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- Searching 457 files for "\[this.*[^=><!]=($|[^=])" (regex)
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Bg_Bowl_Wall\z_bg_bowl_wall.c:
- 172 this-> = this-> = 0;
- 173 this-> = this->initPos.y - 450.0f;
- 174: this->chuGirl->wallStatus[this->] = 2;
- 175 this->actionFunc = BgBowlWall_Reset;
- 176 }
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Bg_Dodoago\z_bg_dodoago.c:
- 261
- 262 void BgDodoago_LightOneEye(BgDodoago* this, PlayState* play) {
- 263: play->roomCtx.unk_74[this->state] += 5;
- 264
- 265 if (play->roomCtx.unk_74[this->state] == 255) {
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Bg_Gnd_Iceblock\z_bg_gnd_iceblock.c:
- 101 };
- 102
- 103: sBlockPositions[thisx->params] = blockPosition;
- 104 this->targetPos.x = 2552.0f + (xPosIdx[blockPosition] * 120.0f);
- 105 this->targetPos.z = -540.0f - (zPosIdx[blockPosition] * 120.0f);
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Bg_Jya_Zurerukabe\z_bg_jya_zurerukabe.c:
- 137
- 138 DynaPoly_DeleteBgActor(play, &play->colCtx.dyna, this->dyna.bgId);
- 139: D_8089B9C0[this->unk_168] = 0.0f;
- 140 }
- 141
- ...
- 148 func_8089B80C(this);
- 149 }
- 150: D_8089B9C0[this->unk_168] = 0.0f;
- 151 }
- 152
- ...
- 166 }
- 167
- 168: D_8089B9C0[this->unk_168] = D_8089BA08[this->unk_168] * this->unk_16E;
- 169 func_8002F974(&this->, NA_SE_EV_ELEVATOR_MOVE - SFX_FLAG);
- 170 }
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Boss_Fd\z_boss_fd.c:
- 806 this->fogMode = 3;
- 807 if (this->timers[0] < 18) {
- 808: this->bodyFallApart[this->timers[0]] = 1;
- 809 }
- 810 if (this->timers[0] == 0) {
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Boss_Ganon\z_boss_ganon.c:
- 4205 }
- 4206
- 4207: this->unk_2EC[this->unk_1A6] = this->;
- 4208
- 4209 if (this->unk_1C2 == 0) {
- ....
- 4332 }
- 4333
- 4334: this->unk_2EC[this->unk_1A6] = this->;
- 4335: this->unk_3C4[this->unk_1A6].x = BINANG_TO_RAD_ALT(this->;
- 4336: this->unk_3C4[this->unk_1A6].y = BINANG_TO_RAD_ALT(this->;
- 4337
- 4338 switch (this->unk_1C2) {
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Boss_Tw\z_boss_tw.c:
- 2862 }
- 2863
- 2864: this->blastTailPos[this->work[TAIL_IDX]] = this->;
- 2865
- 2866 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- ....
- 4403 }
- 4404
- 4405: this->blastTailPos[this->work[TAIL_IDX]] = this->;
- 4406
- 4407 this->actionFunc(this, play);
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_G_Switch\z_en_g_switch.c:
- 282 this->actor.gravity = 0.0f;
- 283 if (gallery->actor.update != NULL) {
- 284: gallery->targetState[this->index] = ENSYATEKIHIT_MISS;
- 285 }
- 286 Actor_Kill(&this->actor);
- ...
- 292 gallery = ((EnSyatekiItm*)this->actor.parent);
- 293 if (gallery->actor.update != NULL) {
- 294: gallery->targetState[this->index] = ENSYATEKIHIT_MISS;
- 295 }
- 296 Actor_Kill(&this->actor);
- ...
- 302 gallery = ((EnSyatekiItm*)this->actor.parent);
- 303 if (gallery->actor.update != NULL) {
- 304: gallery->targetState[this->index] = ENSYATEKIHIT_MISS;
- 305 }
- 306 Actor_Kill(&this->actor);
- ...
- 328 gallery = ((EnSyatekiItm*)this->actor.parent);
- 329 if (gallery->actor.update != NULL) {
- 330: gallery->targetState[this->index] = ENSYATEKIHIT_MISS;
- 331 }
- 332 Actor_Kill(&this->actor);
- ...
- 342 if (gallery->actor.update != NULL) {
- 343 gallery->hitCount++;
- 344: gallery->targetState[this->index] = ENSYATEKIHIT_HIT;
- 345 Sfx_PlaySfxCentered(NA_SE_EV_HIT_SOUND);
- 346 Sfx_PlaySfxCentered(NA_SE_SY_GET_RUPY);
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_Goma\z_en_goma.c:
- 417 BossGoma* parent = (BossGoma*)this->actor.parent;
- 418
- 419: parent->childrenGohmaState[this->actor.params] = -1;
- 420 }
- 421 Audio_PlaySfxGeneral(NA_SE_EN_EXTINCT, &this->actor.projectedPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale,
- ...
- 661 BossGoma* parent = (BossGoma*)this->actor.parent;
- 662
- 663: parent->childrenGohmaState[this->actor.params] = -1;
- 664 }
- 665
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_Wall_Tubo\z_en_wall_tubo.c:
- 88 if (((fabsf(chuPosDiff.x) < 40.0f) || (BREG(2))) && ((fabsf(chuPosDiff.y) < 40.0f) || (BREG(2))) &&
- 89 (fabsf(chuPosDiff.z) < 40.0f || (BREG(2)))) {
- 90: this->chuGirl->wallStatus[this->actor.params] = 1;
- 91 chu->timer = 2;
- 92 Sfx_PlaySfxCentered(NA_SE_SY_TRE_BOX_APPEAR);
- C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_player_actor\z_player.c:
- 2034 }
- 2035
- 2036: this->unk_847[this->unk_846] = phi_v1;
- 2037: this->unk_84B[this->unk_846] = phi_v0;
- 2038 }
- 2039
- 23 matches across 11 files
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