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- //=============================================================================
- // Maliki's Rolling Stats MZ
- // MalMVRollingStats.js
- // version 1.0
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @target MV
- *
- * @plugindesc ver1.0 - Allows HP, MP and/or TP stats to change in a more
- * gradual manner during battles.
- *
- * @author Maliki79
- *
- * @param HP Tick Delay
- * @type integer
- * @desc Amount of frames the plugin will wait before processing a tick
- * (30 frames = approx 1 sec real time; the lower the number, the faster the stats will roll)
- * @default 10
- *
- * @param MP Tick Delay
- * @type integer
- * @desc Amount of frames the plugin will wait before processing a tick
- * (30 frames = approx 1 sec real time; the lower the number, the faster the stats will roll)
- * @default 10
- *
- * @param TP Tick Delay
- * @type integer
- * @desc Amount of frames the plugin will wait before processing a tick
- * (30 frames = approx 1 sec real time; the lower the number, the faster the stats will roll)
- * @default 10
- *
- * @help This plugin is currently plug and play.
- * Just install this plugin and it will do as intended.
- * Optional: You can edit the params to adjust the speed by which the stats roll.
- * (Set a param to 0 to not use that stat.)
- */
- var MalRollingPar1 = PluginManager.parameters('MalMVRollingStats')["HP Tick Delay"];
- if(MalRollingPar1 < 0) MalRollingPar1 = 0;
- var MalRollingPar2 = PluginManager.parameters('MalMVRollingStats')["MP Tick Delay"];
- if(MalRollingPar2 < 0) MalRollingPar2 = 0;
- var MalRollingPar3 = PluginManager.parameters('MalMVRollingStats')["TP Tick Delay"];
- if(MalRollingPar3 < 0) MalRollingPar3 = 0;
- var MalRollingDatabaseLoad = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
- DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
- if (! return false;
- if (!DataManager._malRolling_DatabaseLoaded) {
- this.processRollingData($dataActors);
- DataManager._malRolling_DatabaseLoaded = true;
- }
- return true;
- };
- DataManager.processRollingData = function (group) {
- for (i = 1; i < group.lenght; i++) {
- var obj = group[i];
- obj.rollingHP = 0;
- obj.rollingMP = 0;
- obj.rollingTP = 0;
- };
- };
- var MalRollingHpBMSetup = BattleManager.setup
- BattleManager.setup = function(troopId, canEscape, canLose) {
-, troopId, canEscape, canLose);
- this.rollingUpdaterHP = 0;
- this.rollingUpdaterMP = 0;
- this.rollingUpdaterTP = 0;
- this.rollingStatSetup();
- };
- BattleManager.rollingStatSetup = function() {
- for(var i = 0; i < $gameParty.members().length; i++) {
- actor = $gameParty.members()[i];
- actor.rollingHP = actor.hp;
- actor.rollingMP =;
- actor.rollingTP =;
- };
- };
- var MalRollingHpBMUpdate = BattleManager.update
- BattleManager.update = function(timeActive) {
- this.updateRollingStats();
-, timeActive);
- if(this._currentActor && this._currentActor.isDead()) this.selectNextCommand();
- };
- BattleManager.updateRollingStats = function() {
- if(MalRollingPar1 != 0) this.rollingUpdaterHP++;
- if(MalRollingPar2 != 0) this.rollingUpdaterMP++;
- if(MalRollingPar3 != 0) this.rollingUpdaterTP++;
- if(this.rollingUpdaterHP > MalRollingPar1) {
- this.rollingUpdaterHP = 0;
- this.checkRollingStatHP($gameParty.members());
- }
- if(this.rollingUpdaterMP > MalRollingPar2) {
- this.rollingUpdaterMP = 0;
- this.checkRollingStatMP($gameParty.members());
- }
- if(this.rollingUpdaterTP > MalRollingPar3) {
- this.rollingUpdaterTP = 0;
- this.checkRollingStatTP($gameParty.members());
- }
- };
- BattleManager.checkRollingStatHP = function(actors){
- for(var i = 0; i < actors.length; i++) {
- var actor = actors[i];
- actor.rollingHP = Math.floor(actor.rollingHP);
- if (actor.hp != actor.rollingHP){
- var multi = 1;
- if(actor.hp > actor.rollingHP) multi *= -1;
- actor.gainHp(multi);
- if(actor.hp == 0) {
- actor.performCollapse();
- actor.rollingHP = 0;
- };
- if (actor.hp > actor.mhp) {
- actor.hp = actor.mhp;
- actor.rollingHP = actor.mhp;
- };
- }
- };
- };
- BattleManager.checkRollingStatMP = function(actors){
- for(var i = 0; i < actors.length; i++) {
- var actor = actors[i];
- actor.rollingMP = Math.floor(actor.rollingMP);
- if ( != actor.rollingMP){
- var multi = 1;
- if( > actor.rollingMP) multi *= -1;
- actor.gainMp(multi);
- };
- if( > actor.mmp) {
- = actor.mmp;
- actor.rollingMP = actor.mmp;
- };
- };
- };
- BattleManager.checkRollingStatTP = function(actors){
- for(var i = 0; i < actors.length; i++) {
- var actor = actors[i];
- actor.rollingTP = Math.floor(actor.rollingTP);
- if (actor._tp != actor.rollingTP){
- var multi = 1;
- if(actor._tp > actor.rollingTP) multi *= -1;
- actor._tp += multi;
- }
- };
- };
- var MalRollingGAXHPDam = Game_Action.prototype.executeHpDamage;
- Game_Action.prototype.executeHpDamage = function(target, value) {
- if (this.isDrain()) {
- value = Math.min(target.hp, value);
- }
- this.makeSuccess(target);
- if(target.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle && MalRollingPar1 != 0) {
- var tLuck = target.luk;
- var sLuck = this.subject().luk;
- var perc = 50 + (Math.abs(Math.randomInt(tLuck) - Math.randomInt(sLuck)));
- if(perc > 100) perc = 100;
- if(tLuck < sLuck) {
- var directDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var slideDam = value - directDam;
- } else {
- var slideDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var directDam = value - slideDam;
- };
- target.gainHp(-directDam);
- target.rollingHP -= Math.floor(value);
- if(target.rollingHP < 0) target.rollingHP = 0;
- if(target.rollingHP > target.mhp) target.rollingHP = target.mhp;
- target._result.hpDamage = value;
- target._result.hpAffected = true;
- } else {
- target.gainHp(-value);
- };
- if (value > 0) {
- target.onDamage(value);
- }
- this.gainDrainedHp(value);
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.executeMpDamage = function(target, value) {
- if (!this.isMpRecover()) {
- value = Math.min(, value);
- }
- if (value !== 0) {
- this.makeSuccess(target);
- if(target.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle && MalRollingPar2 != 0) {
- var tLuck = target.luk;
- var sLuck = this.subject().luk;
- var perc = 50 + (Math.abs(Math.randomInt(tLuck) - Math.randomInt(sLuck)));
- if(perc > 100) perc = 100;
- if(tLuck < sLuck) {
- var directDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var slideDam = value - directDam;
- } else {
- var slideDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var directDam = value - slideDam;
- };
- target.gainMp(-directDam);
- target.rollingMP -= Math.floor(value);
- if(target.rollingMP < 0) target.rollingMP = 0;
- if(target.rollingMP > target.mmp) target.rollingMP = target.mmp;
- target._result.mpDamage = value;
- } else {
- target.gainMp(-value);
- };
- this.gainDrainedMp(value);
- };
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverHp = function(target, effect) {
- let value = (target.mhp * effect.value1 + effect.value2) * target.rec;
- if (this.isItem()) {
- value *= this.subject().pha;
- }
- value = Math.floor(value);
- if (value !== 0) {
- var tLuck = target.luk;
- var sLuck = this.subject().luk;
- var perc = 50 + (Math.abs(Math.randomInt(tLuck) - Math.randomInt(sLuck)));
- if(perc > 100) perc = 100;
- if(tLuck < sLuck) {
- var directDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var slideDam = value - directDam;
- } else {
- var slideDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var directDam = value - slideDam;
- };
- if(target.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle && MalRollingPar1 != 0) {
- target.gainHp(directDam);
- target.rollingHP += Math.floor(value);
- if(target.rollingHP < 0) target.rollingHP = 0;
- if(target.rollingHP > target.mhp) target.rollingHP = target.mhp;
- target._result.hpDamage = -value;
- target._result.hpAffected = true;
- } else {
- target.gainHp(value);
- };
- this.makeSuccess(target);
- }
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverMp = function(target, effect) {
- let value = (target.mmp * effect.value1 + effect.value2) * target.rec;
- if (this.isItem()) {
- value *= this.subject().pha;
- }
- value = Math.floor(value);
- if (value !== 0) {
- var tLuck = target.luk;
- var sLuck = this.subject().luk;
- var perc = 50 + (Math.abs(Math.randomInt(tLuck) - Math.randomInt(sLuck)));
- if(perc > 100) perc = 100;
- if(tLuck < sLuck) {
- var directDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var slideDam = value - directDam;
- } else {
- var slideDam = parseInt(value * (perc / 100));
- var directDam = value - slideDam;
- };
- if(target.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle && MalRollingPar2 != 0) {
- target.gainMp(directDam);
- target.rollingMP += Math.floor(value);
- if(target.rollingMP < 0) target.rollingMP = 0;
- if(target.rollingMP > target.mmp) target.rollingMP = target.mmp;
- target._result.mpDamage = -value;
- } else {
- target.gainMp(value);
- };
- this.makeSuccess(target);
- }
- };
- Game_Battler.prototype.gainTp = function(value) {
- if(this.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle && MalRollingPar3 != 0) {
- this._result.tpDamage = -value;
- this.rollingTP += value;
- if(this.rollingTP > this.maxTp()) this.rollingTP = this.maxTp();
- } else {
- this.setTp( + value);
- };
- };
- Game_Battler.prototype.gainSilentTp = function(value) {
- if(this.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle && MalRollingPar3 != 0) {
- this.rollingTP += value;
- if(this.rollingTP > this.maxTp()) this.rollingTP = this.maxTp();
- } else {
- this.setTp( + value);
- };
- };
- Game_Battler.prototype.chargeTpByDamage = function(damageRate) {
- const value = Math.floor(50 * damageRate * this.tcr);
- this.rollingTP += value;
- if(this.rollingTP > this.maxTp()) this.rollingTP = this.maxTp();
- this.gainSilentTp(value);
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paySkillCost = function(skill) {
- if(this.isActor() && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle) {
- if(MalRollingPar2 != 0) {
- this.rollingMP -= this.skillMpCost(skill);
- } else {
- this._mp -= this.skillMpCost(skill);
- };
- if(MalRollingPar3 != 0) {
- this.rollingTP -= this.skillTpCost(skill);
- } else {
- this._tp -= this.skillTpCost(skill);
- };
- } else {
- this._mp -= this.skillMpCost(skill);
- this._tp -= this.skillTpCost(skill);
- };
- };
- var malRollingStatsInitTp = Game_Battler.prototype.initTp;
- Game_Battler.prototype.initTp = function() {
- this.rollingTP = this._tp;
- };
- /*
- ColorManager.hpColor = function(actor) {
- if (!actor) {
- return this.normalColor();
- } else if (actor.isDead() || (actor.rollingHP == 0 && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Battle)) {
- return this.deathColor();
- } else if (actor.isDying()) {
- return this.crisisColor();
- } else {
- return this.normalColor();
- }
- };
- */
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