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- #
- # ZZZ just for a quick reference
- from Tkinter import *
- import random
- squares = None
- player = None
- scores = [0, 0]
- O = 10
- X = 1
- solo = True
- winning_combos = [
- [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],
- [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],
- [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]]
- winners = ['X won', 'result is draw', 'O won']
- def available_moves():
- #return empty spots
- return [k for k, v in enumerate(squares) if v is None]
- def complete():
- #return if the game is finish
- if None not in [v for v in squares]:
- return True
- if winner() != None:
- return True
- return False
- def game_over():
- info_winner = None
- if winner() == O:
- info_winner = 'AI won'
- elif winner() == X:
- info_winner = 'player won'
- elif winner() == None:
- info_winner = 'nobody won'
- trace_win_lign()
- def detect_win_lign():
- for combo in winning_combos:
- k = 0
- for pos in combo:
- print(pos)
- print ("sp", squares[pos])
- if not squares[pos] == None:
- k += squares[pos]
- if k==3 or k==30:
- print (combo)
- return combo
- def trace_win_lign():
- lign = detect_win_lign()
- if lign == [0, 1, 2]:
- canvas.create_line(15, 101, 590, 101, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [3, 4, 5]:
- canvas.create_line(15, 302, 590, 302, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [6, 7, 8]:
- canvas.create_line(15, 503, 590, 503, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [0, 3, 6]:
- canvas.create_line(101, 15, 101, 590, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [1, 4, 7]:
- canvas.create_line(302, 15, 302, 590, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [2, 5, 8]:
- canvas.create_line(503, 15, 503, 590, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [0, 4, 8]:
- canvas.create_line(15, 15, 590, 590, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- elif lign == [2, 4, 6]:
- canvas.create_line(590, 15, 15, 590, width = 12, fill = '#1FA055')
- def ___init___():
- canvas.delete("all")
- board_trace()
- global squares
- squares = [None for i in range(9)]
- global player
- player = random.choice([X, O])
- if player == O and solo == True:
- ai(player)
- player = X
- def X_win():
- return winner() == X
- def O_win():
- return winner() == O
- def draw():
- return complete() == True and winner() is None
- def winner():
- #return who is the winner (if there is one)
- for player in (X, O):
- positions = get_squares(player)
- for combo in winning_combos:
- win = True
- for pos in combo:
- if pos not in positions:
- win = False
- if win:
- return player
- return None
- def get_squares(player):
- #return squares that belong to a player
- return [k for k, v in enumerate(squares) if v == player]
- def ai(player):
- print ("- AI START -")
- a = -2
- moves = []
- if len(available_moves()) == 9:
- make_move(random.choice([0, 2, 6, 8, 4]), player) #if ai start, choose center or random corner
- return
- for move in available_moves():
- ghost_move(move, player)
- val = alphabeta(get_enemy(player), -2, 2)
- ghost_move(move, None)
- print ("If move in ", move + 1, ", ", winners[val + 1])
- if val > a:
- a = val
- moves = [move]
- elif val == a:
- moves.append(move)
- print ("usefull moves : ", moves)
- print ("- AI STOP -")
- make_move(random.choice(moves), player)
- return
- def alphabeta(player, alpha, beta):
- #simple minmax algo with alpha-beta pruning
- if complete():
- if X_win():
- return -1
- elif draw():
- return 0
- elif O_win():
- return 1
- for move in available_moves():
- ghost_move(move, player)
- val = alphabeta(get_enemy(player), alpha, beta)
- ghost_move(move, None)
- if player == O:
- if val > alpha:
- alpha = val
- if alpha >= beta:
- return beta
- else:
- if val < beta:
- beta = val
- if beta <= alpha:
- return alpha
- if player == O:
- return alpha
- else:
- return beta
- def ghost_move(position, player):
- #
- squares[position] = player
- def get_enemy(player):
- #return opposit player
- if player == X:
- return O
- return X
- def board_trace():
- #drawn the board ligns
- canvas.create_line(202, 2, 202, 603, width = 2, fill = '#F0F0F0')
- canvas.create_line(403, 2, 403, 603, width = 2, fill = '#F0F0F0')
- canvas.create_line(2, 202, 603, 202, width = 2, fill = '#F0F0F0')
- canvas.create_line(2, 403, 603, 403, width = 2, fill = '#F0F0F0')
- def make_move(position, player):
- """place on the board"""
- if position == 0:
- symbol_trace(101, 101, player)
- elif position == 1:
- symbol_trace(302, 101, player)
- elif position == 2:
- symbol_trace(503, 101, player)
- elif position == 3:
- symbol_trace(101, 302, player)
- elif position == 4:
- symbol_trace(302, 302, player)
- elif position == 5:
- symbol_trace(503, 302, player)
- elif position == 6:
- symbol_trace(101, 503, player)
- elif position == 7:
- symbol_trace(302, 503, player)
- elif position == 8:
- symbol_trace(503, 503, player)
- squares[position] = player
- def symbol_trace(x, y, player):
- if player == X:
- canvas.create_line(x-65, y-65, x+65, y+65, width = 30, fill = '#1E7FCB')
- canvas.create_line(x-65, y+65, x+65, y-65, width = 30, fill = '#1E7FCB')
- elif player == O:
- canvas.create_oval(x - 75, y - 75, x + 75, y + 75, outline='#FF0921', fill = '#FF0921')
- canvas.create_oval(x - 50, y - 50, x+50, y+50, outline='#FF0921', fill = '#272822')
- def click_pos_parsing(event):
- if complete():
- ___init___()
- return
- clickX = event.x
- clickY = event.y
- player_choice = None
- if clickY > 0 and clickY <= 205:
- if clickX > 0 and clickX <= 205:
- player_choice = 0
- elif clickX > 205 and clickX <= 405:
- player_choice = 1
- elif clickX > 405 and clickX <= 605:
- player_choice = 2
- elif clickY > 205 and clickY <= 405:
- if clickX > 0 and clickX <= 205:
- player_choice = 3
- elif clickX > 205 and clickX <= 405:
- player_choice = 4
- elif clickX > 405 and clickX <= 605:
- player_choice = 5
- elif clickY > 405 and clickY <= 605:
- if clickX > 0 and clickX <= 205:
- player_choice = 6
- elif clickX > 205 and clickX <= 405:
- player_choice = 7
- elif clickX > 405 and clickX <= 605:
- player_choice = 8
- else :
- player_choice = None
- global player
- if not player_choice == None and player_choice in available_moves():
- make_move(player_choice, player)
- player = get_enemy(player)
- def b_release(event):
- global player
- if solo == True and player == O and not complete():
- ai(player)
- player = get_enemy(player)
- if complete():
- game_over()
- return
- window = Tk()
- window.title('Morpion')
- window.attributes("-fullscreen", True)
- window.configure(bg="#272822")
- largeur = 601
- hauteur = 601
- canvas = Canvas(window, width = largeur, height = hauteur, bg ='#272822')
- canvas.pack(padx =10, pady =10)
- ___init___()
- canvas.bind('<Button-1>', click_pos_parsing)
- canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', b_release)
- def exit_game(event):
- window.destroy()
- window.bind('<Escape>', exit_game)
- window.mainloop()
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