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- /*##### Motor Shield (L298N) #####*/
- /*
- * Arduino Pin --> L298N
- * 5 --> ENA
- * 6 --> ENB
- * 2 --> IN1
- * 3 --> IN2
- * 4 --> IN3
- * 7 --> IN4
- */
- const int ENA = 5;
- const int ENB = 6;
- /*
- * IN1: HIGH; IN2: LOW --> Direction 1
- * IN1: LOW; IN2: HIGH --> Direction 2
- * IN3: HIGH; IN4: LOW --> Direction 1
- * IN3: LOW; IN4: HIGH --> Direction2
- */
- const int IN1 = 11;
- const int IN2 = 10;
- const int IN3 = 9;
- const int IN4 = 8;
- const int leftTrigger=0;
- const int leftEcho=1;
- const int forTrigger =2;
- const int forEcho=3;
- const int rightTopTrigger = 4;
- const int rightTopEcho =5;
- const int rightBottomTrigger = 7;
- const int rightBottomEcho = 13;
- #include <NewPing.h>
- #define TRIGGER_PIN 13
- #define ECHO_PIN 12
- #define MAX_DISTANCE 200
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(leftTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(leftEcho, INPUT);
- pinMode(forTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(forEcho, INPUT);
- pinMode(rightTopTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(rightTopEcho, INPUT);
- pinMode(rightBottomTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(rightBottomEcho, INPUT);
- // Enable Motor A, Motor B: Constant Speed
- digitalWrite(ENA, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(ENB, HIGH);
- // Serial communication
- Serial.begin(9600);
- }
- void loop()
- {
- getForDistance(); //**************************************************************************************************loop TODO- getFunction that gets what sonar to run
- }
- long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)
- {
- return microseconds / 29 / 2;
- }
- void MotorAB_Direction1(int milliseconds)
- {
- analogWrite(IN1,200);
- analogWrite(IN2, 100);
- analogWrite(IN3, 200);
- analogWrite(IN4,100);
- if (milliseconds > 0)
- delay(milliseconds);
- }
- void MotorAB_Direction2(int milliseconds)
- {
- analogWrite(IN1,100);
- analogWrite(IN2, 200);
- analogWrite(IN3, 100);
- analogWrite(IN4,200);
- if(milliseconds > 0)
- delay(milliseconds);
- }
- void MotorAB_Brake(int milliseconds)
- {
- analogWrite(IN1,100);
- analogWrite(IN2, 100);
- analogWrite(IN3, 100);
- analogWrite(IN4,100);
- if(milliseconds > 0)
- delay(milliseconds);
- }
- void turnLeft(int milliSeconds)
- {
- analogWrite(IN1,200);
- analogWrite(IN2, 100);
- analogWrite(IN3, 100);
- analogWrite(IN4,200);
- if(milliSeconds > 0)
- delay(milliSeconds);
- }
- void turnRight(int milliSeconds)
- {
- analogWrite(IN1, 100);
- analogWrite(IN2, 200);
- analogWrite(IN3, 200);
- analogWrite(IN4, 100);
- if(milliSeconds > 0)
- delay(milliSeconds);
- }
- int getForDistance()
- {
- delay(50);
- unsigned int uS = sonar.ping_cm();
- Serial.print(uS);
- Serial.println("cm");
- }
- int getRightTopDistance()
- {
- delay(50);
- unsigned int uS = sonar.ping_cm();
- Serial.print(uS);
- Serial.println("cm");
- }
- int getRightBottomDistance()
- {
- delay(50);
- unsigned int uS = sonar.ping_cm();
- Serial.print(uS);
- Serial.println("cm");
- }
- void stickToRight()
- {
- while((getRightTopDistance()<30)&&(getRightBottomDistance()<30))
- {
- if(getRightTopDistance()<30)
- {
- turnLeft(100);
- }
- if(getRightBottomDistance()<30)
- {
- turnRight(100);
- }
- }
- }
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