
RP RE: TWB Guardian of Light Application

Dec 19th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Key: kfox12
  2. Discord account: Hokus Pokus#2411
  3. Character: Near
  4. Skill(or transformation): Guardians of Light - Keyblade - Dark Staff
  6. How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): If I were to be honest? very considering I have owned bought and played every game in the series besides kingdom hearts 358/2 days along with following and reading the side manga's? pretty well, while am missing some details here and there, i know most of it and can use search engines as well as youtube to fill in anything that I may have missed
  7. Reasoning: to be 100% honest to the ones viewing this, it is mostly because of both my love of the Kingdom Hearts series as a whole and the fact that I've seen this pop up multiple times before, I've even played in afew wipes (as much as I could having to share a single computer between 4 to 5 people at a time) and having recently gain a computer that is only shared between me and two of my brothers, I can actually dedicate my time to this, roleplaying is actually a very large passion of mine, I love to do it to the point I've actually moderated on a few discord RP servers, I only Mod on one now after the last few died but my passion is still there and I wish to continue it in any way I can. When my time comes and I must dedicate my character to the Plot of the arc and my Saga, I will do so to the best of my ability.
  8. What is the moment: N/A
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