
BREW errors

Sep 15th, 2011
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  1. [fotios@fotios ~]$ cvs -d co rubygem-multi_json
  2. cvs checkout: Updating rubygem-multi_json
  3. U rubygem-multi_json/Makefile
  4. U rubygem-multi_json/import.log
  5. cvs checkout: Updating rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA
  6. U rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA/.cvsignore
  7. U rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA/Makefile
  8. U rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA/branch
  9. U rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA/rubygem-multi_json.spec
  10. U rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA/sources
  11. cvs checkout: Updating rubygem-multi_json/devel
  12. U rubygem-multi_json/devel/.cvsignore
  13. U rubygem-multi_json/devel/Makefile
  14. U rubygem-multi_json/devel/branch
  15. U rubygem-multi_json/devel/rubygem-multi_json.spec
  16. U rubygem-multi_json/devel/sources
  17. cvs checkout: Updating common
  18. U common/Makefile.common
  19. U common/README
  20. U common/branches
  21. U common/
  22. U common/bzcheck.cgi
  23. U common/bzflags.cgi
  24. U common/
  25. U common/
  26. U common/
  27. U common/sample.cvsdistrc
  28. U common/tag.cgi
  29. U common/upload.cgi
  30. cvs checkout: Updating common/devel
  31. cvs checkout: Updating rubygem-multi_json-tests
  32. [fotios@fotios ~]$ cd rubygem-multi_json/RHEL-6-LIBRA/
  33. [fotios@fotios RHEL-6-LIBRA]$ make tag
  34. (cd ../common && cvs update)
  35. cvs update: Updating .
  36. cvs update: Updating devel
  37. cvs tag -c rubygem-multi_json-1_0_3-1_el6
  38. ERROR: The tag rubygem-multi_json-1_0_3-1_el6 is already applied on a different branch
  39. ERROR: You can not forcibly move tags between branches
  40. Run 'cvs tag show' to see the list of tags
  41. cvs tag: Pre-tag check failed
  42. cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above errors first!
  43. make: *** [tag] Error 1
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