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- -- Define the key elements to check for in the startup scripts
- local requiredElements = {
- "local requiredFiles = {", -- Definition of the requiredFiles table
- "/disk/bootloader/VA11-ILLA.lua", -- Specific file path
- "/disk/os/home.lua", -- Specific file path
- "/disk/os/lock.lua", -- Specific file path
- "/disk/boot/boot-animation", -- Specific file path
- "/disk/error/BSOD.lua", -- Specific file path
- "os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw", -- Overriding os.pullEvent
- "local function checkFiles()", -- Definition of checkFiles function
- "local missingFiles = {}", -- Initialization of missingFiles table
- "for _, fileName in ipairs(requiredFiles) do", -- Loop through requiredFiles
- "if not fs.exists(fileName) then", -- Check for file existence
- "table.insert(missingFiles, fileName)", -- Inserting missing files
- "return missingFiles", -- Return missing files
- "local function main()", -- Definition of main function
- "local missing = checkFiles()", -- Call checkFiles function
- "if #missing > 0 then", -- Check if any files are missing
- "\"no-os\")", -- Run no-os script
- "else", -- Else branch for file existence
- "\"/disk/boot/CFW-check.lua\")", -- Run start-check.lua
- "end", -- End of if-else block
- "main()" -- Call the main function
- }
- -- Function to read a file's content
- local function readFile(path)
- if not fs.exists(path) then
- return nil
- end
- local file =, "r")
- local content = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- return content
- end
- -- Function to check for the presence of key elements in a script
- local function checkForElements(content, elements)
- if not content then
- return false
- end
- for _, element in ipairs(elements) do
- if not string.find(content, element, 1, true) then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- -- Main function to compare the contents of `startup` and `startup.lua`
- local function compareStartupFiles()
- local startupContent = readFile("/startup")
- local startupLuaContent = readFile("/startup.lua")
- if checkForElements(startupContent, requiredElements) or checkForElements(startupLuaContent, requiredElements) then
- -- All required elements are present; run the start-check.lua script
- else
- -- Required elements are missing; show fatal error
- print("Error: The startup script does not contain all required elements.")
- showFatalError()
- end
- end
- -- Function to clear the screen and display a fixed error message
- local function showFatalError()
- term.clear()
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.clear()
- local width, height = term.getSize()
- local function centerText(y, text, textColor)
- local x = math.floor((width - #text) / 2)
- term.setCursorPos(x, y)
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- term.write(text)
- end
- local fatalArt = {
- " |\\_/| ",
- " | X X ",
- " | <> _ ",
- " | _/\\------____ ((| |))",
- " | `--' | ",
- " _____|_ ___| |___. ",
- "/_/_____/____/_______| "
- }
- term.setTextColor(
- local startLine = math.floor((height - #fatalArt - 4) / 2) -- Adjust start line for ASCII art
- for i, line in ipairs(fatalArt) do
- centerText(startLine + i, line,
- end
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- centerText(startLine + #fatalArt + 2, "Error:", colors.white) -- Position adjusted
- centerText(startLine + #fatalArt + 3, "CFW Verification Error", colors.white) -- Position adjusted
- centerText(height - 2, "Please contact support.", colors.white) -- Added back at the bottom
- while true do
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- -- Run the comparison function with error handling
- local success, _ = pcall(compareStartupFiles)
- if not success then
- showFatalError()
- end
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