 - 1, 32 - count))
- buffer = rshift(buffer, count)
- end
- bitsLeft = bitsLeft - count
- return bits
- end
- return stream
- end
- local function getBitStream(obj)
- if isBitStream[obj] then
- return obj
- end
- return createBitStream(obj)
- end
- local function sortHuffman(a, b)
- return a.NumBits == b.NumBits and a.Value < b.Value or a.NumBits < b.NumBits
- end
- local function msb(bits, numBits)
- local res = 0
- for i = 1, numBits do
- res = lshift(res, 1) + band(bits, 1)
- bits = rshift(bits, 1)
- end
- return res
- end
- local function createHuffmanTable(init, isFull)
- local hTable = {}
- if isFull then
- for val, numBits in pairs(init) do
- if numBits ~= 0 then
- hTable[#hTable + 1] =
- {
- Value = val;
- NumBits = numBits;
- }
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #init - 2, 2 do
- local firstVal = init[i]
- local numBits = init[i + 1]
- local nextVal = init[i + 2]
- if numBits ~= 0 then
- for val = firstVal, nextVal - 1 do
- hTable[#hTable + 1] =
- {
- Value = val;
- NumBits = numBits;
- }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(hTable, sortHuffman)
- local code = 1
- local numBits = 0
- for i, slide in ipairs(hTable) do
- if slide.NumBits ~= numBits then
- code = code * pow2[slide.NumBits - numBits]
- numBits = slide.NumBits
- end
- slide.Code = code
- code = code + 1
- end
- local minBits = math.huge
- local look = {}
- for i, slide in ipairs(hTable) do
- minBits = math.min(minBits, slide.NumBits)
- look[slide.Code] = slide.Value
- end
- local firstCode = memoize(function (bits)
- return pow2[minBits] + msb(bits, minBits)
- end)
- function hTable:Read(bitStream)
- local code = 1 -- leading 1 marker
- local numBits = 0
- while true do
- if numBits == 0 then -- small optimization (optional)
- local index = bitStream:Read(minBits)
- numBits = numBits + minBits
- code = firstCode[index]
- else
- local bit = bitStream:Read()
- numBits = numBits + 1
- code = code * 2 + bit -- MSB first
- end
- local val = look[code]
- if val then
- return val
- end
- end
- end
- return hTable
- end
- local function parseZlibHeader(bitStream)
- -- Compression Method
- local cm = bitStream:Read(4)
- -- Compression info
- local cinfo = bitStream:Read(4)
- -- FLaGs: FCHECK (check bits for CMF and FLG)
- local fcheck = bitStream:Read(5)
- -- FLaGs: FDICT (present dictionary)
- local fdict = bitStream:Read(1)
- -- FLaGs: FLEVEL (compression level)
- local flevel = bitStream:Read(2)
- -- CMF (Compresion Method and flags)
- local cmf = cinfo * 16 + cm
- -- FLaGs
- local flg = fcheck + fdict * 32 + flevel * 64
- if cm ~= 8 then -- not "deflate"
- error("unrecognized zlib compression method: " .. cm)
- end
- if cinfo > 7 then
- error("invalid zlib window size: cinfo=" .. cinfo)
- end
- local windowSize = 2 ^ (cinfo + 8)
- if (cmf * 256 + flg) % 31 ~= 0 then
- error("invalid zlib header (bad fcheck sum)")
- end
- if fdict == 1 then
- error("FIX:TODO - FDICT not currently implemented")
- end
- return windowSize
- end
- local function parseHuffmanTables(bitStream)
- local numLits = bitStream:Read(5) -- # of literal/length codes - 257
- local numDists = bitStream:Read(5) -- # of distance codes - 1
- local numCodes = bitStream:Read(4) -- # of code length codes - 4
- local codeLens = {}
- for i = 1, numCodes + 4 do
- local index = order[i]
- codeLens[index] = bitStream:Read(3)
- end
- codeLens = createHuffmanTable(codeLens, true)
- local function decode(numCodes)
- local init = {}
- local numBits
- local val = 0
- while val < numCodes do
- local codeLen = codeLens:Read(bitStream)
- local numRepeats
- if codeLen <= 15 then
- numRepeats = 1
- numBits = codeLen
- elseif codeLen == 16 then
- numRepeats = 3 + bitStream:Read(2)
- elseif codeLen == 17 then
- numRepeats = 3 + bitStream:Read(3)
- numBits = 0
- elseif codeLen == 18 then
- numRepeats = 11 + bitStream:Read(7)
- numBits = 0
- end
- for i = 1, numRepeats do
- init[val] = numBits
- val = val + 1
- end
- end
- return createHuffmanTable(init, true)
- end
- local numLitCodes = numLits + 257
- local numDistCodes = numDists + 1
- local litTable = decode(numLitCodes)
- local distTable = decode(numDistCodes)
- return litTable, distTable
- end
- local function parseCompressedItem(bitStream, state, litTable, distTable)
- local val = litTable:Read(bitStream)
- if val < 256 then -- literal
- write(state, val)
- elseif val == 256 then -- end of block
- return true
- else
- local lenBase = lens[val - 257]
- local numExtraBits = lext[val - 257]
- local extraBits = bitStream:Read(numExtraBits)
- local len = lenBase + extraBits
- local distVal = distTable:Read(bitStream)
- local distBase = dists[distVal]
- local distNumExtraBits = dext[distVal]
- local distExtraBits = bitStream:Read(distNumExtraBits)
- local dist = distBase + distExtraBits
- for i = 1, len do
- local pos = (state.Pos - 1 - dist) % 32768 + 1
- local byte = assert(state.Window[pos], "invalid distance")
- write(state, byte)
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function parseBlock(bitStream, state)
- local bFinal = bitStream:Read(1)
- local bType = bitStream:Read(2)
- if bType == BTYPE_NO_COMPRESSION then
- local left = bitStream:GetBitsLeft()
- bitStream:Read(left)
- local len = bitStream:Read(16)
- local nlen = bitStream:Read(16)
- for i = 1, len do
- local byte = bitStream:Read(8)
- write(state, byte)
- end
- elseif bType == BTYPE_FIXED_HUFFMAN or bType == BTYPE_DYNAMIC_HUFFMAN then
- local litTable, distTable
- if bType == BTYPE_DYNAMIC_HUFFMAN then
- litTable, distTable = parseHuffmanTables(bitStream)
- else
- litTable = createHuffmanTable(fixedLit)
- distTable = createHuffmanTable(fixedDist)
- end
- repeat until parseCompressedItem(bitStream, state, litTable, distTable)
- else
- error("unrecognized compression type")
- end
- return bFinal ~= 0
- end
- function Deflate:Inflate(io)
- local state = createState(io.Output)
- local bitStream = getBitStream(io.Input)
- repeat until parseBlock(bitStream, state)
- end
- function Deflate:InflateZlib(io)
- local bitStream = getBitStream(io.Input)
- local windowSize = parseZlibHeader(bitStream)
- self:Inflate
- {
- Input = bitStream;
- Output = io.Output;
- }
- local bitsLeft = bitStream:GetBitsLeft()
- bitStream:Read(bitsLeft)
- end
- local Unfilter = {}
- function Unfilter:None(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- for i = 1, #scanline do
- pixels[row][i] = scanline[i]
- end
- end
- function Unfilter:Sub(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- for i = 1, bpp do
- pixels[row][i] = scanline[i]
- end
- for i = bpp + 1, #scanline do
- local x = scanline[i]
- local a = pixels[row][i - bpp]
- pixels[row][i] = + a, 0xFF)
- end
- end
- function Unfilter:Up(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- if row > 1 then
- local upperRow = pixels[row - 1]
- for i = 1, #scanline do
- local x = scanline[i]
- local b = upperRow[i]
- pixels[row][i] = + b, 0xFF)
- end
- else
- self:None(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- end
- end
- function Unfilter:Average(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- if row > 1 then
- for i = 1, bpp do
- local x = scanline[i]
- local b = pixels[row - 1][i]
- b = bit32.rshift(b, 1)
- pixels[row][i] = + b, 0xFF)
- end
- for i = bpp + 1, #scanline do
- local x = scanline[i]
- local b = pixels[row - 1][i]
- local a = pixels[row][i - bpp]
- local ab = bit32.rshift(a + b, 1)
- pixels[row][i] = + ab, 0xFF)
- end
- else
- for i = 1, bpp do
- pixels[row][i] = scanline[i]
- end
- for i = bpp + 1, #scanline do
- local x = scanline[i]
- local b = pixels[row - 1][i]
- b = bit32.rshift(b, 1)
- pixels[row][i] = + b, 0xFF)
- end
- end
- end
- function Unfilter:Paeth(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- if row > 1 then
- local pr
- for i = 1, bpp do
- local x = scanline[i]
- local b = pixels[row - 1][i]
- pixels[row][i] = + b, 0xFF)
- end
- for i = bpp + 1, #scanline do
- local a = pixels[row][i - bpp]
- local b = pixels[row - 1][i]
- local c = pixels[row - 1][i - bpp]
- local x = scanline[i]
- local p = a + b - c
- local pa = math.abs(p - a)
- local pb = math.abs(p - b)
- local pc = math.abs(p - c)
- if pa <= pb and pa <= pc then
- pr = a
- elseif pb <= pc then
- pr = b
- else
- pr = c
- end
- pixels[row][i] = + pr, 0xFF)
- end
- else
- self:Sub(scanline, pixels, bpp, row)
- end
- end
- local BinaryReader = {}
- BinaryReader.__index = BinaryReader
- function
- local reader =
- {
- Position = 1;
- Buffer = buffer;
- Length = #buffer;
- }
- return setmetatable(reader, BinaryReader)
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadByte()
- local buffer = self.Buffer
- local pos = self.Position
- if pos <= self.Length then
- local result = buffer:sub(pos, pos)
- self.Position = pos + 1
- return result:byte()
- end
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadBytes(count, asArray)
- local values = {}
- for i = 1, count do
- values[i] = self:ReadByte()
- end
- if asArray then
- return values
- end
- return unpack(values)
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadAllBytes()
- return self:ReadBytes(self.Length, true)
- end
- function BinaryReader:IterateBytes()
- return function ()
- return self:ReadByte()
- end
- end
- function BinaryReader:TwosComplementOf(value, numBits)
- if value >= (2 ^ (numBits - 1)) then
- value = value - (2 ^ numBits)
- end
- return value
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadUInt16()
- local upper, lower = self:ReadBytes(2)
- return (upper * 256) + lower
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadInt16()
- local unsigned = self:ReadUInt16()
- return self:TwosComplementOf(unsigned, 16)
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadUInt32()
- local upper = self:ReadUInt16()
- local lower = self:ReadUInt16()
- return (upper * 65536) + lower
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadInt32()
- local unsigned = self:ReadUInt32()
- return self:TwosComplementOf(unsigned, 32)
- end
- function BinaryReader:ReadString(length)
- if length == nil then
- length = self:ReadByte()
- end
- local pos = self.Position
- local nextPos = math.min(self.Length, pos + length)
- local result = self.Buffer:sub(pos, nextPos - 1)
- self.Position = nextPos
- return result
- end
- function BinaryReader:ForkReader(length)
- local chunk = self:ReadString(length)
- return
- end
- local function getBytesPerPixel(colorType)
- if colorType == 0 or colorType == 3 then
- return 1
- elseif colorType == 4 then
- return 2
- elseif colorType == 2 then
- return 3
- elseif colorType == 6 then
- return 4
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- local function clampInt(value, min, max)
- local num = tonumber(value) or 0
- num = math.floor(num + .5)
- return math.clamp(num, min, max)
- end
- local function indexBitmap(file, x, y)
- local width = file.Width
- local height = file.Height
- local x = clampInt(x, 1, width)
- local y = clampInt(y, 1, height)
- local bitmap = file.Bitmap
- local bpp = file.BytesPerPixel
- local i0 = ((x - 1) * bpp) + 1
- local i1 = i0 + bpp
- return bitmap[y], i0, i1
- end
- function PNG:GetPixel(t,x, y)
- local row, i0, i1 = indexBitmap(t, x, y)
- local colorType = t.ColorType
- self = t;
- local color, alpha do
- if colorType == 0 then
- local gray = unpack(row, i0, i1)
- color = Color3.fromHSV(0, 0, gray)
- alpha = 255
- elseif colorType == 2 then
- local r, g, b = unpack(row, i0, i1)
- color = Color3.fromRGB(r, g, b)
- alpha = 255
- elseif colorType == 3 then
- local palette = self.Palette
- local alphaData = self.AlphaData
- local index = unpack(row, i0, i1)
- index = index + 1
- if palette then
- color = palette[index]
- end
- if alphaData then
- alpha = alphaData[index]
- end
- elseif colorType == 4 then
- local gray, a = unpack(row, i0, i1)
- color = Color3.fromHSV(0, 0, gray)
- alpha = a
- elseif colorType == 6 then
- local r, g, b, a = unpack(row, i0, i1)
- color = Color3.fromRGB(r, g, b, a)
- alpha = a
- end
- end
- if not color then
- color =
- end
- if not alpha then
- alpha = 255
- end
- return color, alpha
- end
- function
- -- Create the reader.
- local reader =
- -- Create the file object.
- local file =
- {
- Chunks = {};
- Metadata = {};
- Reading = true;
- ZlibStream = "";
- }
- -- Verify the file header.
- local header = reader:ReadString(8)
- if header ~= "\137PNG\r\n\26\n" then
- error("PNG - Input data is not a PNG file.", 2)
- end
- while file.Reading do
- local length = reader:ReadInt32()
- local chunkType = reader:ReadString(4)
- local data, crc
- if length > 0 then
- data = reader:ForkReader(length)
- crc = reader:ReadUInt32()
- end
- local chunk =
- {
- Length = length;
- Type = chunkType;
- Data = data;
- CRC = crc;
- }
- local handler = chunks[chunkType];
- if handler then
- handler(file, chunk)
- end
- table.insert(file.Chunks, chunk)
- end
- -- Decompress the zlib stream.
- local success, response = pcall(function ()
- local result = {}
- local index = 0
- Deflate:InflateZlib
- {
- Input =;
- Output = function (byte)
- index = index + 1
- result[index] = string.char(byte)
- end
- }
- return table.concat(result)
- end)
- if not success then
- error("PNG - Unable to unpack PNG data. " .. tostring(response), 2)
- end
- -- Grab expected info from the file.
- local width = file.Width
- local height = file.Height
- local bitDepth = file.BitDepth
- local colorType = file.ColorType
- local buffer =
- file.ZlibStream = nil
- local bitmap = {}
- file.Bitmap = bitmap
- local channels = getBytesPerPixel(colorType)
- file.NumChannels = channels
- local bpp = math.max(1, channels * (bitDepth / 8))
- file.BytesPerPixel = bpp
- -- Unfilter the buffer and
- -- load it into the bitmap.
- for row = 1, height do
- local filterType = buffer:ReadByte()
- local scanline = buffer:ReadBytes(width * bpp, true)
- bitmap[row] = {}
- if filterType == 0 then
- -- None
- Unfilter:None(scanline, bitmap, bpp, row)
- elseif filterType == 1 then
- -- Sub
- Unfilter:Sub(scanline, bitmap, bpp, row)
- elseif filterType == 2 then
- -- Up
- Unfilter:Up(scanline, bitmap, bpp, row)
- elseif filterType == 3 then
- -- Average
- Unfilter:Average(scanline, bitmap, bpp, row)
- elseif filterType == 4 then
- -- Paeth
- Unfilter:Paeth(scanline, bitmap, bpp, row)
- end
- end
- return setmetatable(file, PNG)
- end
- local result =
- local pixels = {};
- local y = 0;
- for x = 1,result.Width do
- local tbl = {};
- for y = 1,result.Height do
- local color,alpha = PNG:GetPixel(result,x,y)
- table.insert(tbl,color);
- end
- local r = row:Clone();
- r.Parent = holder;
- for i,v in pairs(tbl) do
- local p = pixel:Clone();
- p.Parent = r;
- p.BackgroundColor3 = v;
- if v == transparentcolor then
- p.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- end
- end
- end
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