
Blessed Framar

Mar 23rd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then Framar, king of the Vikings, came to Hrafnista. He was a devout heathen, and iron did not bite him. He ruled a kingdom in Hunaveld, in Gestrekaland. He made his sacrifices at Arhaug. No snow would stay on that mound. His son was called Bodmod, who had a great farm by Arhaug, and was a popular man, but everyone wished evil for Framar. Odin had decreed this for Framar, that iron did not bite him. Framar demanded Hrafnhild in marriage, and Ketil answered that she would choose her own man.
  3. She said no to Framar, - ‘If I would not accept Ali, then I will hardly choose to marry this troll.’
  5. Ketil told Framar her answer. He was very angry, and he challenged Ketil to a duel at Arhaug on the first day of Yule, - ‘and you are the worst of nithings, if you do not come.’ Ketil said he would come. Hjalm and Stafnglam asked to go with him. Ketil said he would go alone.
  7. [...]
  9. Bodmod took Ketil by the hand. When he stood up, Ketil’s feet slipped on the barrow. Then Bodmod recited this verse:
  11. ‘You’ve been challenged, foster-son,
  12. To enter battle
  13. And fight Framar for gain.
  14. In his youth,
  15. Odin gave him victory,
  16. And I think he is accustomed to battle.’
  18. Ketil grew angry at the name of Odin, because he did not believe in him, and he recited this verse:
  20. ‘I have never
  21. Sacrificed to Odin,
  22. Though I have lived long.
  23. I know already
  24. That the noble head
  25. Of my foe he will lose.’
  27. Then Ketil went with Bodmod, and stayed with him that night and sat next to him. And in the morning, Bodmod offered to go with him or provide him with a second in the duel with Framar. Ketil did not agree with that. ‘Then I will go with you,’ said Bodmod.
  29. Ketil agreed to that, and they went to Arhaug. Framar came bellowing to the barrow, and found Bodmod and Ketil there with a crowd of men. Then Framar recited the laws of the duel. Bodmod held a shield for Ketil, but no one did for Framar.
  31. Framar said: ‘You are now my enemy and no longer my son.’
  33. Bodmod said he had broken their kinship because of his witchcraft. Before they fought, an eagle flew out of the forest to Framar and tore off part of his clothes. Then Framar recited this verse:
  35. ‘This eagle is evil,
  36. I don’t fear the wound I took,
  37. He sinks in his grey claws
  38. And tears at my blood vessels.
  39. The storm-carver screamed
  40. What vision does he see coming?
  41. Often have I gladdened eagles,
  42. Been kind to the ravens.’
  44. Then the eagle came on so fast, he had to protect himself with his weapons. Then Framar recited this verse:
  46. ‘Wave your wings,
  47. I will reply to you with weapons.
  48. You hover, wide-flyer,
  49. As if you warn me of menace.
  50. You are confused, battle-inciter,
  51. We two shall have the victory.
  52. Turn to assault Trout;
  53. He shall die now.’
  55. The one being challenged had to attack first. Now Ketil struck Framar’s shoulder. Framar stood silently, but the sword did not cut him, though he was knocked back, the blow was so great. Framar struck at Ketil and hit his shield. Ketil hit Framar’s other shoulder, but again it did not cut.
  57. Ketil recited this verse:
  59. ‘You drag now, Dragvendill,
  60. With the eagle’s prey.
  61. You’ve met with harmful witchcraft
  62. So you may not bite.
  63. Trout did not know this,
  64. That venom-hardened edges
  65. Would recoil from attacks
  66. As if Odin blunted them.’
  68. And then he added this verse:
  70. ‘What is it, Dragvendill,
  71. Why have you become so blunt?
  72. Now I have struck at him,
  73. But you are unwilling to bite.
  74. You give way in this sword meeting.
  75. At the clash of metal you yield.
  76. Never before have you failed
  77. When warriors swung at each other.’
  79. Framar recited this verse:
  81. ‘Now the old man’s beard shakes,
  82. The old weapon swerves.
  83. His sword defies him.
  84. The maiden’s father is afraid.
  85. Whet your bone-twigs,
  86. So they will bite
  87. On courageous men,
  88. If you think that good.’
  90. Ketil said:
  92. ‘It is not necessary to stir us up,
  93. Seldom do courageous fighters
  94. Care to question
  95. My sword-blows’ keenness
  96. Bite now, Dragvendill
  97. Or else break!
  98. Both of us are doomed,
  99. If you hesitate a third time.’
  101. And then Framar said:
  103. ‘The father of the maiden isn’t afraid,
  104. While Dragvendill is whole.
  105. I know that this is certain:
  106. It won’t hesitate a third time.’
  108. Then Ketil took his sword in his hand and turned the other edge forward. Framar stood in silence, as the sword cut through his shoulders, and did not stop before reaching his hips, and then the wound gaped outwards. Then Framar recited this verse:
  110. ‘Trout is bold,
  111. Dragvendill is keen,
  112. As if they were unsaid
  113. It cut up Odin’s words.
  114. Balder’s father has broken faith;
  115. It is unsafe to trust him.
  116. Your hands be blessed!
  117. Now we must part.’
  119. Then Framar died, but Bodmod left the duelling-place with Ketil. Then Bodmod said: ‘Now if you think to give me a reward for my support, then I wish that you give me your daughter.’
  121. Ketil took that well and said that Bodmod was a good comrade. After that, Ketil went home and he grew to be very famous for his great deeds. He gave Hrafnhild in marriage to Bodmod. Ketil reigned over Hrafnista while he lived, and Grim Hairy-cheek succeeded him. Grim’s son was Arrow-Odd.
  123. And this saga ends here.
  126. - The Saga of Ketil Trout (Ketils saga hœngs), Chapter 5
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