
MNOGW - Illusion Mask

Jan 27th, 2023
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  1. The stranger retreats and circles around invisibly for another attack. His footprints in the snow give him away however, and the Rahi strikes. The stranger is caught within the jaws of the beast, shaken, and thrown into a drift.
  3. The stranger reappears from the drift. His mask changes again. As it does so, two more strangers appear. They all look exactly alike.
  5. Now even more befuddled, the Rahi looks first from one stranger, then to the next, and then to the next as they back him onto an overhang of cliff. The three strangers draw their swords together. Apparently surrounded with no chance of escape, the Rahi chooses his target and strikes.
  7. Unfortunately for the Rahi, he has chosen incorrectly. The stranger he attacks is but a chimera who merely shimmers and disappears after the assault. The remaining two strangers thrust their swords into the ground, breaking off the overhang. The roar of the Rahi echoes mournfully as it plummets downward into the swirling mists of snow.
  9. Matoro, having regained his feet, walks up next to the stranger and gazes over the cliff. No sooner has he done this than he is alone, for the other stranger’s mask has returned to its original form and his doppelganger is gone.
  11. Some time later, we are safely back in the Sanctum. The stranger, whom I now know to be Toa Kopaka, has left us. Matoro is by Turaga Nuju’s side. I approach them both.
  14. - Mata Nui Online Game Official Walkthrough, Ko-Koro
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