

Oct 31st, 2024
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text 43.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /home/ubuntu/keys/bitmart_spot/test_1.account
  2. converts_ size: 4
  3. TMP SIZE 2000
  4. bitmart_spot
  5. [New Thread 0x7fffe6a00640 (LWP 364587)]
  6. api keys: 2403047dac883ff20b6cb32cc56b2a17a8bcbb0d 292b4e5ce79770c283786adf3107a2e896ec0a3bfe4767a080a634961edfac30
  7. BalanceIndicator constructor
  8. API 0x555555f95db0
  9. tdir /mnt/telemetry
  10. run forever balance 0x555555f95db0
  11. hash: 5562581342570010103
  12. hash: 5562581342570010103
  13. hash: 5562581342570010103
  14. get balance indicator 0x555555f96240
  15. hash: 5562581342570010103
  16. hash: 5562581342570010103
  17. >:)
  18. TMP SIZE 2000
  19. TMP SIZE 2000
  20. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.06362, "locked": 7.89804, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  21. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  22. $ /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_LAI
  23. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_LAI
  24. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  25. $ /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_STONKS
  26. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_STONKS
  27. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.06362, "locked": 7.89804, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  28. $ /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_USDT
  29. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_USDT
  30. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  31. $ /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_CHAT_Delist
  32. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_CHAT_Delist
  33. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  34. $ /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_BTC
  35. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_BTC
  36. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  37. $ /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_ALGO
  38. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry/bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_ALGO
  39. TMP SIZE 2000
  40. calculate_init_balance_position = false, but SPOT
  41. position_controller successfully calculate spot balance
  42. init_base_balance = 10149
  43. init_quote_balance = 15.9814
  44. hash: 5562581342570010103
  45. {"name": "MARKET_MAKING_MANAGER", "rpnl_bound": "1000", "cooldown": "10000", "max_position": "20", "critical_min_balance": "0", "upnl_bound": "1000", "labels": ["52"], "symbols": [{"account": "TEST_1", "market": "BITMART_SPOT", "symbol": "LAI_USDT"}]}
  46. [New Thread 0x7fffe6600640 (LWP 364588)]
  47. [New Thread 0x7fffe5c00640 (LWP 364589)]
  48. [New Thread 0x7fffe5200640 (LWP 364590)]
  49. [New Thread 0x7fffe4e00640 (LWP 364591)]
  50. hash: 5562581342570010103
  51. Telemetry logger constructor: /mnt/telemetry//bitmart_spot/tlm_test_1_LAI_USDT
  53. [ 1730365313938NO WRITER
  54. ] MESSAGE: interval_call _update_routine()
  55. [ 1730365314005 ] MESSAGE: update_routine() Open orders size:
  56. PrivateReconnect: {"ok": "1"}
  57. PublicReconnect: {"ok": "1"}
  58. [ 1730365316938 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  59. [ 1730365316938 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015442
  60. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-56 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  61. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-56 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.06362, "locked": 7.89804, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  62. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-56 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.287); ]
  63. {"ask_price": 0.01999, "ask_quantity": 553, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365289029000}
  64. [ 1730365316939 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  65. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-56 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.287); ]
  66. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-56 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.287); ]
  67. [ 1730365316939 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 0
  68. order_storage::create(): 142467853669200
  69. order_storage::create(): 142467853669201
  70. update_order(): 142467853669201 NEW
  71. update_order(): 142467853669200 NEW
  72. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-57 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365317032667", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737037461440, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669200, "order_id": "794658153966124032", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365316985000}}
  73. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669200, "order_id": "794658153966124032", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365316985000}
  74. update_order(): 142467853669200 FEED
  75. [ 2024-10-31-09-01-57 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365317033201", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737037461440, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669201, "order_id": "794658153935978240", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365316983000}}
  76. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669201, "order_id": "794658153935978240", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365316983000}
  77. update_order(): 142467853669201 FEED
  78. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  79. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  80. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  81. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  82. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  83. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  84. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  85. [ 1730365326939 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  86. [ 1730365326939 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015441
  87. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-06 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  88. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-06 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  89. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-06 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  90. {"ask_price": 0.019989, "ask_quantity": 2359, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365321364000}
  91. [ 1730365326940 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  92. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-06 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  93. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-06 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  94. [ 1730365326940 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 2
  95. cancel order: 142467853669201
  96. cancel order: 142467853669200
  97. order_storage::create(): 142467853669202
  98. order_storage::create(): 142467853669203
  99. retry cancel order: 142467853669201
  100. retry cancel order: 142467853669200
  101. retry cancel order: 142467853669200
  102. retry cancel order: 142467853669201
  103. update_order(): 142467853669201 CANCEL
  104. orders_ erase: 142467853669201
  105. {"trace": "d56d6fe2db344bbeb979604275343640.75.17303653269813089", "data": {}, "code": "50020", "message": "Balance not enough"}
  106. update_order(): 142467853669203 NEW
  107. no result
  108. update_order(): 142467853669200 CANCEL
  109. orders_ erase: 142467853669200
  110. update_order(): 142467853669202 NEW
  111. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-07 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365327036824", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737062627264, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669202, "order_id": "794658321889084672", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008415, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365326994000}}
  112. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669202, "order_id": "794658321889084672", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008415, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365326994000}
  113. update_order(): 142467853669202 FEED
  114. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-07 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365327039356", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737062627264, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669201, "order_id": "794658153935978240", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365327012000}}
  115. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669201, "order_id": "794658153935978240", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365327012000}
  116. update_order(): 142467853669201 FEED
  117. {"trace": "9fa7957089d64d3e92200267bf2a9d92.64.17303653270145544", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  118. update_order(): 142467853669201 CANCEL
  119. no result
  120. {"trace": "ba14adb9af2c45138f0f7dae1e4d8d6d.80.17303653270088743", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  121. update_order(): 142467853669200 CANCEL
  122. no result
  123. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-07 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365327055948", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737337354176, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669200, "order_id": "794658153966124032", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365327017000}}
  124. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669200, "order_id": "794658153966124032", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365327017000}
  125. update_order(): 142467853669200 FEED
  126. {"trace": "bee2512d27944b76aa3bc26f0f789775.76.17303653270373223", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  127. update_order(): 142467853669201 CANCEL
  128. no result
  129. {"trace": "bee2512d27944b76aa3bc26f0f789775.86.17303653270406825", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  130. update_order(): 142467853669200 CANCEL
  131. no result
  132. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  133. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  134. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  135. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  136. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  137. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  138. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  139. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  140. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  141. [ 1730365336941 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  142. [ 1730365336941 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015441
  143. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-16 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  144. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-16 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  145. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-16 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  146. {"ask_price": 0.019989, "ask_quantity": 2359, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365321364000}
  147. [ 1730365336941 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  148. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-16 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  149. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-16 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  150. [ 1730365336942 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 0
  151. [Thread 0x7fffe7e00640 (LWP 364582) exited]
  152. [Thread 0x7fffe6a00640 (LWP 364587) exited]
  153. [New Thread 0x7fffe7e00640 (LWP 364712)]
  154. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  155. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  156. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  157. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  158. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  159. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  160. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  161. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  162. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  163. [ 1730365346942 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  164. [ 1730365346942 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015441
  165. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-26 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  166. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-26 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  167. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-26 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  168. {"ask_price": 0.019989, "ask_quantity": 2359, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365345172000}
  169. [ 1730365346942 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  170. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-26 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  171. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-26 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  172. [ 1730365346943 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 0
  173. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  174. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  175. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  176. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  177. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  178. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  179. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  180. [ 1730365356943 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  181. [ 1730365356943 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015441
  182. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-36 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  183. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-36 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  184. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-36 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  185. {"ask_price": 0.019989, "ask_quantity": 2359, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365345172000}
  186. [ 1730365356943 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  187. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-36 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  188. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-36 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  189. [ 1730365356944 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 0
  190. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  191. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  192. [Thread 0x7fffe7200640 (LWP 364585) exited]
  193. [New Thread 0x7fffe6a00640 (LWP 364786)]
  194. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  195. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  196. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  197. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  198. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  199. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  200. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  201. [ 1730365366944 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  202. [ 1730365366944 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015441
  203. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-46 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  204. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-46 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  205. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-46 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  206. {"ask_price": 0.019989, "ask_quantity": 2359, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365345172000}
  207. [ 1730365366945 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  208. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-46 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  209. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-46 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  210. [ 1730365366945 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 0
  211. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  212. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  213. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  214. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  215. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  216. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  217. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  218. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  219. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  220. [ 1730365376945 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  221. [ 1730365376945 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015441
  222. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-56 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  223. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-56 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  224. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-56 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  225. {"ask_price": 0.019989, "ask_quantity": 2359, "bid_price": 0.012441, "bid_quantity": 895, "update_time_micro": 1730365345172000}
  226. [ 1730365376946 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  227. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-56 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  228. [ 2024-10-31-09-02-56 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224667, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841534, 930.358); ]
  229. [ 1730365376946 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 0
  230. [Thread 0x7ffff7000640 (LWP 364555) exited]
  231. [New Thread 0x7fffe7200640 (LWP 364862)]
  232. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  233. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  234. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  235. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  236. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  237. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  238. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  239. [ 1730365386946 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  240. [ 1730365386946 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015442
  241. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-06 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  242. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-06 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.1359, "locked": 7.82595, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  243. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-06 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  244. {"ask_price": 0.01999, "ask_quantity": 553, "bid_price": 0.012482, "bid_quantity": 15914, "update_time_micro": 1730365382984000}
  245. [ 1730365386947 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  246. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-06 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  247. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-06 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  248. [ 1730365386947 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 2
  249. cancel order: 142467853669203
  250. cancel order: 142467853669202
  251. order_storage::create(): 142467853669204
  252. order_storage::create(): 142467853669205
  253. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  254. retry cancel order: 142467853669202
  255. retry cancel order: 142467853669202
  256. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  257. {"trace": "c2855322303c49df8e857408804dec59.80.17303653869837969", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  258. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  259. no result
  260. update_order(): 142467853669202 CANCEL
  261. orders_ erase: 142467853669202
  262. update_order(): 142467853669204 NEW
  263. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-07 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365387044969", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737079404480, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669204, "order_id": "794659328560379648", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365386996000}}
  264. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669204, "order_id": "794659328560379648", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365386996000}
  265. update_order(): 142467853669204 FEED
  266. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-07 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365387045430", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737079404480, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669205, "order_id": "794659328572511232", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365386997000}}
  267. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669205, "order_id": "794659328572511232", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365386997000}
  268. update_order(): 142467853669205 FEED
  269. update_order(): 142467853669205 NEW
  270. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-07 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365387051506", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737071015872, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669202, "order_id": "794658321889084672", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008415, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365387022000}}
  271. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669202, "order_id": "794658321889084672", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008415, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365387022000}
  272. update_order(): 142467853669202 FEED
  273. {"trace": "bee2512d27944b76aa3bc26f0f789775.77.17303653870157274", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  274. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  275. no result
  276. {"trace": "bee2512d27944b76aa3bc26f0f789775.84.17303653870193087", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  277. update_order(): 142467853669202 CANCEL
  278. no result
  279. {"trace": "c2855322303c49df8e857408804dec59.65.17303653870453294", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  280. update_order(): 142467853669202 CANCEL
  281. no result
  282. {"trace": "ba14adb9af2c45138f0f7dae1e4d8d6d.71.17303653870461641", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  283. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  284. no result
  285. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  286. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  287. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  288. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  289. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  290. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  291. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  292. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  293. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  294. [ 1730365396947 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  295. [ 1730365396948 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015442
  296. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-16 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 1015, "locked": 9134, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  297. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-16 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  298. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-16 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  299. {"ask_price": 0.01999, "ask_quantity": 553, "bid_price": 0.012482, "bid_quantity": 15914, "update_time_micro": 1730365382984000}
  300. [ 1730365396948 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  301. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-16 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  302. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-16 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  303. [ 1730365396949 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 2
  304. cancel order: 142467853669205
  305. cancel order: 142467853669203
  306. order_storage::create(): 142467853669206
  307. retry cancel order: 142467853669205
  308. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  309. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  310. retry cancel order: 142467853669205
  311. {"trace": "b251e07f6bf94e07bd5b224f51df4e00.82.17303653969872574", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  312. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  313. no result
  314. update_order(): 142467853669205 CANCEL
  315. orders_ erase: 142467853669205
  316. {"trace": "c2855322303c49df8e857408804dec59.70.17303653969895163", "data": {}, "code": "50020", "message": "Balance not enough"}
  317. update_order(): 142467853669206 NEW
  318. no result
  319. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-17 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365397046599", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737062627264, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669205, "order_id": "794659328572511232", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365397020000}}
  320. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669205, "order_id": "794659328572511232", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.022468, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365397020000}
  321. update_order(): 142467853669205 FEED
  322. {"trace": "d56d6fe2db344bbeb979604275343640.72.17303653970158729", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  323. update_order(): 142467853669205 CANCEL
  324. no result
  325. {"trace": "d56d6fe2db344bbeb979604275343640.79.17303653970144342", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  326. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  327. no result
  328. {"trace": "9fa7957089d64d3e92200267bf2a9d92.86.17303653970451746", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  329. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  330. no result
  331. {"trace": "d56d6fe2db344bbeb979604275343640.67.17303653970498422", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  332. update_order(): 142467853669205 CANCEL
  333. no result
  334. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  335. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  336. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  337. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  338. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  339. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  340. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  341. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  342. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  343. [ 1730365406949 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  344. [ 1730365406949 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015442
  345. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-26 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  346. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-26 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  347. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-26 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  348. {"ask_price": 0.01999, "ask_quantity": 553, "bid_price": 0.012482, "bid_quantity": 15914, "update_time_micro": 1730365382984000}
  349. [ 1730365406949 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  350. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-26 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  351. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-26 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224681, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841589, 930.298); ]
  352. [ 1730365406950 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 1
  353. cancel order: 142467853669203
  354. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  355. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  356. {"trace": "ba14adb9af2c45138f0f7dae1e4d8d6d.77.17303654069852016", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  357. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  358. no result
  359. {"trace": "bee2512d27944b76aa3bc26f0f789775.75.17303654070181297", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  360. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  361. no result
  362. {"trace": "a45335cc51144aef8e334901bce63741.78.17303654070475076", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  363. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  364. no result
  365. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}]}
  366. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  367. {"asset": "STONKS", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  368. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  369. {"asset": "CHAT_Delist", "free": 0, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  370. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  371. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  372. [ 1730365416950 ] MESSAGE: cooldown OK -> _common_process pass follow
  373. [ 1730365416950 ] MESSAGE: calculate orders mid price = 0.015439
  374. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-36 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 10149, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  375. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-36 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 8.13496, "locked": 7.82688, "wallet": 0, "update_time_micro": 0}
  376. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-36 ] DEBUG strategy result: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224637, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841425, 930.479); ]
  377. {"ask_price": 0.019987, "ask_quantity": 10508, "bid_price": 0.012482, "bid_quantity": 15914, "update_time_micro": 1730365411535000}
  378. [ 1730365416950 ] MESSAGE: MarketMakingManager::pnl_price_checker
  379. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-36 ] DEBUG overall risk checker res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224637, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841425, 930.479); ]
  380. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-36 ] INFO Execution::_process(order_event): OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.0224637, 9134.1); ], bids: [(0.00841425, 930.479); ]
  381. [ 1730365416951 ] MESSAGE: Execution::_process_limit_grid() to_cancel size: 3
  382. cancel order: 142467853669206
  383. cancel order: 142467853669204
  384. cancel order: 142467853669203
  385. order_storage::create(): 142467853669207
  386. order_storage::create(): 142467853669208
  387. retry cancel order: 142467853669204
  388. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  389. retry cancel order: 142467853669206
  390. retry cancel order: 142467853669204
  391. retry cancel order: 142467853669206
  392. retry cancel order: 142467853669203
  393. {"trace": "366bda62530540008a964c369cb244d0.60.17303654169926139", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  394. update_order(): 142467853669206 CANCEL
  395. no result
  396. {"trace": "776824c663ea402caeccc9a7b8e5493e.83.17303654169924591", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  397. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  398. no result
  399. update_order(): 142467853669204 CANCEL
  400. orders_ erase: 142467853669204
  401. update_order(): 142467853669207 NEW
  402. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-37 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365417051614", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737037461440, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669207, "order_id": "794659832009899776", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008414, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365417004000}}
  403. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669207, "order_id": "794659832009899776", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008414, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365417004000}
  404. update_order(): 142467853669207 FEED
  405. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-37 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365417052450", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737037461440, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669208, "order_id": "794659832095403264", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.022464, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365417009000}}
  406. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669208, "order_id": "794659832095403264", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.022464, "quantity": 9134.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365417009000}
  407. update_order(): 142467853669208 FEED
  408. update_order(): 142467853669208 NEW
  409. [ 2024-10-31-09-03-37 ] INFO Execution::_process(ws_event): WebSocketEvent: , event_time_micro=1730365417056539", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time_micro": 140737062627264, "order": {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669204, "order_id": "794659328560379648", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365417026000}}
  410. [{"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "coid": 142467853669204, "order_id": "794659328560379648", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008416, "quantity": 930.0, "filled_quantity": 0.0, "update_time_micro": 1730365417026000}
  411. update_order(): 142467853669204 FEED
  412. {"trace": "776824c663ea402caeccc9a7b8e5493e.75.17303654170259538", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  413. update_order(): 142467853669204 CANCEL
  414. no result
  415. {"trace": "c2855322303c49df8e857408804dec59.66.17303654170316686", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  416. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  417. no result
  418. {"trace": "366bda62530540008a964c369cb244d0.71.17303654170350533", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  419. update_order(): 142467853669206 CANCEL
  420. no result
  421. {"trace": "b251e07f6bf94e07bd5b224f51df4e00.68.17303654170508446", "data": {}, "code": "50030", "message": "Order is already canceled"}
  422. update_order(): 142467853669204 CANCEL
  423. no result
  424. {"trace": "c2855322303c49df8e857408804dec59.85.17303654170545493", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  425. update_order(): 142467853669206 CANCEL
  426. no result
  427. {"trace": "c64b085ab4ca4ff794908a07f0dc38d0.71.17303654170515136", "data": {}, "code": "50032", "message": "Order does not exist"}
  428. update_order(): 142467853669203 CANCEL
  429. no result
  430. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
  431. basic_api::start_streams catch: raw string: pong
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