

Dec 6th, 2011
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  1. [04:48] TT: RL, may I ask you something?
  2. [04:48] TG: yes of coruse
  3. [04:48] TG: *coures
  4. [04:48] TG: *course
  5. [04:48] TG: >:?
  6. [04:49] TT: Jane was concerned over the fact you and JE were in a relationship.
  7. [04:49] TT: So I thought it was better to ask directly to you.
  8. [04:49] TT: So?
  9. [04:49] TG: are we? tihs is news to me actually
  10. [04:49] TT: Are you in a relationship with JE?
  11. [04:49] TG: man if we were dont u think id be liek
  12. [04:49] TG: spammign u guys with drunken girlihs excitement
  13. [04:49] TT: I think I have my answer.
  14. [04:50] TT: Yes, I actually do.
  15. [04:50] TT: Good.
  16. [04:50] TG: i mena dont think i havent thought about it but
  17. [04:50] TG: idt hes into me
  18. [04:50] TG: sadfaec
  19. [04:51] TG: do i come on too strogn or something
  20. [04:51] TT: You don't need to lie to me. I know you gave it enough thought.
  21. [04:51] TT: No, but it is pretty obvious.
  22. [04:51] TG: im not lyign to you
  23. [04:52] TG: id realyl like that actually but
  24. [04:52] TT: Are you sure you aren't lying about not giving thought to JE's feelings for you?
  25. [04:52] TG: eh is either oblivious or just really polite and gentelmanyl
  26. [04:53] TT: Forgive me, I know it is none of my business, but you don't make a good couple.
  27. [04:53] TT: Honestly.
  28. [04:53] TT: You should give up on him.
  29. [04:53] TG: waht makes you say that >:?
  30. [04:54] TT: He makes a better couple with JC, and, for what I have already seen, he can be interested on her.
  31. [04:54] TG: btu shes so
  32. [04:54] TG: idek
  33. [04:54] TT: But look on the bright side. You are attractive, funny and espontaneous.
  34. [04:54] TG: i mena its not like u have any interst in me so what else do i have but to hit on him and jane's dad
  35. [04:55] TG: eh
  36. [04:55] TT: You can easily find someone else.
  37. [04:57] TG: oho it seems i am good at scarign people off lately
  39. [04:57] TG: *silence
  40. [05:01] TT: Why do you say that?
  41. [05:01] TG: u got quiet when i mentioned u
  42. [05:02] TT: Uh.
  43. [05:02] TG: lol SEE
  44. [05:07] TG: yeah >:? so
  45. [05:08] TT: So what?
  46. [05:08] TG: eitehr humor me or i am going to continue to hit on jaek and be a wishful little girl
  47. [05:08] TT: Any ideas on how can humor you?
  48. [05:09] TG: wlel you can tell me who else this 'someone else' is
  49. [05:12] TT: Someone but JE.
  50. [05:12] TT: That's it. Don't overthink it.
  51. [05:12] TG: ok taht is so not helpful
  52. [05:12] TG: what if i just start hittign on you instead i think thats gonna happen now lol
  53. [05:12] TT: What are you expecting me to say,
  54. [05:12] TT: I really don't know..
  55. [05:13] TT: Are you expecting me to stop you or something?
  56. [05:13] TG: do u want me to advance or asbcond, strider?
  57. [05:13] TG: cos i totes can
  58. [05:13] TG: i got this hittign on thing down to an art
  59. [05:16] TT: As I said before, I don't know what to say.
  60. [05:16] TT: Also, you are drunk.
  61. [05:16] TG: not really
  62. [05:16] TG: lazy figners
  63. [05:17] TT: Are you implying you are sober?
  64. [05:18] TG: waht if i was, strider.
  65. [05:18] TT: Because if you are, I am astonished.
  66. [05:18] TT: First, because you still type wrong.
  67. [05:18] TT: Second, because it would be the first time I talk to you sober, and I can't tell.
  68. [05:18] TG: i told you, i have lazy fingers. but if it really bothers you i can clean it up.
  69. [05:19] TG: see? totes 100% correct.
  70. [05:19] TT: I am completely astonished.
  71. [05:19] TT: What happened?
  72. [05:19] TT: Are you sick or something?
  73. [05:20] TG: mom took my bolt cutters
  74. [05:20] TG: so until i find them
  75. [05:20] TT: Don't you prefer to keep sober?
  76. [05:21] TG: nah
  77. [05:21] TG: makes shit less fun
  78. [05:21] TG: but ur deviating from the topic at hand
  79. [05:22] TT: No, the topic expired. Let us bring a new one.
  80. [05:23] TG: no
  81. [05:23] TG: strider >:? this is important to me
  82. [05:23] TT: What is?
  83. [05:24] TT: Please specify.
  84. [05:24] TG: the old topic!
  85. [05:24] TT: Why?
  86. [05:24] TG: you were getting all awkward when i asked you something
  87. [05:24] TG: you implied you didn't want me to not hit on you.
  88. [05:24] TG: and i asked if you actually did want me to
  89. [05:24] TG: and then i was wondering why
  90. [05:24] TG: so answer me
  91. [05:26] TG: ughhh and now you go quiet again
  92. [05:26] TG: so im goign lazyfingers
  93. [05:27] TT: There is not a motive for that.
  94. [05:27] TG: suer
  95. [05:27] TT: And it seems you are the one implying that I was implying I didn't want you to not hit on me.
  96. [05:28] TT: You are putting the words on my mouth, period.
  97. [05:28] TG: u said
  98. [05:28] TG: 'are u expectign me to stop u'
  99. [05:28] TG: then what did you mean byu that
  100. [05:28] TT: That can be interpreted in several ways.
  101. [05:28] TG: go on
  102. [05:28] TG: im listenign
  103. [05:30] TT: It could mean 'Yes, RL, I want you to hit on me because you are dishy and I am totes into you'. Also it could mean 'Tell me what to do, because I don't give a shit where this is gonna end.'
  104. [05:30] TG: os which is it, then? u could have jsut said one or the other
  105. [05:34] TG: or nothign thats cool too right yeah totes awesome
  106. [05:34] TG: fine well change the damn subject
  107. [05:34] TT: You are dishy.
  108. [05:35] TG: well ty for that at least
  112. [06:21] TG: jaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee
  113. -- gutsyGumshoe [GG] is now an idle chum! --
  114. [06:22] TG: fffffff
  115. -- gutsyGumshoe [GG] is now an idle chum! --
  116. [06:22] GG: Oh, my appologies! :B
  117. [06:22] TG: its ok
  118. [06:22] GG: How are you?
  119. [06:23] TG: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  120. [06:23] GG: Uh oh.
  121. [06:23] GG: That doesn't sound good.
  122. [06:23] TG: boy problesm!
  123. [06:24] GG: You can tell me anything! :B
  124. [06:28] GG: So, whats going on? :(
  125. [06:29] TG: wlel strider told me that u had asked him abotu jake and i i guess
  126. [06:30] TG: which is totes ok jane the girl code wasnt broken or anythign promise ur still my bffsie
  127. [06:30] TG: adn then he was all like dont u hit on english now and i was like bitch i do waht i want
  128. [06:30] GG: Oh my goodness! I asked him about Jake, but it was for you!
  129. [06:31] TG: eh said u two were better suited
  130. [06:31] TG: then i jokignly asked who i was supposed to hit on and then said him
  131. [06:31] TG: adn he got all weird and quiet
  132. [06:31] GG: Hoo hoo!! :B
  133. [06:31] TG: toyign with my girlish emotiosn jane
  134. [06:31] GG: Perhaps he likes you! :B
  135. [06:32] TG: eh didnt respont well to that
  136. [06:32] TG: *respond
  137. [06:32] TG: he said he woudlnt stop me from hitting on him
  138. [06:32] TG: but
  139. [06:33] TG: taht he didnt know what to say
  140. [06:33] TG: and didnt make it clear if it was becasue i was 'dishy' or
  141. [06:33] TG: because he legit didnt know waht to do
  142. [06:34] GG: So, you're saying that he is confused?
  143. [06:34] TG: idk if he is or if hes being crytpic
  144. [06:35] GG: I see, I see.
  145. [06:35] GG: Well, would you date him if he asked you out?
  146. [06:35] TG: probly
  147. [06:35] TG: wiat does he like drinkign thats important
  148. [06:36] GG: I'm almost certain he doesn't care either way.
  149. [06:36] GG: Remember, he's cool?
  150. [06:36] TG: sooooooo cool
  151. [06:43] GG: So there really shouldn't be anything to worry about.
  152. [06:43] TG: i just wish hed give me a more
  153. [06:43] TG: less
  154. [06:43] TG: vague reply
  155. [06:43] GG: I'm sorry I put you through all of this by telling you that I have hidden feelings for Jake, though.
  156. [06:44] TG: i thikn its better for the both of us though
  157. [06:44] TG: becasue like
  158. [06:44] TG: if i was like jane lol im totes hittign all over jake and u liked him but diddnt tell me
  159. [06:44] TG: taht would put an animosity in u towards me that woudl be unfounded
  160. [06:44] TG: u know??
  161. [06:45] GG: I agree. :B
  162. [06:45] GG: Frankly, I'm just glad we're such good friends.
  163. [06:45] TG: me too jan e
  164. [06:45] TG: *jane
  165. [06:46] GG: It always seems as though Strider starts things, though.
  166. [06:47] TG: eh is an antoagonist
  167. [06:48] GG: *Antagonist?
  168. [06:49] TG: yes ty
  169. [06:49] TG: u get waht i mean thoguh hes really outwardly abrasiev but
  170. [06:49] TG: idk he grows on u
  171. [06:50] GG: Yea, he really does.
  172. [06:50] GG: I'm not sure how life would be if he wasn't around, actually.
  173. [06:50] TG: same
  174. [06:51] GG: So, what are you up to at the moment?
  175. [06:51] TG: thikng
  176. [06:51] TG: probably gonna talk to strider more
  177. [06:52] TG: try n get more otu of him
  178. [06:52] TG: on these
  179. [06:52] TG: girly feeligns
  180. [06:52] GG: I think that's probably the best thing to do for now.
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