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- --[[
- Program: HexIt
- Created by: Lewisk3/Redxone
- Terms of use ( 6/23/17 ):
- Do not edit this program and re-distribute the edit on the forums.
- Use on ROM hacking is soley the responibility of the user.
- Do not copy the program and try to push it off as your own.
- Have fun!
- --]]
- -- Monochrome support (WIP)
- if(not term.isColor())then
- =
- colors.magenta = colors.white
- colors.lightBlue = colors.lightGray
- colors.yellow = colors.white
- colors.lime = colors.white
- = colors.white
- colors.cyan = colors.white
- colors.purple = colors.white
- = colors.gray
- colors.brown = colors.white
- = colors.gray
- = colors.gray
- end
- if(term.current == nil)then
- term.current().setVisible = function(tf) return false end
- elseif(term.current().setVisible == nil)then
- term.current().setVisible = function(tf) return false end
- end
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- --local w,h = 26, 20
- if(w < 26 or h < 19)then
- error("\nYour current resolutions is too low :> " .. w .. "x" .. h .. " \nMinimum supported resolution :> 26x20")
- end
- local validHex = "0123456789abcdef"
- local running = true
- local barsize = 4
- local baroffs = 3
- local writeMode = "hex"
- local funcKey = false
- _currentMemory = 0
- view_w = (math.floor(w/1.40)-barsize)+1
- local isEvenRes = ((w-view_w)%3) <= 0
- if( not isEvenRes )then
- baroffs = 2
- end
- _isPocket = (w == 26)
- _hexLineSize = math.floor(view_w/3)
- _hexPageSize = view_w
- _hexData = ""
- _hexSelected = 1
- _hexFile = ""
- _hexSize = 1
- _hexEditMode = "return"
- _hexBuffer = ""
- _hexLastByte = 0
- _searches = {}
- _lastSearch = {
- mode = "hex",
- dir = "down",
- data = "00",
- }
- _hexAddress = ""
- local dropColors = {,colors.white,,}
- hexedit_buttons = {
- {x=1,graphic='[*]',desc="New file.",call=function()
- local file = showBox("New file","Enter file name","input",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- if(#file <= 0 or file == "/")then
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- if(fs.exists(file))then
- showBox("File","File \"" .. file:sub(1,15) .. "\"\n already exists. \n\n Press any key.","key",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- local size = tonumber(showBox("New File","Enter file size\n(In bytes hex)","input",21,10),16)
- if(size == nil)then
- showBox("New File","Invalid file size.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- if (size <= 0 or size > tonumber("FFFFF",16)) then
- showBox("New File","Invalid file size.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- local result = showBox("New File","Create file - \n" .. file .. "?","yesno",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- if(result == "yes")then
- newFile(file,size)
- showBox("File"," File created - \n " .. file .. "\n Press any key.","key",21,8)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- {x=5,graphic= "[" .. string.char(24) .. "]",desc="Open file.",call=function()
- local file = showBox("Open File","Enter file name or\n location.","input",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- if(not fs.exists(file) or #file <= 0)then
- showBox("File"," File doesnt exist - \n " .. file .. "\n Press any key.","key",21,8)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- local result = showBox("File","Open file, " .. file .. "?","yesno",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- if(result == "yes")then
- showBox("File","Loading\n"..file,"nomode",21,3)
- loadFile(file)
- refreshScreen()
- showBox("File"," File loaded - \n " .. _hexFile .. "\n Press any key.","key",21,8)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- {x=9,graphic="[" .. string.char(25) .. "]",desc="Save file.",call=function()
- local result = showBox("File","Save file, \n" .. _hexFile .. "?","yesno",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- if(result == "yes")then
- f =,"wb")
- for i = 1, #_hexData do
- local byte = string.byte(_hexData:sub(i,i))
- f.write(byte)
- end
- f.close()
- showBox("File"," File saved - " .. _hexFile .. "\n Press any key.","key",21,6)
- refreshScreen()
- end
- end},
- {x=13,graphic="(" .. "?" .. ")",desc="Find Hex/Text.",call=function()
- local str, result = showBox("Find Hex/Ascii","Find what?","inputmode",21,10,"Hex","Ascii",true)
- if(str == nil or str == "")then refreshScreen() return false end
- local dir = showBox("Find " .. string.upper(result:sub(1,1)) .. result:sub(2,-1),"Up or down?","yesno",21,10,"Up","Down")
- searchFile((result),dir,str)
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- {x=17,graphic='[R]',desc="Resize file.",call=function()
- local size = tonumber(showBox("Resize File","Enter file size\n(In bytes hex)","input",21,10),16)
- if(size == nil)then refreshScreen() return false end
- if (size <= 0 or size > tonumber("FFFFF",16) or size == nil) then
- showBox("Resize File","Invalid file size.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- local result = showBox("Resize File","Resize file from \n" .. _hexSize .. "\nto\n" .. size .. "?\n\nThis may result in\nloss of information.","yesno",25,15)
- refreshScreen()
- if(result == "yes")then
- _hexSelected = 1
- _currentMemory = 0
- if(size < _hexSize)then
- _hexData = _hexData:sub(1,size)
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- else
- _hexData = _hexData:sub(1,-1) .. string.rep(string.char(0),size-_hexSize)
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- end
- showBox("Resize File"," File resized!\n Press any key.","key",21,8)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- }
- hexedit_dropdowns = {
- ['file'] = {{txt="New (^+N)",call = function() hexedit_buttons[1].call()
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- {txt="Open",call = function() hexedit_buttons[2].call() end},
- {txt="Save (^+A)",call = function() hexedit_buttons[3].call() end},{txt=""},
- {txt="Exit (^+X)",call = function() exitHexIt() end}},
- ['edit'] = {{txt="Insert",call = function()
- _hexBuffer = ""
- local ins, itype = showBox("Insert At Cursor","Enter value to insert","inputmode",21,14,"Hex","Ascii")
- if(ins ~= "" and itype == "hex")then
- charStr = ""
- ins = ins:gsub("%s","")
- for i = 1, #ins, 2 do
- local charbyte = tonumber(ins:sub(i,i+1),16)
- if(charbyte == nil)then
- showBox("Hex Insert","Invalid data.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- charStr = charStr .. string.char(charbyte)
- end
- insertBytes(_hexSelected,charStr)
- elseif(ins ~= "")then
- insertBytes(_hexSelected,ins)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- end},{txt="Resize",call = function() hexedit_buttons[5].call() end},
- {txt="Mode (^+M)",call = function()
- _hexEditMode = showBox("Editing Mode","Set edit mode \nReturn: Press enter for each edit. \nFill: When you fill the input.","yesno",35,12,"Return","Fill")
- end},{txt="Bit Edit",call = function()
- local edit, dtype = showBox("Edit Bits","Enter value to set: \n" .. getByte(_hexSelected) .. " to. ","inputmode",21,14,"Binary","Decimal",true)
- if(edit ~= nil and edit ~= "")then
- if(dtype == "binary")then
- edit = tonumber(edit,2)
- if(edit == nil)then showBox("Invalid Input","Invalid input for \nmode:\"" .. dtype .. "\"","key",21,12) return false end
- end
- if(not tonumber(edit))then showBox("Invalid Input","Invalid input: \n" .. edit .. "\nFor mode: \n\"" .. dtype .. "\"","key",21,12) return false end
- if(string.char(edit) == nil)then return false end
- setChar(_hexSelected, string.char(edit))
- end
- end},
- {txt=" "},{txt="Delete at Cursor",call = function()
- if(_hexSelected > 0)then
- _hexData = _hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected-1) .. _hexData:sub(_hexSelected+1,-1)
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- if(_hexSelected > _hexSize)then _hexSelected = _hexSize end
- refreshScreen()
- -- Used to refresh string stream
- jumpToByte(_hexSelected)
- end
- end}, {txt="Refresh Screen",call = function()
- refreshScreen()
- -- Used to refresh string stream
- jumpToByte(_hexSelected)
- end}},
- ['search'] = {{txt="Search Hex (^+F)",call = function()
- local hexStr, dir = showBox("Find Hex","Enter string of Hex \ncharacters to \nfind.","inputmode",21,14,"Up","Down",true)
- if(hexStr == nil or hexStr == "")then refreshScreen() return false end
- searchFile("hex",(dir),hexStr)
- refreshScreen()
- end},{txt="Search Chars (^+F)",call = function()
- local charStr, dir = showBox("Find Ascii","Enter string of \ncharacters to find.","inputmode",21,14,"Up","Down",true)
- if(charStr == nil or charStr == "")then refreshScreen() return false end
- searchFile("ascii",(dir),charStr)
- refreshScreen()
- end},{txt=" "},{txt="Clear Searches",call = function()
- local result = showBox("Clear Searches","This will delete all\nprevious searches.","yesno",21,10)
- if(result == "yes")then _searches = {} showBox("Searches","Searches cleared. \n Press any key. ","key",21,10) end
- refreshScreen()
- end}},
- ['address'] = {{txt="Goto (^+J)",call = function()
- _hexBuffer = ""
- local addr = tonumber(showBox("Jump to Address","Enter the Address you\nwant to jump to below.","input",21,10),16)
- if(addr == nil)then
- showBox("Jump to Address","Invalid jump.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- jumpToByte(addr)
- end},{txt=" "},
- {txt="Save Address", call = function()
- if(_hexSelected == 0)then
- _hexAddress = _currentMemory
- else
- _hexAddress = _hexSelected
- end
- showBox("Address Saved","Saved address -\n" .. toHex(_hexAddress),"key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- end},{txt="Get Address",call = function()
- if(_hexAddress ~= "")then
- showBox("Address Saved","address -\n" .. toHex(_hexAddress),"key",21,9)
- else
- showBox("Address Jump","No address saved.","key",21,9)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- end},{txt="Goto Saved",call = function()
- if(_hexAddress ~= "")then
- jumpToByte(_hexAddress)
- showBox("Address Jump","Jumped to -\n" .. toHex(_hexAddress),"key",21,9)
- else
- showBox("Address Jump","No address saved.","key",21,9)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- end}},
- }
- hexedit_menus = {
- {x=1,text="File",call=function()
- dropMenu(1,2,dropColors,hexedit_dropdowns['file'],1)
- if(running)then refreshScreen() end
- end},
- {x=7,text="Edit",call=function()
- dropMenu(7,2,dropColors,hexedit_dropdowns['edit'],1)
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- {x=13,text="Search",call=function()
- dropMenu(13,2,dropColors,hexedit_dropdowns['search'],1)
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- {x=21,text="Address",call=function()
- local mox = 21
- if(_isPocket)then mox = 13 end
- dropMenu(mox,2,dropColors,hexedit_dropdowns['address'],1)
- refreshScreen()
- end},
- }
- if(_isPocket)then
- table.remove(hexedit_menus,3)
- hexedit_menus[3].x = 13
- end
- function searchFile(mode,dir,bytes)
- --error(mode .. ": " .. dir .. " :> " .. bytes)
- if(bytes == nil)then return false end
- if(mode == "hex")then
- -- Convert hex string to Ascii, for ease of use using string.find.
- local charStr = ""
- hexStr = bytes:gsub("%s","")
- for i = 1, #hexStr, 2 do
- local charbyte = tonumber(hexStr:sub(i,i+1),16)
- if(charbyte == nil)then
- showBox("Find Hex","Invalid search.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- return
- end
- charStr = charStr .. string.char(charbyte)
- end
- local findex
- if(dir == "down")then
- findex, _ = _hexData:find(charStr,_hexSelected)
- if(checkJump(findex))then -- We are already here.
- findex, _ = _hexData:find(charStr,_hexSelected+#charStr+1)
- end
- elseif("up")then
- findex, _ = (_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected)):reverse():find(charStr:reverse())
- if(findex ~= nil)then
- findex = (#(_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected))+1-findex)-(#charStr-1)
- if(checkJump(findex))then -- We are already here.
- findex, _ = (_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected-1)):reverse():find(charStr:reverse())
- findex = (#(_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected-1))+1-findex)-(#charStr-1)
- end
- end
- else
- showBox("Invalid search","Invalid mode: \n" .. dir .. "\n Press any key. ","key",21,10)
- return false
- end
- if(findex ~= nil)then
- if(showBox("Jump to location?","Jump to hex \nfound at:" .. toHex(findex) .. "?","yesno",21,10) == "yes")then
- jumpToByte(findex)
- writeMode = "hex"
- end
- else
- showBox("Find Hex","Not found: \n" .. hexStr:sub(1,20) .. "\n Press any key. ","key",21,10)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- elseif(mode == "ascii")then
- local findex
- if(dir == "down")then
- findex, _ = _hexData:find(bytes,_hexSelected)
- if(checkJump(findex))then -- We are already here.
- findex, _ = _hexData:find(bytes,_hexSelected+#bytes+1)
- end
- elseif("up")then
- findex, _ = (_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected)):reverse():find(bytes:reverse())
- if(findex ~= nil)then
- findex = (#(_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected))+1-findex)-(#bytes-1)
- if(checkJump(findex))then -- We are already here.
- findex, _ = (_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected-1)):reverse():find(bytes:reverse())
- findex = (#(_hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected-1))+1-findex)-(#bytes-1)
- end
- end
- else
- showBox("Invalid search","Invalid mode: \n" .. dir .. "\n Press any key. ","key",21,10)
- return false
- end
- if(findex ~= nil)then
- if(showBox("Jump to location?","Jump to string \nfound at:" .. toHex(findex) .. "?","yesno",21,10) == "yes")then
- jumpToByte(findex)
- writeMode = "char"
- end
- else
- showBox("Find Ascii","Not found: \n" .. bytes:sub(1,20) .. "\n Press any key. ","key",21,10)
- end
- refreshScreen()
- else
- showBox("Invalid search","Invalid mode: \n" .. mode .. "\n Press any key. ","key",21,10)
- end
- _lastSearch.dir = dir
- _lastSearch.mode = mode
- = bytes
- end
- function getScreenPage(val)
- return math.ceil(val / (_hexLineSize * (h-3)))
- end
- function exitHexIt()
- running = false
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Thanks for using HexIt!")
- print("If you enjoyed the program be sure to give it an up vote on the forums!")
- end
- function flashButton(tc,bc,time,x,y,graphic,nt,nb)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.setTextColor(tc)
- term.setBackgroundColor(bc)
- write(graphic)
- sleep(time)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.setTextColor(nt)
- term.setBackgroundColor(nb)
- write(graphic)
- end
- function seekPage(pg)
- if(#_hexBuffer > 0)then _hexBuffer = "" end
- _currentMemory = _currentMemory + (pg*_hexLineSize * (h-3))
- if(_currentMemory < 0)then _currentMemory = 0 end
- if(getScreenPage(_currentMemory) >= getScreenPage(_hexSize))then
- _currentMemory = (getScreenPage(_hexSize)-1)*_hexLineSize * (h-3)
- end
- redrawData()
- end
- function seek(mem)
- if(_currentMemory + mem*_hexLineSize < 0)then return false end
- if(_currentMemory + mem*_hexLineSize > _hexSize)then return false end
- if(#_hexBuffer > 0)then _hexBuffer = "" end
- _currentMemory = _currentMemory + (mem*_hexLineSize)
- if(_currentMemory < 0)then _currentMemory = 0 end
- if(getScreenPage(_currentMemory) >= getScreenPage(_hexSize))then
- _currentMemory = (getScreenPage(_hexSize)-1)*_hexLineSize * (h-3)
- end
- redrawData()
- end
- function toHex(dec)
- local hex = ""
- local hexkey = "0123456789ABCDEF"
- local rim
- if(dec == nil)then
- error("Failed to load file: " .. _hexFile .. " at " .. _hexLastByte)
- end
- if(dec == 0)then hex = "0" end
- while dec > 0 do
- rim = math.floor(dec%16)
- hex = hexkey:sub(rim+1,rim+1) .. hex
- dec = math.floor(dec/16)
- end
- if(#hex == 1)then
- hex = "0" .. hex
- end
- if(dec < 0)then
- local num = 256 + dec
- return toHex(num)
- end
- return hex
- end
- function toBin (dec)
- -- Convert to base 10 soooo easy
- local bin = ""
- local binkey = "01"
- local rim
- if(type(dec) == "string")then error("toBin -> Invalid type: " .. dec) end
- while dec > 0 do
- rim = math.floor(dec%2)
- bin = binkey:sub(rim+1,rim+1) .. bin
- dec = math.floor(dec/2)
- end
- if(#bin < 8)then
- bin = string.rep("0",8-#bin) .. bin
- end
- return bin
- end
- function drawGUI()
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- term.clear()
- paintutils.drawLine(1,1,w,1,colors.gray)
- paintutils.drawLine(1,2,w,2,colors.lightGray)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setCursorPos(w,1)
- term.blit("X","0","e")
- term.setCursorPos(1,2)
- for i = 1, #hexedit_buttons do
- write(hexedit_buttons[i].graphic .. " ")
- end
- if(not _isPocket)then
- term.setCursorPos(math.max(w-(9+#_hexFile),hexedit_buttons[#hexedit_buttons].x+#hexedit_buttons[#hexedit_buttons].graphic+1), 2)
- write("Editing: ")
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- if( (w-(9+#_hexFile)) < hexedit_buttons[#hexedit_buttons].x+4)then
- write(_hexFile:sub(1,hexedit_buttons[#hexedit_buttons].x-2) .. "...")
- else
- write(_hexFile)
- end
- end
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- for i = 1, #hexedit_menus do
- write(hexedit_menus[i].text .. " ")
- end
- paintutils.drawLine(1+barsize,3,1+barsize,h,colors.lightGray)
- paintutils.drawLine(2+barsize,3,2+barsize,h,
- -- 3 / 2 = 1.5 "#(LL ) = 3" div 2 because of string.reps
- paintutils.drawLine(barsize+(view_w)+baroffs,3,barsize+(view_w)+baroffs,h,colors.lightGray)
- end
- function loadFile(file)
- if(not fs.exists(file))then error("HexEditCC: error -> File doesn't exist (" .. file .. ")." ) end
- -- Load data into vars
- _currentMemory = 0
- _hexData = ""
- _hexSelected = 1
- _hexFile = ""
- _hexSize = 1
- _hexBuffer = ""
- _hexLastByte = 0
- f =,"rb")
- _hexFile = file
- for byte in do
- _hexData = _hexData .. string.char(byte)
- end
- f.close()
- if(#_hexData == 0)then _hexData = string.char(0) end
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- end
- function newFile(file,size)
- if(fs.exists(file))then error("HexEditCC: error -> File already exists (" .. file .. ")." ) end
- -- Load data into vars
- _currentMemory = 0
- _hexData = ""
- _hexSelected = 1
- _hexFile = ""
- _hexSize = 1
- _hexBuffer = ""
- _hexLastByte = 0
- _hexFile = file
- _hexData = _hexData .. string.rep(string.char(0),size)
- if(#_hexData == 0)then _hexData = string.char(0) end
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- end
- function moveSelectedByte(dir)
- drawSelectedByte(1)
- _hexSelected = _hexSelected + dir
- if(_hexSelected > _hexSize)then _hexSelected = _hexSize end
- if(_hexSelected < 1)then _hexSelected = 1 end
- if( math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) > h-2)then
- seek(1)
- end
- if( math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) <= 0)then
- seek(-1)
- end
- drawSelectedByte()
- end
- function getByte(byte)
- if(_hexData == "")then return "00" end
- _hexLastByte = byte
- if(byte > #_hexData)then return nil end
- return toHex(string.byte(_hexData:sub(byte,byte)))
- end
- function getChar(byte)
- if(_hexData == "")then return "00" end
- _hexLastByte = byte
- if(byte > #_hexData)then return nil end
- return _hexData:sub(byte,byte):gsub("\n"," ")
- end
- function setByte(addr,byte)
- local byte = string.char(tonumber(byte,16))
- _hexData = _hexData:sub(1,addr-1) .. byte .. _hexData:sub(addr+1,-1)
- _hexBuffer = ""
- moveSelectedByte(1)
- end
- function setChar(addr,byte)
- _hexData = _hexData:sub(1,addr-1) .. byte .. _hexData:sub(addr+1,-1)
- _hexBuffer = ""
- moveSelectedByte(1)
- end
- function insertBytes(addr,bytes)
- local ovrhex = _hexData:sub(1,addr) .. bytes .. _hexData:sub(addr,-1)
- _hexData = ovrhex
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- moveSelectedByte(#bytes)
- end
- function checkJump(addr)
- if(addr == nil)then
- return false
- end
- local offs = 1
- if(addr > _hexLineSize)then
- offs = math.floor(addr%_hexLineSize)
- addr = math.floor(addr/_hexLineSize)
- return (_hexSelected == ((addr)*_hexLineSize) + offs)
- else
- return (_hexSelected == offs)
- end
- end
- function jumpToByte(addr)
- if(addr == nil)then
- refreshScreen()
- return false
- end
- local offs = 1
- drawSelectedByte(1)
- drawGUI()
- if(addr > _hexLineSize)then
- offs = math.floor(addr%_hexLineSize)
- addr = math.floor(addr/_hexLineSize)
- _hexSelected = ((addr)*_hexLineSize) + offs
- if(_hexSelected > _hexSize)then
- _hexSelected = 0
- redrawData()
- showBox("Notice","End of file reached.","key",21,3)
- drawGUI()
- return false
- else
- _currentMemory = ((addr)*_hexLineSize)
- end
- else
- offs = addr
- _currentMemory = 0
- _hexSelected = offs
- end
- drawSelectedByte()
- redrawData()
- -- Re-align memory
- seek(1)
- seek(-1)
- return true
- end
- function printLn(txt)
- local lines={}
- local i=1
- for str in string.gmatch(txt, "([^\n]+)") do
- lines[i] = str
- i = i + 1
- end
- for i = 1, #lines do
- local _x, _y = term.getCursorPos()
- write(lines[i])
- term.setCursorPos(_x, _y+1)
- end
- end
- function dropMenu(sx,sy,mcolors,buttons,textoffs)
- local inmenu = true
- if(textoffs == nil)then textoffs = 0 end
- menuDrop = {
- mx = sx,
- my = sy,
- mw = 1,
- txtoff = textoffs,
- tcol = mcolors[1],
- bcol = mcolors[2],
- ftcol = mcolors[3],
- fbcol = mcolors[4],
- menu = buttons, -- Menu structure: {txt="Test",call=function() do stuff! end}
- mh = #buttons,
- draw = function(self)
- term.setTextColor(self.tcol)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.bcol)
- term.setCursorPos(,
- -- Get longest length of menu for size
- for i = 1, do
- if( < ([i].txt)+self.txtoff)then
- = ([i].txt)+self.txtoff
- end
- end
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(,,,,
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(,,,,self.bcol)
- -- Commence drawing!
- for i = 1, do
- term.setCursorPos(,
- write([i].txt)
- end
- end,
- clickbutton = function(self,time,buttonindex)
- if([buttonindex].call ~= nil)then
- term.setTextColor(self.ftcol)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.fbcol)
- term.setCursorPos(,
- write([buttonindex].txt)
- sleep(time)
- term.setTextColor(self.tcol)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.bcol)
- term.setCursorPos(,
- write([buttonindex].txt)
- inmenu = false
- return
- end
- end,
- update = function(self,ev)
- if(inmenu == false)then
- return false
- end
- if(ev[1] == "mouse_click")then
- local mb, mx, my = ev[2], ev[3], ev[4]
- if(mb == 1)then
- if(mx >= and mx < and my >= and my <=
- if(mx >=
- if([(])then
- self:clickbutton(0.1,(
- end
- end
- else
- inmenu = false
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end,
- }
- menuDrop:draw()
- while inmenu do
- if(not menuDrop:update({os.pullEvent()}))then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- function showBox(title,text,btype,bw,bh,ym,nm,hist)
- local prevsearches = _searches
- if(hist == nil)then
- hist = false
- end
- local midw, midh = math.floor(w/2), math.floor(h/2)
- paintutils.drawFilledBox((midw-(bw/2))-1,(midh-(bh/2))+1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh+1,
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(midw-(bw/2),midh-(bh/2),(midw+(bw/2)),midh, colors.lightGray)
- paintutils.drawLine(midw-(bw/2),midh-(bh/2),(midw+(bw/2)),midh-(bh/2),
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setCursorPos(midw-(bw/2)+1,(midh-(bh/2)))
- write(title)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setCursorPos(midw-(bw/2),midh-(bh/2)+1)
- printLn(text)
- if(btype == "input")then
- sleep(0.01) -- Cancel already pressed keys.
- local readwin = window.create(term.current(),(midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,bw-1,1)
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1)
- local _oldTerm = term.current()
- term.redirect(readwin)
- local res
- if(hist == true)then
- res = read(nil,_searches)
- if((res ~= "" or res ~= nil))then
- table.insert(_searches, res)
- end
- else
- res = read()
- end
- term.redirect(_oldTerm)
- term.setCursorPos((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1)
- write(res:sub(1,bw-2))
- return res
- end
- if(btype == "key")then os.pullEvent("key") end
- if(btype == "inputmode")then
- sleep(0.01) -- Cancel already pressed keys.
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-3,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-3,
- if(ym == nil)then ym = "Yes" end
- if(nm == nil)then nm = "No" end
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,midw-2,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((((midw-(bw/2))+1+(midw-2))/2)-math.floor( (#ym+3)/2),midh-1)
- write("1. " .. ym)
- paintutils.drawLine(midw+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos(((midw+1+(midw+(bw/2))-1)/2)-math.floor( (#nm+3)/2),midh-1,midh-1)
- write("2. " .. nm)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setCursorPos((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-3)
- local readwin = window.create(term.current(),(midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-3,bw-1,1)
- local _oldTerm = term.current()
- term.redirect(readwin)
- local res
- if(hist == true)then
- res = read(nil,_searches)
- if((res ~= "" or res ~= nil))then
- table.insert(_searches, res)
- end
- else
- res = read()
- end
- term.redirect(_oldTerm)
- term.setCursorPos((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-3)
- write(res:sub(1,bw-2))
- if(res == nil or res == "")then return "" end
- local rett = ""
- local waiting = true
- while waiting do
- local e,b,mx,my = os.pullEvent()
- if(e == "mouse_click")then
- if(mx >= (midw-(bw/2))+1 and mx <= midw-2 and my == midh-1)then -- Yes
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,midw-2,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((((midw-(bw/2))+1+(midw-2))/2)-math.floor( (#ym+3)/2),midh-1)
- write("1. " .. ym)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- rett = ym
- elseif(mx >= midw+1 and mx <= (midw+(bw/2))-1 and my == midh-1)then -- No
- paintutils.drawLine(midw+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos(((midw+1+(midw+(bw/2))-1)/2)-math.floor( (#nm+3)/2),midh-1,midh-1)
- write("2. " .. nm)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- rett = nm
- end
- elseif(e == "key")then
- if(b == or b == keys.numPad1 or b == keys.enter)then
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,midw-2,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((((midw-(bw/2))+1+(midw-2))/2)-math.floor( (#ym+3)/2),midh-1)
- write("1. " .. ym)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- rett = ym
- elseif(b == keys.two or b == keys.numPad2 or b == keys.backspace)then
- paintutils.drawLine(midw+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos(((midw+1+(midw+(bw/2))-1)/2)-math.floor( (#nm+3)/2),midh-1,midh-1)
- write("2. " .. nm)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- rett = nm
- end
- end
- end
- return res, string.lower(rett)
- end
- if(btype == "yesno")then
- if(ym == nil)then ym = "Yes" end
- if(nm == nil)then nm = "No" end
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,midw-2,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((((midw-(bw/2))+1+(midw-2))/2)-math.floor( (#ym+3)/2),midh-1)
- write("1. " .. ym)
- paintutils.drawLine(midw+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos(((midw+1+(midw+(bw/2))-1)/2)-math.floor( (#nm+3)/2),midh-1,midh-1)
- write("2. " .. nm)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setCursorPos((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-3)
- local waiting = true
- while waiting do
- local e,b,mx,my = os.pullEvent()
- if(e == "mouse_click")then
- if(mx >= (midw-(bw/2))+1 and mx <= midw-2 and my == midh-1)then -- Yes
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,midw-2,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((((midw-(bw/2))+1+(midw-2))/2)-math.floor( (#ym+3)/2),midh-1)
- write("1. " .. ym)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- return string.lower(ym)
- elseif(mx >= midw+1 and mx <= (midw+(bw/2))-1 and my == midh-1)then -- No
- paintutils.drawLine(midw+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos(((midw+1+(midw+(bw/2))-1)/2)-math.floor( (#nm+3)/2),midh-1,midh-1)
- write("2. " .. nm)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- return string.lower(nm)
- end
- elseif(e == "key")then
- if(b == or b == keys.numPad1 or b == keys.enter)then
- paintutils.drawLine((midw-(bw/2))+1,midh-1,midw-2,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos((((midw-(bw/2))+1+(midw-2))/2)-math.floor( (#ym+3)/2),midh-1)
- write("1. " .. ym)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- return string.lower(ym)
- elseif(b == keys.two or b == keys.numPad2 or b == keys.backspace)then
- paintutils.drawLine(midw+1,midh-1,(midw+(bw/2))-1,midh-1,
- term.setCursorPos(((midw+1+(midw+(bw/2))-1)/2)-math.floor( (#nm+3)/2),midh-1,midh-1)
- write("2. " .. nm)
- sleep(0.1)
- waiting = false
- return string.lower(nm)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- sleep(0.1)
- end
- function drawHexBuffer()
- if( ((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/view_w) <= h and math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) >= 1)then
- if( math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) <= 1)then
- hy = 1
- hx = (_hexSelected-_currentMemory)*3
- else
- hy = math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize)
- hx = math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)%_hexLineSize)*3
- if(math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)%_hexLineSize) == 0)then
- hx = _hexLineSize*3
- end
- end
- if(writeMode == "hex")then
- if(not un)then
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- term.setCursorPos(hx+barsize,hy+2)
- write(" ")
- term.setCursorPos(hx+barsize,hy+2)
- write(_hexBuffer)
- elseif(writeMode == "char")then
- if(not un)then
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- end
- term.setCursorPos( (view_w+barsize+baroffs) + math.ceil(hx/3), hy+2)
- write(_hexBuffer)
- end
- end
- end
- function drawSelectedByte(un)
- if(#_hexBuffer > 0)then _hexBuffer = "" end
- if(un == nil)then un = false end
- local hx, hy = 1, 1
- if( ((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/view_w) <= h and math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) >= 1)then
- if( math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) <= 1)then
- hy = 1
- hx = (_hexSelected-_currentMemory)*3
- else
- hy = math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize)
- hx = math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)%_hexLineSize)*3
- if(math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)%_hexLineSize) == 0)then
- hx = _hexLineSize*3
- end
- end
- if(not un)then
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- end
- local sideY = math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize)
- term.setCursorPos(1,sideY+2)
- local onmem = _currentMemory+(_hexLineSize*(sideY-1))
- write(string.rep(" ", 5-#toHex(onmem)) .. toHex(onmem))
- if(not un)then
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- if(writeMode == "char")then term.setBackgroundColor( end
- else
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- end
- term.setCursorPos( (view_w+barsize+baroffs) + math.ceil(hx/3), hy+2)
- write(getChar(_hexSelected))
- if(not _isPocket)then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- term.setTextColor(colors.lime)
- term.setCursorPos(w-22,1)
- local decByte = string.byte(_hexData:sub(_hexSelected,_hexSelected))
- if(decByte == nil)then decByte = 0 end
- write(toHex(math.min(_hexSelected,1048575)) .. "M|" .. toBin(decByte) .. "B|" .. string.rep("0",3-#tostring(decByte)) .. decByte .. "D ")
- end
- -- This must happen last needed due to the space after each hex
- if(not un)then
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- term.setCursorPos(hx+barsize,hy+2)
- write(getByte(_hexSelected))
- end
- end
- function redrawData()
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- if(#_hexData == 0)then
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(true) end
- showBox("Error"," File too small. \n Inflating 1 byte. \n \n Press any key.","none",21,10)
- sleep(0.1)
- _hexData = string.char(0)
- _hexSize = 1
- os.pullEvent("key")
- end
- -- Draw mem bar
- local onmem = _currentMemory
- --local drawSize
- if( _hexSize-(onmem) > h*(_hexLineSize))then drawSize = h*(_hexLineSize) else drawSize = (_hexSize-(onmem)) end
- _hexPageSize = drawSize
- if(getScreenPage(_currentMemory) == getScreenPage(_hexSize)-1)then
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(false) end
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(1,3,barsize+1,h,colors.gray)
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(true) end
- end
- for i = 1, math.ceil(drawSize/_hexLineSize) do
- term.setCursorPos(1,i+2)
- if(math.ceil((_hexSelected-_currentMemory)/_hexLineSize) == i)then
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- end
- write(string.rep(" ", 5-#toHex(onmem)) .. toHex(onmem))
- onmem = onmem + _hexLineSize
- end
- if(getScreenPage(_currentMemory) == getScreenPage(_hexSize)-1)then
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(false) end
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(barsize+2,3,(barsize+1)+view_w,h,colors.white)
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(true) end
- end
- --paintutils.drawLine(1+barsize,3,1+barsize,h,colors.lightGray)
- paintutils.drawLine(2+barsize,3,2+barsize,h,
- local ind = 1
- term.setCursorPos(barsize+3,3)
- for px = 1, drawSize do
- if(ind > _hexLineSize)then
- local _, _y = term.getCursorPos()
- term.setCursorPos(barsize+3,_y+1)
- ind = 1
- end
- local byte = getByte(px+_currentMemory)
- if(byte ~= nil)then
- if((px+_currentMemory) == _hexSelected)then
- drawSelectedByte()
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- write(byte)
- end
- if( ((ind) < _hexLineSize) or isEvenRes)then
- write(" ")
- end
- end
- ind = ind + 1
- end
- if(getScreenPage(_currentMemory) == getScreenPage(_hexSize)-1)then
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(false) end
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(view_w+barsize+4,3,w,h,colors.white)
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(true) end
- end
- ind = 1
- term.setCursorPos(view_w+barsize+1+baroffs,3)
- for px = 1, drawSize do
- local _x, _y = term.getCursorPos()
- if(_x > w)then
- term.setCursorPos(view_w+barsize+1+baroffs,_y+1)
- ind = 1
- end
- local byte = getChar(px+_currentMemory)
- if(byte ~= nil)then
- if((px+_currentMemory) == _hexSelected)then
- _x, _y = term.getCursorPos()
- drawSelectedByte()
- term.setCursorPos(_x+1,_y)
- else
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- write(byte)
- end
- end
- ind = ind + 1
- end
- -- 3 / 2 = 1.5 "#(LL ) = 3" div 2 because of string.reps
- paintutils.drawLine(barsize+(view_w)+baroffs,3,barsize+(view_w)+baroffs,h,colors.lightGray)
- end
- function refreshScreen()
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(false) end
- drawGUI()
- redrawData()
- drawSelectedByte()
- if(term.current)then term.current().setVisible(true) end
- end
- function update(ev)
- if(ev[1] == "mouse_scroll")then
- if(ev[2] == -1)then -- UP
- seek(-1)
- elseif(ev[2] == 1)then -- DOWN
- seek(1)
- end
- elseif(ev[1] == "key_up")then
- if(ev[2] == keys.leftCtrl)then funcKey = false end
- elseif(ev[1] == "key")then
- local key = ev[2]
- if(funcKey)then
- if(key == keys.a)then
- hexedit_buttons[3].call()
- funcKey = false
- elseif(key == keys.j)then
- hexedit_dropdowns["address"][1].call()
- funcKey = false
- elseif(key == keys.f)then
- hexedit_buttons[4].call()
- funcKey = false
- elseif(key == keys.x)then
- local res = showBox("Exit HexIt?","Exit HexIt? \nThis will end your\nHexIt session.","yesno",21,10)
- refreshScreen()
- if(res == "yes")then
- exitHexIt()
- end
- funcKey = false
- elseif(key == keys.n)then
- hexedit_buttons[1].call()
- funcKey = false
- elseif(key == keys.m)then
- hexedit_dropdowns["edit"][3].call()
- refreshScreen()
- funcKey = false
- else
- funcKey = false
- end
- elseif(key == keys.leftCtrl)then
- funcKey = true
- end
- if(key == keys.left)then
- moveSelectedByte(-1)
- elseif(key == keys.right)then
- moveSelectedByte(1)
- elseif(key == keys.up)then
- moveSelectedByte(-_hexLineSize)
- elseif(key == keys.down)then
- moveSelectedByte(_hexLineSize)
- elseif(key == keys.pageUp)then
- seekPage(-1)
- elseif(key == keys.pageDown)then
- seekPage(1)
- elseif(key ==
- if(writeMode == "hex")then writeMode = "char" else writeMode = "hex" end
- refreshScreen()
- -- No hold.
- sleep(0.01)
- elseif(key == keys.delete)then
- if(_hexSelected > 0)then
- _hexData = _hexData:sub(1,_hexSelected-1) .. _hexData:sub(_hexSelected+1,-1)
- _hexSize = #_hexData
- if(_hexSelected > _hexSize)then _hexSelected = _hexSize end
- refreshScreen()
- end
- elseif(key == keys.backspace and writeMode == "char")then
- moveSelectedByte(-1)
- elseif(key == keys.enter and _hexEditMode == "return" )then
- if(_hexBuffer ~= "")then
- if(writeMode == "hex")then
- setByte(_hexSelected,_hexBuffer)
- elseif(writeMode == "char")then
- setChar(_hexSelected,_hexBuffer)
- end
- else
- if(writeMode == "hex")then
- moveSelectedByte(1)
- elseif(writeMode == "char")then
- moveSelectedByte(1)
- end
- end
- elseif(key == keys.f5)then
- -- Repeat search
- searchFile(_lastSearch.mode,_lastSearch.dir,
- end
- elseif(ev[1] == "char")then
- local char = ev[2]
- if(writeMode == "hex")then
- if(char ~= "[" and char ~= "." and char ~= "/")then -- Special chars that string.find doesnt "like"
- if(validHex:find(string.lower(char)))then
- if(#_hexBuffer == 2 )then
- if(_hexEditMode == "return")then
- _hexBuffer = ""
- end
- end
- _hexBuffer = _hexBuffer .. string.upper(char)
- drawHexBuffer()
- if(#_hexBuffer == 2 and _hexEditMode == "fill")then
- setByte(_hexSelected,_hexBuffer)
- _hexBuffer = ""
- end
- end
- end
- elseif(writeMode == "char")then
- if(#_hexBuffer == 1 )then
- -- Handles fill mode and for newline clears it.
- if(_hexEditMode == "return")then
- _hexBuffer = ""
- end
- end
- _hexBuffer = _hexBuffer .. char
- drawHexBuffer()
- if(#_hexBuffer == 1 and _hexEditMode == "fill")then
- setChar(_hexSelected,_hexBuffer)
- _hexBuffer = ""
- end
- end
- elseif(ev[1] == "mouse_click" or ev[1] == "mouse_drag")then
- local mb, mx, my = ev[2], ev[3], ev[4]
- local memIndex = 0
- if(my == 1)then
- if(mx == w and my == 1)then exitHexIt() end
- for i = 1, #hexedit_menus do
- if(mx >= hexedit_menus[i].x and mx <= hexedit_menus[i].x+#hexedit_menus[i].text)then
- flashButton(colors.white,,0.1,hexedit_menus[i].x,1,hexedit_menus[i].text,colors.white,colors.lightGray)
- hexedit_menus[i].call()
- end
- end
- elseif(my == 2)then
- for i = 1, #hexedit_buttons do
- if(mx >= hexedit_buttons[i].x and mx <= hexedit_buttons[i].x+#hexedit_buttons[i].graphic)then
- flashButton(colors.white,,0.1,hexedit_buttons[i].x,2,hexedit_buttons[i].graphic,colors.white,colors.lightGray)
- hexedit_buttons[i].call()
- end
- end
- end
- if(mb == 1 and mx > barsize+2 and my > 2 and mx < view_w+barsize+2)then
- if( ((mx)-(barsize+2))%3 > 0)then
- local newSelect = ((math.floor(mx/3)-1)+((my-3)*_hexLineSize)+_currentMemory)
- if(getByte(newSelect) ~= nil)then
- drawSelectedByte(1)
- _hexSelected = newSelect
- writeMode = "hex"
- drawSelectedByte()
- end
- end
- elseif(mb == 1 and mx >= view_w+barsize+1+baroffs and my > 2 and mx <= w)then
- local newSelect = (mx-(view_w+barsize+baroffs)+((my-3)*_hexLineSize)+_currentMemory)
- if(getByte(newSelect) ~= nil)then
- drawSelectedByte(1)
- _hexSelected = newSelect
- writeMode = "char"
- drawSelectedByte()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local tArgs = { ... }
- if(#tArgs == 0)then error("Ussage: " .. shell.resolveProgram(shell.getRunningProgram()) .. " <file>.") end
- if(not fs.exists(tArgs[1]))then
- drawGUI()
- local size = tonumber(showBox("Welcome"," Enter size of \n new file. \n(in bytes)","input",21,10),16)
- if (size == nil or size <= 0 or size > tonumber("FFFFF",16)) then
- showBox("New File","Invalid file size.","key",21,9)
- refreshScreen()
- exitHexIt()
- return
- end
- newFile(tArgs[1],size)
- refreshScreen()
- else
- showBox("File","Loading\n"..tArgs[1],"nomode",21,3)
- loadFile(tArgs[1])
- refreshScreen()
- end
- while running do
- local e = {os.pullEvent()}
- update(e)
- end
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