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- using namespace std;
- #include <iostream>
- #include <Windows.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- class GameObject
- {
- protected:
- bool printed;
- public:
- virtual int GetUniqueIdentifier() = 0;
- virtual void UniqueIdentifier(int u) = 0;
- void Print() {
- printed = true;
- cout <<"Уникальный идентификатор " << GetUniqueIdentifier() << endl;
- };
- };
- struct RBTree { RBTree* Left, * Right, * Parent; int Data; bool red; GameObject* obj; };
- void ClassDefinition(GameObject* obj);
- //создание красно-черного дерева
- /*void Make_RBTree(RBTree** Node, int n) {
- GameObject* Data;
- while (n > 0) {
- cout << "Введите значение ";
- cin >> Data;
- Insert_Node(Node, Data);
- n--;
- }
- }*/
- RBTree* NIL = new RBTree();
- void Insert_Fixup(RBTree** Node, RBTree* New_Node);
- void Rotate_Left(RBTree** Node, RBTree* Current);
- void Rotate_Right(RBTree** Node, RBTree* Current);
- //добавление узла в красно-черное дерево
- void Insert_Node(RBTree** Node, GameObject* Data) {
- RBTree** Curent, * Parent, * New_Node;
- Curent = Node;
- Parent = NIL; //узел, под который мы будем вставлять
- // Поиск местоположения
- while (*Curent != NIL) {
- Parent = (*Curent);
- Curent = Data->GetUniqueIdentifier() < (*Curent)->Data ? &((*Curent)->Left) : &((*Curent)->Right);
- }
- // Создание нового узла
- New_Node = new RBTree();
- New_Node->Data = Data->GetUniqueIdentifier();
- New_Node->obj = Data;
- New_Node->Parent = Parent;
- New_Node->Left = NIL;
- New_Node->Right = NIL;
- New_Node->red = true;
- // Вставка элемента в дерево
- if (Parent != NIL) {
- if (Data->GetUniqueIdentifier() < Parent->Data) Parent->Left = New_Node;
- else Parent->Right = New_Node;
- }
- else (*Curent) = New_Node;
- Insert_Fixup(Node, New_Node);
- }
- // Поддержка баланса дерева после вставки нового элемента
- void Insert_Fixup(RBTree** Node, RBTree* New_Node) {
- RBTree* Current = New_Node;
- // Проверка свойств дерева
- while (Current != *(Node) && Current->Parent->red == true) {
- // если есть нарушение
- if (Current->Parent == Current->Parent->Parent->Left) {
- RBTree* ptr = Current->Parent->Parent->Right;
- if (ptr->red == true) {
- Current->Parent->red = false;
- ptr->red = false;
- Current->Parent->Parent->red = true;
- Current = Current->Parent->Parent;
- }
- else {
- if (Current == Current->Parent->Right) {
- // сделать Current левым потомком
- Current = Current->Parent;
- Rotate_Left(Node, Current);
- }
- // перекрасить и повернуть
- Current->Parent->red = false;
- Current->Parent->Parent->red = true;
- Rotate_Right(Node, Current->Parent->Parent);
- }
- }
- else {
- RBTree* ptr = Current->Parent->Parent->Left;
- if (ptr->red == true ) {
- Current->Parent->red = false;
- ptr->red = false;
- Current->Parent->Parent->red = true;
- Current = Current->Parent->Parent;
- }
- else {
- if (Current == Current->Parent->Left) {
- Current = Current->Parent;
- Rotate_Right(Node, Current);
- }
- Current->Parent->red = false;
- Current->Parent->Parent->red = true;
- Rotate_Left(Node, Current->Parent->Parent);
- }
- }
- }
- (*Node)->red = false;
- }
- //поворот узла Current влево
- void Rotate_Left(RBTree** Node, RBTree* Current) {
- RBTree* ptr = Current->Right;
- Current->Right = ptr->Left;
- if (ptr->Left != NIL) ptr->Left->Parent = Current;
- if (ptr != NIL) ptr->Parent = Current->Parent;
- if (Current->Parent != NIL) {
- if (Current == Current->Parent->Left)
- Current->Parent->Left = ptr;
- else
- Current->Parent->Right = ptr;
- }
- else {
- (*Node) = ptr;
- }
- ptr->Left = Current;
- if (Current != NIL) Current->Parent = ptr;
- }
- //поворот узла Current вправо
- void Rotate_Right(RBTree** Node, RBTree* Current) {
- RBTree* ptr = Current->Left;
- Current->Left = ptr->Right;
- if (ptr->Right != NIL) ptr->Right->Parent = Current;
- if (ptr != NIL) ptr->Parent = Current->Parent;
- if (Current->Parent != NIL) {
- if (Current == Current->Parent->Right)
- Current->Parent->Right = ptr;
- else
- Current->Parent->Left = ptr;
- }
- else {
- (*Node) = ptr;
- }
- ptr->Right = Current;
- if (Current != NIL) Current->Parent = ptr;
- }
- //прямой обход красно-черного дерева
- void PreOrder_RBTree(RBTree* Node) {
- if (Node != NIL) {
- ClassDefinition(Node->obj);
- PreOrder_RBTree(Node->Left);
- PreOrder_RBTree(Node->Right);
- }
- }
- //обратный обход красно-черного дерева
- void PostOrder_RBTree(RBTree* Node) {
- if (Node != NIL) {
- PostOrder_RBTree(Node->Left);
- PostOrder_RBTree(Node->Right);
- cout << Node->Data << " ";
- }
- }
- //симметричный обход красно-черного дерева
- void SymmetricOrder_RBTree(RBTree* Node) {
- if (Node != NIL) {
- PostOrder_RBTree(Node->Left);
- cout << Node->Data << " ";
- PostOrder_RBTree(Node->Right);
- }
- }
- //проверка пустоты красно-черного дерева
- bool Empty_RBTree(RBTree* Node) {
- return (Node == NIL ? true : false);
- }
- //освобождение памяти, выделенной под красно-черное дерево
- void Delete_RBTree(RBTree* Node) {
- if (Node != NIL) {
- Delete_RBTree(Node->Left);
- Delete_RBTree(Node->Right);
- delete(Node);
- }
- }
- RBTree* FindItem(int data, RBTree* Tree)
- {
- RBTree* ret = Tree;
- while (ret!=NIL)
- {
- if (data < ret->Data)
- {
- ret = ret->Left;
- }
- else if (data > ret->Data)
- {
- ret = ret->Right;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void PrintTree1(RBTree* Tree)
- {
- if (Tree != NIL)
- {
- cout << Tree->Data;
- cout << "-" << Tree->red;
- cout << " (";
- PrintTree1(Tree->Left);
- cout << ") ";
- cout << " (";
- PrintTree1(Tree->Right);
- cout << ") ";
- }
- else cout << "null";
- }
- class PhysicalObject : public virtual GameObject
- {
- public:
- virtual int GetWeight() = 0;
- virtual void Weight(int w) = 0;
- virtual void Print() {
- if (!printed){
- cout << "Вес " << GetWeight() << endl;
- GameObject::Print();
- }
- else
- cout << "Вес " << GetWeight() << endl;
- }
- };
- class GraphicObject : public virtual GameObject
- {
- public:
- virtual string GetTexture() = 0;
- virtual void Texture(string t) = 0;
- virtual void Print(){
- if (!printed) {
- cout << "Текстура " << GetTexture() << endl;
- GameObject::Print();
- }
- else
- cout << "Текстура " << GetTexture() << endl;
- }
- };
- class Projectile : public virtual PhysicalObject
- {
- private:
- int weight;
- string caliber;
- int uniqueIdentifier;
- public:
- void Caliber(string c) {
- caliber = c;
- }
- void Weight(int w) override {
- weight = w;
- }
- void UniqueIdentifier(int u) override {
- uniqueIdentifier = u;
- }
- int GetUniqueIdentifier() override {
- return uniqueIdentifier;
- }
- int GetWeight() override {
- return weight;
- }
- string GetCaliber() {
- return caliber;
- }
- void Print() {
- cout << "Снаряд" << endl;
- cout << "Калибр: " << GetCaliber() << endl;
- PhysicalObject::Print();
- }
- };
- class TransportVehicle : public virtual PhysicalObject
- {
- private:
- int weight;
- int uniqueIdentifier;
- int enginePower;
- public:
- void EnginePower(int e) {
- enginePower = e;
- }
- void Weight(int w) override {
- weight = w;
- }
- void UniqueIdentifier(int u) override {
- uniqueIdentifier = u;
- }
- int GetUniqueIdentifier() override{
- return uniqueIdentifier;
- }
- int GetWeight() override {
- return weight;
- }
- int GetEnginePower() {
- return enginePower;
- }
- void Print() {
- cout << "Транспортное средство" << endl;
- cout << "Мощность двигателя: " << GetEnginePower() << endl;
- PhysicalObject::Print();
- }
- };
- class Tank : public virtual TransportVehicle, public virtual GraphicObject
- {
- private:
- string texture;
- int uniqueIdentifier;
- int armorThickness;
- public:
- void ArmorThickness(int a) {
- armorThickness = a;
- }
- void UniqueIdentifier(int u) override {
- uniqueIdentifier = u;
- }
- void Texture(string t) override {
- texture = t;
- }
- int GetUniqueIdentifier() override {
- return uniqueIdentifier;
- }
- string GetTexture() override {
- return texture;
- }
- int GetArmorThickness() {
- return armorThickness;
- }
- void Print() {
- printed = false;
- cout << "Танк" << endl;
- cout << "Толщина брони " << GetArmorThickness() << endl;
- TransportVehicle::Print();
- GraphicObject::Print();
- }
- };
- class Airplane : public virtual TransportVehicle, public virtual GraphicObject
- {
- private:
- string texture;
- int uniqueIdentifier;
- int loadCapacity;
- public:
- void LoadCapacity(int l) {
- loadCapacity = l;
- }
- void UniqueIdentifier(int u) override {
- uniqueIdentifier = u;
- }
- string GetTexture() override {
- return texture;
- }
- int GetLoadCapacity() {
- return loadCapacity;
- }
- void Texture(string t) override {
- texture = t;
- }
- int GetUniqueIdentifier() override {
- return uniqueIdentifier;
- }
- void Print() {
- printed = false;
- cout << "Самолёт" << endl;
- cout << "Грузоподъёмность " << GetLoadCapacity() << endl;
- TransportVehicle::Print();
- GraphicObject::Print();
- }
- };
- void ClassDefinition(GameObject* obj) {
- string name = typeid(*obj).name();
- if (name == "class Projectile") {
- Projectile* p = dynamic_cast<Projectile*> (obj);
- p->Print();
- }
- else if (name == "class TransportVehicle") {
- TransportVehicle* t = dynamic_cast<TransportVehicle*> (obj);
- t->Print();
- }
- else if (name == "class Tank") {
- Tank* tn = dynamic_cast<Tank*> (obj);
- tn->Print();
- }
- else if (name == "class Airplane") {
- Airplane* a = dynamic_cast<Airplane*> (obj);
- a->Print();
- }
- }
- void DeleteFixup(RBTree* x, RBTree* root, RBTree** Tree) {
- while (x != root && x->red == false) {
- if (x == x->Parent->Left) {
- RBTree* w = x->Parent->Right;
- if (w->red == true) {
- w->red = false;
- x->Parent->red =true;
- Rotate_Left(Tree, x->Parent);
- w = x->Parent->Right;
- }
- if (w->Left->red == false && w->Right->red ==false) {
- w->red = true;
- x = x->Parent;
- }
- else {
- if (w->Right->red == false) {
- w->Left->red = false;
- w->red = true;
- Rotate_Right(Tree,w);
- w = x->Parent->Right;
- }
- w->red = x->Parent->red;
- x->Parent->red = false;
- w->Right->red = false;
- Rotate_Left(Tree, x->Parent);
- x = root;
- }
- }
- else {
- RBTree* w = x->Parent->Left;
- if (w->red == true) {
- w->red = false;
- x->Parent->red = true;
- Rotate_Right(Tree, x->Parent);
- w = x->Parent->Left;
- }
- if (w->Right->red == false && w->Left->red == false) {
- w->red = true;
- x = x->Parent;
- }
- else {
- if (w->Left->red == false) {
- w->Right->red = false;
- w->red = true;
- Rotate_Left(Tree,w);
- w = x->Parent->Left;
- }
- w->red = x->Parent->red;
- x->Parent->red = false;
- w->Left->red = false;
- Rotate_Right(Tree, x->Parent);
- x = root;
- }
- }
- }
- x->red = false;
- }
- RBTree* Successor(RBTree* p)
- {
- RBTree* y = NIL;
- if (p->Left != NIL)
- {
- y = p->Left;
- while (y->Right != NIL)
- y = y->Right;
- }
- else
- {
- y = p->Right;
- while (y->Left != NIL)
- y = y->Left;
- }
- return y;
- }
- void Delfix(RBTree* p, RBTree** Tree);
- void DeleteNode(int Data, RBTree** Tree)
- {
- if (*Tree == NIL)
- {
- cout << "Дерево пустое" << endl;
- return;
- }
- RBTree* p;
- p = *Tree;
- RBTree* y = NIL;
- RBTree* q = NIL;
- int found = 0;
- while (p != NIL && found == 0)
- {
- if (p->Data == Data)
- found = 1;
- if (found == 0)
- {
- if (p->Data < Data)
- p = p->Right;
- else
- p = p->Left;
- }
- }
- if (found == 0)
- {
- cout << "Элемент с данным идентификатором не найден" << endl;;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (p->Left == NIL || p->Right == NIL)
- y = p;
- else
- y = Successor(p);
- if (y->Left != NIL)
- q = y->Left;
- else
- {
- if (y->Right != NIL)
- q = y->Right;
- else
- q = NIL;
- }
- if (q != NIL)
- q->Parent = y->Parent;
- if (y->Parent == NIL)
- *Tree = q;
- else
- {
- if (y == y->Parent->Left) {
- y->Parent->Left = q;
- q->Parent = y->Parent;
- }
- else {
- y->Parent->Right = q;
- q->Parent = y->Parent;
- }
- }
- if (y != p)
- {
- p->red = y->red;
- p->Data = y->Data;
- }
- if (y->red == false)
- DeleteFixup(q, *Tree, Tree);
- }
- (*Tree)->red = false;
- }
- void Delfix(RBTree* p, RBTree **Tree)
- {
- RBTree* s;
- while (p != *Tree && p->red == false)
- {
- if (p->Parent->Left == p)
- {
- s = p->Parent->Right;
- if (s->red == true)
- {
- s->red = false;
- p->Parent->red = true;
- Rotate_Left( Tree,p->Parent);
- s = p->Parent->Right;
- }
- if (s->Right->red == false && s->Left->red == false)
- {
- s->red = true;
- p = p->Parent;
- }
- else
- {
- if (s->Right->red == false)
- {
- s->Left->red = false;
- s->red = true;
- Rotate_Right(Tree,s);
- s = p->Parent->Right;
- }
- s->red = p->Parent->red;
- p->Parent->red = false;
- s->Right->red = false;
- Rotate_Left(Tree,p->Parent);
- p = *Tree;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- s = p->Parent->Left;
- if (s->red == true)
- {
- s->red = false;
- p->Parent->red = true;
- Rotate_Right(Tree,p->Parent);
- s = p->Parent->Left;
- }
- if (s->Left->red == false && s->Right->red ==false)
- {
- s->red = true;
- p = p->Parent;
- }
- else
- {
- if (s->Left->red == false)
- {
- s->Right->red = false;
- s->red = true;
- Rotate_Left(Tree,s);
- s = p->Parent->Left;
- }
- s->red = p->Parent->red;
- p->Parent->red = false;
- s->Left->red = false;
- Rotate_Right(Tree,p->Parent);
- p = *Tree;
- }
- }
- p->red = false;
- (*Tree)->red = false;
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- SetConsoleCP(1251);
- SetConsoleOutputCP(1251);
- /* int N, k;
- cin >> N;
- PNode root = NULL;
- for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
- {
- cin >> k;
- AddToTree(root, k);
- }
- PrintTree1(root);*/
- GameObject* obj ;
- NIL->Left = nullptr;
- NIL->Right = nullptr;
- NIL->obj = nullptr;
- NIL->red = false;
- //RBTree** Tree= NULL;
- RBTree* New_Node = new RBTree();
- New_Node = NIL;
- int action = -1;
- while (action != 0) {
- cout << "1.Добавить элемент\n2.Удалить элемент\n3.Вывести элементы\n0.Выход" << endl;
- int action;
- cin >> action;
- switch (action)
- {
- case 1: {
- cout << "Введите тип игрового объекта: 1- снаряд, 2- транспортное средство, 3- танк, 4- самолёт" << endl;
- int type;int ident=0;
- cin >> type;
- cout << "Введите идентификатор" << endl;;
- cin >> ident;
- RBTree *result = FindItem(ident, New_Node);
- while (result!=NIL) {
- cout << "Элемент с таким идентификатором уже существует" << endl;
- GameObject* obj = result->obj;
- ClassDefinition(obj);
- cout << "Введите идентификатор" << endl;
- cin >> ident;
- result = FindItem(ident, New_Node);
- }
- if (type == 1) {
- Projectile* p = new Projectile();
- p->UniqueIdentifier(ident);
- cout << "Укажите калибр" << endl;
- string caliber;
- cin >> caliber;
- cout << "Укажите вес" << endl;
- int weight;
- cin >> weight;
- p->Caliber(caliber);
- p->Weight(weight);
- obj = p;
- }
- else if (type == 2) {
- TransportVehicle* t = new TransportVehicle();
- t->UniqueIdentifier(ident);
- cout << "Укажите мощность двигателя" << endl;
- int enginePower;
- cin >> enginePower;
- cout << "Укажите вес" << endl;
- int weight;
- cin >> weight;
- t->EnginePower(enginePower);
- t->Weight(weight);
- obj = t;
- }
- else if (type == 3) {
- Tank*tn =new Tank();
- cout << "Укажите толщину брони" << endl;
- int armorThickness;
- cin >> armorThickness;
- cout << "Укажите текстуру" << endl;
- string texture;
- cin >> texture;
- cout << "Укажите мощность двигателя" << endl;
- int enginePower;
- cin >> enginePower;
- cout << "Укажите вес" << endl;
- int weight;
- cin >> weight;
- tn->EnginePower(enginePower);
- tn->Weight(weight);
- tn->ArmorThickness(armorThickness);
- tn->Texture(texture);
- tn->UniqueIdentifier(ident);
- obj = tn;
- }
- else {
- Airplane* a = new Airplane();
- a->UniqueIdentifier(ident);
- cout << "Грузоподъёмность" << endl;
- int loadCapacity;
- cin >> loadCapacity;
- cout << "Укажите текстуру" << endl;
- string texture;
- cin >> texture;
- cout << "Укажите мощность двигателя" << endl;
- int enginePower;
- cin >> enginePower;
- cout << "Укажите вес" << endl;
- int weight;
- cin >> weight;
- a->EnginePower(enginePower);
- a->Weight(weight);
- a->LoadCapacity(loadCapacity);
- a->Texture(texture);
- obj = a;
- }
- //int s = *d;
- Insert_Node(&New_Node, obj);
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- cout << "Введите идентификатор" << endl;
- int ident;
- cin >> ident;
- DeleteNode(ident, &New_Node);
- break;
- }
- case 3: {
- cout << "1- прямой обход, 2- обратный обход, 3- симметричный обход" << endl;
- int bypass;
- cin >> bypass;
- if (bypass == 1) {
- PreOrder_RBTree(New_Node);
- cout << endl;
- }
- else if (bypass == 2) {
- PostOrder_RBTree(New_Node);
- cout << endl;
- }
- else SymmetricOrder_RBTree(New_Node); {
- cout << endl; }
- PrintTree1(New_Node);
- cout << endl;
- break;
- }
- case 0: {
- Delete_RBTree(New_Node);
- return 0;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
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