
Fur Fighters PS2 pakhead.h

Apr 4th, 2018
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  1. /* Fonts & Sprites Header File */
  2. /* (C)2000 Bizarre Creations */
  4. /* Font List */
  5. #define FNT_NUMBERS 0
  6. #define FNT_BITSTHIN 1
  7. #define FNT_IMPACT 2
  8. #define FNT_BITSBIG 3
  9. #define FNT_BITSBLUE 4
  11. /* Sprite List */
  12. #define SPR_W_ARR_UP 0
  13. #define SPR_ARROLBIG 1
  14. #define SPR_ARRORBIG 2
  15. #define SPR_ARROW 3
  16. #define SPR_ARROWD 4
  17. #define SPR_ARROWL 5
  18. #define SPR_ARROWR 6
  19. #define SPR_ARROWU 7
  20. #define SPR_ASTRIP 8
  21. #define SPR_BAR1 9
  22. #define SPR_CURS_OFF 10
  23. #define SPR_CURS_ON 11
  24. #define SPR_DEMO_OUT 12
  25. #define SPR_DUST 13
  26. #define SPR_FAST_F 14
  27. #define SPR_FLAME2 15
  28. #define SPR_FURLOGO 16
  29. #define SPR_JET 17
  30. #define SPR_LIFE 18
  31. #define SPR_NINJA 19
  32. #define SPR_P_NOT1 20
  33. #define SPR_P_NOT2 21
  34. #define SPR_P_NOT3 22
  35. #define SPR_P_TITL1 23
  36. #define SPR_P_TITL2 24
  37. #define SPR_P_TITL3 25
  38. #define SPR_PLAY 26
  39. #define SPR_POFF1 27
  40. #define SPR_POFF2 28
  41. #define SPR_POFF3 29
  42. #define SPR_PON1 30
  43. #define SPR_PON2 31
  44. #define SPR_PON3 32
  45. #define SPR_QUACK 33
  46. #define SPR_RAIN1 34
  47. #define SPR_SHOCK 35
  48. #define SPR_SPLASH 36
  49. #define SPR_STOP 37
  50. #define SPR_STOP_A 38
  51. #define SPR_TELESCOPE 39
  52. #define SPR_TVCORNR1 40
  53. #define SPR_TVCORNR2 41
  54. #define SPR_TVCORNR3 42
  55. #define SPR_TVCORNR4 43
  56. #define SPR_AMMO 44
  57. #define SPR_WSARROWUP 45
  58. #define SPR_BEAM 46
  59. #define SPR_BEE_1 47
  60. #define SPR_BEE_2 48
  61. #define SPR_BEE_3 49
  62. #define SPR_BEE_4 50
  63. #define SPR_BFGSPH 51
  64. #define SPR_BUBBLE1 52
  65. #define SPR_BUBBLE1N 53
  66. #define SPR_BUBBLE2 54
  67. #define SPR_BUBBLE2N 55
  68. #define SPR_BUBBLE3 56
  69. #define SPR_BUBBLE3N 57
  70. #define SPR_BUTRFLY 58
  71. #define SPR_CLOD 59
  72. #define SPR_CLOD2 60
  73. #define SPR_CLOD3 61
  74. #define SPR_DISRUP1 62
  75. #define SPR_DISRUP2 63
  76. #define SPR_DISRUP3 64
  77. #define SPR_DISRUP4 65
  78. #define SPR_EXITFL1 66
  79. #define SPR_EXITFL2 67
  80. #define SPR_EXITFL3 68
  81. #define SPR_EXITFL4 69
  82. #define SPR_EXITWO1 70
  83. #define SPR_EXITWO2 71
  84. #define SPR_EXITWO3 72
  85. #define SPR_EXITWO4 73
  86. #define SPR_FIREGLOW 74
  87. #define SPR_FIREHIT 75
  88. #define SPR_FLAME 76
  89. #define SPR_FLARE2 77
  90. #define SPR_FLARE3 78
  91. #define SPR_FLASH_1 79
  92. #define SPR_FLUFFY 80
  93. #define SPR_FLWRAP 81
  94. #define SPR_GLASS 82
  95. #define SPR_HALO 83
  96. #define SPR_HOLE_2 84
  97. #define SPR_HOLE_1 85
  98. #define SPR_ICESHARD 86
  99. #define SPR_ICESTRIP 87
  100. #define SPR_ICICLE 88
  101. #define SPR_JOEY 89
  102. #define SPR_KITTEN 90
  103. #define SPR_LEAFBRWN 91
  104. #define SPR_LEAFGREN 92
  105. #define SPR_METALHOL 93
  106. #define SPR_MUDHOL 94
  107. #define SPR_PANE1 95
  108. #define SPR_PAWPRINT 96
  109. #define SPR_PAWWATER 97
  110. #define SPR_PLAS_SPR 98
  111. #define SPR_PUPPY 99
  112. #define SPR_RING 100
  113. #define SPR_ROCKET1 101
  114. #define SPR_ROCKET2 102
  115. #define SPR_SANDGR 103
  116. #define SPR_SANDHOL 104
  117. #define SPR_SHELL_1 105
  118. #define SPR_SHELL_2 106
  119. #define SPR_SHING 107
  120. #define SPR_SMOKE1 108
  121. #define SPR_SNOWBALL 109
  122. #define SPR_SNOWFLAKE 110
  123. #define SPR_SNOWFLARE 111
  124. #define SPR_SNOWGLOW 112
  125. #define SPR_SNOWHIT 113
  126. #define SPR_SPARK_1 114
  127. #define SPR_TYRE 115
  128. #define SPR_WATER1 116
  129. #define SPR_WATER2 117
  130. #define SPR_WATER3 118
  131. #define SPR_WATER4 119
  132. #define SPR_WATER5 120
  133. #define SPR_WATER6 121
  134. #define SPR_WATER7 122
  135. #define SPR_WATERING 123
  136. #define SPR_WATRBLOB 124
  137. #define SPR_WOODCHIP 125
  138. #define SPR_WOODHOL 126
  139. #define SPR_WOUND2 127
  140. #define SPR_WSARROWL 128
  141. #define SPR_WSARROWR 129
  142. #define SPR_ASPARK 130
  143. #define SPR_SMOKE2 131
  144. #define SPR_FLEASPR 132
  145. #define SPR_NITSPR 133
  146. #define SPR_TICKSPR 134
  147. #define SPR_BEAMGLOW 135
  148. #define SPR_FLAMETHRO1 136
  149. #define SPR_FLAMETHRO2 137
  150. #define SPR_PS2TRIAN 138
  151. #define SPR_PS2SQUAR 139
  152. #define SPR_PS2CIRCL 140
  153. #define SPR_PS2CROSS 141
  154. #define SPR_RATHED 142
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