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- # it's working on Linux System only !!
- # Dis: get salt from hash and use it agin with password to genrate a hash with same salt
- # last step compare with hash
- # hash e.g. : $1$sm1RceCh$rSd3PygnS/6jlFDfF2J5q. => password is : deadbolt
- from crypt import *
- import sys
- def crack_password(hash,wordlist):
- hashed_pwd = hash
- lindex = hashed_pwd.rfind('$')
- hash_algorithm = hashed_pwd[1:2]
- salt = hashed_pwd[3:lindex]
- salt_format = "${}${}$".format(hash_algorithm, salt)
- Raw_Password = open(wordlist, "r")
- for rawPass in Raw_Password:
- try:
- hashOutPut = crypt(rawPass.split()[0], salt_format)
- if hashOutPut == hashed_pwd:
- print("[+] Found Pasword : {}".format(rawPass.split()[0]))
- break
- except:
- pass
- if len(sys.argv) !=3:
- print("[!] Usage : {} <Hash> <WordListPath>".format(sys.argv[0]))
- print("[+] Note : Please don't forget to escape special chars !!")
- print("[+] e.g. : {} \"\$1\$sm1RceCh\$rSd3PygnS/6jlFDfF2J5q.\" \"./wordlist/rockyou.txt\"".format(sys.argv[0]))
- sys.exit(1)
- Hash = sys.argv[1]
- WorlListPath = sys.argv[2]
- crack_password(Hash,WorlListPath)
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