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- // GIVEN: Create a User constructor
- const User = function (name) {
- = name;
- this.lname =;
- this.uname =;
- this.nav = "#nav-" + this.lname;
- this.img = "./images/user-" + name + ".png";
- }
- // TODO: Create object constructors as you see fit
- let PostInfo = function (title, content, userDate) {
- this.title = title;
- this.content = content;
- this.userDate = userDate;
- this.postNumber = ++postCtr;
- this.user = currentUser;
- }
- // GIVEN: These will store all the posts/messages locally
- let posts = [];
- let messages = []; // OPTIONAL: Use this if you will implement Messenger
- let postCtr = 0;
- // GIVEN: Do not change the values below
- let currentUser = new User("Rachel");
- const errorTitle = " Please write a title ";
- const errorContent = " Please write a content ";
- // GIVEN: variables to check against Filter Select (the drop-down box)
- let selectNone = "None";
- let selectRachel = "Rachel";
- let selectJack = "Jack";
- let selectAshley = "Ashley";
- // This event listener is equivalent to JQuery's $(document).ready
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
- // GIVEN: Do not remove
- switchUser(currentUser);
- toggleFilter(); // This functionality is already GIVEN
- // TODO: Set the Create Post's date to the current date
- const today = new Date();
- // Use the given "formatDate" function present in this file to convert "today" to the correct format
- $('#post-date').val(formatDate(today));
- // .________________________________________________________________________.
- // || ||
- // || Fill up the element behaviours below, you may change it if necessary ||
- // ||______________________________________________________________________||
- // ' '
- // TODO: Complete the functionality when clicking Submit Post
- document.querySelector("#submit-post")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault(); // Prevents page refresh
- let title = $('#post-title').val();
- let content = $('#post-body').val();
- // HINT: Fill up the contents of validateFields() first
- if (validateFields(title, content)) {
- // HINT: If the number of Posts is ZERO, clear post-container first
- if (postCtr == 0) {
- $('#post-container').empty();
- }
- // get remaining inputs from the input fields
- let userDate = new Date($('#post-date').val());
- // Create a new post and add it to posts
- let newPost = new PostInfo(title, content, userDate);
- posts.push(newPost);
- // Refresh the displayed posts
- refreshDisplay(posts); // Fill up the contents of refreshDisplay() first
- // Reset the contents of Create Post
- resetCreatePost();
- }
- });
- // Called when Sort by Date button is clicked
- document.querySelector("div#sort-by-date")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- sortByPostDate(); // Fill up the contents of sortByPostDate()
- });
- // Called when Filter button is clicked
- document.querySelector("div#filter")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- toggleFilter(); // This functionality is already GIVEN
- });
- // Called when Filter Drop-down value is changed
- document.querySelector("#select-users")?.addEventListener("change", function (e) {
- let selectedValue = this.value;
- applyFilter(selectedValue); // Fill up the contents of applyFilter() first
- });
- // Called when Sort by Post Order button is clicked
- document.querySelector("div#sort-by-order")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- sortByPostOrder(); // Fill up the contents of sortByPostOrder()
- });
- // Called when To Top button is clicked
- document.querySelector("div#to-top")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- scrollToTop(); // Fill up the contents of scrollToTop() first
- });
- // NOTE: Change the function below if you want to implement Messenger
- // Called when Send Message button is clicked
- document.querySelector("#send-msg")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault(); // Prevents page refresh
- });
- // .__________________________________________________________.
- // || ||
- // || Fill up the functions below, you may also add your own ||
- // ||________________________________________________________||
- // ' '
- // TODO: Complete the validateFields() function below
- function validateFields(title, content) {
- // HINT: Return 'true' if title and content is NOT empty
- // else, use the showError() function to show the proper
- // error text. Then, return false
- let isValid = true;
- // If title is invalid, show errorTitle
- if (title == '') {
- showError(errorTitle);
- isValid = false;
- }
- // If content is invalid, show errorContent
- if (content == '') {
- showError(errorContent);
- }
- // If invalid, return false
- // If valid, return true
- return isValid;
- }
- // TODO: Complete the sortByPostDate() function below
- function sortByPostDate() {
- // Sort posts by their Date
- let sortedPosts = [];
- sortedPosts = posts.sort((obj1, obj2) => obj1.userDate - obj2.userDate);
- // Refresh the displayed posts according to the result of the sorting
- // maybe we can use a sort function to sort the post by their date based on latest to oldest
- refreshDisplay(sortedPosts); // Fill up the contents of refreshDisplay() first
- }
- // TODO: Complete the sortByPostOrder() function below
- function sortByPostOrder() {
- // let post, number;
- // let sortedPosts = [];
- // HINT: Use splice() for inserting values to an array index
- // Refresh the displayed posts according to the result of the sorting
- refreshDisplay(posts); // Fill up the contents of refreshDisplay() first
- }
- // TODO: Complete the applyFilter() function below
- function applyFilter(selectedValue) {
- // If, selectedValue is equal to selectNone, show all posts
- if (selectedValue == selectNone) {
- refreshDisplay(posts);
- }
- // Else, (meaning, if a name filter is selected)
- else {
- let filteredPosts = [];
- // For each post in posts, if the post name is equal to selectedValue,
- // add it to filteredPosts (filteredPosts.push(post);)
- for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
- if (posts[i] == selectedValue) {
- filteredPosts.push(posts[i]);
- }
- }
- // Refresh the displayed posts according to the result of filtering
- refreshDisplay(filteredPosts); // Fill up the contents of refreshDisplay() first
- }
- }
- $
- // TODO: Complete the scrollToTop() function below
- function scrollToTop() {
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- }
- // Refreshes the post-container according to the post contents of displayedPosts
- function refreshDisplay(displayedPosts) {
- // If displayedPosts is empty, show "▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓<br>Wow such empty..."
- // in the post-container (with a "filler-text" class)
- if (displayedPosts.length == 0) {
- $('#post-container').empty();
- let filler = $('<p></p>').addClass('filler-text');
- filler.append('▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓<br>Wow such empty...');
- $('#post-container').append(filler);
- }
- // Else, add each post inside displayedPosts to post-container
- else {
- displayPosts(displayedPosts);
- }
- }
- function displayPosts(newPosts) {
- // Clear post-container and add each post inside newPosts inside it instead
- $('#post-container').empty();
- for (var i = 0; i < newPosts.length; i++) {
- displayPost(newPosts[i]);
- }
- }
- function displayPost(newPost) {
- // Create elements/tags
- // HINT: You can use document.createElement("tag");
- // Add classes to your created elements so you don't have to style repeatedly
- // HINT: You can use $(element1).addClass("class-name");
- // Set the proper hierarchy of the created elements
- // HINT: $(element1).append(element2); will place element2 within element1
- // Set the proper content/values to the correct elements/tags
- // HINT: You can use $(element2).text("Text to Add"); OR $(imgElement).attr("src", "./images/user.png");
- // Place the outermost element (single-post-main) inside post-container
- // $("div#post-container").append(single-post-main);
- let singlePostMain = $('<div></div>').addClass('single-post-main');
- let singlePost = $('<div></div>').addClass('single-post');
- let spLeft = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-left');
- let spRight = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-right');
- let spPicture = $('<img>').addClass('sp-picture');
- let spRightContent = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-right-content');
- let spTitle = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-title');
- let spBody = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-body');
- let spRightBottom = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-right-bottom');
- let spName = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-name');
- let spDate = $('<div></div>').addClass('sp-date');
- // adding values
- spPicture.attr('src', newPost.user.img);
- spTitle.text(newPost.postNumber + '. ' + newPost.title);
- spBody.text(newPost.content);
- spDate.text(formatDateCustom(newPost.userDate));
- spName.text(;
- // appending right side elements
- spRight.append(spRightContent);
- spRightContent.append(spTitle);
- spRightContent.append(spBody);
- spRightBottom.append(spName);
- spRightBottom.append(spDate);
- spRightContent.append(spRightBottom);
- spLeft.append(spPicture);
- singlePost.append(spLeft);
- singlePost.append(spRight);
- singlePostMain.append(singlePost);
- // append to #post-container
- $('#post-container').append(singlePostMain);
- }
- // Reset the values of Create Post
- function resetCreatePost() {
- // Empty the contents of Title and Content
- // Set the Date to the current Date today
- $('#post-title').val('');
- $('#post-body').val('');
- $('#post-date').val(formatDate(today));
- }
- /* my function declarations */
- function formatDateCustom(userDate) { // GIVEN: For date formatting
- let formattedDateCustom = userDate.getFullYear().toString() + '-' + (userDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, 0) + '-' + userDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, 0) + ' | Time: ' + userDate.getHours().toString().padStart(2, 0) + ':' + userDate.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, 0);
- return formattedDateCustom;
- }
- // ._____________________________________.
- // || ||
- // || Do not change the functions below ||
- // ||___________________________________||
- // ' '
- function formatDate(today) { // GIVEN: For date formatting
- let formattedDate = today.getFullYear().toString() + '-' + (today.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, 0) + '-' + today.getDate().toString().padStart(2, 0) + 'T' + today.getHours().toString().padStart(2, 0) + ':' + today.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, 0);
- return formattedDate;
- }
- document.querySelector("input#post-title")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) { // GIVEN: For error handling
- hideError();
- });
- document.querySelector("textarea#post-body")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- hideError();
- });
- function hideError() {
- document.getElementById("post-error").innerHTML = "";
- }
- function showError(errorText) {
- document.querySelector("#post-error").innerHTML = "";
- document.querySelector("#post-error").innerHTML += " [ERROR] " + "<span>" + errorText + "</span>" + " ! ";
- }
- document.querySelector("#nav-rachel")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) { // GIVEN: For user switching
- let user = new User("Rachel");
- switchUser(user);
- });
- document.querySelector("#nav-jack")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- let user = new User("Jack");
- switchUser(user);
- });
- document.querySelector("#nav-ashley")?.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- let user = new User("Ashley");
- switchUser(user);
- });
- function switchUser(newUser) {
- showAllUsers();
- document.querySelector("#nav-current-name").textContent =;
- document.querySelector("#nav-selected").src = newUser.img;
- showAllUsers();
- document.querySelector(newUser.nav).hidden = true;
- currentUser = newUser;
- }
- function showAllUsers() {
- document.querySelector("#nav-rachel").hidden = false;
- document.querySelector("#nav-jack").hidden = false;
- document.querySelector("#nav-ashley").hidden = false;
- }
- function toggleFilter() {
- const selectUsers = document.getElementById("select-users");
- selectUsers.hidden = !selectUsers.hidden;
- if (!selectUsers.hidden) {
- let selectedFilter = selectUsers.value;
- applyFilter(selectedFilter);
- }
- else {
- refreshDisplay(posts);
- }
- }
- });
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