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- <!--
- Family/Network page 02
- //by espoirthemes
- instructions are throughout the code
- do not remove credit
- edit as much as you want
- -->
- <html>
- <head>
- <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- font awesome -->
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{Favicon}" /> <!-- favicon -->
- <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="{RSS}" />
- <!--change title here -->
- <title>{Title}</title>
- <!-- slider script start -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="">
- /***********************************************
- * Step Carousel Viewer script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
- * Visit for hundreds of DHTML scripts
- * This notice must stay intact for legal use
- ***********************************************/
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- stepcarousel.setup({
- galleryid: 'mygallery', //id of carousel DIV
- beltclass: 'belt', //class of inner "belt" DIV containing all the panel DIVs
- panelclass: 'panel', //class of panel DIVs each holding content
- autostep: {enable:false, moveby:1, pause:5000},
- panelbehavior: {speed:600, wraparound:true, wrapbehavior:'pushpull', persist:true},
- defaultbuttons: {enable:true, moveby: 1, leftnav: ['', 20, 220], rightnav: ['', -70, 220]},
- statusvars: ['statusA', 'statusB', 'statusC'], //register 3 variables that contain current panel (start), current panel (last), and total panels
- contenttype: ['inline'] //content setting ['inline'] or ['ajax', 'path_to_external_file']
- })
- </script>
- <!-- slider script end -->
- </head>
- <style type="text/css">
- /*delete this section if you want the follow/dashboard buttons to show */
- .tmblr-iframe {
- display:none;
- }
- /* scroll bar */
- ::-webkit-scrollbar {
- width: 14px;
- height:6px;
- }
- ::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
- width: 0px;
- height: 0px;
- }
- ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
- background: #aaa; /*thumb background */
- border:6px solid #f8f8f8;
- border-top:2px solid #f8f8f8;
- border-bottom:2px solid #f8f8f8;
- cursor:pointer;
- border-radius: 8px;
- }
- ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
- background:#dfdfdf; /*scrollbar background */
- border: 6px solid #f8f8f8;
- border-top:10px solid #f8f8f8;
- border-bottom:10px solid #f8f8f8;
- }
- body {
- background:#f8f8f8; /*background color */
- margin:0;
- font-family:helvetica;
- word-wrap:break-word;
- }
- /*main container positioning */
- #container {
- position:fixed;
- top:100px;
- width:100%;
- }
- /* carousel start */
- .stepcarousel{
- position:relative;
- background:#fff; /* carousel background (not visible) */
- border:1px solid #222; /*carousel border */
- /*keep the height and width the same as the belt, panel, img, and info */
- width:960px;
- height:520px;
- margin:0px auto 80px auto;
- z-index:4;
- /*erase the following line if you don't want rounded borders */
- border-radius:4px;
- }
- .stepcarousel .belt{
- position:absolute;
- left:0px;
- top:0px;
- /*keep the width the same as the carousel, panel, img, and info */
- width:940px;
- }
- /*this is the "filter" that's on top of the background images. the color is a gradient from a pink to white, if you don't want this, erase this whole section */
- .stepcarousel .panel:before {
- width:100%;
- height:100%;
- content:'';
- /*the first color is the pink, the second is the white. if you don't want a gradient, erase
- linear-gradient(to bottom, #fcd7c7, rgba(255,255,255,.8))
- and replace it with a solid color */
- background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #fcd7c7, rgba(255,255,255,.8));
- opacity:0.6;
- position:absolute;
- }
- .stepcarousel .panel img{
- /*keep the height and width the same as the carousel, belt, panel, and info */
- width:960px;
- height:520px;
- /*erase the following line if you don't want rounded corners */
- border-radius:4px; }
- .stepcarousel .panel{float:left;overflow:hidden;margin:0px;width:960px; }
- .stepcarousel .panel .info{
- position:absolute;
- /*keep the width the same as the carousel, belt, panel, and panel img */
- width:940px;
- padding:0px 10px;
- color:#222; /*color of the info text */
- padding:10px;
- text-align:center;
- top:38%;
- /*erase the following line if you don't want a text shadow */
- text-shadow:1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
- overflow:hidden;
- }
- /*avatar images */
- .panel .info img {
- /*unless you aren't using icons, keep the height and width the same */
- width:70px;
- height:70px;
- padding:6px; /*erase this if you don't want white around the images*/
- background:white; /*background image revealed with the padding */
- border:1px solid #222; /*image border color */
- border-radius:100%; /*erase this if you want it as a square instead */
- }
- /*info links */
- .stepcarousel .panel .info a{
- text-decoration:none; /*gets rid of default underline */
- color:black; /*link color */
- border-bottom:1px solid #222; /* custom underline (erase if you want no underline at all) */
- transition:.6s;
- }
- .panel .info a:hover {
- transition:.6s;
- color:#fcd7c7; /*color of link on hover */
- }
- /* info text */
- .text {
- background:rgba(255,255,255,.92); /*text background (this is partially transparent) */
- padding:20px;
- /*leave the width as is */
- width:80%;
- border:1px solid #222;
- max-height:120px; /*leave this as is, or the text will go off of the panel */
- overflow:auto;
- position:relative;
- margin:20px auto;
- }
- /* navigation links */
- .top {
- /*keep this the same width as the carousel */
- width:960px;
- position:relative;
- margin:0px auto;
- z-index:99;
- border:none;
- padding:10px 0px;
- }
- .top a {
- margin:8px;
- text-decoration:none;
- border:none;
- color:#888; /*color of links */
- }
- #egg { opacity:.8;left:10px; bottom:10px; position:fixed;display:block; width: 14px; height: 18px; background-color:#FFFEFC; -webkit-border-radius: 63px 63px 63px 63px / 108px 108px 72px 72px; border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 50% / 60% 60% 40% 40%;
- font-family: "up";
- border:1px solid #888; z-index:4;}
- #egg:hover { animation-name: egg;
- animation-duration: 1s;
- animation-iteration-count: infinite;}
- @keyframes egg{
- 0%{}
- 10%{transform:rotate(6deg)}
- 80%{transform:rotate(-6deg)}
- 100%{}
- }
- /* layout of page on smaller screens, don't touch */
- @media screen and (max-width: 1400px) {
- .stepcarousel{
- position:relative;
- width:660px;
- height:320px;
- margin:0px auto 80px auto;
- z-index:4;
- }
- .stepcarousel .belt{position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px; width:660px; }
- .stepcarousel .panel img{width:660px;height:320px; border-radius:4px; }
- .stepcarousel .panel{float:left;overflow:hidden;margin:0px;width:660px; }
- .stepcarousel .panel .info{
- position:absolute;
- width:640px;
- padding:0px 10px;
- width:100%;
- padding:10px;
- text-align:center;
- top:18%;
- overflow:hidden;
- }.panel .info img {
- width:70px;
- height:70px;
- border-radius:100%;
- }
- .text {
- width:400px;
- padding:10px;
- max-height:90px;
- }.top {
- width:660px;
- position:relative;
- margin:0px auto;
- z-index:99;
- border:none;
- padding:10px 0px;
- }
- }
- </style>
- <body>
- <div id="container">
- <!-- navigation links -->
- <div class="top">
- <a href="/"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> back</a>
- <a href="/archive"> <i class="fa fa-history"></i> archive </a>
- <!-- replace /url with the url of your extra link -->
- <a href="/url"> <i class="fa fa-navicon"></i> extra link</a>
- <!-- to add more links, copy and paste the previous link and fill in the new link's information -->
- </div><!--end navigation links -->
- <!--carousel start -->
- <div id="mygallery" class="stepcarousel">
- <div class="belt">
- <!-- first panel -->
- <div class="panel">
- <div class="info">
- <!-- icon -->
- <img src="">
- <br>
- <!-- replace the url with the blog url and @username with the name -->
- <a href="url">@username</a>
- <div class="text">
- <!-- this is where the description goes -->
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecaenas mattis egestas sem in sodales. <br>
- <a href="">icons credit</a> <br>
- <a href="">background images credit</a>
- <!--description end -->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--panel background image -->
- <img src="">
- </div> <!--panel end -->
- <!--panel 2 start -->
- <div class="panel">
- <div class="info">
- <!-- icon -->
- <img src=""> <br>
- <!-- name -->
- <a href="url">@username</a>
- <div class="text">
- <!--description goes here -->
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis egestas sem in sodales. Suspendisse efficitur sodales lorem sed ornare. Donec convallis est sagittis, aliquam tellus vitae, condimentum ligula.
- <!--description end -->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- panel background image -->
- <img src="">
- </div> <!--panel end -->
- <!--panel 3 start -->
- <div class="panel">
- <div class="info">
- <!-- icon -->
- <img src=""> <br>
- <!-- name -->
- <a href="url">@username</a>
- <div class="text">
- <!--description goes here -->
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis egestas sem in sodales. Suspendisse efficitur sodales lorem sed ornare. Donec convallis est sagittis, aliquam tellus vitae, condimentum ligula.
- <!--description end -->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--panel background image -->
- <img src="">
- </div> <!--panel end -->
- <!--panel 4 start -->
- <div class="panel">
- <div class="info">
- <!--icon -->
- <img src=""> <br>
- <!-- name -->
- <a href="url">@username</a>
- <div class="text">
- <!--description goes here -->
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis egestas sem in sodales. Suspendisse efficitur sodales lorem sed ornare. Donec convallis est sagittis, aliquam tellus vitae, condimentum ligula.
- <!--description end -->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- panel background image -->
- <img src="">
- </div> <!-- panel end -->
- <!--panel 5 start -->
- <div class="panel">
- <div class="info">
- <!--icon -->
- <img src=""> <br>
- <!-- name -->
- <a href="url">@username</a>
- <div class="text">
- <!--description goes here -->
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis egestas sem in sodales. Suspendisse efficitur sodales lorem sed ornare. Donec convallis est sagittis, aliquam tellus vitae, condimentum ligula.
- <!--description end -->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--panel background image -->
- <img src="">
- </div><!--panel end -->
- <!--to add another panel, copy and paste this after the last panel end:
- <div class="panel">
- <div class="info">
- <img src="iconimage"> <br>
- <a href="url">@username </a>
- <div class="text">
- description text
- </div>
- </div>
- <img src="background image">
- </div>
- and fill in the info for the panel.
- To erase a panel, erase an entire section between panel start and panel end. -->
- </div> <!--belt end -->
- </div> <!--slider end -->
- </div> <!-- container end -->
- <a href="" title="credit"><div id="egg"></div></a>
- </body>
- </html>
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