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- import math
- import sys
- from tabulate import tabulate
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- # This terrible python code is provided by Kaelygon
- #
- # Find divisibility rule by prime P: P * N = a * 10^b + c
- # such that an integer can be split in two parts A and B
- # and reduced to a smaller number by simulating 10^b division and modulus
- # using string manipulation and addition: B*a-A*c
- #
- # This doesn't always hold for composites if a and c share factors
- #
- # Matt Parker explanation
- # Define the custom countDigits function
- def countDigits(n): return int(math.log10(abs(n))) + 1
- def intDiv(a,b): return (a+b//2)//b #Rounded integer division
- #Find divisibility rules using the fact P*N = a*10^b+c
- def findDivRulesByInverse(P, aRange, bRange, cRange, recurseDepth=0, maxRecursion=2):
- rules = []
- recurseOffset=0
- if recurseDepth: # nudge N for reattempts, +1, -1, +2, -2, +3...
- recurseOffset = recurseDepth+1
- recurseOffset = -recurseOffset//2 if recurseOffset%2==0 else recurseOffset//2
- for b in range(bRange[0], bRange[1]):
- bPowTen=10**b # 10^b
- for a in range(1,aRange):
- # Find nearest multiples by reciprocal*10^b
- abPowTen = a*bPowTen # a*10^b
- N = intDiv(abPowTen,P)
- if recurseDepth: #recursion offset
- N = max(N+recurseOffset,1)
- PN = P*N
- c = PN-abPowTen # c = P*N - a*10^b
- if ( # Verify conditions
- ( a==0 or c==0 ) or # a or c is zero
- ( (c<cRange[0] or c>cRange[1]) and (not recurseDepth) ) or # c outside range
- ( math.gcd(a, c)>1 ) # a and c have common factor
- ): continue
- rules.append((P, N, a, b, c))
- # If no rules, reattempt. This rarely happens with default values
- # recurseDepth>0 activates recurseOffset and ignores cRange
- if not rules and recurseDepth<maxRecursion:
- recurseDepth+=1
- rules = findDivRulesByInverse(P, aRange, bRange, cRange, recurseDepth)
- return rules
- #Output formatting
- def printRuleTables(rules):
- headers = ["P", "N", "a", "b", "c", "P*N"]
- table = [[P, N, a, b, c, P * N] for P, N, a, b, c in rules]
- print(tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="plain"))
- def printDivIters(iterTable):
- def getEquation(A, B, a, c):
- BSign = "" if B*a >=0 else "-"
- ASign = "+" if A*-c >=0 else "-"
- BPart=f"{abs(B)}*{abs(a)}"
- APart=f"{abs(A)}*{abs(c)}"
- return f"{BSign}{BPart}{ASign}{APart}"
- headers = ["A|B", "B*a-A*c", "Intermed"]
- table = [[f"{A}|{B}", getEquation(A, B, a, c), iterNum] for A, B, iterNum, a, c in iterTable]
- print(tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="plain"))
- # Test function that reduces a number by using the given rules
- def divByRule(rules,num):
- P,N,a,b,c=rules
- print("Example:")
- print(f"Using rules P={P} a={a} b={b} c={c}")
- print(f"Testing {num} divisibility by {P}\n")
- iterNum=num
- iterHistory=[num]
- iterTable=[]
- maxIters=100 #Very unlikely to reach +100 loop
- iterCount=0
- iterSmallest=num #best valid iteration
- while(iterCount<maxIters):
- iterCount+=1
- #Simulate splitting number at b:th digit
- powTen=10**b
- A=iterNum//powTen
- B=iterNum%powTen
- iterNum=B*a-A*c
- if abs(iterNum)<abs(iterSmallest): iterSmallest=iterNum
- #Keep history to check whether the iteration is in a loop
- if iterNum in iterHistory: break
- iterHistory.append(iterNum)
- iterTable.append([A,B,iterNum,a,c])
- if A==0 or B==0: break #Break if invalid A or B
- printDivIters(iterTable)
- print(f"\nSmallest iteration {iterSmallest} = {P}*{iterSmallest//P}")
- falsePositive=0
- floorIter=(iterSmallest//P)*P
- if floorIter != iterSmallest:
- print(f"Not divisible by {P}")
- print(f"Remainder of {num}/{P} is {num%P}")
- if num%P==0: falsePositive=1
- else:
- print(f"{num} is divisible by {P}")
- if num%P!=0: falsePositive=1
- if falsePositive:
- print("Something's not right")
- print("Bad rule perhaps, P*N=a*10^b+c ")
- print("doesn't always hold for highly ")
- print("composite numbers ")
- return iterNum
- #Simple rotate right LCG for deterministic results
- def rorLCG(seed):
- modulus=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #2^64-1
- bits=modulus.bit_length()
- shift=int((bits+1)/3)
- randNum=(seed>>shift)|((seed<<(bits-shift))&modulus) #RORR
- randNum=(randNum*3343+11770513)&modulus #LCG
- return randNum
- def randDivRuleTest(rules,isDivisible):
- minSize=10**(rules[3]+1)+17 # at least 10^b
- maxSize=10**(2*rules[3])+minSize
- P=rules[0]
- randPN=rorLCG(P)
- while(randPN<maxSize):
- randPN=randPN<<64|rorLCG(randPN) #cocat random values till maxSize
- randPN=randPN%maxSize+minSize
- if isDivisible:
- mult=(randPN%maxSize+minSize )//P
- randPN=P*mult # random product of P
- else:
- while abs(P)>1: # 1 would always be divisible by itself
- if randPN%P!=0: break # ensure the test number is not product of P
- randPN+=rorLCG(randPN)%(maxSize)+minSize
- num=divByRule(rules,randPN)
- def parkerPrinting(rules):
- def ordinal(num):
- if 10 <= num % 100 <= 20: # special cases 11th, 12th...
- return f"{num}th"
- return f"{num}{['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][min(num % 10, 4)]}"
- P,N,a,b,c=rules
- bStr = ordinal(b)
- APart="A"
- BPart="B"
- print(f"{P} has following divisibility rule using B*a-A*c")
- print(f"Split the tested number into {APart} and {BPart} after {bStr} digit.")
- aStr = f"{abs(a)}" if abs(a) != 1 else ""
- cStr = f"{abs(c)}" if abs(c) != 1 else ""
- if cStr:
- cStr=f"{cStr}" # add only non 1 mult strings
- print(f"Multiply {APart} by {cStr} ",end="") # has c mult
- if aStr and cStr:
- print("and multiply ",end="") # has c and a mult
- elif aStr:
- print("Multiply ",end="") # has only a mult
- if aStr:
- print(f"{BPart} by {aStr}",end="")
- if aStr or cStr: #Don't print new line if both multipliers are 1
- print("",end="\n")
- #B*a-A*c sign
- BNum,ANum=a,-c
- if (ANum<0 and BNum<0): # if both are negative, make them positive
- ANum,BNum = abs(ANum),abs(BNum)
- esign=""
- if ANum>=0 and BNum>=0: #if added
- esign="+"
- print(f"Add {APart} and {BPart} together",end="")
- else: #if subtracted
- esign="-"
- if ANum>0:
- addend,subbed= (APart,BPart) # A minus B
- else:
- addend,subbed= (BPart,APart) # B minus A
- print(f"Subtract {subbed} from {addend}",end="")
- # add non 1 mult strings
- APart+= f"*{cStr}" if cStr else ""
- BPart+= f"*{aStr}" if aStr else ""
- if ANum>0: # first part is positive, it goes first
- equation=f"{APart}{esign}{BPart}"
- else:
- equation=f"{BPart}{esign}{APart}"
- print(f" = {equation}")
- def main():
- @dataclass
- class Config:
- P: (int,int)
- PDefault: (int,int)
- useExample: bool
- isDivisible: bool
- parkerStyle: bool
- ruleCount: int
- ruleIndex: int
- #Configuration
- cfg = Config(
- P = [None, None],
- PDefault = [313 , None], # [start,end) Any non-zero number which divisibility rule is
- useExample = True, # Verify rule by iterating B*a-A*c
- isDivisible = True, # If tested example divided num is products of P
- parkerStyle = True, # Parker style printing
- ruleCount = 10, # Limit shown rule count
- ruleIndex = 0 # Index of used rule
- )
- if (not cfg.PDefault[1]): cfg.PDefault[1]=cfg.PDefault[0]+1
- # print help
- print("")
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- arg = str(sys.argv[1])
- if arg == "-h" or arg == "-help":
- spacerCount=len(str(f"python {sys.argv[0]} "))-1
- spacer=" "*spacerCount
- print(f"python {sys.argv[0]} [Integer or \"(Start,End)\"] [Show example? (0,1)] ")
- print(spacer,f"[Example is divisible? (0,1)] [Parker style? (0,1)] [Rule count] [Rule index]")
- print(f"Default command : python {sys.argv[0]} {cfg.PDefault[0]} {cfg.useExample} {cfg.isDivisible} {cfg.parkerStyle} {cfg.ruleCount} {cfg.ruleIndex}")
- print(f"Range example : python {sys.argv[0]} \"[1,11]\" 0 0 1 2 0\n")
- return 0
- # Argument parsing
- # Detect if input is a single number or range tuple
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- arg1 = eval(sys.argv[1])
- try:
- if len(arg1)>1:
- cfg.P=arg1
- except:
- cfg.P=[arg1,arg1+1]
- # set unset values
- if (not cfg.P[0]): cfg.P[0]=cfg.PDefault[0]
- if (not cfg.P[1]): cfg.P[1]=cfg.P[0]+1
- if (cfg.P[1]-cfg.P[0]<=0): #invalid range
- cfg.P=cfg.PDefault
- cfg.useExample = eval(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else cfg.useExample
- cfg.isDivisible = eval(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3 else cfg.isDivisible
- cfg.parkerStyle = eval(sys.argv[4]) if len(sys.argv) > 4 else cfg.parkerStyle
- cfg.ruleCount = eval(sys.argv[5]) if len(sys.argv) > 5 else cfg.ruleCount
- cfg.ruleIndex = eval(sys.argv[6]) if len(sys.argv) > 6 else cfg.ruleIndex
- for P in range(cfg.P[0],cfg.P[1]):
- if P==0: continue
- # 'a' and 'c' are multipliers in B*a-A*c, the smaller they are
- # the easier they will be to calculate by hand
- # 'b' determines where the tested number split right to left,
- #
- # Chosen a,b,c reasoning:
- # checking a>9 is redundant, these values will be checked by next b (a*10^b).
- # b 1-3x the magnitude of (small) P are doable by hand. 'b' sets the split 'B' magnitude.
- # increase c when numbers grows as it becomes harder to find divisibility rules.
- # if P has factors 2 or 5
- #
- # Compute time is limited by the number of digits in P due to division,
- # In terms of P, O( log(P)^1.466 * log(log(P)) * bRange^aRange )
- #
- digitsP=countDigits(P)
- bBase = digitsP # search b around P digit count
- bOffset = 10
- cBase = abs(P)//20+10
- aRange = 10
- bRange = [ bBase-bOffset, bBase+bOffset ]
- cRange = [ -cBase, cBase ]
- #limits
- bRange[0] = max(bRange[0],digitsP)
- bRange[1] = min(bRange[1],2*bBase)
- #Computation starts
- rules = findDivRulesByInverse(P, aRange, bRange, cRange)
- rules.sort(key=lambda x: (x[3], x[2]+abs(x[4]))) # sort by b, then a+c
- #Print
- if rules:
- rulesLen=len(rules)
- cfg.ruleIndex=max(0,min(cfg.ruleIndex,rulesLen-1))
- ruleWord = "rules" if rulesLen!=1 else "rule"
- print(f"Found {rulesLen} {ruleWord} for {P}, showing first {cfg.ruleCount}:")
- printRuleTables(rules[:cfg.ruleCount]) # Display first 10 rules
- print("")
- if cfg.parkerStyle:
- parkerPrinting(rules[cfg.ruleIndex])
- print("")
- if cfg.useExample: #random test
- randDivRuleTest(rules[cfg.ruleIndex],cfg.isDivisible)
- else:
- print(f"No rules found for {P}",end="")
- print("")
- if __name__=="__main__":
- main()
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