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- --Dragon Of Dojima Custom Script Mod By IdkwhattodoLOL#2448
- local DragonText = "Dragon"
- local DragonColor =, 0.05, 0.1)
- local DragonSequence ={, DragonColor),, DragonColor)})
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local pgui = plr.PlayerGui
- local interf = pgui.Interface
- local bt = interf.Battle
- local main = bt.Main
- local hasUpdatedOnce = false
- local tigerDropsSession = 0
- local hactsSession = 0
- local function sendNotification(text, color)
- if not color then color =, 1, 1) end
- pgui.Notify.Awards.ChildAdded:Once(function(c)
- if c.Text == text then
- c.TextColor3 = color
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local con;
- con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if not c then
- con:Disconnect()
- return
- end
- c.TextColor3 = color
- end)()
- end)()
- end
- end)
- pgui["नोटिफ"]:Fire(text)
- end
- local function changeValueStrict(obj, valName, newVal, valClass)
- if obj and newVal and valName then
- if not obj:FindFirstChild(valName) then
- local n =
- n.Name = valName
- n.Parent = obj
- end
- obj[valName].Value = newVal
- end
- end
- function isInBattle()
- return (plr:FindFirstChild("InBattle") and true or false)
- end
- function isDungeon()
- return game.ReplicatedStorage.Dungeon.Value
- end
- function doingHact()
- return (plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated") and true or false)
- end
- function showMaxHeatEffect()
- return (isInBattle() and not doingHact() and plr.Status.Heat.Value >= 100) and true or false
- end
- function hasWeaponInHand()
- return (plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Holding") and true or false)
- end
- local alreadyRunning = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("DragonOfDojima")
- if alreadyRunning then
- sendNotification("Dragon of Dojima is already loaded")
- return
- end
- alreadyRunning ="BoolValue")
- alreadyRunning.Parent =game.ReplicatedStorage
- alreadyRunning.Value = true
- alreadyRunning.Name = "DragonOfDojima"
- sendNotification("loading Dragon mod...")
- local menu = pgui.MenuUI.Menu
- local abil = menu.Abilities.Frame.Frame.Frame
- local moves = game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves
- local abilFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Abilities.Brawler
- local kiwamiParticle;
- local battleWatcher = false;
- local fill3 = nil
- local climaxfill3 = nil
- local fillPreview = nil
- local climaxPreview = nil
- local status = plr.Status
- local connections = {
- KiwamiParticles = nil;
- PunchTrail = nil;
- BattleStart = nil;
- }
- local specDialogues = {
- Parker = false;
- Bill = false;
- James = false;
- Caitlin = false;
- }
- local animsChanged = false
- local hasReloaded = false
- local essenceCodeNames = { }
- local essenceUsages = { }
- local anim = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(game.ReplicatedStorage.AIStyles.Dragon.StanceIdle)
- anim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Movement
- function scanHeatActions()
- for _,action in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves:GetChildren()) do
- if string.sub(action.Name, 1, 2) == "H_" then
- local mn = action:FindFirstChild("MoveName")
- if mn then
- essenceCodeNames[mn.Value] = action.Name
- if action:FindFirstChild("HeatUse") then
- essenceUsages[mn.Value] = action.HeatUse.Value
- else
- essenceUsages[mn.Value] = action:FindFirstChild("HeatNeeded") and (action.HeatNeeded.Value == "Climax" and 75 or action.HeatNeeded.Value == "Full" and 100 or 50) or 50
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- sendNotification("loading heat actions...", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255))
- scanHeatActions()
- local function addFearParticle()
- local part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Particles.Fear
- for i,z in pairs(part:GetChildren()) do
- local p = z:Clone()
- p.Name = "FearParticle"
- p.Parent = plr.Character.Head
- p.Enabled = true
- end
- local snd ="Sound")
- snd.Parent = plr.Character.Head
- snd.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1846247709"
- snd.Volume = 0.5
- snd:Play()
- snd.Name = "FearSound"
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(snd, 3)
- end
- local function createDeathMessage(text)
- local new ="TextLabel")
- new.Parent = interf
- new.Name = "DeathMessage"
- new.Text = ""
- new.Size =,0,1,0)
- new.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
- new.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- new.TextSize = 60
- new.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
- new.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255 ,255)
- new.FontFace = Font.fromEnum(Enum.Font.Antique)
- new.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- for i = 1, string.len(text), 1 do
- new.Text = string.sub(text, 1, i)
- task.wait(0.025)
- end
- task.wait(0.10)
- repeat game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until status.Health.Value > 0
- local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(new,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, false, 0), {Size =, 0, 1.15, 0), TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 1})
- tween:Play()
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(new, 1.25)
- end
- local dc ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- dc.Name = "DeathCorrection"
- dc.Parent = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local function setDeathFilter()
- local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(dc,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, false, 0), {TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 206, 206), Saturation = -1, Brightness = -0.44})
- tween:Play()
- task.wait(0.4)
- repeat game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until status.Health.Value > 0
- local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(dc,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, false, 0), {TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Saturation = 0, Brightness = 0})
- tween:Play()
- end
- local function onBattleStart()
- task.wait(0.5)
- local arena = status.MyArena.Value
- if arena then
- if arena:FindFirstChild("AI"):FindFirstChild("Object") and arena.AI.Object.Value and arena.AI.Object.Value.Name == "Legendary Dragon" then
- addFearParticle()
- sendNotification("a tall dragon stands above you")
- sendNotification("an overwhelming sense of dread fills your body")
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- task.wait(1.5)
- sendNotification("you can't muster up any courage to use heat actions, items, or counters")
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- local function onBattleEnd()
- for _,z in pairs(plr.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do
- if z.Name == "FearParticle" then
- z:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- local function UpdateStyle()
- if status.Style.Value == "Brawler" then -- idk why, but in the game's code, the game uses yakuza 0 style names instead of the ones rolve used in the game
- --main gui
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Brawler.VisualName.Value = DragonText
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Brawler.Color.Value = DragonColor
- main.XP.Fill.ImageColor3 = DragonColor
- --particles
- local char = plr.Character
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Main.Color = DragonSequence
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Secondary.Color = DragonSequence
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Main.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 115 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 85 or 80
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Secondary.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 90 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 80 or 70
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines1.Color = DragonSequence
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines1.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 60 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 40 or 20
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines2.Color = DragonSequence
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines2.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 60 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 40 or 20
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Sparks.Color = DragonSequence
- if not char.HumanoidRootPart.TimeFor.Enabled then
- char.HumanoidRootPart.TimeFor.Color = DragonSequence
- end
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Lines1.Color = DragonSequence
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Lines2.Color = DragonSequence
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Flare.Color = DragonSequence
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Lines1.Enabled = showMaxHeatEffect()
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Flare.Enabled = showMaxHeatEffect()
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Smoke.Color = DragonSequence
- char.UpperTorso.Evading.Color = DragonSequence
- -- heat bar
- if DragonText == "Dragon" then
- main.Heat.Fill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 0, 0)
- main.Heat.Fill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 66, 142)
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 0, 0)
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 39, 86)
- elseif DragonText == "Legend" then
- main.Heat.Fill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(152, 152, 152)
- main.Heat.Fill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(203, 221, 225)
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(136, 149, 152)
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(144, 216, 221)
- end
- -- idle stance
- --if (isInBattle() and not hasWeaponInHand() and char.Humanoid.MoveDirection ==, 0, 0)) and not anim.IsPlaying then
- -- anim:Play()
- --elseif (not isInBattle() or hasWeaponInHand() or char.Humanoid.MoveDirection ~=, 0, 0)) and anim.IsPlaying then
- -- anim:Stop()
- --end
- else
- local char = plr.Character
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Flare.Enabled = false
- char.UpperTorso["r2f_aura_burst"].Lines1.Enabled = false
- if anim.IsPlaying then
- anim:Stop()
- end
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Main.Rate = 80
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Secondary.Rate = 50
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines1.Rate = 20
- char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines2.Rate = 20
- main.Heat.Fill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(40, 150, 250)
- main.Heat.Fill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(70, 250, 250)
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 0, 0)
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 60, 100)
- end
- if abil.Info.LvlHolder.Box.LvlHolder.Box.Fill.BackgroundColor3 == Color3.fromRGB(19, 157, 255) then
- abil.Info.LvlHolder.Box.LvlHolder.Box.Fill.BackgroundColor3 = DragonColor
- end
- -- Hact Names
- if main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text == "Guru Spin Counter [Front]" then
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text = "Komaki Fist Reversal [Front]"
- elseif main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text == "Guru Spin Counter [Left]" then
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text = "Komaki Fist Reversal [Left]"
- elseif main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text == "Guru Spin Counter [Right]" then
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text = "Komaki Fist Reversal [Right]"
- elseif main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text == "Guru Spin Counter [Back]" then
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text = "Komaki Fist Reversal [Back]"
- elseif main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text == "Essence of Fisticuffs" then
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text = "Essence of Knockdown"
- elseif main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text == "Guru Firearm Flip" then
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.Text = "Komaki Shot Stopper"
- end
- if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated") then
- if not plr.Character.Heated:FindFirstChild("HeatedBy") then
- main.HeatMove.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(70, 250, 250)
- else
- main.HeatMove.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
- main.HeatMove.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 73, 73)
- end
- end
- -- Move Descriptions
- abilFolder["Ultimate Essence"].Description.Value = "The Legend's ultimate attack. Unleash the might of the Red Dragon to crush any opponent."
- abilFolder["Ultimate Essence"].Prompt.Value = "HEAVY ATTACK near stunned enemies via Komaki Parry with Full Heat"
- abilFolder["Time for Resolve"].Description.Value = "Unleash the willpower of the Legendary Red Dragon to fly above the rest and withstand any attacks that would stagger or knock you down."
- abilFolder["Komaki Parry"].Description.Value = "One of the Three Ultimate Komaki style moves. Stuns the enemy."
- abilFolder["Komaki Hook"].Description.Value = "One of the Three Ultimate Komaki style moves. The style's strongest counter-attack."
- abilFolder["Komaki Knockback"].Description.Value = "One of the Three Ultimate Komaki style moves. Send an enemy's attack right back at them."
- -- Move Names & Requirements
- for i,z in pairs(abil.List.ListFrame:GetChildren()) do
- if z:IsA("ImageButton") then
- if z:FindFirstChild("sty").Value == "Brawler" and z:FindFirstChild("MyColor").Value == Color3.fromRGB(19, 157, 255) then
- z.MyColor.Value = DragonColor
- z.Generic.Label.TextColor3 = DragonColor
- if z.Name == "Counter Hook" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Tiger Drop (Lvl. 25)"
- elseif z.Name == "Guru Knockback" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Knock Back"
- elseif z.Name == "Ultimate Essence" then
- if string.sub(z.Lock.Title.Text, 1, 10) ~= "Need to be" then
- z.Lock.Title.Text = "Need to unlock Komaki Parry"
- end
- elseif z.Name == "Guru Parry" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Parry (Lvl. 20)"
- if string.sub(z.Lock.Title.Text, 1, 10) ~= "Need to be" then
- z.Lock.Title.Text = "Need to unlock Finishing Hold"
- end
- elseif z.Name == "Guru Spin Counter" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Fist Reversal"
- elseif z.Name == "Guru Firearm Flip" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Shot Stopper"
- elseif z.Name == "Guru Dodge Shot" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Evade & Strike"
- if string.sub(z.Lock.Title.Text, 1, 10) ~= "Need to be" then
- z.Lock.Title.Text = "Need to unlock Komaki Knock Back"
- end
- elseif z.Name == "Guru Safety Roll" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Komaki Dharma Tumbler"
- elseif z.Name == "Essence of Fisticuffs" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Essence of Knockdown"
- elseif z.Name == "Time for Resolve" then
- z.Generic.Label.Text = "Red Dragon Spirit (Lvl. 20)"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function UpdateStyleOnce()
- if not hasUpdatedOnce then
- hasUpdatedOnce = true
- sendNotification("setting style...", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255))
- end
- DragonSequence ={, DragonColor),, DragonColor)})
- status.Stats.Kills_Brawler.Visual.Value = "Enemies defeated using " .. DragonText
- abil.Tabs.Tabs.Brawler.Filled.Title.Text = DragonText
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves.TigerDrop.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://12120052426"
- local function updateEncounterTitle()
- if interf.BattleStart.Text == "LEGENDARY DRAGON" then
- interf.BattleStart.Text = "THE TRUE DRAGON"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "MYSTERIOUS MERCS" then
- interf.BattleStart.Text = "MEN IN BLACK"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "DELINQUENTS" then
- local r = math.random(1, 3)
- interf.BattleStart.Text = r == 1 and "STREET RUFFIANS" or r == 2 and "STREET PUNKS" or "DELINQUENTS"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "RICH FIEND" then
- interf.BattleStart.Text = "NOUVEAU RICHE"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "DEVIOUS DAN" then
- interf.BattleStart.Text = "AVERAGE AMERICAN"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "JEFF ATTACK" then
- interf.BattleStart.Text = "BLUE BELTS"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "GORILLAMAN" then
- local r = math.random(1, 2)
- interf.BattleStart.Text = r == 1 and "COSPLAYERS" or "APE ARMY"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "HUE" then
- interf.BattleStart.Text = "COPYCAT"
- elseif interf.BattleStart.Text == "BLOODSUCKER" then
- local r = math.random(1, 4)
- interf.BattleStart.Text = r == 1 and "MENACING MAN" or r == 2 and "VAMPIRE" or r == 3 and "BUFF GUY" or "SUCKER"
- end
- end
- if connections.BattleStart == nil then
- connections.BattleStart = interf.BattleStart.Changed:Connect(function()
- updateEncounterTitle()
- end)
- end
- if kiwamiParticle == nil then
- kiwamiParticle = plr.Character.Head.FS:Clone()
- kiwamiParticle.Rate = 500
- kiwamiParticle.Enabled = false
- kiwamiParticle.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
- kiwamiParticle.Name = "KiwamiParticles"
- end
- --if connections.PunchTrail == nil then -- punch trail colors properly to legend style color
- -- connections.PunchTrail = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(child)
- -- if child:IsA("Trail") and status.Style.Value == "Brawler" then
- -- coroutine.wrap(function()
- -- while child do
- -- child.Color = DragonSequence
- -- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait()
- -- end
- -- end)()
- -- end
- -- end)
- --end
- if fill3 == nil and not main.Heat:FindFirstChild("Fill3") then
- fill3 = main.Heat.Fill2:Clone()
- fill3.Parent = main.Heat
- fill3.Name = "Fill3"
- fill3.Visible = false
- fill3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- fill3.ImageTransparency = 1
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- main.Heat.Fill2.Changed:Connect(function()
- fill3.Size = main.Heat.Fill2.Size
- end)
- while true do
- repeat game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated") and not plr.Character.Heated:FindFirstChild("Throwing") and plr.Character.Heated:FindFirstChild("Heating") and plr.Character.Heated.Heating.Value ~= plr.Character
- fill3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0)
- repeat game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until not plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated")
- fill3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- end
- end)()
- local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(fill3,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, math.huge, true, 0), {ImageTransparency = 0.4})
- tween:Play()
- local function updateFill()
- fill3.Visible = status.Heat.Value >= 50 and true or false
- end
- status.Heat.Changed:Connect(function()
- updateFill()
- end)
- updateFill()
- end
- if climaxfill3 == nil and not main.Heat:FindFirstChild("ClimaxFill3") then
- climaxfill3 = main.Heat.ClimaxFill2:Clone()
- climaxfill3.Parent = main.Heat
- climaxfill3.Name = "ClimaxFill3"
- climaxfill3.Visible = false
- climaxfill3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- climaxfill3.ImageTransparency = 1
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.Changed:Connect(function()
- climaxfill3.Size = main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.Size
- end)
- while true do
- repeat game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated") and not plr.Character.Heated:FindFirstChild("Throwing") and plr.Character.Heated:FindFirstChild("Heating") and plr.Character.Heated.Heating.Value ~= plr.Character
- climaxfill3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0)
- repeat game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until not plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated")
- climaxfill3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- end
- end)()
- local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(climaxfill3,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, math.huge, true, 0), {ImageTransparency = 0.4})
- tween:Play()
- local function updateFill()
- climaxfill3.Visible = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and true or false
- end
- status.Heat.Changed:Connect(function()
- updateFill()
- end)
- updateFill()
- end
- if not fillPreview and not main.Heat:FindFirstChild("FillPreview") then
- fillPreview = main.Heat.Fill2:Clone()
- fillPreview.Parent = main.Heat
- fillPreview.Name = "FillPreview"
- fillPreview.Visible = false
- fillPreview.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
- fillPreview.ImageTransparency = 0
- end
- if not climaxPreview and not main.Heat:FindFirstChild("ClimaxPreview") then
- climaxPreview = main.Heat.ClimaxFill2:Clone()
- climaxPreview.Parent = main.Heat
- climaxPreview.Name = "ClimaxPreview"
- climaxPreview.Visible = false
- climaxPreview.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
- climaxPreview.ImageTransparency = 0
- end
- if not animsChanged then
- animsChanged = true
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Brawler.Idle.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://12120045620"
- local current;
- --finishing blows
- current = moves["BStomp"]
- current.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://7546695030"
- current = moves["BStrike1"]
- current.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://8216285224"
- changeValueStrict(current, "EndAt", 0.75, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitDur", 0.6, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitboxLocations", '[["RightFoot",3,[0,0,0]],["RightLowerLeg",2.25,[0,0,0]],["RightUpperLeg",1.5,[0,0,0]]]', "StringValue")
- current = moves["BStrike5"]
- current.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://7546691847"
- changeValueStrict(current, "MoveDuration", 0.3, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "ComboAt", 0.6, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HSize", 1.3, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitboxLocations", '[["RightFoot",1.5,[0,0,0]],["RightLowerLeg",0.75,[0,0,0]],["RightUpperLeg",0.5,[0,0,0]]]', "StringValue")
- -- x2 finishing blows
- moves["B2Strike4"].Name = "Fake2Strike4"
- moves["龍2Strike4"].Name = "B2Strike4"
- current = moves["B2Strike2"]
- current.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://11955435829"
- changeValueStrict(current, "HSize", 0.75, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HSound", "hardkick", "StringValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitDur", 0.2, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "MoveDuration", 0.3, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "RagdollBonus", 1.25, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitboxLocations", '[["LeftFoot",1,[0,0,-0.5]],["LeftLowerLeg",2,[0,0,-0.5]],["LeftUpperLeg",2,[0,0,-0.5]]]', "StringValue")
- current = moves["B2Strike3"]
- current.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://11809009022"
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitDur", 0.2, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "MoveDuration", 0.3, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "AniSpeed", 0.75, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HSize", 0.75, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "RagdollBonus", 1.25, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HorizKnockback", 0, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitboxLocations", '[["LeftHand",2,[0,0,0]],["RightHand",2,[0,0,0]]]', "StringValue")
- current = moves["B2Strike1"]
- current.Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://11826216628"
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitDur", 0.2, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "MoveDuration", 0.5, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "AniSpeed", 1, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HSize", 0.75, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "RagdollBonus", 1.25, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HorizKnockback", 0.25, "NumberValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "Reaction", "Uppercut", "StringValue")
- changeValueStrict(current, "HitboxLocations", '[["RightHand",2,[0,0,0]],["RightLowerArm",1.5,[0,0,0]],["RightUpperArm",1,[0,0,0]]]', "StringValue")
- -- rush combo
- moves["BAttack1"].Name = "FakeAttack1"
- moves["龍Attack1"].Name = "BAttack1"
- changeValueStrict(moves["BAttack1"], "ComboAt", 0.35, "NumberValue")
- moves["BAttack2"].Name = "FakeAttack2"
- moves["龍Attack2"].Name = "BAttack2"
- changeValueStrict(moves["BAttack2"], "ComboAt", 0.35, "NumberValue")
- moves["BAttack3"].Name = "FakeAttack3"
- moves["龍Attack3"].Name = "BAttack3"
- changeValueStrict(moves["BAttack3"], "ComboAt", 0.35, "NumberValue")
- moves["BAttack4"].Name = "FakeAttack4"
- moves["龍Attack4"].Name = "BAttack4"
- changeValueStrict(moves["BAttack4"], "ComboAt", 0.35, "NumberValue")
- end
- if connections.KiwamiParticles == nil then -- Kiwami-style particles for enemies stunned by guru parry (to indicate if they can get UE'd)
- print("kiwami connected")
- connections.KiwamiParticles = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if status.Styles.Brawler:FindFirstChild("Ultimate Essence") then
- task.wait(0.1)
- if child.Name == "Heated" then
- if child:FindFirstChild("MoveName") then
- hactsSession += 1
- if hactsSession % 10 == 0 then
- sendNotification("heat actions (this session): [" .. hactsSession .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end
- end
- if child:FindFirstChild("Throwing") and child:FindFirstChild("Heating") then
- local target = child.Heating.Value
- local n = 3
- repeat task.wait(0.05) n-=0.05 until target:FindFirstChild("Stunned") or not target or n<=0
- if target and target:FindFirstChild("Stunned") and target.Stunned:FindFirstChild("Guru") then
- print(target.Name .. " stunned by guru parry")
- if not target.Head:FindFirstChild("KiwamiParticles") then
- local new = kiwamiParticle:Clone()
- new.Parent = target.Head
- new.Color = DragonSequence
- new.Enabled = true
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while target:FindFirstChild("Stunned") do game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() new.Color = DragonSequence end
- new:Destroy()
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- main.Heat.noheattho.Text = "Heat Actions Disabled"
- main.Heat.noheattho.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- menu.Bars.Mobile_Title.Text = "Dragon Of Dojima Custom Mod By IdkwhattodoLOl#2448"
- menu.Bars.Mobile_Title.Visible = true
- if not isDungeon() then
- -- Dialogues
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Helen"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[Thinking about moving to Bloxxer City..... But those crime rates are so high, and we got the dragon of steel protecting us here.]]
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Jort"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[These are my favorite vending machines. There's a street legend out there who chugs sonic energy colas and then beats up all the bad guys... Or something like that.]]
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Fisherman Jimbo"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[You don't look like ya fish... But you do look intimidating, to say the least. Do you happen to know that city legend that everyone says can drop a tiger in one blow? You kinda remind me of them...]]
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Fisherman Quill"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[Hey there young legend, you look hungry. The dock lady is still there selling fresh stuff. Bearing the might of a Dragon surely is exhaustive, right?]]
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Anderson"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[Wow, that's crazy. You'd think there would be more crime scenes around the city. You know, considering how big of a mess YOU'VE caused. You crush the nearest street thug and who do you think has to clean all that up?!]]
- -- Special dialogues
- if not specDialogues.Caitlin then
- specDialogues.Caitlin = true
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Caitlin"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[There sure are a lot of jerks in this city who want to pick a fight. What, you want to fight too?]]
- local d1 ="StringValue")
- d1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Caitlin"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d1.Value = "Yeah, fight me."
- d1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r1 ="StringValue")
- r1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Caitlin"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1
- r1.Name = "Dialog"
- r1.Value = [[Aren't you that kid from Rajad that everyone talks about? Go do your thing and beat up <font color="#FF00AA">Vulcan</font> instead of fighting innocent bystanders.]]
- local d2 ="StringValue")
- d2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Caitlin"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d2.Value = "There's no such thing as rest in this city."
- d2.Name = "Dialog2"
- local r2 ="StringValue")
- r2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Caitlin"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2
- r2.Name = "Dialog"
- r2.Value = [[I know, right. The mayor doesn't even do anything about it... Instead of fighting crimes, he watches videos of them, man. VIDEOS! OF CRIMES! ON TWITTER! He should be fired.]]
- end
- if not specDialogues.Bill then
- specDialogues.Bill = true
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Bill"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[Hey, you're that legend from Rajad. I remember when you first arrived to Steel. Yeah, feels like it was yesterday.]]
- local d1 ="StringValue")
- d1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Bill"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d1.Value = "Same."
- d1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r1 ="StringValue")
- r1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Bill"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1
- r1.Name = "Dialog"
- r1.Value = "Memories bring back memories..."
- local d2 ="StringValue")
- d2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Bill"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d2.Value = "Do you just... stand here all day?"
- d2.Name = "Dialog2"
- local d2 ="StringValue")
- d2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Bill"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2
- d2.Name = "Dialog"
- d2.Value = "What? No! Of course not. I just feel very nostalgic. Besides, I have really important things to do. Like um... uh... Nevermind."
- end
- if not specDialogues.James then
- specDialogues.James = true
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[There used to be a time when we didn't have a tower looming over this street, boy do I love corporations. You look awfully intimidating. Do you happen to be the guy from the legend?]]
- local d1 ="StringValue")
- d1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d1.Value = "You've got the wrong person."
- d1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r1 ="StringValue")
- r1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1
- r1.Name = "Dialog"
- r1.Value = "Someone needs to stop them. I REALLY hate the very existence of that tower."
- local d1_1 ="StringValue")
- d1_1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1.Dialog
- d1_1.Value = "What's so bad about it?"
- d1_1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r1_1 ="StringValue")
- r1_1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1.Dialog.Dialog1
- r1_1.Name = "Dialog"
- r1_1.Value = "That skyscraper is owned by a corporation run by an obnoxious guy named Derek, I think. Tough guy. Thinks there's no one stronger than him. He definitely fears that he might get beat up by the Dragon of Steel one day. He prolly built that tower just to look above everyone else... Literally."
- local d1_2 ="StringValue")
- d1_2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1.Dialog
- d1_2.Value = "Yeah, I hate it too."
- d1_2.Name = "Dialog2"
- local r1_2 ="StringValue")
- r1_2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1.Dialog.Dialog1
- r1_2.Name = "Dialog"
- r1_2.Value = "Crazy how the mayor allowed this..."
- local d2 ="StringValue")
- d2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d2.Value = "Maybe I am."
- d2.Name = "Dialog2"
- local r2 ="StringValue")
- r2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2
- r2.Name = "Dialog"
- r2.Value = "Say, why don't you go inside and teach them to not build giant corporate towers to ruin our mood?"
- local d2_1 ="StringValue")
- d2_1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2.Dialog
- d2_1.Value = "Maybe later?.."
- d2_1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r2_1 ="StringValue")
- r2_1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["James"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2.Dialog.Dialog1
- r2_1.Name = "Dialog"
- r2_1.Value = "You better hurry. I have a headache looking at how annoyingly high that tower is. Ruins the entire atmosphere of the city."
- end
- if not specDialogues.Parker then
- specDialogues.Parker = true
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.FDialog.Name = "Dialog"
- workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Value = [[Welcome back, kid.]]
- local d1 ="StringValue")
- d1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d1.Value = "You know what."
- d1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r1 ="StringValue")
- r1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog1
- r1.Name = "FDialog"
- r1.Value = "So you haven't changed."
- local d2 ="StringValue")
- d2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d2.Value = "What's up?"
- d2.Name = "Dialog2"
- local r2 ="StringValue")
- r2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2
- r2.Name = "Dialog"
- r2.Value = "Nothing much. Still have a sore throat."
- local d2_1 ="StringValue")
- d2_1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2.Dialog
- d2_1.Value = "So... wanna fight?"
- d2_1.Name = "Dialog1"
- local r2_1 ="StringValue")
- r2_1.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2.Dialog.Dialog1
- r2_1.Name = "FDialog"
- r2_1.Value = "...You're really gonna make me stack up hospital bills."
- local d2_2 ="StringValue")
- d2_2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2.Dialog
- d2_2.Value = "Stay healthy."
- d2_2.Name = "Dialog2"
- local r2_2 ="StringValue")
- r2_2.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog2.Dialog.Dialog2
- r2_2.Name = "Dialog"
- r2_2.Value = "You too, kid."
- local d3 ="StringValue")
- d3.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog
- d3.Value = "Nothing, see ya later."
- d3.Name = "Dialog3"
- local r3 ="StringValue")
- r3.Parent = workspace.Map.MiniQuests["Parker"].Dialogue.Dialog.Dialog3
- r3.Name = "Dialog"
- r3.Value = "*cough* ..."
- end
- end
- if hasReloaded == false then
- hasReloaded = true
- local cframe = plr.Character.LowerTorso.CFrame
- sendNotification("reloading character...")
- interf.Client.Disabled = true
- task.wait()
- interf.Client.Disabled = false
- task.wait(0.1)
- plr.Character.LowerTorso.CFrame = cframe
- end
- if not battleWatcher then
- battleWatcher = true
- while true do
- repeat task.wait() until isInBattle()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- onBattleStart()
- end)()
- repeat task.wait() until not isInBattle()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- onBattleEnd()
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- UpdateStyle()
- end)
- game.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(key)
- if game.UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() == nil then
- if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.L then
- if DragonText == "Dragon" then
- DragonText = "Legend"
- DragonColor =, 0.898039, 1)
- sendNotification("legend", DragonColor)
- elseif DragonText == "Legend" then
- DragonText = "Dragon"
- DragonColor =, 0.05, 0.15)
- sendNotification("dragon of steel", DragonColor)
- end
- UpdateStyleOnce()
- end
- end
- end)
- status.Health.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.Health.Value <= 0 then
- task.wait()
- if not plr.Character:FindFirstChild("ImaDea") then
- return
- end
- local prompts = {
- "What brought you here?";
- "What happened to your right 2 fight?";
- "THAT'S supposed to be the strength of a Dragon?";
- "Who's laughing now?";
- "No way you're that bad...";
- "You can't give up just yet... " .. plr.DisplayName .. "... Stay determined!";
- "Would you like to continue? Don't say anything if yes.";
- "GAME OVER!......................... Not really. You can keep playing.";
- "Bet you'd die to spoiled brat";
- "That was a warm up, right?!";
- "So that's the Dragon of Steel?";
- }
- if not game:GetService("UserInputService").GamepadEnabled then
- table.insert(prompts, "Real Legends use a controller")
- end
- local text = prompts[math.random(1, #prompts)]
- local arena = status.MyArena.Value
- if arena then
- if arena:FindFirstChild("AI"):FindFirstChild("Object") and arena.AI.Object.Value and arena.AI.Object.Value.Name == "Legendary Dragon" then
- text = "There can be only one Legendary Dragon."
- end
- end
- local n = status.Stats.Deaths.Value + 1
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- createDeathMessage(text)
- end)()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- setDeathFilter()
- end)()
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while true do
- UpdateStyleOnce()
- task.wait(5) -- update everything every 5 seconds (optimization)
- end
- end)()
- status.Resets.Changed:Connect(function()
- sendNotification("you are now prestige [" .. status.Resets.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end)
- status.Level.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.Level.Value % 5 == 0 then
- sendNotification("you are now level [" .. status.Level.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end
- end)
- status.Stats.Deaths.Changed:Connect(function()
- sendNotification("deaths total: [" .. status.Stats.Deaths.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 0))
- end)
- status.Stats.Kills_Brawler.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.Stats.Kills_Brawler.Value % 50 == 0 then
- sendNotification("enemies defeated in " .. DragonText .. " style: [" .. status.Stats.Kills_Brawler.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end
- end)
- status.Stats.Kills_Beast.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.Stats.Kills_Beast.Value % 50 == 0 then
- sendNotification("enemies defeated in Brute style: [" .. status.Stats.Kills_Beast.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end
- end)
- status.Stats.Kills_Rush.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.Stats.Kills_Rush.Value % 50 == 0 then
- sendNotification("enemies defeated in Frenzy style: [" .. status.Stats.Kills_Rush.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end
- end)
- status.Stats.Kills.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.Stats.Kills.Value % 50 == 0 then
- sendNotification("enemies defeated total: [" .. status.Stats.Kills.Value .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- end
- end)
- status.AttackBegan.Changed:Connect(function()
- if status.AttackBegan.Value == true then
- if status.CurrentMove.Value.Name == "TigerDrop" then
- tigerDropsSession += 1
- if tigerDropsSession % 10 == 0 then
- sendNotification("tiger drops (this session): [" .. tigerDropsSession .. "]", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- if tigerDropsSession == 100 then
- sendNotification("DAAAAAAAAAAAMN")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- sendNotification("mod loaded", Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0))
- task.wait(3)
- sendNotification("press [L] to switch between legend/dragon styles", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255))
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