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- (c) 1990 S.Hawtin.Permission is granted to copy this file provided
- 1) It is not used for commercial gain
- 2) This notice is included in all copies
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- No liability is accepted for the contents of the file.
- AmigaDOS.doc within Public Domain C library
- This file contains a list of the AmigaDOS stubs that are included
- within the NorthC standard library. The routines are listed by library.
- When your program starts the routines in "crt0.asm" will automagically
- load "dos.library", "exec.library" and "mathffp.library", the
- "mathtrans.library" is loaded as soon as you try to use it, all other
- libraries must be loaded explicitly by your program.
- The OpenLibrary() routine in the NorthC 'C' library does more than
- just open the library, it keeps a record of the library pointers and closes
- them when the program ends, if you want to call the real OpenLibrary()
- routine it is called _OpenLibrary(). Similarly the CloseLibrary() routine
- tidies some things up, the real routine is called _CloseLibrary().
- Calling the real routines in NorthC programs may result in nasty errors.
- If you use the OpenLibrary() routine all the linking is done for you,
- you do not need to remember the name of a global variable that needs the
- library pointer, for example
- int
- next_name(new_str,old_str)
- char *new_str;
- char *old_str;
- {/* All library calls require long arguments everywhere */
- static int first = -1;
- if(first)
- {/* Assumes load suceeds, in a real program test for NULL
- return */
- OpenLibrary("icon.library",0L);
- first = 0;
- }
- return(BumpRevision(new_str,old_str));
- }
- you do not even have to remember to close the library, the OpenLibrary()
- routine sets things so that the exit() routine will do it for you.
- All the arguments to AmigaDOS routines are 4 bytes long, even when
- the documentation claims they are not. For example the "graphics.library"
- Move() function should be defined as
- Move(rp,x,y)
- struct RastPort *rp;
- SHORT x,y;
- within this version of the NorthC library it is defined as
- Move(rp,x,y)
- struct RastPort *rp;
- LONG x,y;
- this means that you may have to alter your source code to read, for example
- short x;
- #ifdef NORTHC
- Move(rp,(long)x,50L);
- #else
- Move(rp,x,50);
- #endif
- or risk getting some nasty behaviour from your machine. The routines
- within"graphics.library" are the only ones I have seen so far that say
- they take short arguments.
- The "mathsieeedoubbas.library" and "mathsieeedoubtrans.library" are
- notsupported, I could not work out how to return 64 bits in the D0
- register,maybe I will for a future release.
- Right having introduced the functions here they are, the rest of this
- file lists the AmigaDOS routines that are supported by the standard NorthC
- 'C' library.
- amiga.lib
- CreatePort(name,private)
- CreateExtIO(reply,size)
- DeletePort(port)
- DeleteExtIO(ioExt)
- NewList(msgList)
- diskfont.library
- AvailFonts(buffer,bufBytes,flags)
- DisposeFontContents(fontContentsHeader)
- NewFontContents(fontsLock,fontName)
- OpenDiskFont(textAttr)
- dos.library
- Close(file)
- CreateDir(name)
- CreateProc(name,pri,segList,stackSize)
- CurrentDir(lock)
- DateStamp(date)
- Delay(timeout)
- DeleteFile(name)
- DeviceProc(name)
- DupLock(lock)
- Examine(lock,fileInfoBlock)
- Execute(string,fileIn,fileOut)
- Exit(returnCode)
- ExNext(lock,fileInfoBlock)
- GetPacket(wait)
- Info(lock,parameterBlock)
- Input()
- IoErr()
- IsInteractive(file)
- LoadSeg(fileName)
- Lock(name,type)
- Open(name,AccessMode)
- Output()
- ParentDir(lock)
- QueuePacket(packet)
- Read(file,buffer,length)
- Rename(oldName,newName)
- Seek(file,position,offset)
- SetComment(name,comment)
- SetProtection(name,mask)
- UnLoadSeg(segment)
- UnLock(lock)
- WaitForChar(file,timeout)
- Write(file,buffer,length)
- exec.library
- AbortIO(ioRequest)
- AddDevice(device)
- AddHead(list,node)
- AddIntServer(intNumber,interrupt)
- AddLibrary(library)
- AddMemList(size,attrib,pri,base,name)
- AddPort(port)
- AddResource(resource)
- AddSemaphore(sigSem)
- AddTail(list,node)
- AddTask(task,initPC,finalPC)
- Alert(alertNum,parameters)
- AllocAbs(byteSize,location)
- Allocate(freeList,byteSize)
- AllocEntry(entry)
- AllocMem(byteSize,requirements)
- AllocSignal(signalNum)
- AllocTrap(trapNum)
- AttemptSemaphore(sigSem)
- AvailMem(requirements)
- Cause(interrupt)
- CheckIO(ioRequest)
- CloseDevice(ioRequest)
- _CloseLibrary(library)
- CopyMem(source,dest,size)
- CopyMemQuick(source,dest,size)
- Deallocate(freeList,memBlock,byteSize)
- Debug()
- Disable()
- Dispatch()
- DoIO(ioRequest)
- Enable()
- Enqueue(list,node)
- Exception()
- ExitIntr()
- FindName(list,name)
- FindPort(name)
- FindResident(name)
- FindSemaphore(sigSem)
- FindTask(name)
- Forbid()
- FreeEntry(entry)
- FreeMem(memBlock,byteSize)
- FreeSignal(signalNum)
- FreeTrap(trapNum)
- GetCC()
- GetMsg(port)
- InitCode(startClass,version)
- InitResident(resident,segList)
- InitSemaphore(sigSem)
- InitStruct(initTable,memory,size)
- Insert(list,node,pred)
- MakeFunctions(target,funcArray,funcDispBase)
- MakeLibrary(fInit,sInit,lInit,dsize,cSize)
- ObtainSemaphore(sigSem)
- ObtainSemaphoreList(sigSem)
- OldOpenLibrary(libName)
- OpenDevice(devName,unit,ioRequest,flags)
- _OpenLibrary(libName,version)
- OpenResource(resName,version)
- Permit()
- Procure(semaport,bidMsg)
- PutMsg(port,message)
- RawDoFmt()
- RawIOInit()
- RawMayGetChar()
- RawPutChar(char)
- ReleaseSemaphore(sigSem)
- ReleaseSemaphoreList(sigSem)
- RemDevice(device)
- RemHead(list)
- RemIntServer(intNumber,interrupt)
- RemLibrary(library)
- Remove(node)
- RemPort(port)
- RemResource(resource)
- RemSemaphore(sigSem)
- RemTail(list)
- RemTask(task)
- ReplyMsg(message)
- Reschedule()
- Schedule()
- SendIO(ioRequest)
- SetExcept(newSig,signalSet)
- SetFunction(library,funcOffset,funcEntry)
- SetIntVector(intNumber,interrupt)
- SetSignal(newSig,signalSet)
- SetSR(newSR,mask)
- SetTaskPri(task,priority)
- Signal(task,signalSet)
- SumKickData()
- SumLibrary(library)
- SuperState()
- Supervisor()
- Switch()
- TypeOfMem(address)
- UserState(sysStack)
- Vacate(semaport)
- Wait(signalSet)
- WaitIO(ioRequest)
- WaitPort(port)
- expansion.library
- AddConfigDev(configDev)
- AddDosNode(bootPri,flags,dosNode)
- AllocBoardMem(slotSpec)
- AllocConfigDev()
- AllocExpansionMem(numSlots,slotAlign,slotOffset)
- ConfigBoard(board,configDev)
- ConfigChain(baseAddr)
- expansionUnused()
- FindConfigDev(oldConfigDev,manufacturer,product)
- FreeBoardMem(startSlot,slotSpec)
- FreeConfigDev(configDev)
- FreeExpansionMem(startSlot,numSlots)
- GetCurrentBinding(curBind,bindSize)
- MakeDosNode(parmPacket)
- ObtainConfigBinding()
- ReadExpansionByte(board,offset)
- ReadExpansionRom(board,configDev)
- ReleaseConfigBinding()
- RemConfigDev(configDev)
- SetCurrentBinding(curBind,bindSize)
- WriteExpansionByte(board,offset,byte)
- graphics.library
- AddAnimOb(obj,animationKey,rastPort)
- AddBob(bob,rastPort)
- AddFont(textFont)
- AddVSprite(vSprite,rastPort)
- AllocRaster(width,height)
- AndRectRegion(rgn,rect)
- AndRegionRegion(src,dst)
- Animate(animationKey,rastPort)
- AreaDraw(rastPort,x,y)
- AreaElipse(rPort,cx,cy,a,b)
- AreaEnd(rastPort)
- AreaMove(rastPort,x,y)
- AskFont(rastPort,textAttr)
- AskSoftStyle(rastPort)
- AttemptLockLayerRom(layer)
- BltBitMap(sBitMap,sX,sY,dBitMap,dX,dY,szX,szY,mnt,msk,t)
- BltBitMapRastPort(src,sx,sy,dest,dX,dY,szX,szY,mint)
- BltClear(memory,size,flags)
- BltMaskBitMapRastPort(src,sx,sy,dest,dX,dY,szX,szY,mint,bMask)
- BltPattern(rastPort,ras,xl,yl,maxX,maxY,fillBytes)
- BltTemplate(src,sX,sMod,dRastPort,dX,dY,szX,szY)
- CBump(copperList)
- ChangeSprite(vp,simplesprite,data)
- ClearEOL(rastPort)
- ClearRegion(rgn)
- ClearScreen(rastPort)
- ClipBlit(src,sX,sY,dest,dX,dY,szX,szY,mint)
- CloseFont(textFont)
- CMove(copperList,destination,data)
- CopySBitMap(l1,l2)
- CWait(copperList,x,y)
- DisownBlitter()
- DisposeRegion(rgn)
- DoCollision(rasPort)
- Draw(rastPort,x,y)
- DrawElipse(rPort,cx,cy,a,b)
- DrawGList(rastPort,viewPort)
- Flood(rastPort,mode,x,y)
- FreeColorMap(colormap)
- FreeCopList(coplist)
- FreeCprList(cprlist)
- FreeGBuffers(animationObj,rastPort,doubleBuffer)
- FreeRaster(planeptr,width,height)
- FreeSprite(num)
- FreeVPortCopLists(viewport)
- GetColorMap(entries)
- GetGBuffers(animationObj,rastPort,doubleBuffer)
- GetRGB4(colormap,entry)
- GetSprite(simplesprite,num)
- GraphicsReserved1()
- GraphicsReserved2()
- InitArea(areaInfo,vectorTable,vectorTableSize)
- InitBitMap(bitMap,depth,width,height)
- InitGels(dummyHead,dummyTail,GelsInfo)
- InitGMasks(animationObj)
- InitMasks(vSprite)
- InitRastPort(rastPort)
- InitTmpRas(tmpras,buff,size)
- InitView(view)
- InitVPort(viewPort)
- LoadRGB4(viewPort,colors,count)
- LoadView(view)
- LockLayerRom(layer)
- MakeVPort(view,viewPort)
- Move(rastPort,x,y)
- MoveSprite(viewport,simplesprite,x,y)
- MrgCop(view)
- NewRegion()
- NotRegion(rgn)
- OpenFont(textAttr)
- OrRectRegion(rgn,rect)
- OrRegionRegion(src,dst)
- OwnBlitter()
- PolyDraw(rastPort,count,polyTable)
- QBlit(blit)
- QBSBlit(blit)
- ReadPixel(rastPort,x,y)
- RectFill(rastPort,xl,yl,xu,yu)
- RemFont(textFont)
- RemIBob(bob,rastPort,viewPort)
- RemVSprite(vSprite)
- ScrollRaster(rastPort,dX,dY,minx,miny,maxx,maxy)
- ScrollVPort(vp)
- SetAPen(rastPort,pen)
- SetBPen(rastPort,pen)
- SetCollision(type,routine,gelsInfo)
- SetDrMd(rastPort,drawMode)
- SetFont(RastPortID,textFont)
- SetRast(rastPort,color)
- SetRGB4(viewPort,index,r,g,b)
- SetRGB4CM(cm,i,r,g,b)
- SetSoftStyle(rastPort,style,enable)
- SortGList(rastPort)
- SyncSBitMap(l)
- Text(RastPort,string,count)
- TextLength(RastPort,string,count)
- UCopperListInit(copperlist,num)
- UnlockLayerRom(layer)
- VBeamPos()
- WaitBlit()
- WaitBOVP(viewport)
- WaitTOF()
- WritePixel(rastPort,x,y)
- XorRectRegion(rgn,rect)
- XorRegionRegion(src,dst)
- icon.library
- AddFreeList(freelist,mem,size)
- AllocWBObject()
- BumpRevision(newname,oldname)
- FindToolType(toolTypeArray,typeName)
- FreeDiskObject(diskobj)
- FreeFreeList(freelist)
- FreeWBObject(WBObject)
- GetDiskObject(name)
- GetIcon(name,icon,freelist)
- GetWBObject(name)
- MatchToolValue(typeString,value)
- PutDiskObject(name,diskobj)
- PutIcon(name,icon)
- PutWBObject(name,object)
- intuition.library
- ActivateGadget(Gad,Window,Req)
- ActivateWindow(Window)
- AddGadget(AddPtr,Gadget,Position)
- AddGList(aPtr,Gad,Pos,NumGad,Req)
- AllocRemember(RememberKey,Size,Flags)
- AlohaWorkbench(wbport)
- AutoRequest(Window,Body,PText,NText,PFlag,NFlag,W,H)
- BeginRefresh(Window)
- BuildSysRequest(Window,Body,PosText,NegText,Flags,W,H)
- ClearDMRequest(Window)
- ClearMenuStrip(Window)
- ClearPointer(Window)
- CloseScreen(Screen)
- CloseWindow(Window)
- CloseWorkBench()
- CurrentTime(Seconds,Micros)
- DisplayAlert(AlertNumber,String,Height)
- DisplayBeep(Screen)
- DoubleClick(sseconds,smicros,cseconds,cmicros)
- DrawBorder(RPort,Border,LeftOffset,TopOffset)
- DrawImage(RPort,Image,LeftOffset,TopOffset)
- EndRefresh(Window,Complete)
- EndRequest(requester,window)
- FreeRemember(RememberKey,ReallyForget)
- FreeSysRequest(Window)
- GetDefPrefs(preferences,size)
- GetPrefs(preferences,size)
- GetScreenData(buffer,size,type,screen)
- InitRequester(req)
- IntuiTextLength(itext)
- Intuition(ievent)
- ItemAddress(MenuStrip,MenuNumber)
- LockIBase(dontknow)
- MakeScreen(Screen)
- ModifyIDCMP(Window,Flags)
- ModifyProp(Gadget,Ptr,Req,Flags,HPos,VPos,HBody,VBody)
- MoveScreen(Screen,dx,dy)
- MoveWindow(window,dx,dy)
- NewModifyProp(Gad,Ptr,Req,Flg,hPs,vPs,hBdy,vBdy,NumG)
- OffGadget(Gadget,Ptr,Req)
- OffMenu(Window,MenuNumber)
- OnGadget(Gadget,Ptr,Req)
- OnMenu(Window,MenuNumber)
- OpenIntuition()
- OpenScreen(OSargs)
- OpenWindow(OWargs)
- OpenWorkBench()
- PrintIText(rp,itext,left,top)
- RefreshGadgets(Gadgets,Ptr,Req)
- RefreshGList(Gadgets,Ptr,Req,NumGad)
- RefreshWindowFrame(Window)
- RemakeDisplay()
- RemoveGadget(RemPtr,Gadget)
- RemoveGList(RemPtr,Gad,NumGad)
- ReportMouse(Window,Boolean)
- Request(Requester,Window)
- RethinkDisplay()
- ScreenToBack(Screen)
- ScreenToFront(Screen)
- SetDMRequest(Window,req)
- SetMenuStrip(Window,Menu)
- SetPointer(Window,Pointer,Height,Width,Xoffset,Yoffset)
- SetPrefs(preferences,size,flag)
- SetWindowTitles(window,windowtitle,screentitle)
- ShowTitle(Screen,ShowIt)
- SizeWindow(window,dx,dy)
- UnlockIBase(IBLock)
- ViewAddress()
- ViewPortAddress(window)
- WBenchToBack()
- WBenchToFront()
- WindowLimits(window,minwidth,minheight,maxwidth,maxheight)
- WindowToBack(window)
- WindowToFront(window)
- layers.library
- BeginUpdate(layer)
- BehindLayer(li,layer)
- CreateBehindLayer(li,bm,x0,y0,x1,y1,flags,bm2)
- CreateUpfrontLayer(li,bm,x0,y0,x1,y1,flags,bm2)
- DeleteLayer(li,layer)
- DisposeLayerInfo(li)
- EndUpdate(layer,flag)
- FattenLayerInfo(li)
- InitLayers(li)
- InstallClipRegion(layer,region)
- LockLayer(li,layer)
- LockLayerInfo(li)
- LockLayers(li)
- MoveLayer(li,layer,dx,dy)
- MoveLayerInFrontOf(layer_to_move,layer_to_be_infront_of)
- NewLayerInfo()
- ScrollLayer(li,layer,dx,dy)
- SizeLayer(li,layer,dx,dy)
- SwapBitsRastPortClipRect(rp,cr)
- ThinLayerInfo(li)
- UnlockLayer(layer)
- UnlockLayerInfo(li)
- UnlockLayers(li)
- UpfrontLayer(li,layer)
- WhichLayer(li,x,y)
- mathffp.library
- SPAbs(fnum1)
- SPAdd(fnum1,fnum2)
- SPCeil(fnum1)
- SPCmp(fnum1,fnum2)
- SPDiv(fnum1,fnum2)
- SPFix(fnum1)
- SPFloor(fnum1)
- SPFlt(num1)
- SPMul(fnum1,fnum2)
- SPNeg(fnum1)
- SPSub(fnum1,fnum2)
- SPTst(fnum1)
- mathtrans.library
- SPAcos(num1)
- SPAsin(num1)
- SPAtan(num1)
- SPCos(num1)
- SPCosh(num1)
- SPExp(num1)
- SPFieee(num1)
- SPLog(num1)
- SPLog10(num1)
- SPPow(num1,num2)
- SPSin(num1)
- SPSincos(num1,num2)
- SPSinh(num1)
- SPSqrt(num1)
- SPTan(num1)
- SPTanh(num1)
- SPTieee(num1)
- translator.library
- Translate(inStr,inLen,oBuf,bSize)
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