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- #include <Wire.h>
- #include <MechaQMC5883.h>
- #include <TinyGPSPlus.h>
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- #include <TinyStepper_28BYJ_48.h>
- #define RXPin 3
- #define TXPin 4
- #define GPSBaud 9600
- #define LEDPin 13
- MechaQMC5883 qmc;
- TinyGPSPlus gps;
- SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);
- TinyStepper_28BYJ_48 stepper;
- float HOME_LAT = 0.0;
- float HOME_LON = 0.0;
- float DECLINATION_ANGLE = +2.20;
- const int stepsPerRevolution = 2048;
- float currentHeading = 0;
- const float MIN_HEADING_DIFF = 5.0;
- void setup() {
- initializeComponents();
- Serial.println(F("GPS, Compass, and Stepper Motor Test"));
- Serial.println(F("Waiting for GPS data..."));
- }
- void loop() {
- updateGPSData();
- if (gps.location.isValid()) {
- executeNavigationLogic();
- } else {
- digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
- }
- }
- void initializeComponents() {
- Wire.begin();
- Serial.begin(9600);
- ss.begin(GPSBaud);
- pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
- qmc.init();
- setupStepper();
- }
- void setupStepper() {
- stepper.connectToPins(8, 9, 10, 11);
- stepper.setSpeedInStepsPerSecond(256);
- stepper.setAccelerationInStepsPerSecondPerSecond(512);
- }
- void updateGPSData() {
- while (ss.available()) {
- gps.encode(;
- }
- }
- void executeNavigationLogic() {
- digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
- displayGPSData();
- float headingDegrees = readCompass();
- float angleDegrees = calculateAngleToHome();
- adjustMotor(headingDegrees, angleDegrees);
- }
- void displayGPSData() {
- Serial.print("Latitude: ");
- Serial.println(, 6);
- Serial.print("Longitude: ");
- Serial.println(gps.location.lng(), 6);
- }
- float readCompass() {
- int x, y, z;
-, &y, &z);
- float heading = atan2(y, x);
- normalizeAngle(heading);
- float headingDegrees = heading * 180 / M_PI;
- return headingDegrees;
- }
- void normalizeAngle(float &angle) {
- if (angle < 0) angle += 2 * PI;
- if (angle > 2 * PI) angle -= 2 * PI;
- }
- float calculateAngleToHome() {
- float angleToHome = atan2(HOME_LON - gps.location.lng(), HOME_LAT -;
- normalizeAngle(angleToHome);
- return angleToHome * 180 / M_PI;
- }
- void adjustMotor(float headingDegrees, float angleDegrees) {
- float headingDifference = angleDegrees - currentHeading;
- normalizeHeadingDifference(headingDifference);
- currentHeading = headingDegrees;
- if (abs(headingDifference) >= MIN_HEADING_DIFF) {
- int targetSteps = headingDifference * (stepsPerRevolution / 360);
- for (int i = 0; i < abs(targetSteps); i++) {
- stepMotor(targetSteps, headingDifference, angleDegrees);
- }
- }
- }
- void normalizeHeadingDifference(float &headingDifference) {
- if (headingDifference > 180) {
- headingDifference -= 360;
- } else if (headingDifference < -180) {
- headingDifference += 360;
- }
- }
- void stepMotor(int targetSteps, float &headingDifference, float angleDegrees) {
- float headingChangePerStep = headingDifference / targetSteps;
- if (targetSteps > 0) {
- currentHeading += headingChangePerStep;
- stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(1);
- } else {
- currentHeading -= headingChangePerStep;
- stepper.moveRelativeInSteps(-1);
- }
- normalizeAngle(currentHeading);
- headingDifference = angleDegrees - currentHeading;
- normalizeHeadingDifference(headingDifference);
- delay(10);
- }
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