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- local tHex = {
- [ colors.white ] = "0",
- [ ] = "1",
- [ colors.magenta ] = "2",
- [ colors.lightBlue ] = "3",
- [ colors.yellow ] = "4",
- [ colors.lime ] = "5",
- [ ] = "6",
- [ colors.gray ] = "7",
- [ colors.lightGray ] = "8",
- [ colors.cyan ] = "9",
- [ colors.purple ] = "a",
- [ ] = "b",
- [ colors.brown ] = "c",
- [ ] = "d",
- [ ] = "e",
- [ ] = "f",
- }
- local type = type
- local string_rep = string.rep
- local string_sub = string.sub
- local table_unpack = table.unpack
- function create( parent, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, bStartVisible )
- if type( parent ) ~= "table" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected table, got " .. type( parent ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( nX ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type( nX ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( nY ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type( nY ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( nWidth ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #4 (expected number, got " .. type( nWidth ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( nHeight ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #5 (expected number, got " .. type( nHeight ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if bStartVisible ~= nil and type( bStartVisible ) ~= "boolean" then error( "bad argument #6 (expected boolean, got " .. type( bStartVisible ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if parent == term then
- error( "term is not a recommended window parent, try term.current() instead", 2 )
- end
- local sEmptySpaceLine
- local tEmptyColorLines = {}
- local function createEmptyLines( nWidth )
- sEmptySpaceLine = string_rep( " ", nWidth )
- for n=0,15 do
- local nColor = 2^n
- local sHex = tHex[nColor]
- tEmptyColorLines[nColor] = string_rep( sHex, nWidth )
- end
- end
- createEmptyLines( nWidth )
- -- Setup
- local bVisible = (bStartVisible ~= false)
- local nCursorX = 1
- local nCursorY = 1
- local bCursorBlink = false
- local nTextColor = colors.white
- local nBackgroundColor =
- local tLines = {}
- do
- local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine
- local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nTextColor ]
- local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nBackgroundColor ]
- for y=1,nHeight do
- tLines[y] = {
- text = sEmptyText,
- textColor = sEmptyTextColor,
- backgroundColor = sEmptyBackgroundColor,
- }
- end
- end
- -- Helper functions
- local function updateCursorPos()
- if nCursorX >= 1 and nCursorY >= 1 and
- nCursorX <= nWidth and nCursorY <= nHeight then
- parent.setCursorPos( nX + nCursorX - 1, nY + nCursorY - 1 )
- else
- parent.setCursorPos( 0, 0 )
- end
- end
- local function updateCursorBlink()
- parent.setCursorBlink( bCursorBlink )
- end
- local function updateCursorColor()
- parent.setTextColor( nTextColor )
- end
- local function redrawLine( n )
- local tLine = tLines[ n ]
- parent.setCursorPos( nX, nY + n - 1 )
- parent.blit( tLine.text, tLine.textColor, tLine.backgroundColor )
- end
- local function redraw()
- for n=1,nHeight do
- redrawLine( n )
- end
- end
- local function updatePalette()
- end
- local function internalBlit( sText, sTextColor, sBackgroundColor )
- local nStart = nCursorX
- local nEnd = nStart + #sText - 1
- if nCursorY >= 1 and nCursorY <= nHeight then
- if nStart <= nWidth and nEnd >= 1 then
- -- Modify line
- local tLine = tLines[ nCursorY ]
- if nStart == 1 and nEnd == nWidth then
- tLine.text = sText
- tLine.textColor = sTextColor
- tLine.backgroundColor = sBackgroundColor
- else
- local sClippedText, sClippedTextColor, sClippedBackgroundColor
- if nStart < 1 then
- local nClipStart = 1 - nStart + 1
- local nClipEnd = nWidth - nStart + 1
- sClippedText = string_sub( sText, nClipStart, nClipEnd )
- sClippedTextColor = string_sub( sTextColor, nClipStart, nClipEnd )
- sClippedBackgroundColor = string_sub( sBackgroundColor, nClipStart, nClipEnd )
- elseif nEnd > nWidth then
- local nClipEnd = nWidth - nStart + 1
- sClippedText = string_sub( sText, 1, nClipEnd )
- sClippedTextColor = string_sub( sTextColor, 1, nClipEnd )
- sClippedBackgroundColor = string_sub( sBackgroundColor, 1, nClipEnd )
- else
- sClippedText = sText
- sClippedTextColor = sTextColor
- sClippedBackgroundColor = sBackgroundColor
- end
- local sOldText = tLine.text
- local sOldTextColor = tLine.textColor
- local sOldBackgroundColor = tLine.backgroundColor
- local sNewText, sNewTextColor, sNewBackgroundColor
- if nStart > 1 then
- local nOldEnd = nStart - 1
- sNewText = string_sub( sOldText, 1, nOldEnd ) .. sClippedText
- sNewTextColor = string_sub( sOldTextColor, 1, nOldEnd ) .. sClippedTextColor
- sNewBackgroundColor = string_sub( sOldBackgroundColor, 1, nOldEnd ) .. sClippedBackgroundColor
- else
- sNewText = sClippedText
- sNewTextColor = sClippedTextColor
- sNewBackgroundColor = sClippedBackgroundColor
- end
- if nEnd < nWidth then
- local nOldStart = nEnd + 1
- sNewText = sNewText .. string_sub( sOldText, nOldStart, nWidth )
- sNewTextColor = sNewTextColor .. string_sub( sOldTextColor, nOldStart, nWidth )
- sNewBackgroundColor = sNewBackgroundColor .. string_sub( sOldBackgroundColor, nOldStart, nWidth )
- end
- tLine.text = sNewText
- tLine.textColor = sNewTextColor
- tLine.backgroundColor = sNewBackgroundColor
- end
- -- Redraw line
- if bVisible then
- redrawLine( nCursorY )
- end
- end
- end
- -- Move and redraw cursor
- nCursorX = nEnd + 1
- if bVisible then
- updateCursorColor()
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- -- Terminal implementation
- local window = {}
- function window.write( sText )
- sText = tostring( sText )
- internalBlit( sText, string_rep( tHex[ nTextColor ], #sText ), string_rep( tHex[ nBackgroundColor ], #sText ) )
- end
- function window.blit( sText, sTextColor, sBackgroundColor )
- if type( sText ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type( sText ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( sTextColor ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type( sTextColor ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( sBackgroundColor ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #3 (expected string, got " .. type( sBackgroundColor ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if #sTextColor ~= #sText or #sBackgroundColor ~= #sText then
- error( "Arguments must be the same length", 2 )
- end
- internalBlit( sText, sTextColor, sBackgroundColor )
- end
- function window.clear()
- local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine
- local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nTextColor ]
- local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nBackgroundColor ]
- for y=1,nHeight do
- tLines[y] = {
- text = sEmptyText,
- textColor = sEmptyTextColor,
- backgroundColor = sEmptyBackgroundColor,
- }
- end
- if bVisible then
- redraw()
- updateCursorColor()
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- function window.clearLine()
- if nCursorY >= 1 and nCursorY <= nHeight then
- local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine
- local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nTextColor ]
- local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nBackgroundColor ]
- tLines[ nCursorY ] = {
- text = sEmptyText,
- textColor = sEmptyTextColor,
- backgroundColor = sEmptyBackgroundColor,
- }
- if bVisible then
- redrawLine( nCursorY )
- updateCursorColor()
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- end
- function window.getCursorPos()
- return nCursorX, nCursorY
- end
- function window.setCursorPos( x, y )
- if type( x ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type( x ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( y ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type( y ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- nCursorX = math.floor( x )
- nCursorY = math.floor( y )
- if bVisible then
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- function window.setCursorBlink( blink )
- if type( blink ) ~= "boolean" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected boolean, got " .. type( blink ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- bCursorBlink = blink
- if bVisible then
- updateCursorBlink()
- end
- end
- function window.getCursorBlink()
- return bCursorBlink
- end
- local function isColor()
- return parent.isColor()
- end
- function window.isColor()
- return isColor()
- end
- function window.isColour()
- return isColor()
- end
- local function setTextColor( color )
- if type( color ) ~= "number" then
- error( "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type( color ) .. ")", 2 )
- elseif tHex[color] == nil then
- error( "Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")" , 2 )
- end
- nTextColor = color
- if bVisible then
- updateCursorColor()
- end
- end
- window.setTextColor = setTextColor
- window.setTextColour = setTextColor
- function window.setPaletteColour( colour, r, g, b )
- end
- window.setPaletteColor = window.setPaletteColour
- function window.getPaletteColour( colour )
- if type( colour ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type( colour ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if tHex[colour] == nil then
- error( "Invalid color (got " .. colour .. ")" , 2 )
- end
- local tCol = tPalette[ colour ]
- return tCol[1], tCol[2], tCol[3]
- end
- window.getPaletteColor = window.getPaletteColour
- local function setBackgroundColor( color )
- if type( color ) ~= "number" then
- error( "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type( color ) .. ")", 2 )
- elseif tHex[color] == nil then
- error( "Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")", 2 )
- end
- nBackgroundColor = color
- end
- window.setBackgroundColor = setBackgroundColor
- window.setBackgroundColour = setBackgroundColor
- function window.getSize()
- return nWidth, nHeight
- end
- function window.scroll( n )
- if type( n ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type( n ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if n ~= 0 then
- local tNewLines = {}
- local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine
- local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nTextColor ]
- local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nBackgroundColor ]
- for newY=1,nHeight do
- local y = newY + n
- if y >= 1 and y <= nHeight then
- tNewLines[newY] = tLines[y]
- else
- tNewLines[newY] = {
- text = sEmptyText,
- textColor = sEmptyTextColor,
- backgroundColor = sEmptyBackgroundColor,
- }
- end
- end
- tLines = tNewLines
- if bVisible then
- redraw()
- updateCursorColor()
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- end
- function window.getTextColor()
- return nTextColor
- end
- function window.getTextColour()
- return nTextColor
- end
- function window.getBackgroundColor()
- return nBackgroundColor
- end
- function window.getBackgroundColour()
- return nBackgroundColor
- end
- -- Other functions
- function window.setVisible( bVis )
- if type( bVis ) ~= "boolean" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected boolean, got " .. type( bVis ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if bVisible ~= bVis then
- bVisible = bVis
- if bVisible then
- window.redraw()
- end
- end
- end
- function window.redraw()
- if bVisible then
- redraw()
- updateCursorBlink()
- updateCursorColor()
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- function window.restoreCursor()
- if bVisible then
- updateCursorBlink()
- updateCursorColor()
- updateCursorPos()
- end
- end
- function window.getPosition()
- return nX, nY
- end
- function window.reposition( nNewX, nNewY, nNewWidth, nNewHeight )
- if type( nNewX ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type( nNewX ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type( nNewY ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type( nNewY ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if nNewWidth ~= nil and type( nNewWidth ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type( nNewWidth ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if nNewHeight ~= nil and type( nNewHeight ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #4 (expected number, got " .. type( nNewHeight ) .. ")", 2 ) end
- nX = nNewX
- nY = nNewY
- if nNewWidth and nNewHeight then
- local tNewLines = {}
- createEmptyLines( nNewWidth )
- local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine
- local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nTextColor ]
- local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[ nBackgroundColor ]
- for y=1,nNewHeight do
- if y > nHeight then
- tNewLines[y] = {
- text = sEmptyText,
- textColor = sEmptyTextColor,
- backgroundColor = sEmptyBackgroundColor
- }
- else
- local tOldLine = tLines[y]
- if nNewWidth == nWidth then
- tNewLines[y] = tOldLine
- elseif nNewWidth < nWidth then
- tNewLines[y] = {
- text = string_sub( tOldLine.text, 1, nNewWidth ),
- textColor = string_sub( tOldLine.textColor, 1, nNewWidth ),
- backgroundColor = string_sub( tOldLine.backgroundColor, 1, nNewWidth ),
- }
- else
- tNewLines[y] = {
- text = tOldLine.text .. string_sub( sEmptyText, nWidth + 1, nNewWidth ),
- textColor = tOldLine.textColor .. string_sub( sEmptyTextColor, nWidth + 1, nNewWidth ),
- backgroundColor = tOldLine.backgroundColor .. string_sub( sEmptyBackgroundColor, nWidth + 1, nNewWidth ),
- }
- end
- end
- end
- nWidth = nNewWidth
- nHeight = nNewHeight
- tLines = tNewLines
- end
- if bVisible then
- window.redraw()
- end
- end
- if bVisible then
- window.redraw()
- end
- return window
- end
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