
Planetside2 mods

Jun 12th, 2017
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  1. I present to you the guide to modify the client planetsayda 2.
  2. All important game files packed in .PACK-archives (hereinafter simply packs), they are by default in Planetside 2 \ Resources \ Assets. To every way modify the game files, you need to start to get them out of there.
  3. The first thing we need is a program to decompress .pack-game files, Ps2ls. Take it can be the first link in Google at the request, in fact, «Ps2ls»:
  5. Some packs are checked Frost to be avoided. While this is only hitboxes infantry, but as informing about changed Innova packs this list will be updated. There are 2 ways:
  6. I method. Substitution files while downloading games, but before Frost (about 6% loading bar). At this point, you can manage to throw packs Frost unchanged, but the game has changed load the extracted files.
  7. Algorithm:
  8. 1. In the folder with the packs (eg D: \ games \ Planetside 2 \ Resources \ Assets) using ps2ls unpacked the necessary packs (which are in the same folder)
  9. 2. replace or edit the files
  10. 3. Unzipped packs are transferred somewhere else, for example, on the desktop, whatever you like.
  11. 4. Start the game. We are waiting for loading up to 6%. At this point, all the files are already loading the game, and the frost has not started checking.
  12. 5. Before loading Frost have to throw packs that have been removed to another location in the previous item back to \ Resources \ Assets
  13. Every time you start the game you must repeat these points. Also, this method has a greater chance of success on slow computers.
  14. II method. Cheating by Frost config.ini, which is in the folder Planetside 2. With this way is much easier. This file contains a line that indicates the position of the game packs. By default, it looks like «PackFileDir =. \ Resources \ Assets».
  15. Algorithm:
  16. 1. All the copied folder Assets (not the files in it, but the folder itself) at any convenient place. You can throw it to the higher level, that is, from the \ Planetside 2 \ Resources to throw it in the \ Planetside 2 \
  17. 2. In the PackFileDir = written a new path to the copied folder Assets. If you do so, as described in the preceding paragraph, the line will look like «PackFileDir =. \ Assets»
  18. 3. Already in the transferred folder unpacked necessary packs.
  19. 4. replace or edit the files.
  20. 5. Unzipped packs are removed permanently.
  21. Until the next update planetsayda no action packs do not need to spend more.
  22. The method of bypassing the launcher of the euro.
  23. Algorithm:
  24. 1. Unpack packs, change the files of the game.
  25. 2. Run the launcher. We look forward to testing the game files.
  26. 3. After checking the packs are transported unpacked in any convenient place
  27. 4. Start the game
  28. The next time you start the game to start the launcher must be returned to the place all over again and repeat the steps from the second paragraph. This will not pump the launcher again missing packs.
  29. In addition, if you first played with this for rushke, and then adopted the euro, it does not throw off all files py client and unpack all of the client and overwrite the euro in hand.
  30. Again and files in them
  31. Next, I want to describe in detail the purpose of each modified file, as well as technology changes. Many important game data is stored in plain text files that can be opened by a simple notepad. This file extension .txt, .xml, .adr, .apx (unless they are encrypted). There may be more, but I have nothing about them do not know.
  32. 1. hitboxes infantry.
  33. Classics, which they say, and many have. Pack containing the file, even checked Frost.
  34. Pak - 169.
  35. File - Body_Male_Standard_LOD0.apx
  36. The file prescribed various parameters infantry models. Model infantry consists of many parts: the head, the upper / lower part of the body, the left / right shoulder, left / right hand, left / right leg. Each of these elements is a ball. Also, each body part is registered that part to which it is attached. You can play around with the names of the parts and make the damage multiplier, in the head, in any part of the body, but you can just increase the radius of the desired item to the desired size, which gives a much better effect. This option helps Radius. Finding the right part of the body, such as the head. Fit her range, for example, 3.99. As a result, we have a huge ball around the opponent, which deals double damage.
  37. Small comments: should bear in mind that you can not stretch the ball on a diameter greater than the height of an infantryman. In other words to increase the size of the ball has a border. Still it is necessary to take into account that if a player went inside this stretched the ball, then this extended body ceases to bear the damage that interferes in the shootings at a very close range. This solves the problem of embedding a ball into the other. That is, it is possible in the lower body radius register 3.99 and 0.99 in the upper, eventually one will be in another ball, and even go to the outer balloon, it can easily get into the inner.
  38. Beware, the Allies hitboxes also stretched, which entails the risk of damage by negligence. The bodies also will be increased hitboxes, so take this into account if the corpse in front of you and you have decided to shoot a little above it.
  39. 2. BX
  40. A very nice looking Rin using conventional spot markers - triangles. Until recently it had a very flexible configuration conditions display markers, but the file, previously responsible for all this unfortunately was transferred to the server. Now, the ability to spot opponents remained, but more fine-tuning can not be.
  41. Pak - 238
  42. File - HUDIndicatorSettings.txt
  43. The file prescribed some ID, any parameter, and most importantly, the line number of the file transferred to the server, the previously responsible for a spot, RequirementExpressions.txt. In the current version planetsayda rekvayrment still present, however, the changes in it have no effect (the file is transferred to the server), and also lost the comments, which is why it was impossible to determine which line is responsible for what. I left the old file with the comments that I may have attached.
  44. Technology changes HUDindikatore simple: by comments in the old sought rekvayrmente line responsible for some action games, such as the condition of displaying a marker on the enemy infantry ^ Player: Indicator Visibility ^. ID is located in this line rekvayrmente - 12. Located ID more appropriate for this line, for example, the string with ID - 7, which defines a simple condition «DifferentFactions && TargetIsPC» - «And the purpose of the enemy faction player." Then, the file is searched HUDindikator number 12 and is replaced by 7, that is, force the game to refer to another condition when displaying markers. Just search and replace strings with a spot technology, explosives and Fri min.
  45. The most suitable replacement, I was able to pick up:
  46. Infantry - replace 12 7
  47. Appliances - replace 199 3
  48. Explosives (AP-mines and C4), - replace 37 to 19
  49. Fri-personnel mines - replace 209 19
  50. Of the minuses of such replacement - is completely missing markers on the allies. However, the ability to see enemies through walls is worth it. In addition, markers will appear at the maximum reynzhe rendering infantry and define them the distance to the enemy can not, so, too, consider this.
  51. 3. Rotation of all the guns in all directions
  52. Pak - 103
  53. File - CameraInfo.txt
  54. The only file of the above me, which I honestly tried to understand, but eventually finished just asked. The file describes the maximum possible deflection angles different cannon technology. You can always register 360, but some of the techniques, the management of which is tied to the mouse, such as esfy, Liberia, the galaxy, lost control over this same mouse in the first person, but it is possible to rotate, for example, CAS30 in all directions as kakim- some holes. Third-person management functionality remains the same. The attached file is broken Valkyrie and possibly magrayder, but I'm too lazy to understand this. Maybe you'll have to modify it to perfection, though it is pretty good, even in its current form.
  55. 4. Transfer technology of guns
  56. Pak - 182
  57. File - ActorSockets.xml
  58. Just a nice addition to the previous file. You can make any gun at a more advantageous position. Drain sandstorm 20 meters down to farm Biolab without problems, without thinking about the shields that prevent shoot through the dome. Expose the shredder on the nose and just above the Walker to Liberia better overview. Farm spavnrumy inside and a lot of things.
  59. The file itself is a XMLku, which defines the direction and location of guns. Coordinates in the parameters spelled offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ. Next, imagine that you are sitting in Liberia and looking forward.
  60. X coordinate of the position is responsible for the cross, that is, from left to right, a positive value blows the cannon to the left of center.
  61. Y coordinate is responsible for the upright position, a positive value blows the cannon above.
  62. Z coordinate is responsible for the longitudinal position, ie, back and forth, a positive value blows the gun forward.
  63. 5. Substitution modelek technology (in particular aviation)
  64. Paki - everyone can find himself desired pack from the list in a file ps2ls
  65. Files - the files have the same structure technology names:
  66. Vehicle_Common_НазваниеТехникиДоступнойВсемФракциям_Base_Chassis.adr
  67. Vehicle_НазваниеФракции_НазваниеФракционнойТехники_Base_Chassis.adr
  68. For Example:
  69. Vehicle_Common_Liberator_Base_Chassis.adr
  70. Vehicle_TR_Mosquito_Base_Chassis.adr
  71. It allows you to replace the main thing - a collision of technology to other conflicts. Conflict is inherently hitboxes technology. Replace can be implicitly and explicitly. That is to replace all the entire model (ESF will look like a galaxy 1B1) or maintain the appearance of art in its present form, surrounding the technique invisible and transparent hitboxes other equipment respectively. This dynamic characteristics, such as speed, acceleration, cornering speed, remain from the original equipment. In both cases, the files are used with permission .adr.
  72. To replace, for example, the ESF in the galaxy, it suffices to find ADRK with the galaxy, it is called Vehicle_Common_Galaxy_Base_Chassis.adr, and rename it Vehicle_NC_Reaver_Base_Chassis.adr. As a result, all the models are replaced by reavers galaxy.
  73. If it is necessary not to change the appearance of the model and replace only hitbox, it is enough to open itself ADRK notebook, for example Vehicle_NC_Reaver_Base_Chassis.adr and change there in the line
  74. <CollisionData simpleCollisionFileName = "Vehicle_NC_Reaver_Base_Chassis_COL_Simple.apx" fileName = "Vehicle_NC_Reaver_Base_Chassis_COL.apx" />
  75. Vehicle_NC_Reaver_Base_Chassis_COL.apx
  76. on
  77. Vehicle_Common_Galaxy_Base_Chassis_COL.apx
  78. Thus, this file will be used galaxy collisions, but all other components will take from the river.
  79. One of the advantages of the second method - nicer to destroy Liberia flying to Libere himself. For everything else lacks complete replacement model.
  80. Because of favorable replacement: Replacing esfa his faction in the photon. Then the ESF is always flipped on his stomach, even from an inverted position. It can penetrate into all sorts of narrow passages and enter wherever normal modelka can not get there. Replacement of thunder on a photon. This will pass thunder everywhere can pass the photon, to call in all sorts of buildings, to pass on the points and so on.
  81. 6. INVISIBLE invulnerable destructional KAMERAAAAA
  82. Paki - 001, 127, 133, 174
  83. Files - Vehicle_Common_NullObserver.adr, VehicleSets.txt, VehicleLoadouts.txt, Vehicles.txt
  84. In his normal state, it gives the owner only four things: speed of movement, invisibility, invulnerability, pass through the texture. By itself, it does not bring any harm. In its pure form it can be used to enter the texture engineer ammunition and Pharma. But it can be modified and turned into a killing machine for enemy vehicles. For this we need as much as 4 files, it is necessary to start the call. For this answer file 2: VehicleSets.txt and VehicleLoadouts.txt.
  85. In VehicleSets prescribed correspondence between the terminals and equipment, which can be called at these terminals. To begin, select that the camera can be replaced. As the easiest option - the photon. Number photon - 1, the camera number - 1337 (yes, leet, all cases). In VehicleSets replace everywhere in the second column 1 1337.
  86. In VehicleLoadouts registered also supplies equipment to the faction. It must be replaced in the second column 1 1337.
  87. Now, the camera can be called only on the gate at the terminal, instead of the photon technique is called "Viewpoint".
  88. Next, you need to increase the size of this chamber to more acceptable to the ram. For me the best was the collision of thunder.
  89. As described above paragraph, looking for a file
  90. Vehicle_Common_NullObserver.adr
  91. It offers the usual notebook and it is replaced with a file collision
  92. Vehicle_Common_NullObserver_COL.apx
  93. on
  94. Vehicle_Common_Sunderer_Base_Chassis_COL.apx
  95. Now you need to give the camera the ability to deal damage from a battering ram. For this modified file Vehicles.txt 3 parameters:
  99. You can simply copy these values ​​with the values ​​of the galaxy (ID galaxy - 11)
  100. 0
  101. 1.000000
  102. 2.500000
  103. respectively
  104. Finish: 3
  105. Their disadvantages Observer - you can not push pehotku except for paragraphs inzhey / Fri turrets, and phalanges (you can try to finish it ourselves, but we still did not work with it) Observer after living out of it 10 seconds (the same to it invisible and can be rolled away from the inertia / tilt) and the possible problems when trying to fly to their gates, if there are any left-wing Observer conflict.
  106. Authorship:
  107. [BAKA] WatanabeSaki
  108. [ASM] Flaith
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