
HiveHunter Game Idea

Jun 3rd, 2014
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  1. HiveHunter (Amorphous+ Spiritual Successor)
  3. Player starts with a Bugbuster Sword and Bugblaster Revolver and must kill the bugs within nests, unlocking awards along the way.
  4. Every 10 awards unlocks a golden reward key which can be used to unlock a new gadget/reward.
  5. Reaching 50 Awards unlocks a second reward slot (meaning the player can carry 2 gadgets)
  7. Gadgets:
  8. Kinetic Charger - Converts the players kinetic movement into energy, allowing the Revolver to be recharge itself much quicker.
  9. - Reduces the cooldown time when it is empty.
  11. Capacitor Cell - An experimental Capacitor Cell battery for the Bugzapper allowing it to store extra charges.
  12. - Increases the max charge (number of shots) by 50%, meaning you can fire 9 shots before it must recharge.
  14. Grenades - Allows the player to toss a grenade which explodes killing anything in it's blast radius, Cooldown after each use.
  15. - Walking into the Blast radius will kill the player.
  16. - King and Queen bugs are immune to grenades.
  18. Sprint Ability - Activating the Sprint ability will boost the players movement speed for a short duration, Cooldown after use.
  19. - It also instantly unglues the player.
  21. Bio-Suit - Provides protection against various organic hazards (gloop, chill effect, fire, acid).
  22. - Permanent, loses a charge each time and is destroyed once used up. 10 Charges, no cooldown once used up
  24. Reactive Armour - Acts as an extra life allowing the player to survive one lethal attack. Single Use, no cooldown once destroyed.
  26. Slicer - A portable buzzsaw drone which flies around slicing up bugs until its fuel runs out. Cooldown after use.
  28. Wingman - A small drone which hovers near the player and protects them by zapping nearby threats.
  29. - Lasts 15 seconds once activated then has a cooldown before it can be used again.
  30. - Only attacks enemies that come within it's targeting radius (which is fairly small)
  32. Hivejammer - A small device which releasing high frequency sonic pulses which interfere with the hive,
  33. stopping any more bugs from spawning for 10 seconds. Cooldown after use.
  35. Dome Shield - A small portable shield generator which repels most enemies and projectiles when activated.
  36. - Generates a dome which pushes away enemies who move on the surface.
  37. - Tunnelers can dig under it and still kill the player.
  39. Special Unlocks: These are not unlocked by using reward keys, they are either unlocked by reaching a certain awards number
  40. or pre-unlocked as a website exclusive item.
  42. King Blade - A unique blade created from the claw of a King Bug, has longer reach and is better than the Bugbuster.
  43. - Cannot be unlocked with normal reward Keys, requires a special Blue Reward Key earned by killing a King Bug.
  44. - Automatically replaces the Bugbuster sword when unlocked.
  46. NG-Portal - Newgrounds Portal Device, activate once to throw down the reciever pad and it begins charging.
  47. - Activate again when it's fully changed to instantly teleport back to the position of the Reciever pad
  48. - Has a Blam! effect when player is teleported.
  49. - Must recharge after each proper use.
  50. - Newgrounds Version Exclusive Item (Pre-Unlocked under Extras page of Equipment).
  52. K-Bot's Visor - Kongregate Protective Visor, prevents the player from being blinded by Inker ink.
  53. - Permanent gadget which looks like a Red helmet with a white K and 2 white stripes across the top.
  54. - Kongregate Exclusive Item (Pre-Unlocked under Extras page of Equipment).
  57. ===========================================================================
  58. Enemies
  60. Worker - Non-lethal bug, most common bug found in the game
  61. - Ignores the player and moves about randomly but stuns the player for a short duration on collision.
  63. Glooper - Non-lethal bug, leaves a puddle of glue/gloop when killed, explodes on collision with player.
  64. - Gloop puddle will cover the player and any other bugs in glue, slowing them down for a few seconds.
  65. - Gloop puddle will also extinguish the player if burning.
  67. Hunter - Lethal bug, will actively chase the player and kills the player by impaling them with it's spikes on collision.
  68. - Charges the player when it reaches a certain attack radius, cannot turn during the charge so can be dodged.
  70. Corroder - Lethal Bug, leaves a puddle of acid when killed, explodes on collision with player.
  71. - Acid puddle will dissolve the player and most bugs if stepped in (Bio-Suit protects against this)
  73. Spitter - Non-lethal bug, spits blobs of gloop at the player which slows him down 25% on collision.
  74. - Releases 3 small gloop puddles at random angles when killed
  76. Inker - Non-lethal bug, actively chases the player and explodes in a burst of ink on collision or when killed.
  77. - Ink splats cover the screen and blind the player for a few seconds if the player is caught in the blast radius.
  79. Flamer - Lethal Bug, Actively chases the player, causing them to combust and burn on collision.
  80. - Player can extinguish the flames once set alight by jumping in a puddle of gloop before the burn timer ends.
  81. - Flamer is extinguished if it enters a puddle of gloop but will still explode on death.
  82. - Explodes on death, will kill the player or other bugs if caught in blast radius.
  84. Chiller - Semi-Lethal Bug, Actively chases the player trying to bump and stun them, explodes on death.
  85. - Colliding with the Player only stuns them for a few seconds similar to a Worker bug.
  86. - Being caught in the blast will freeze the player in a block of ice, killing them.
  88. Burrower - Lethal bug, Burrows under the map, slowly chases the player and cannot be hit until it emerges.
  89. - Has a mole like, digging animation when it is burrowing to show it's position.
  90. - When it gets within it's attack radius of the player it will pause for a few seconds (dig animation stops)
  91. them emerge from the ground.
  92. - Insta-kills the player, dragging them underground if they are within the attack radius.
  94. King - Lethal Bug, Emerges from a random point of the map as a large static enemy, then vanishes back underground.
  95. - Attempts to slice the player with his sharp claws if close enough.
  96. - Large blue tinted bug with large sharp claws which behead the player on contact.
  97. - Most of it's body is bulletproof and only a small front area between it's claws is vulnerable to attack.
  98. - Blocks it's weak spot with it's claws/blades when the player shoots, unless it is attacking.
  99. - Cannot be killed using the sword, must be shot using the pistol when about to attack.
  100. - Only found once per nest, has a chance to spawn as a boss when the bugs remaining count hits 0.
  101. - Very low spawn chance on Small nest, higher chance on Big nest, very high chance on Huge nest.
  102. - Will not spawn if the Player has the King Blade (A Queen Bug is spawned instead)
  104. Queen - Lethal Bug, similar movement style to the King bug but less aggressive.
  105. - Large Red tinted bug with a larger abdomen area bulging with eggs.
  106. - Does not actively try and attack the player, summons Royal Guard bugs instead.
  107. - Her abdomen bursts on death, dispersing 6 Egg sacks which hatch into random lethal bugs if not killed quickly.
  108. - Nest Clear criteria is not met until the eggs sacks (or hatched enemies are killed)
  109. - Only found once per nest, has a chance to instead of a king if the player already has the King Blade.
  110. - No spawn chance on Small nest, low chance on Big nest, higher chance on Huge nest.
  112. Royal Guard - Lethal Bug, Similar to a red tinted, larger Hunter bug.
  113. - Faster than Hunter but no charge
  114. - Summoned by the Queen.
  117. ===========================================================================
  118. Death Types: Each Death type will earn an award, and dying in every single way possible will award another award.
  120. Impaled - Impaled by a Hunter's Spikes, animation of the player with a Hunter on top of them, randomly blood splatters.
  121. Dissolved - Dissolved by an Acid Puddle, animation of the player dissolving and leaving only a skeleton behind.
  122. Burnt - Burnt by a Flamer collision, animation of the player burning up and leaving a pile of ash.
  123. Frozen - Frozen by a Chiller collision or explosion, player is encased in a block of ice.
  124. Exploded - Killed by an explosion (Flamer death), burn mark on the ground and player leaves behind no trace.
  125. Blindsided - Killed whilst Blinded by an Inker's ink. (actual source of the death can be anything)
  126. Outnumbered - Killed whilst slowed by 3+ globs of Spitter Gloop (actual source of the death can be anything)
  127. Glued Up - Killed whilst slowed by a gloop puddle (actual source of the death can be anything)
  128. Buried - Killed by a Burrower, Player leaves behind a small hole in the floor with a blood stain around it.
  129. Beheaded - Killed by a King or Queen, animation of the Player on the floor with his head is sliced off.
  131. ===========================================================================
  132. Awards: There are a total of 100 awards to be earned/collected within the game by completing various objectives/challenges
  133. ---------------
  134. Bug Kill Awards (23 Awards)
  135. ---------------
  136. First of Many - Kill a Worker Bug for the first time (You'll be killing a lot of these guys)
  137. These ones fight back! - Kill a Hunter Bug for the first time (Trust me, you'll grow to hate these guys)
  138. Making a Splash - Kill a Glooper Bug for the First time (No, it's not custard so don't try and eat it)
  139. Acid Reflex - Kill a Corroder Bug for the first time (Now just try not to fall in the puddle of death it left behind)
  140. Spit it out! - Kill a Spitter Bug for the first time (Great!, now you just have to deal with the splash back)
  141. Messy - Kill a Inker Bug for the first time (You better fetch a mop 'cause I'm not cleaning that mess up!)
  142. Hot Stuff - Kill a Flamer Bug for the first time (Hands up if you got killed in the resulting explosion)
  143. Brrrrr! - Kill a Chiller bug for the first time (Much better than becoming a human popsicle)
  144. Death from Below - Kill a Burrower bug for the first time (You should see the size of the one who dug the cave you're in...)
  145. Royal Blood - Kill a King Bug for the first Time (I bet that Claw would probably make a pretty awesome sword blade...)
  146. Regicide - Kill a Queen Bug for the first time (Added bonus if you didn't get killed afterwards by the royal guards)
  147. Guard Breaker - Kill a Royal Guard bug for the first time (Just in case you didn't think the Queen as tough enough already)
  149. Innocent Bystanders - Kill 100 Worker Bugs (Well it's not like they really fight back is it?)
  150. Hunting the Hunters - Kill 50 Hunter Bugs (I told you that you'd hate them, didn't I?)
  151. It's still not Custard - Kill 50 Glooper Bugs (Just think how much glue you've actually spilled by killing these guys)
  152. A Mouthful - Kill 50 Spitter Bugs (Those splatter stains never really wash out do they?)
  153. Chemistry Lessons - Kill 50 Corroder Bugs (I hope by now you've atleast learnt to avoid the puddles)
  154. Very Messy - Kill 25 Inker Bugs (They look harmless enough, but by now I bet you've realised how dangerous that ink is)
  155. Burning Hatred - Kill 25 Flamers (I bet these guys still kill you more than anyone else don't they)
  156. Chilled Out - Killed 25 Chillers (These guys are only really a problem if you don't have space to avoid them)
  157. Tunnel Vision - Killed 10 Burrowers (I wonder how many times you forgot to get out of the way before it attacked?)
  158. Bloody Crown - Killed 5 Kings or Queens (Killing even one of these is a tricky job, so killing 5 is incredible!)
  159. Finish Her! - Killed 30 Royal Guards (That's great and everything but you should really focus on killing the Queen!)
  161. ---------------
  162. Game Mode Awards (9 awards)
  163. ---------------
  164. Nest Novice - Clear a Small Nest [200 Bugs] (Good Job, but that's just the smallest one)
  165. Nest Hunter - Clear a Big Nest [350 Bugs] (That's a good effort, why not try tackling a huge nest now?)
  166. Nest Master - Clear a Huge Nest [500 Bugs] (Incredible! Even more amazing if you took down a royal bug too)
  167. Basic Survival - Survive for 30 seconds in Survival Mode (You barely deserve an award for this, 30 seconds is nothing)
  168. Survival Novice - Survive for 60 seconds in Survival Mode (Ok, some lethal bugs must have spawned by now surely?)
  169. Survival Expert - Survive for 180 seconds in Survival Mode (3 Minutes is actually pretty impressive!)
  170. Born Survivor - Survive for 300 seconds in Survival Mode (5 Minutes!? I'm wasn't even sure if this was possible!)
  171. Basic Training - Played a session of Training Mode.
  172. Well Trained - Spent a total of 5 minutes in Training Mode.
  174. ---------------
  175. Score & Streak Awards (11 Awards)
  176. ---------------
  177. N00B Sc0re - Earn a score of 100 in any game mode (Don't worry, everyone was a noob once)
  178. Less Nooby Score - Earn a score of 500 in any game mode (That's a slightly more acceptable score...)
  179. Nutter's Number - Earn a score of 666 in any game mode (The number of the nutter!)
  180. Jackpot Winner! - Earn a score of 777 in any game mode (You'd be surprised how hard it is to end your score with a 7)
  181. Pr0 Score - Earn a score of 1000 in any game mode (That is an impressive score)
  182. L33t Score - Earn a score of 1500 in any game mode (This is a crazy highscore!)
  184. Tiny Streak - Rack up a streak of 5+ (Killing 5 bugs pretty quickly isn't that hard)
  185. Small Streak - Rack up a streak of 10+ (Even killing 10 isn't that hard, the gun alone gives you 6 of the kills)
  186. Good Streak - Rack up a streak of 25+ (Ok, you probably had to work a little for this one I admit)
  187. Great Streak - Rack up a streak of 50+ (That's impressive you must have chained quite a few kills together for this)
  188. Insane Streak - Rack up a streak of 100+ (Ok that's insane, like.. how did you even get to 100 in a single streak?)
  190. ---------------
  191. Weapon Kills (5 Awards)
  192. ---------------
  194. Bug Slayer - Kill 50 Bugs with the Sword
  195. Gunslinger - Kill 50 Bugs with the Revolver
  196. Got Your Back - Kill 50 Bugs with the Wingman
  197. Groundbreaking - Kill 50 Bugs with Quake Generator.
  198. Slice 'n' Diced - Kill 50 Bugs with the Slicer
  201. ---------------
  202. Unlocks Awards (4 Awards)
  203. ---------------
  204. Big Kills, Big Prizes - Use your first reward key to unlock a gadget. (Get kills, earn awards, get prizes.. simple really)
  205. Limited Stock - Find and Equip the site exclusive gadget. (This one is special, you only get it on this site)
  206. Gadget Man - Unlock a total of 5 Gadgets (By this point you should be getting good at killing those bugs)
  207. Tools of the Trade - Unlock all the unlockable Gadgets. (Now you have no excuses for not clearing those nests out)
  209. ---------------
  210. Death Related Awards (11 Awards)
  211. ---------------
  212. Making it's Point - Killed by being impaled a Hunted Bug for the first time. (Get used to it, it'll happen a lot)
  213. Chemical Burns - Killed by being dissolved for the first time. (That looked painful, like.. really really painful)
  214. Ashes to Ashes - Killed by being burnt for the first time (Next time, maybe try jumping in a gloop puddle and putting it out?)
  215. Popsicle - Killed by being frozen for the first time (Well, atleast it was a pretty cool way to die...)
  216. Boom! - Killed by an explosion for the first time (You're extra dumb if it was one of your own grenades!)
  217. Blindsided - Killed whilst blinded for the first time (In fairness, this one is pretty easily done, don't feel too bad)
  218. All Glued Up - Killed whilst glooped up for the first time (Next time maybe avoid the puddles of gloop?)
  219. Buried Alive - Killed by being buried for the first time (Think of it this way, we don't need a coffin now atleast)
  220. Beheading - Killed by being beheaded for the first time (Off with his head! oh.. that's your head.. oops)
  221. By Royal Decree - Killed by a Royal Guard (Looks like The Queen had the last laugh there...)
  222. Death Incarnate - Died in every single possible way (That's an impressive, I mean you suck.. but in an impressive way)
  224. ---------------
  225. Misc Awards (8 Awards)
  226. ---------------
  227. Bug-O-Pedia - Fill the Bug-o-pedia with an entry for every breed of Bug (That's great... Now get killing them!)
  228. Hive Master - Killed 1 of every breed of Bug within the game. (Ok, Now you can gloat, now you're a badass!)
  229. Part Time Hunter - Earned a total of $2500 from killing bugs (Yeah... it's really a hobby right now)
  230. Full Time Hunter - Earned a total of $5000 from killing bugs (Not your average day job is it?)
  231. Wealthy Hunter - Earned a total of $10K from killing bugs (If only it was real money huh?)
  232. Rich Hunter - Earned a total of $50K from killing bugs (You could probably retire now... no more bugs, or painful deaths)
  233. Ultra Rich Hunter - Earned a total of $100K from killing bugs (You have a lot of free time don't you?)
  234. Millionaire - Earned a total of $1 Mil. from killing bugs (Ok seriously... stop. go outside.. you've played too much)
  236. Current Total: 71 Awards
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