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- DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
- DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alright, when we last left off, Tinncev and Alias had just dealt with (and possibly befriended(?)) Jack Grey and his Stand, Maroon 5, and are now deliberating on what to do next whilst on the road! Meanwhile, Pirrue has arrived at the theatre where Lord Strawberg's murderer is likely hiding, with "Undercover" Martyn in tow! What will our heroes do next?
- Alias: (Did we find the dead-end we had hiden our "guest" in?)
- Pirrue: "You just watch what happens next. And keep out of my way." The lines and bravado are borrowed, but the anger which drives them are all hers.
- Pirrue: She stalks down the alley by the theater, looking for a back way in.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias & Tinncev: Tinncev's car is parked outside the alleyway, but after venturing in, to their dismay (though perhaps not surprise), the alley itself is empty.
- Alias: _Alias looks over to <@!Tinncev> , and then lifts a finger_
- Alias: "Mah... 'prtment..." He strained to say
- Tinncev: "Yeah, let's go."
- Alias: _Alias moves in to get into one of the back seats, it seems like the adrenaline was coming down, and the pain was setting in for him._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "Whatever you say, Ms." Abbey Rd. Theatre is pretty old looking, but still seems to be in good condition. Although, it's nowhere near its incredible prime, if the stories about it being Blueway before Blueway was even a street were true. It was still pretty famous as a movie cinema until just recently. Now while it still does stage plays, it no longer has the cash to hire dedicated security. The pair get into the alley without a hitch, and there's a back door not ten feet in.
- Pirrue: _reaches for the door knob, but then thinks better of it. Her Stand works with small parts, doesn't it? Like maybe the mechanisms inside a door lock?..._
- Pirrue: With more confidence than is probably warranted, she wills Toys in the Attic to possess the lock mechanisms and - well, unlocking the door would be ideal, but if it can't manage that, taking the lock apart wholesale would do just fine.
- Alias: _Alias waits for either <@!Tinncev> or the 'newcomer' to take the wheel._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll Careful, Pirrue.)
- Tinncev: _takes the wheel and goes ahead and brings them both to Alias' apartment._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: The three now all stand outside Alias's apartment.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "So what are we doing here? Is this like your home base?"
- Alias: _Alias unlocks his apartment door... Unless Pirrue left it unlocked_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Did she?)
- Alias: (People usually do that)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Pirrue>: You've got a roll to make, and a question to answer.)
- Pirrue: (she totes left it unlocked)
- Alias: _Alias notices his door is unlocked already_
- Pirrue: (do I roll my Careful of +1, or Toys' Careful of +0?)
- Alias: "GHHHHHHHHHHHHFFFFF!!!" He angrily manages
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Who's attempting to unlock it?)
- Pirrue: (or does it count as +2 since it's not a full summoning?)
- Alias: _Alias pushes the door open, and then points the two others to go in._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Come to think of it, +0 careful for TitA doesn't make much sense. XD)
- Tinncev: _walks on in into the apartment._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Should've given it more. Maybe deplete clever instead. XD)
- Pirrue: (let's do +2 then, shall we?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (From what?)
- Pirrue: (i realize *Pirrue* having +1 Careful doesn't make much sense either XD)
- Pirrue: (just swap Toys' Careful and Clever, I mean)
- Alias: _Alias tries to franantically check the note, the key under the pillow... And then see if there is any traces of Pirrue_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ah, I'll allow that. Neither stat's been used, anyway.)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+2
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][+][-]]
- Alias: _Alias, also, closed the door behind him, locking it... As soon everyone got in_
- Pirrue: (again, Alias, there's gonna be a drawing of the Box on the back of the note, but I don't think you and Tinncev will recognize it XD)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: A mechanical arm phases out of Pirrue's and reaches forward just a bit before contorting and squeezing its hand into the keyhole on the doorknob. After a few admittedly trippy moments of "feeling" the door mechanism like one would "feel" their abdominal muscles, there's a *click*, and the hand is removed.
- Alias: (DC, tell me, does alias find the note?)
- Pirrue: "Heh. Like a charm," Pirrue says, concealing her excitement at how well that worked.
- Pirrue: She opens the door and casually strides through, keeping an eye out for her quarry.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias and Tinncev: The place doesn't look any different, other than the fact that a few stools at the bar separating the den and kitchen were moved slightly. The note's also been moved to said bar. (Was it?)
- Pirrue: (well, if Pirrue and Mertyn were sitting at the bar, then yes)
- Alias: _Alias takes the note, and looks around it, to see if Pirrue picked it up, wrote a message on it as to where she was going, and then placed it back down._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (What did it say/show, again?)
- Alias: (Pirrue added the picture of the box)
- Pirrue: (She drew two pictures on the back of it. One's of "The World in Miniature," the artwork the box was supposed to transform into, and the Heart-Shaped Box itself.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (No message about where she was going?)
- Pirrue: (nope XD)
- Alias: (nope, I think)
- Pirrue: (but hey, maybe Mertyn left a clue)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Nope. XD)
- Alias: _Alias goes over to <@!Tinncev> , pointing fraintically to the drawings, even tapping the paper with the tip of his index finger. "P'rrru..." He manages to say, while does that_
- Tinncev: "Hmm-Oh shit Pirrue."
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: The door seems to open into a lonely hallway in the back of the theatre. The labels on the nearby doors indicate storage spaces.
- "Breaking and entering?" Martyn walks in ahead of Pirrue. "That's a crime~" Something tells her that she doesn't have to worry about Martyn calling the cops on her.
- Alias: "Crr... Com... P'ct..." Alias says to Tinncev, by the look of his face, he seems to be asking a question?
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So wait, either compacts are a thing in this setting, or they aren't. Make up your minds! XD)
- Pirrue: _follows the hallway to the end. She has a gut feeling about this..._
- Tinncev: _goes ahead and rings up the compact and calls Pirrue._
- Alias: (Wait. is there such a thing as compacts?! I DON'T KNOW!)
- Pirrue: (...let's just say they exist but they're old-fashioned XD)
- Pirrue: (cut out the middleman)
- Alias: (Okay...)
- Alias: (Like... Giant compacts)
- Alias: (That look like bricks)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (But... The whole point was that you were claiming you couldn't call the others for backup???)
- Pirrue: (hmm)
- Alias: (Nevermind then)
- Pirrue: (well, I think we've established by now Pirrue plain isn't *thinking* of calling for backup)
- Pirrue: (she thinks she's a solo act at this point XD)
- Alias: (Listen, DC, your game, your decision)
- Pirrue: (yeah, it's your call)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Well... either way, it doesn't matter. Call her up, why don't you. :3)
- Alias: (Tinncev already did. So.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Don't... Don't retcon calling her then, why don't you. XP)
- Alias: (No. Just.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I know, and I'm giving the go ahead to... not retcon that. XD)
- Alias: (oh, ok)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue begins to head down the hallway when *riiiiiing riiiiing*.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (That was the most modern take on a ringtone back then. XD)
- Alias: (Oh boi, we might get some phone-on phone action!)
- Alias: (You know what would be funny?)
- Alias: (If compacts could only share REAL-TIME IMAGES at the begining, with sound only coming in later)
- Alias: (Because, mirrors)
- Pirrue: ", *no!*" Pirrue grabs her compact and flips it open. "Whoever this is," she hisses, "it's gonna have to wait! I found one of the bad guys!"
- Alias: (Tinncev, your chance to get your word out!)
- Alias: (She's gonna close it!)
- Pirrue: (let's just say they're slightly bigger than modern compacts, more ornate-looking, and are only good for communication - no apps XD)
- Tinncev: "This is Tinncev, we might have another stand user on our team!"
- Alias: _Alias tries to take the compact from Tinncev_
- Pirrue: "Cool, that's great," Pirrue hurriedly whispers. "Look, I'm at the Abbey Road Theater; if you hurry you can watch me beat this asshole into the ground! Later!"
- Pirrue: And she hangs up, and sets her ringer to silent for good measure.
- Alias: "Ghhh... Th're... Go..."
- Pirrue: "Hope no one heard all that," she mutters, resuming her confident stride towards the far end of the hall. Superheroes didn't have to worry about getting called in the middle of a mission, did they?...
- Alias: _Alias heads over to the apartment door, unlocking it once again, opening it, and then pointing the other two out... But then he points to the newest 'member'_
- Alias: "Ghh... Y...Yoou..."
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alias, roll quick/clever.)
- Alias: /r 4df+4
- Alias: (Bluh)
- Alias: !r 4df+3
- DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+3 for 1 [4df = [-][-][+][-]]
- Alias: ( "I Know a Tough Customer When I See One":+2 to Cleverly overcoming to notice danger )
- Alias: (So... 3?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: The corner is rounded, and Pirrue is now... looking at another hallway. This is at the backside of the building now, though there *is* something different; there are short hallways leading back towards the front, and two large industrial sets of double doors - likely to move props backstage directly - on either side of the hallway. The short hallways are carpeted and overall less drab. These too have double doors at the ends, but also have smaller doors on either wall with name plates.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Well, Alias; this roll is to determine whether you "see" the tough customer to begin with.)
- Alias: (Okay, then)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So no.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (It's a 1 right now.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I guess I should roll sneaky.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !r 4df+2 (Flashy)
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 4 [4df = [+][ ][+][ ]] (Flashy)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (And by sneaky I mean flashy.)
- Pirrue: _examines the name plates. Gambino has to have a room here..._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (There isn't much subtle about a drive-by, after all. XD)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So will Krasu just let the damage happen at this point?)
- Alias: (Sure, I'll take this on my 3-stress box)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: Roll quick (vs time rather than reflexes this time).)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+0 (quick)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+0 for -1 [4dF = [-][ ][-][+]] (quick)
- Pirrue: (uh-oh)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias & Tinncev: No sooner than Alias had opened the door that a *patter* of gunfire rang out! Alias slams the door closed, but a few bullets hit him through the doorway! The sound of screeching wheels starts up, but is suddenly punctuated by what sounds like another gunshot; *BANG!* Almost sounded like a tiny explosion!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (No invokes, Pirrue?)
- Pirrue: (nothing looks appropriate)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Okay then.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: While Pirrue is checking the names scrawled on tape in the second hallway, she hears a door opening and closing, then again.
- Alias: ( <@!Tinncev> , I think there was some shots fired )
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias & Tinncev: What sounds like swearing can be heard from outside.
- Tinncev: _peaks outside_
- Alias: (It is closed now, it seems)
- Alias: _Alias tries to find cover_
- Alias: _That... uh..._
- Alias: _Don't get fucked up by bullets_
- Pirrue: _whirls around. Which door? *Which door?*_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev: Peaking through one of several lone bullet holes, Tinncev can see a smoking car outside. Two Gnolls are attending it, and it seems to be sputtering to life again. They get in. Is this seriously that same pair?
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias: "Holy shit! Are you okay, man?!"
- Tinncev: "Oh...It's the same gnolls from before Alias."
- Alias: _Alias pats the perfurations in his body, trying to see how bad it is_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Is Pirrue just going to wonder, or is she going to do something?)
- Pirrue: (i thought it was clear she's trying to figure out which door opened and shut XD)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias: Two grazes, and two flesh wounds. Not the end of the world, but not fun times, either. One the latter two barely even broke the skin; the door dampened it, it seems.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So roll clever, Pirrue? I can't dictate *all* of what you roll. XD)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+3
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [+][+][-][-]]
- Alias: "I'lll... Sssviv'..." Alias manages
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: Sounds like two hallways down. Judging by how the two doors opened and closed so close to each other, there's either two parties in the hallway, or none. The latter - where someone entered from one door and left with another - seems more likely, unless these two people just want to stand in awkward silence.
- Pirrue: _charges down the hall to try and catch whoever it is, if they're still in the hallway!_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: There's no one.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: However, there *is* a light on behind one of the doors. The room of one Gambino Childs.
- Pirrue: _prepares to unlock the door...but thinks better of it. This calls for something *dramatic*._
- Pirrue: She summons up Toys in the Attic with a different plan in mind...
- Alias: (Who was the guy that has joined Tinncev and Alias?)
- Pirrue: ***"DORYAAAAA!"***
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Jack. Also, Tinncev, Alias; the Duran twins are struggling with their car outside. What will you do?)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (TiTA, Forceful)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 4 [4dF = [+][ ][-][ ]] (TiTA, Forceful)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: Sorry, your Stand has no mouth, remember? :P)
- Pirrue: (that's Pirrue shouting XD)
- Alias: "Lst'n..." Alias says, turing to Tinncev and Jack "W' n'd to... Rugh 'em 'p..." he says, punching his hand, hoping that he can get the message past either with broken words, or with a gesture.
- Tinncev: "I guess I can go outside and 'assist them."
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: The door is shattered off its hinges! This surprises... no one. The room is empty except for what one would normally find in a dressing room; dressing table, costume rack, couch. The couch has a very large, black suitcase resting on it, and there's a compact left on the table.
- Pirrue: _grabs the compact, then looks at the suitcase. Does it open?..._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: It's locked.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So Tinncev heads out?)
- Pirrue: _cracks her knuckles. Time for the subtle approach again._
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+2 (Toys in the Attic, Careful)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+2 for -1 [4dF = [-][-][ ][-]] (Toys in the Attic, Careful)
- Pirrue: (oh, yikes; can I invoke Prodigy Tinkerer for a reroll?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Yeah.)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+2 (TitA, Careful)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [ ][ ][+][ ]] (TitA, Careful)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: *click!* The suitcase unlocks, and even pops open a teensy bit... Pirrue does not like this smell.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev>?)
- Pirrue: _throws open the suitcase, expecting answers..._
- Alias: (Any answer from Jack?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias and Tinncev: "Let's fuck 'em up!" Jack throws open the door to find the Duran twins sputtering down the road, though they seem to be picking up speed. Jack leaps down the front stairs to Tinncev's car. "Come on! We can't lose them!"
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: What she finds in the suitcase...
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Is a cat with blue fur, and no clothes... and no face. It was death she was smelling.
- Alias: _Alias gets into the back seat_
- Pirrue: "Uhhh...*uhhhhhhggg...*"
- Pirrue: _steps back from the suitcase instinctively, trying not to gag from the sight and the smell._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Something like the crinkling, pingy sound of a coil winding up sounds from behind her. (Roll Quick or Clever.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev>, you there?)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+3 (Clever)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][-][ ]] (Clever)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alerted by the sound, she turns around, backing back up to see what looks like a spindly, eight-legged creature with no arms, like a daddy long-legs. It has clawed hands on the end of each leg, and the whole thing has a string-operated clockwork appearance. It has an arachnoid shape to its head, but no facial features at all. It has a silvery, chrome-like sheen across its entire body.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: And next to it, is an attractive, blue-furred cat in a luxurious red, gold-rimmed band uniform.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Well, this is unfortunate. I'd say this is the fastest I've been found out in a while."
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Last line?)
- Pirrue: (oh, we wrapping up already?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (There's no way we can finish both fights in the remaining time. I'm thinking we save the real action for next time?)
- Alias: (Seems so :3)
- Pirrue: _stares at the newcomer. There can be no mistake now. Fear wraps right back around to anger and determination._
- Pirrue: "Gambino," she says, a rictus spreading across her face.
- Pirrue: ***"YOU'RE MINE!"***
- Tinncev: (I'm here yeah)
- Pirrue: And with that, she pours all that anger and determination into her Stand...
- Tinncev: (Kinda distracted)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev: To his dismay, it seems Jack has placed himself in the driver's seat. "Erm," he said, "... can I? Looks like this'll be crazy."
- Alias: "Let... 'im..." Alias says, placing a hand on his own jaw
- Alias: (So, my consequence is cleared next session, right?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (At the end of next session, I'm thinking.)
- Pirrue: (this session, technically, but yeah, it wouldn't make sense for it to clear up *yet* XD)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (There'll hopefully be some downtime after these two arcs.)
- Pirrue: (^)
- Alias: ( I mean... I could just get Alias to put his jaw back in place)
- Alias: (But sure)
- Alias: (If I can't fix Alia's jaw, then this is my last lines)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alright. <@!Tinncev>?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev>; last line?)
- Pirrue: (<@!Tinncev>?)
- Tinncev: (No last line)
- Pirrue: (you coulda said that ten minutes ago ^_^; )
- Tinncev: (Ah, sorry)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Neither confirming nor denying that Jack can drive?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev>?)
- Tinncev: (Nah)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Okay?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Was sort of hoping to resolve that *before* next time, but okay.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Let us...
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !end
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