

Apr 19th, 2019
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  1. After a number of arrested states of nervous discord anon decided that after her death there had to be some sorta law and order as law and disorder and discord were enough to fuck her off one last time.
  3. So going into over drive she really did have fuck all to lose.
  5. Eventually things would calm down once people realised that they were indeed doomed with the gates to each city closed and it would be a free for all and each man to himself the law would be changed and each man to himself people would realise that God was indeed a figment of there imagination.
  7. The element of friendship would be called into question. She always knew this would happen.
  9. The element of friendship needed to return but everyone needed to think in a different language.
  11. Speak in codes that would start the change of language. Anon hated English at skool but was very good at it always got top marks. Guess that's why she wanted to change it.
  13. Knew there was better. Knew there was more to life than there lies they spewed in skool.
  15. Coz they teach you nothing. What good is history if you still create the same mistakes over and over can you not learn. Me thinks your all thick.
  17. A good law to learn is 're wilding. Anon always loved to hate the golf courses that were her ancestors land stolen from them by the cretin that owned the world, (so they thought) did they not see that was a waste of energy? What about the bugs. The bugs had nowhere to live and hoped on the humans. It was extreme eating. And indeed killing us.
  19. Things were getting pretty shit on earth.
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