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- -- #!/usr/bin/env lua
- --[[
- @file
- Lua port of PHP serialization functions.
- Port based on PHPSerialize and PHPUnserialize by Scott Hurring
- @version v0.1 BETA
- @author Fernando P. García; fernando at develcuy dot com
- @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Fernando P. García
- @license GNU Public License
- $Id$
- ]]
- local _serialize_key, _read_chars, _read_until, _unknown_type
- function _serialize_key(data)
- --[[
- Serialize a key, which follows different rules than when
- serializing values. Many thanks to Todd DeLuca for pointing
- out that keys are serialized differently than values!
- From
- A key may be either an integer or a string.
- If a key is the standard representation of an integer, it will be
- interpreted as such (i.e. "8" will be interpreted as int 8,
- while "08" will be interpreted as "08").
- Floats in key are truncated to integer.
- ]]
- -- Integer, Long, Float
- if type(data) == 'number' then
- return 'i:' .. tonumber(data) .. ';'
- -- Boolean => integer
- elseif type(data) == 'boolean' then
- if data then
- return 'i:1;'
- else
- return 'i:0;'
- end
- -- String => string or String => int (if string looks like int)
- elseif type(data) == 'string' then
- if tonumber(data) == nil then
- return 's:' .. string.len(data) .. ':"' .. data .. '";'
- else
- return 'i:' .. tonumber(data) .. ';'
- end
- -- None / NULL => empty string
- elseif type(data) == 'nil' then
- return 's:0:"";'
- -- I dont know how to serialize this
- else
- error('Unknown / Unhandled key type (' .. type(data) .. ')!')
- end
- end
- function serialize(data)
- --[[
- Serialize a value.
- ]]
- local i, out, key, value
- -- Numbers
- if type(data) == 'number' then
- -- Integer => integer
- if math.floor(data) == data then
- return 'i:' .. data .. ';'
- -- Float, Long => double
- else
- return 'd:' .. data .. ';'
- end
- -- String => string or String => int (if string looks like int)
- -- Thanks to Todd DeLuca for noticing that PHP strings that
- -- look like integers are serialized as ints by PHP
- elseif type(data) == 'string' then
- if tonumber(data) == nil then
- return 's:' .. string.len(data) .. ':"' .. data .. '";'
- else
- return 'i:' .. tonumber(data) .. ';'
- end
- -- Nil / NULL
- elseif type(data) == 'nil' then
- return 'N;'
- -- Tuple and List => array
- -- The 'a' array type is the only kind of list supported by PHP.
- -- array keys are automagically numbered up from 0
- elseif type(data) == 'table' then
- i = 0
- out = {}
- -- All arrays must have keys
- for key, value in pairs(data) do
- table.insert(out, _serialize_key(key))
- table.insert(out, serialize(value))
- i = i + 1
- end
- return 'a:' .. i .. ':{' .. table.concat(out) .. '}'
- -- Boolean => bool
- elseif type(data) == 'boolean' then
- if data then
- return 'b:1;'
- else
- return 'b:0;'
- end
- --~ TODO:
- --~ -- Table + Functions => stdClass
- --~ elseif type(data) == 'function' then
- --~ # I dont know how to serialize this
- else
- error('Unknown / Unhandled data type (' .. type(data) .. ')!')
- end
- end
- function _read_until(data, offset, stopchar)
- --[[
- Read from data[offset] until you encounter some char 'stopchar'.
- ]]
- local buf = {}
- local char = string.sub(data, offset + 1, offset + 1)
- local i = 2
- while not (char == stopchar) do
- -- Consumed all the characters and havent found ';'
- if i + offset > string.len(data) then
- error('Invalid')
- end
- table.insert(buf, char)
- char = string.sub(data, offset + i, offset + i)
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- (chars_read, data)
- return i - 2, table.concat(buf)
- end
- function _read_chars(data, offset, length)
- --[[
- Read 'length' number of chars from data[offset].
- ]]
- local buf = {}, char
- -- Account for the starting quote char
- -- offset += 1
- for i = 0, length -1 do
- char = string.sub(data, offset + i, offset + i)
- table.insert(buf, char)
- end
- -- (chars_read, data)
- return length, table.concat(buf)
- end
- function unserialize(data, offset)
- offset = offset or 0
- --[[
- Find the next token and unserialize it.
- Recurse on array.
- offset = raw offset from start of data
- --]]
- local buf, dtype, dataoffset, typeconvert, datalength, chars, readdata, i,
- key, value, keys, properties, otchars, otype, property
- buf = {}
- dtype = string.lower(string.sub(data, offset + 1, offset + 1))
- -- 't:' = 2 chars
- dataoffset = offset + 2
- typeconvert = function(x) return x end
- datalength = 0
- chars = datalength
- -- int or double => Number
- if dtype == 'i' or dtype == 'd' then
- typeconvert = function(x) return tonumber(x) end
- chars, readdata = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ';')
- -- +1 for end semicolon
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 1
- -- bool => Boolean
- elseif dtype == 'b' then
- typeconvert = function(x) return tonumber(x) == 1 end
- chars, readdata = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ';')
- -- +1 for end semicolon
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 1
- -- n => None
- elseif dtype == 'n' then
- readdata = nil
- -- s => String
- elseif dtype == 's' then
- chars, stringlength = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':')
- -- +2 for colons around length field
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2
- -- +1 for start quote
- chars, readdata = _read_chars(data, dataoffset + 1, tonumber(stringlength))
- -- +2 for endquote semicolon
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2
- --[[
- review original: if chars != int(stringlength) != int(readdata):
- ]]
- if not (chars == tonumber(stringlength)) then
- error('String length mismatch')
- end
- -- array => Table
- -- If you originally serialized a Tuple or List, it will
- -- be unserialized as a Dict. PHP doesn't have tuples or lists,
- -- only arrays - so everything has to get converted into an array
- -- when serializing and the original type of the array is lost
- elseif dtype == 'a' then
- readdata = {}
- -- How many keys does this list have?
- chars, keys = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':')
- -- +2 for colons around length field
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2
- -- Loop through and fetch this number of key/value pairs
- for i = 0, tonumber(keys) - 1 do
- -- Read the key
- key, ktype, kchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset)
- dataoffset = dataoffset + kchars
- -- Read value of the key
- value, vtype, vchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset)
- -- Cound ending bracket of nested array
- if vtype == 'a' then
- vchars = vchars + 1
- end
- dataoffset = dataoffset + vchars
- -- Set the list element
- readdata[key] = value
- end
- -- object => Table
- elseif dtype == 'p' then
- readdata = {}
- -- How log is the type of this object?
- chars, otchars = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':')
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2
- -- Which type is this object?
- otype = string.sub(data, dataoffset + 1, dataoffset + otchars)
- dataoffset = dataoffset + otchars + 2
- if otype == 'stdClass' then
- -- How many properties does this list have?
- chars, properties = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':')
- -- +2 for colons around length field
- dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2
- -- Loop through and fetch this number of key/value pairs
- for i = 0, tonumber(properties) - 1 do
- -- Read the key
- property, ktype, kchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset)
- dataoffset = dataoffset + kchars
- -- Read value of the key
- value, vtype, vchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset)
- -- Cound ending bracket of nested array
- if vtype == 'a' then
- vchars = vchars + 1
- end
- dataoffset = dataoffset + vchars
- -- Set the list element
- readdata[property] = value
- end
- else
- _unknown_type(dtype)
- end
- else
- _unknown_type(dtype)
- end
- --~ return (dtype, dataoffset-offset, typeconvert(readdata))
- return typeconvert(readdata), dtype, dataoffset - offset
- end
- -- I don't know how to unserialize this
- function _unknown_type(type_)
- error('Unknown / Unhandled data type (' .. type_ .. ')!', 2)
- end
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