
Vilgax beating

Sep 12th, 2024
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  1. BRROOUUM! The entire starship tilted to one side, every person thing and mote of dust rolling starboard as two hundred thousand tons swayed. BRROOUUM! Again. BRROOUUM! Again. As if rolling on the waves of a turbulent sea. What natural force, what deity's power could move this great ship of the Vilgaxian fleet so casually?
  3. In the dining quarters, a very big and angry man slammed Vilgax against the wall.
  5. Vilgax was indomitability, the end of history, but Broly was all ogreish strength. His fists had no respect for the blood of Vilgax. They did not fear what he represented. He beat against his body armor like the sound of thunder, pinning him against the wall so the force of his strikes rippled through his flesh and back again. Every hit threatened to split the Whiskey Shake into shrapnel scrap and rend its commander to mulch.
  7. His assessment: Fractured carapace, bruised organs, cracked teeth, blackened right eye, strained musculature, assorted compactions, lesions, contusions, sprains, and aches. There was blood in his mouth and dirt in his wounds. All that from nine, maybe ten blows, mostly punches with some slams and grapples mixed in.
  9. Satisfying enough. This one was worth entertaining.
  11. - Round 0
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