
Pokémon Crystal Any% No ACE v0.1 Route

Nov 2nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. manip TID 07ff
  2. - faster but no options set: crystal_gfskip_wait70_newgame: TID = 0x07FF (02047), LID = 0x7460 (29792), Offset (wait): 15.667, Offset (NG): 15.72
  3. - slower but options set: crystal_intro0_backout4_wait74(setopt)_backout4_newgame: TID = 0x07FF (02047), LID = 0x6CDA (27866), Offset (wait): 30.698, Offset (NG): 39.59
  5. SET TIME TO MORNING (9 am is fastest)
  6. probably pick boy
  7. player name A or MAT (whichever is faster)
  8. get chikorita, name V, (V then comma)
  9. take off berry, optional r29 manip
  10. mr pokemon.
  11. fight rival, AIM TO LOSE
  12. growl if about to die
  14. go to elm, name rival A
  15. catch any mon, don't name
  16. more justification yoloball, chikorita at L5 does fuck all
  17. yoloball is ~33.594%
  18. depending on damage dealt and enemy's hp, 1 tackle can range from ~50%-60% (+-1.0%)
  22. save with move mon w/o mail
  23. clone chikorita (deposit, then change box)
  24. friendly clone chikorita
  25. walk down 2, flash start menu, walk 2 left, 3 up, 1 right
  26. sets cd70 to $50, terminates friendly clone name a lot sooner
  28. if sentret, deposit sentret
  29. otherwise, deposit chikorita
  31. == WITHDRAW MENU ==
  32. withdraw menu will have clicks, depending on pokemon caught have different clicks. TODO figure this out
  33. sometimes game will crash anyway or corruption won't happen (because of bad DVs)
  34. mash A/B and scroll to 4th slot of box (friendly clone will corrupt box)
  35. withdraw this mon
  36. then mash A/B and scroll to 2nd slot of box
  37. withdraw this mon
  39. go to player's PC
  40. go to deposit menu
  41. deposit 7 poke balls
  43. go to move mon menu
  44. do the following steps
  45. 1. slot1 chikorita box1 -> slot1 party
  46. 2. slot2 undepositedmon (chikorita if sentret, otherwise caughtmon) party -> slot1 box1
  47. 3. slot1 chikorita party -> slot2 box1
  48. 4. slot1 kingdra party -> slot3 box1
  49. 5. slot2 chikorita box1 -> slot1 box1
  50. 6. slot3 kingdra box1 -> slot1 party
  51. 7. slot1 chikorita box1 -> slot2 box
  52. 8. slot2 kingdra party -> slot3 box
  53. 9. slot2 chikorita box1 -> slot1 box
  54. 10. slot3 kingdra box1 -> slot1 box2
  55. 11. slot3 bad clone (sentret or chikorita) (L0) -> slot2 box2
  56. 12. slot1 chikorita box1 -> slot1 party
  58. go to deposit menu
  59. deposit chikorita
  60. clone
  62. withdraw cloned chikorita
  63. do not look at friendly clone name or crash
  65. take off bicycles
  67. go to key items pocket
  68. register the bicycle
  69. swap bicycle in slot 1 with bicycle in slot 2
  70. switch to balls pocket, toss 248 master balls
  71. go to item pc
  72. withdraw 7 poke balls
  73. go to deposit item
  74. deposit bicycle in key items pocket
  75. deposit bicycle in 2ND SLOT in balls pocket
  76. exit pc items menu
  77. in key items pocket, swap teru-sama with teru-sama down below
  80. swap poke ball x7 with bicycle
  81. toss poke ball x10 to get poke ball x245
  82. scroll 1 down, use hm03 three times (gives you bad clones)
  83. toss poke ball x202 to get poke ball x43
  84. use max repel
  85. select max repel
  86. scroll up to third ? item from the master ball and press select
  87. visual guide:
  88. ? x0 <- press select here
  89. ? x0
  90. ? x1
  91. master ball x6
  93. press select on max repel
  94. scroll down to master ball x6
  95. cancel select
  96. press select on master ball
  97. scroll to ? below max repel
  98. press select to swap master ball
  99. do the same thing you did with master ball for teru-sama
  100. goal is to get 4 non-? items in those specific slots
  101. last item will be tm01 generated later
  103. press select on teru-sama
  104. scroll down to master ball x7
  105. cancel select
  106. press select on master ball x7
  107. press down 6 (overshooting is fine as long as you swap below the cancels)
  108. press select to swap
  109. press select again
  110. scroll up to poke ball x255
  111. cancel select
  112. toss poke ball x64 to get poke ball x191
  113. press select on tm01 x255
  114. scroll up, press select on max repel
  115. exit menu
  116. go to item deposit
  117. deposit tm01 x43
  118. go to item withdraw
  119. withdraw tm01 x43
  121. go to move mon w/o mail
  122. move kingdra in box 2 to slot 1 of party
  123. move bad clone to slot 1 of party
  124. exit bill's pc
  125. go to party menu
  127. do the following swaps:
  128. 2 (kingdra L5) <> 7 (hex00)
  129. 5 (V,) <> 1 (bad clone)
  130. 1 (V,) <> 7 (kingdra L5)
  131. take off HM02 from V, (now ?)
  132. 7 (chikorita) <> 1 (kingdra L5)
  133. 3 (?????? chikorita) <> 6 (hex00 L120)
  134. 7 (kingdra, might have cut) <> 3 (hex00 L120)
  135. 5 (bad clone) <> 2 (hex00 L120)
  136. 2 (bad clone) <> 8 (dragonite)
  137. 6 (?????? chikorita) <> 1 (chikorita)
  138. 1 (?????? chikorita) <> 8 (hexFF)
  140. final party should be:
  141. - hexFF fainted
  142. - dragonite fainted
  143. - kingdra L76 (anything >L51 is fine)
  144. - kingdra L1
  145. - hex00 L120
  146. - chikorita L1
  147. - hex00
  148. - hex00
  150. three dragon sprites are necessary because of hex00's type
  151. reads from 0:8091, which is party mon sprites in the current context
  152. the dragon sprite is the only sprite with no characters that can crash (<MOBILE>, <TARGET>, <USER>, <ENEMY>), no click control characters (<CONT>, <PARA>, <_CONT>, <PROMPT>) and four terminator characters (specifically <DEXEND>)
  153. empirical unscientific testing suggests 3 dragon sprites will almost never crash (has never crashed once in testing)
  154. 2 dragon sprites is possible but crashes can occur
  155. 1 dragon sprite will almost certainly crash
  157. 1st two pokemon have to be fainted
  158. later, oob move swaps are used to set party count to 2
  159. this is much easier than needing to faint all 8 pokemon (and almost definitely faster)
  160. 3rd pokemon must be a dragon sprite and must be L52 or greater
  161. with morning time, highest level mon is L51 golbat in the last silver cave room
  162. dragonite is used because it's the only mon with id corresponding to a nicknameable character
  163. and can learn fly, which means it can be put in slot 2 (which is also good to reduce hex00's type lag)
  164. also means no longer need to exclusively catch pidgey, can catch rattata or hoppip
  166. exit pokemon center
  168. use bike, enter guide gent's house (the one with a sign)
  169. sets wDigWarpNumber to 04, adjacent to wVisitedSpawns, we swap this into byte that contains mt. silver fly flag
  171. bike to route 29
  172. go immediately down to bottom left corner of route 29 in grass
  173. sets wYCoord to 15/$0f
  174. we swap this into wMapGroup
  175. goal is to set map to $0f 14
  176. this is equivalent to hall of fame room due to out of bounds array access
  177. see: data/maps/maps.asm#L341
  179. open party menu
  180. open move menu of slot 8
  181. mash right, scroll through pokemon moves
  182. move hexFF (bunch of junk tiles as move name) need click to pass through
  183. if you crash that means you got insanely unlucky with vram timing (RNG)
  185. pay attention to mon with:
  186. - cut PP 0/30
  187. - pound PP 0/30
  189. keep going, look for mon with:
  190. - spikes PP 0/20
  191. - leer PP 0/30
  192. - pound PP 0/35
  193. - pay day PP 0/20
  195. these moves might be slightly different depending on how you shuffled around items in key items pocket
  197. scroll left 3 pokemon
  198. swap move 2 with 4 (gives you fly badge)
  200. go back right, look for mon with:
  201. - doubleslap PP 0/10
  202. - doubleslap PP 8/10
  203. - doubleslap PP 63/16
  204. - mega punch PP 21/28
  206. the moves may be slightly different, important thing is the PP 0 followed by PP 8
  208. scroll left 1
  209. swap move 3 with move 4 (sets mt. silver fly flag)
  211. scroll right 11 pokemon (10 from doubleslap mon)
  212. there will be hexFF moves here, press A/B to advance
  214. swap move 2 with move 4 (sets map group to 15)
  215. if you aren't able to scroll to move 4, switch back and forth between previous mon until 4 moves show up
  216. if moves change to -- after swap, that means swap might not have happened? how to determine this conclusively?
  218. exit move and party menu
  219. if you did this right fast ship should show up and player sprite should disappear
  221. go up 4, right 4
  222. wYCoord was set to 24/$18 in first map swap
  223. up 4 sets wYCoord to 20/$14, the map number we want
  224. right 4 sets the last byte of wScreenSave to 02
  225. which is adjacent to party count
  226. so we can swap that into party count
  227. to efficiently clear out party, no need to set all party member hp to 0 and deal with 9th pokemon being alive with high level for repel
  229. open party menu
  230. go to slot 8, open move menu AGAIN
  232. scroll until mon with following moves:
  233. - dragon rage PP 2/10
  234. - razor leaf PP 8/25
  235. - thunder PP 63/16
  236. - mimic PP 21/28
  238. moves might be different (maybe?), important part is PP 2 and PP 8
  240. swap move 1 with move 2 (sets party count to 2)
  241. scroll right 10 pokemon
  242. there will be hexFF moves here, press A/B to advance
  244. swap move 3 with move 4 (sets map number to 20)
  245. if you aren't able to scroll to move 4, switch back and forth between previous mon until 4 moves show up
  247. if done correctly you should have 2 party pokemon left
  248. exit party menu
  249. go to item menu
  250. move to tm/hm pocket (right 1)
  251. teach fly to dragonite (slot 2)
  253. save and quit
  255. if done correctly you should now be in the HoF room, lance should be talking to you
  256. this is the fastest way to set red's flag. all attempts at memory corruption for it failed
  258. soft reset the moment saving textbox disappears (you can soft reset before it actually saves)
  260. fly to mt. silver (down 1 in fly menu)
  261. get owned by prof. elm (pokegear call)
  262. bike to red
  263. win
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