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- //=============================================================================
- // MalElementEX
- // MalElementsEX.js
- // version 1.6
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Allows Actors, enemies, weapons, classes, armors and states to affect elements boosting skill effects by a set amount.
- * Also allows elements to be lessened and further to allow element absorption.
- *
- * @author Maliki79
- *
- * @help
- * Actor, Enemy, Class, Weapon, Armor and State Notetags :
- * <element_boost: elementID boost >
- * <element_Dboost: elementID boost >
- * <object_element: number >
- * Note1: Do not forget the spaces near the end of the expressions!
- * Note2: The <Object_element> tag can be applied to skills and items as well.
- *
- *
- * When battler uses a skill or item given an Object Element #, the raw damage/healing of the attack will
- * be multiplied by the boost amount. (This only applies to damage formula values.)
- * You can give Object Elements to pretty much anything in your game.
- *
- * Repeats of the tags on weapons, armors, states, classes will have a cumulative effect.
- * Examples:
- * Notetag: <element_boost: 1 2>
- * Result: If the attack normally does 100 damage, this tag will raise the damage to 300. (100 + 200 bonus)
- * If this tag were used on a state applied first, the damage would become 500.
- *
- * Notetag: <element_Dboost: 1 0.25>
- * Result: If the attack normally does 100 damage, this tag would lower the damage to 75. (100 - 25)
- *
- * Notetag: <element_Dboost: 1 1>
- * Result: If the attack normally does 100 damage, this tag would lower the damage to 0. (100 - 100)
- * If this tag were used on a state applied first, the damage would become -100. (100 - 200)
- * This damage would be converted to healing and absorbed.
- *
- * You can assign multiple elements to objects as well, and if subjects and/or targets are affected by multiple elements,
- * the results will be added to the appropriate boost multiplier.
- *
- * You can tag Skills or Items with the tag <priorityObj> and that skill/item will NOT gain additional object elements
- * from any other sources. (Element boosts will still work.)
- *
- * You can also tag Skills/Items with <ignoreEquipElementObjects> ant those skills/item will NOT gain additional object
- * elements from equipment. (Element boosts will still work.)
- */
- var MalElementsRefresh = Game_Battler.prototype.refresh;
- Game_Battler.prototype.refresh = function()
- {
- this.setElementRates();
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.setElementRates = function()
- {
- this.elementA = [];
- this.elementD = [];
- this.setElements($dataActors[this.actorId()].note);
- this.setElements(this.currentClass().note);
- for(var i = 0; i < this.equips().length; ++i) if(this.equips()[i])this.setElements(this.equips()[i].note);
- for(var i = 0; i < this.states().length; ++i) if(this.states()[i]) this.setElements(this.states()[i].note);
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.setElementRates = function()
- {
- this.elementA = [];
- this.elementD = [];
- this.setElements($dataEnemies[this.enemyId()].note);
- for(var i = 0; i < this.states().length; ++i) if(this.states()[i]) this.setElements(this.states()[i].note);
- };
- Game_Battler.prototype.setElements = function(note)
- {
- var noteread = note;
- while(noteread.indexOf("element_boost") > -1)
- {
- var notereg = noteread.split("<element_boost: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(" ");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue = Number(match[1]);
- noteread = noteread.replace("element_boost", " ");
- if (this.elementA[bonuselem]){
- this.elementA[bonuselem] += bonusvalue;
- } else {
- this.elementA[bonuselem] = bonusvalue;
- }
- }
- while(noteread.indexOf("element_Dboost") > -1)
- {
- var notereg = noteread.split("<element_Dboost: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(" ");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue = Number(match[1]);
- noteread = noteread.replace("element_Dboost", " ");
- if (this.elementD[bonuselem]){
- this.elementD[bonuselem] += bonusvalue;
- } else {
- this.elementD[bonuselem] = bonusvalue;
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.setObjEle = function() {
- this._objectE = [];
- this.subject().setObjects(this.item(), this);
- };
- Game_Actor.prototype.setObjects = function(item, action)
- {
- this.setElementObjects(item.note, action);
- if(!item.meta.priorityObj)
- {
- this.setElementObjects($dataActors[this.actorId()].note, action);
- this.setElementObjects(this.currentClass().note, action);
- if(!item.meta.ignoreEquipElementObjects) for(var i = 0; i < this.equips().length; ++i) if(this.equips()[i])this.setElementObjects(this.equips()[i].note, action);
- for(var i = 0; i < this.states().length; ++i) if(this.states()[i]) this.setElementObjects(this.states()[i].note, action);
- }
- };
- Game_Enemy.prototype.setObjects = function(item, action)
- {
- this.setElementObjects(item.note, action);
- if(!item.meta.priorityObj)
- {
- this.setElementObjects($dataEnemies[this.enemyId()].note, action);
- for(var i = 0; i < this.states().length; ++i) if(this.states()[i]) this.setElementObjects(this.states()[i].note, action);
- }
- };
- Game_Battler.prototype.setElementObjects = function(note, action)
- {
- var noteread = note;
- while(noteread.indexOf("object_element") > -1)
- {
- var notereg = noteread.split("<object_element: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(" ");
- var elem2 = Number(match[0]);
- noteread = noteread.replace("object_element", " ");
- if(action._objectE.indexOf(elem2) == -1) action._objectE.push(elem2);
- }
- };
- var MalElements = Game_Action.prototype.makeDamageValue
- Game_Action.prototype.makeDamageValue = function(target, critical)
- {
- var EleA = 1;
- var EleD = 1;
- var item = this.item();
- this.setObjEle();
- var baseValue = this.evalDamageFormula(target);
- value = Math.round(value);
- var value = baseValue; //var value = baseValue * this.calcElementRate(target);
- if (this.isPhysical()) value *= target.pdr;
- if (this.isMagical()) value *= target.mdr;
- if (baseValue < 0) value *= target.rec;
- if (critical) value = this.applyCritical(value);
- //Element attack bonus
- EleA += this.ElementAttackBoost(this.subject().elementA);
- //Element Defence bonus
- EleD -= this.ElementDefBoost(target.elementD);
- value = this.applyVariance(value, item.damage.variance);
- value = this.applyGuard(value, target);
- value *= EleA;
- value *= EleD;
- value = Math.round(value);
- this.calcElementRate(EleD);
- return value;
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.ElementAttackBoost = function(atkE){
- var num = 0;
- var objele = this._objectE;
- for(var i = 0; i < objele.length; ++i){
- if(atkE[objele[i]]) num += atkE[objele[i]];
- }
- return num;
- };
- Game_Action.prototype.ElementDefBoost = function(defE){
- var num = 0;
- var objele = this._objectE;
- for(var i = 0; i < objele.length; ++i){
- if(defE[objele[i]]) num += defE[objele[i]];
- }
- return num;
- };
- //Compatability overwrite for Victor's Damage Popups
- Game_Action.prototype.calcElementRate = function(target) {
- var result = target;
- if (result > 1) {
- this._resist = 'weak';
- } else if (result > 0 && result < 1) {
- this._resist = 'resist';
- } else if (result === 0) {
- this._resist = 'immune';
- } else if (result < 0) {
- this._resist = 'absorb';
- } else {
- this._resist = ''
- }
- //return result;
- };
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