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- aa_maxDist = 10 []
- ac_ColliderModeAI = 0 []
- ac_ColliderModePlayer = 0 []
- ac_debugAnimEffects = 0 []
- ac_debugAnimTarget = 0 []
- ac_debugColliderMode = 0 []
- ac_debugEntityParams = 0 []
- ac_DebugFilter = 0 []
- ac_debugLeaning = 0 []
- ac_debugLocations = 0 []
- ac_debugLocationsGraphs = 0 []
- ac_debugMotionParams = 0 []
- ac_debugMovementControlMethods = 0 []
- ac_debugText = 0 []
- ac_debugXXXValues = 0 []
- ac_disableLivingVsLivingCollisions = 1 []
- ac_disableLivingVsRigidCollisions = 1 []
- ac_disableSlidingContactEvents = 0 []
- ac_enableExtraSolidCollider = 0 []
- ac_enableProceduralLeaning = 0 []
- ac_entityAnimClamp = 1 []
- ac_forceSimpleMovement = 0 []
- ac_frametime = 0 []
- ac_groundAlignMaxFramesWithoutUpdate = 30 []
- ac_groundAlignMaxFullUpdatesPerFrame = 10 []
- ac_groundAlignTurnOffWhenNotMoving = 1 []
- ac_groundAlignUpdateAllDistance = 30 []
- ac_groundAlignUpdateNoneDistance = 100 []
- ac_movementControlMethodFilter = 0 []
- ac_movementControlMethodHor = 0 []
- ac_movementControlMethodVer = 0 []
- ac_templateMCMs = 1 []
- ac_useMovementPrediction = 1 []
- ac_useQueuedRotation = 0 []
- ag_debugExactPos = 0 []
- ag_defaultAIStance = combat []
- ag_travelAngleSmoothing = 1 []
- ag_travelSpeedSmoothing = 1 []
- ag_turnAngleSmoothing = 1 []
- ag_turnSpeedParamScale = 1 []
- ag_turnSpeedSmoothing = 1 []
- aim_assistAimEnabled = 0 []
- aim_assistAutoCoeff = 0 []
- aim_assistCrosshairDebug = 0 []
- aim_assistCrosshairSize = 25 []
- aim_assistMaxDistance = 0 []
- aim_assistRestrictionTimeout = 0 []
- aim_assistSearchBox = 0 []
- aim_assistSingleCoeff = 0 []
- aim_assistSnapDistance = 0 []
- aim_assistTriggerEnabled = 0 []
- aim_assistVerticalScale = 0 []
- ai_AdjustPathsAroundDynamicObstacles = 1 []
- ai_AgentStatsDist = 150 []
- ai_AllowedToHit = 1 []
- ai_AllowedToHitPlayer = 1 []
- ai_AllTime = 0 []
- ai_AmbientFireEnable = 0 []
- ai_AmbientFireQuota = 2 []
- ai_AmbientFireUpdateInterval = 1 []
- ai_AttemptStraightPath = 1 []
- ai_BannedNavSoTime = 15 []
- ai_BeautifyPath = 1 []
- ai_BubblesSystem = 1 []
- ai_BubblesSystemAlertnessFilter = 7 []
- ai_BubblesSystemDecayTime = 15 []
- ai_BubblesSystemFontSize = 45 []
- ai_BubblesSystemUseDepthTest = 0 []
- ai_BubbleSystemAllowPrototypeDialogBubbles = 0 []
- ai_BurstWhileMovingDestinationRange = 9999 []
- ai_CheckGoalpipes (Command)
- ai_CheckWalkabilityOptimalSectionLength = 1.75 []
- ai_CodeCoverageMode = 0 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceAgentExtraFat = 0.075 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceAgentTimeHorizon = 2.5 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceClampVelocitiesWithNavigationMesh = 2 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceEnableRadiusIncrement = 1 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceMinSpeed = 0.4 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceObstacleTimeHorizon = 1.5 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidancePathEndCutoffRange = 1.3 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceRadiusIncrementDecreaseRate = 2 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceRadiusIncrementIncreaseRate = 0.25 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceRange = 5 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceSmartObjectCutoffRange = 1 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceTargetCutoffRange = 3 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceTimestep = 0.1 []
- ai_CollisionAvoidanceUpdateVelocities = 1 []
- ai_commTest (Command)
- ai_commTestStop (Command)
- ai_CommunicationForceTestVoicePack = 0 []
- ai_CommunicationManagerHeighThresholdForTargetPosition = 5 []
- ai_CompatibilityMode = crysis2 []
- ai_CoolMissesBoxHeight = 2.5 []
- ai_CoolMissesBoxSize = 10 []
- ai_CoolMissesCooldown = 0.25 []
- ai_CoolMissesMaxLightweightEntityMass = 20 []
- ai_CoolMissesMinMissDistance = 7.5 []
- ai_CoolMissesProbability = 0.35 []
- ai_CoverExactPositioning = 0 []
- ai_CoverMaxEyeCount = 2 []
- ai_CoverPredictTarget = 1 []
- ai_CoverSpacing = 0.5 []
- ai_CoverSystem = 1 []
- ai_CrouchVisibleRange = 15 []
- ai_CrowdControlInPathfind = 0 []
- ai_DebugAgent (Command)
- ai_DebugBehaviorSelection = []
- ai_DebugCheckWalkability = 0 []
- ai_DebugCheckWalkabilityRadius = 0.5 []
- ai_DebugCollisionAvoidanceForceSpeed = 0 []
- ai_DebugDraw = -1 []
- ai_DebugDrawAdaptiveUrgency = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawAmbientFire = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawArrowLabelsVisibilityDistance = 50 []
- ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenList = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenListTime = 10 []
- ai_DebugDrawBannedNavsos = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCollisionAvoidance = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCollisionAvoidanceAgentName = []
- ai_DebugDrawCollisionAvoidanceAgentsRelativeTo = []
- ai_DebugDrawCollisionAvoidanceCandidateVelocities = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCollisionAvoidanceObstaclesForAgent = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCommunication = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCommunicationHistoryDepth = 5 []
- ai_DebugDrawCoolMisses = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCover = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCoverLocations = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCoverOccupancy = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCoverPlanes = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCoverSampler = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawCrowdControl = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawDamageControl = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawDamageParts = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawDynamicCoverSampler = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawDynamicHideObjectsRange = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawEnabledActors = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawEnabledPlayers = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawExpensiveAccessoryQuota = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawFireCommand = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawFlight2 = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawGroups = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawHidespotRange = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawHideSpotSearchRays = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawLightLevel = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawNavigation = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawNavigationWorldMonitor = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawPhysicsAccess = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawPlayerActions = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawReinforcements = -1 []
- ai_DebugDrawStanceSize = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawVegetationCollisionDist = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawVisionMap = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawVisionMapObservables = 1 []
- ai_DebugDrawVisionMapObservers = 1 []
- ai_DebugDrawVisionMapObserversFOV = 0 []
- ai_DebugDrawVisionMapStats = 1 []
- ai_DebugDrawVisionMapVisibilityChecks = 1 []
- ai_DebugDrawVolumeVoxels = 0 []
- ai_DebugGlobalPerceptionScale = 0 []
- ai_DebugHideSpotName = 0 []
- ai_DebugInterestSystem = 0 []
- ai_debugMNMAgentType (Command)
- ai_DebugMovementSystem = 0 []
- ai_DebugMovementSystemActor = []
- ai_DebugMovementSystemActorRequests = 0 []
- ai_DebugMovementSystemUpdatedActors = 0 []
- ai_DebugPathfinding = 0 []
- ai_DebugPerceptionManager = 0 []
- ai_DebugRangeSignaling = 0 []
- ai_DebugSignalTimers = 0 []
- ai_DebugTacticalPoints = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_DebugTacticalPointsBlocked = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_DebugTargetSilhouette = 0 []
- ai_DebugTargetTracksAgent = none []
- ai_DebugTargetTracksConfig = 0 []
- ai_DebugTargetTracksConfig_Filter = none []
- ai_DebugTargetTracksTarget = 0 []
- ai_DebugTimestamps = 1 []
- ai_DebugWalkabilityCache = 0 []
- ai_DrawAgentFOV = 0 []
- ai_DrawAgentStats = NkcBbtGgSfdDL []
- ai_DrawAgentStatsGroupFilter = []
- ai_DrawAreas = 0 []
- ai_DrawAttentionTargetPositions = 0 []
- ai_DrawBadAnchors = -1 []
- ai_DrawBulletEvents = 0 []
- ai_DrawCollisionEvents = 0 []
- ai_DrawDistanceLUT = 0 []
- ai_DrawExplosions = 0 []
- ai_DrawFakeDamageInd = 0 []
- ai_DrawFakeHitEffects = 0 []
- ai_DrawFakeTracers = 0 []
- ai_DrawFireEffectDecayRange = 30 []
- ai_DrawFireEffectEnabled = 1 []
- ai_DrawFireEffectMaxAngle = 5 []
- ai_DrawFireEffectMinDistance = 7.5 []
- ai_DrawFireEffectMinTargetFOV = 7.5 []
- ai_DrawFireEffectTimeScale = 1 []
- ai_DrawFormations = 0 []
- ai_DrawGetEnclosingFailures = 0 []
- ai_DrawGoals = 0 []
- ai_DrawGrenadeEvents = 0 []
- ai_DrawGroupTactic = 0 []
- ai_DrawHidespots = 0 []
- ai_DrawModifiers = 0 []
- ai_DrawModularBehaviorTreeStatistics = 0 []
- ai_DrawNode = none []
- ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff = 0 []
- ai_DrawNodeLinkType = 0 []
- ai_DrawOffset = 0.1 []
- ai_DrawPath = none []
- ai_DrawPathAdjustment = []
- ai_DrawPathFollower = 0 []
- ai_DrawPathFollowerFilter = []
- ai_DrawPerceptionDebugging = 0 []
- ai_DrawPerceptionHandlerModifiers = none []
- ai_DrawPerceptionIndicators = 0 []
- ai_DrawPerceptionModifiers = 0 []
- ai_DrawPlayerRanges = 0 []
- ai_DrawProbableTarget = 0 []
- ai_DrawRadar = 0 []
- ai_DrawRadarDist = 20 []
- ai_DrawReadibilities = 0 []
- ai_DrawRefPoints = []
- ai_DrawSelectedTargets = 0 []
- ai_DrawShooting = none []
- ai_DrawSmartObjects = 0 []
- ai_DrawSoundEvents = 0 []
- ai_DrawStats = 0 []
- ai_DrawTargets = 0 []
- ai_DrawTrajectory = 0 []
- ai_DrawType = -1 []
- ai_DrawUpdate = 0 []
- ai_DynamicHidespotsEnabled = 0 []
- ai_DynamicVolumeUpdateTime = 0.000175 []
- ai_DynamicWaypointUpdateTime = 0.00035 []
- ai_EnableCoolMisses = 1 []
- ai_EnableORCA = 1 []
- ai_EnablePerceptionStanceVisibleRange = 0 []
- ai_EnableWarningsErrors = 1 []
- ai_EnableWaterOcclusion = 1 []
- ai_ExtraActorAvoidanceRadius = 0 []
- ai_ExtraAvoidanceRadius = 0 []
- ai_ExtraForbiddenRadiusDuringBeautification = 1 []
- ai_ExtraRadiusDuringBeautification = 0.2 []
- ai_ExtraVehicleAvoidanceRadiusBig = 4 []
- ai_ExtraVehicleAvoidanceRadiusSmall = 0.5 []
- ai_FilterAgentName = []
- ai_ForceAGAction = 0 []
- ai_ForceAGSignal = 0 []
- ai_ForceAllowStrafing = -1 []
- ai_ForceLookAimTarget = none []
- ai_ForcePosture = 0 []
- ai_ForceSerializeAllObjects = 0 []
- ai_ForceStance = -1 []
- ai_IgnoreBulletRainStimulus = 0 []
- ai_IgnorePlayer = 0 []
- ai_IgnoreSoundStimulus = 0 []
- ai_IgnoreVisibilityChecks = 0 []
- ai_IgnoreVisualStimulus = 0 []
- ai_InterestSystem = 0 []
- ai_InterestSystemCastRays = 1 []
- ai_IntersectionTesterQuota = 12 []
- ai_IslandConnectionsSystemProfileMemory = 0 []
- ai_LayerSwitchDynamicLinkBump = 8 []
- ai_LayerSwitchDynamicLinkBumpDuration = 60 []
- ai_LobThrowMinAllowedDistanceFromFriends = 15 []
- ai_LobThrowPercentageOfDistanceToTargetUsedForInaccuracySimulation = 0 []
- ai_LobThrowTimePredictionForFriendPositions = 2 []
- ai_LobThrowUseRandomForInaccuracySimulation = 0 []
- ai_Locate = none []
- ai_LogConsoleVerbosity = 0 []
- ai_LogFileVerbosity = 1 []
- ai_LogModularBehaviorTreeExecutionStacks = 0 []
- ai_LogSignals = 0 []
- ai_MinActorDynamicObstacleAvoidanceRadius = 0.6 []
- ai_MNMAllowDynamicRegenInEditor = 0 []
- ai_MNMComputeConnectedIslands (Command)
- ai_MNMDebugAccessibility = 0 []
- ai_MNMEditorBackgroundUpdate = 1 []
- ai_MNMPathfinderConcurrentRequests = 4 []
- ai_MNMPathFinderDebug = 0 []
- ai_MNMPathfinderMT = 1 []
- ai_MNMPathfinderPositionInTrianglePredictionType = 1 []
- ai_MNMPathFinderQuota = 0.001 []
- ai_MNMProfileMemory = 0 []
- ai_MNMRaycastImplementation = 1 []
- ai_ModularBehaviorTree = 0 []
- ai_MovementSystemPathReplanningEnabled = 0 []
- ai_NavGenThreadJobs = 1 []
- ai_NavigationSystemMT = 1 []
- ai_NetworkDebug = 0 []
- ai_NoUpdate = 0 []
- ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold = 1.2 []
- ai_OutputPersonalLogToConsole = 0 []
- ai_OverlayMessageDuration = 5 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_PathfinderAvoidanceCostForGroupMates = 2 []
- ai_PathfinderDangerCostForAttentionTarget = 5 []
- ai_PathfinderDangerCostForExplosives = 2 []
- ai_PathfinderExplosiveDangerMaxThreatDistance = 50 []
- ai_PathfinderExplosiveDangerRadius = 5 []
- ai_PathfinderGroupMatesAvoidanceRadius = 4 []
- ai_PathfinderUpdateTime = 0.0005 []
- ai_PathfindTimeLimit = 0.08 []
- ai_PathStringPullingIterations = 5 []
- ai_perception.landed_baseRadius = 5 []
- ai_perception.landed_speedMultiplier = 1.5 []
- ai_perception.movement_crouchMovingMultiplier = 2 []
- ai_perception.movement_crouchRadiusDefault = 2 []
- ai_perception.movement_movingSurfaceDefault = 1 []
- ai_perception.movement_standingMovingMultiplier = 2.5 []
- ai_perception.movement_standingRadiusDefault = 4 []
- ai_perception.movement_useSurfaceType = 0 []
- ai_PlayerAffectedByLight = 1 []
- ai_PredictivePathFollowing = 1 []
- ai_ProfileGoals = 0 []
- ai_ProneVisibleRange = 6 []
- ai_RayCasterQuota = 12 []
- ai_RecordCommunicationStats = 0 []
- ai_Recorder = 0 []
- ai_Recorder_Auto = 0 []
- ai_Recorder_Buffer = 1024 []
- ai_Recorder_Start (Command)
- ai_Recorder_Stop (Command)
- ai_RecordLog = 0 []
- ai_reload (Command)
- ai_resetCommStats (Command)
- ai_RODAliveTime = 3 []
- ai_RODAmbientFireInc = 3 []
- ai_RODCombatRangeMod = 0.55 []
- ai_RODCoverFireTimeMod = 1 []
- ai_RODDirInc = 0 []
- ai_RODFakeHitChance = 0.2 []
- ai_RODKillRangeMod = 0.15 []
- ai_RODKillZoneInc = -4 []
- ai_RODLowHealthMercyTime = 1.5 []
- ai_RODMoveInc = 3 []
- ai_RODReactionDarkIllumInc = 0.3 []
- ai_RODReactionDirInc = 2 []
- ai_RODReactionDistInc = 0.1 []
- ai_RODReactionLeanInc = 0.2 []
- ai_RODReactionMediumIllumInc = 0.2 []
- ai_RODReactionSuperDarkIllumInc = 0.4 []
- ai_RODReactionTime = 1 []
- ai_RODStanceInc = 2 []
- ai_SightRangeDarkIllumMod = 0.5 []
- ai_SightRangeMediumIllumMod = 0.8 []
- ai_SightRangeSuperDarkIllumMod = 0.25 []
- ai_SimpleWayptPassability = 1 []
- ai_SmartPathFollower_decelerationHuman = 7.75 []
- ai_SmartPathFollower_decelerationVehicle = 1 []
- ai_SmartPathFollower_LookAheadPredictionTimeForMovingAlongPathRunAndSprint = 0.25 []
- ai_SmartPathFollower_LookAheadPredictionTimeForMovingAlongPathWalk = 0.1 []
- ai_SmartPathFollower_useAdvancedPathShortcutting = 1 []
- ai_SmartPathFollower_useAdvancedPathShortcutting_debug = 0 []
- ai_SOMSpeedCombat = 0.15 []
- ai_SOMSpeedRelaxed = 0.4 []
- ai_SoundPerception = 1 []
- ai_StatsDisplayMode = 0 []
- ai_StatsTarget = none []
- ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue = 0.6 []
- ai_SteepSlopeUpValue = 1 []
- ai_SystemUpdate = 1 []
- ai_TacticalPointsDebugDrawMode = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_TacticalPointsDebugFadeMode = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_TacticalPointsDebugScaling = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_TacticalPointsDebugTime = 5 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_TacticalPointsWarnings = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ai_TacticalPointUpdateTime = 0.0005 []
- ai_TargetTracking = 0 []
- ai_TargetTracks_GlobalTargetLimit = 0 []
- ai_UpdateAllAlways = 0 []
- ai_UpdateInterval = 0.13 []
- ai_UpdateProxy = 1 []
- ai_UseCalculationStopperCounter = 0 []
- ai_UseSimplePathfindingHeuristic = 0 []
- ai_UseSmartPathFollower = 1 []
- ai_UseSmartPathFollower_AABB_based = 1 []
- ai_UseSmartPathFollower_LookAheadDistance = 10 []
- ai_VisionMapNumberOfPVSUpdatesPerFrame = 1 []
- ai_VisionMapNumberOfVisibilityUpdatesPerFrame = 1 []
- ai_WaterOcclusion = 0.5 []
- ai_writeCommStats (Command)
- aln_debug_filter = []
- aln_debug_movement = 0 []
- autotest_disable_saveload = 0 []
- autotest_enabled = 0 []
- autotest_quit_when_done = 0 []
- autotest_state_setup = []
- autotest_verbose = 1 []
- a_poseAlignerAnimDrivenBlend = -1 []
- a_poseAlignerBipedRaycasLength = 0.5 []
- a_poseAlignerDebugDraw = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerEnable = 1 []
- a_poseAlignerForceLock = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerForceNoIK = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerForceNoIntersections = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerForceNoRootOffset = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerForceNoRootRotation = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerForceTargetSmoothing = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerForceWeightOne = 0 []
- a_poseAlignerQuadrupleRaycasLength = 0.8 []
- ban_remove (Command)
- ban_status (Command)
- ban_timeout = 30 [DUMPTODISK]
- br_breakmaxworldsize = 10000 []
- br_breakworldoffsetx = 0 []
- br_breakworldoffsety = 0 []
- bt_end_melee = 0 []
- bt_end_reload = 0 []
- bt_end_select = 0 []
- bt_energy_decay = 2.5 []
- bt_energy_max = 1 []
- bt_energy_regen = 0.5 []
- bt_ironsight = 0 []
- bt_pitch = -0.4 []
- bt_speed = 0 []
- bt_time_scale = 0.2 []
- capture_file_format = jpg []
- capture_file_name = []
- capture_file_prefix = []
- capture_folder = CaptureOutput []
- capture_frames = 0 []
- capture_frames_pause = 0 []
- capture_frame_once = 0 []
- ca_AllowMultipleEffectsOfSameName = 1 []
- ca_AnimationLODs = 1 []
- ca_AnimWarningLevel = 0 []
- ca_ApplyJointVelocitiesMode = 2 []
- ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 1000 []
- ca_AttachmentCullingRationMP = 300 []
- ca_AttachmentMergingMemoryBudget = 26214400 []
- ca_CharEditModel = Objects/characters/humans/skeleton/male.cdf []
- ca_ClothBlending = 1 []
- ca_ClothBypassSimulation = 0 []
- ca_cloth_air_resistance = 0 []
- ca_cloth_damping = 0 []
- ca_cloth_friction = 0 []
- ca_cloth_max_safe_step = 0 []
- ca_cloth_max_timestep = 0 []
- ca_cloth_stiffness = 0 []
- ca_cloth_stiffness_norm = 0 []
- ca_cloth_stiffness_tang = 0 []
- ca_cloth_thickness = 0 []
- ca_cloth_vars_reset = 2 []
- ca_CopySkinLoad = 1 []
- ca_DBAUnloadRemoveTime = 4 []
- ca_DBAUnloadUnregisterTime = 2 []
- ca_DeathBlendTime = 0 []
- ca_DebugADIKTargets = 0 []
- ca_DebugAnimationStreaming = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_DebugAnimJointController = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_DebugAnimMemTracking = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_debugAnimProcessing = 0 []
- ca_DebugAnimUpdates = 0 []
- ca_DebugAnimUsage = 0 []
- ca_DebugAnimUsageFilter = []
- ca_DebugCommandBuffer = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_DebugCriticalErrors = 0 []
- ca_DebugFacial = 0 []
- ca_DebugFacialEyes = 0 []
- ca_DebugModelCache = 0 []
- ca_DebugSegmentation = 0 []
- ca_DebugSkeletonEffects = 0 []
- ca_DebugSWSkinning = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_DebugText (Command)
- ca_DebugTextFilter = []
- ca_DebugTextScaling = 1 []
- ca_DecalSizeMultiplier = 1 []
- ca_DisableAnimationUnloading = 0 []
- ca_DisableAuxPhysics = 0 []
- ca_disable_thread = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_DoNotWaitForStreaming = 1 []
- ca_DrawAimIKVEGrid = 0 []
- ca_DrawAimIKVEGridIndex = -1 []
- ca_DrawAimPoses = 0 []
- ca_DrawAllSimulatedSockets = 0 []
- ca_DrawAttachmentOBB = 0 []
- ca_DrawAttachmentProjection = 0 []
- ca_DrawAttachments = 1 []
- ca_DrawAttachmentsMergedForShadows = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- ca_DrawBaseMesh = 1 []
- ca_DrawBBox = 0 []
- ca_DrawBinormals = 0 []
- ca_DrawCC = 1 []
- ca_DrawCGA = 1 []
- ca_DrawCHR = 1 []
- ca_DrawCloth = 1 []
- ca_DrawDecalsBBoxes = 0 []
- ca_DrawEmptyAttachments = 0 []
- ca_DrawLocator = 0 []
- ca_DrawLookIK = 0 []
- ca_DrawNormals = 0 []
- ca_DrawPose = []
- ca_DrawPositionPost = 0 []
- ca_DrawSkeleton = 0 []
- ca_DrawTangents = 0 []
- ca_DrawVEGInfo = 0 []
- ca_DrawWireframe = 0 []
- ca_DumpUsedAnims = 0 []
- ca_eyes_procedural = 1 []
- ca_FacialAnimationRadius = 30 []
- ca_FacialAnimationTransformTranslations = 0 []
- ca_FilterAnims = []
- ca_FilterCharacters = []
- ca_FilterJoints = []
- ca_FilterMorphs = []
- ca_KeepModels = 0 []
- ca_lipsync_debug = 0 []
- ca_lipsync_phoneme_crossfade = 70 []
- ca_lipsync_phoneme_crossfade_attenuation = 100 []
- ca_lipsync_phoneme_offset = 20 []
- ca_lipsync_phoneme_strength = 1 []
- ca_lipsync_vertex_drag = 1.2 []
- ca_LoadUncompressedChunks = 0 []
- ca_LockFeetWithIK = 1 []
- ca_LookIKBlendSpeed = 0.6 []
- ca_LookIKEyeRotationDirectlyToBone = 0 []
- ca_LookIKEyeWeightHack = 0 []
- ca_MemoryDefragEnabled = 0 []
- ca_MemoryDefragPoolSize = 1048576 []
- ca_MemoryUsageLog = 0 []
- ca_MinInPlaceCAFStreamSize = 131072 []
- ca_MorphVertexFrameStateDebug = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_MotionBlurMovementThreshold = 0 []
- ca_NoAnim = 0 []
- ca_OutputStats (Command)
- ca_OverrideBlendWeightSimulation = 1 []
- ca_ParametricPoolSize = 512 []
- ca_physicsProcessImpact = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_PrecacheAnimationSets = 0 []
- ca_PreloadAllCAFs = 0 []
- ca_QuadrupedIKBone1Mult = 0.33 []
- ca_ReloadAllCHRPARAMS = 0 []
- ca_SaveAABB = 0 []
- ca_SerializeSkeletonAnim = 0 []
- ca_SnapToVGrid = 0 []
- ca_Stats = 0 []
- ca_StatsOutputNetworkPath = []
- ca_StatsTimedOutput = -1 []
- ca_StoreAnimNamesOnLoad = 0 []
- ca_StreamCHR = 1 []
- ca_StreamDBAInPlace = 0 []
- ca_syncAllAnimationsParallel = 1 []
- ca_thread = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_thread0Affinity = 5 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_thread1Affinity = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_UnloadAnimationCAF = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_UnloadAnimationDBA = 1 []
- ca_useADIKTargets = 1 []
- ca_UseAimIK = 1 []
- ca_UseAssetDefinedLod = 0 []
- ca_UseDecals = 0 []
- ca_UseFacialAnimation = 1 []
- ca_UseIMG_AIM = 1 []
- ca_UseIMG_CAF = 1 []
- ca_UseJointMasking = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- ca_UseLookIK = 1 []
- ca_UseMorph = 1 []
- ca_UsePhysics = 1 []
- ca_UseRecoil = 1 []
- ca_UseScaling = 1 []
- ca_vaBlendCullingDebug = 0 []
- ca_vaBlendCullingThreshold = 0.25 []
- ca_vaBlendEnable = 1 []
- ca_vaBlendPostSkinning = 0 []
- ca_vaEnable = 1 []
- ca_Validate = 0 []
- ca_vaProfile = 0 []
- ca_vaScaleFactor = 1 []
- ca_vaSkipVertexAnimationLOD = 0 []
- ca_vaUpdateTangents = 1 []
- ca_VClothMode = 1 []
- cl_actorsafemode = 0 []
- cl_bandwidth = 50000 []
- cl_bob = 1 []
- cl_camera_noise = -1 []
- cl_camera_noise_freq = 2.53262 []
- cl_camKeepX = 1 []
- cl_camKeepY = 1 []
- cl_camKeepZ = 1 []
- cl_camModify = 0 []
- cl_camOffsetX = 0 []
- cl_camOffsetY = 0 []
- cl_camOffsetZ = 0 []
- cl_camRotateX = 0 []
- cl_camRotateY = 0 []
- cl_camRotateZ = 0 []
- cl_camTranslateX = 0 []
- cl_camTranslateY = 0 []
- cl_camTranslateZ = 0 []
- cl_cam_auto_follow_movement_speed = 0.3 []
- cl_cam_auto_follow_rate = 0.2 []
- cl_cam_auto_follow_threshold = 0.942478 []
- cl_cam_clipping_offset_distance = 1.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_debug = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_enable_lazy_cam = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_keyLeftRightMove_SmoothingTime = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_lazy_cam_distance_XY = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_lazy_cam_distance_Z = 0.25 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_lazy_cam_time_XY = 0.2 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_lazy_cam_time_Z = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_min_distance = 0.01 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_mousePitchScale = 0.75 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_mouseYawScale = 0.35 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_orbit = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_orbit_distance = 5 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_orbit_offsetX = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_orbit_offsetZ = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_orbit_slide = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_orbit_slidespeed = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_PitchMax = 2.18 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_PitchMin = 0.35 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_pitch_input_inertia = 0.1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_rotation_acceleration_time_pitch = 0.4 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_rotation_acceleration_time_yaw = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_rotation_enable_acceleration = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_rotation_speed = 0.054 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_tracking = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_tracking_allow_pitch = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_cam_tracking_rotation_speed = 0.6 []
- cl_cam_tracking_volume = 5000 []
- cl_cam_yaw_input_inertia = 0.2 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_comment = 0 []
- cl_crouchToggle = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_debugSwimming = 0 []
- cl_DefaultNearPlane = 0.25 []
- cl_DisableHUDText = 0 []
- cl_enable_tree_transparency = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETColorOverrideB = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETColorOverrideEnable = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETColorOverrideG = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETColorOverrideR = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETFontSizeMultiplier = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETHideAIDebug = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETHideAll = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETHideBehaviour = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETHideFlowgraph = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETHideReadability = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETHideScriptBind = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETLog = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_ETMaxDisplayDistance = -2 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_fake_first_person = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_fov = 63.0883 []
- cl_fovBlendTime = 1 []
- cl_headBob = 1 []
- cl_headBobLimit = 0.06 []
- cl_hfov = 95 []
- cl_hitBlur = 0.25 []
- cl_hitShake = 1.25 []
- cl_initClientActor = 1 []
- cl_invertCombatMouse = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_invertMouse = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_maxH = 2.05 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_maxV = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_sensitivityH = 1.4 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_sensitivityV = 1.4 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_speedH = 2.05 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_speedV = 1.4 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_joy_nav_useHforV = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_nearPlane = 0 []
- cl_nearPlaneMin = 0.02 []
- cl_nickname = [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_packetRate = 30 []
- cl_righthand = 1 []
- cl_screeneffects = 1 []
- cl_sensitivity = 45 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_serveraddr = localhost [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_serverpassword = [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_serverport = 64087 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_shallowWaterDepthHi = 1 []
- cl_shallowWaterDepthLo = 0.3 []
- cl_shallowWaterSpeedMulAI = 0.8 []
- cl_shallowWaterSpeedMulPlayer = 0.6 []
- cl_sprintRestingTime = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_sprintShake = 0 []
- cl_sprintTime = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_sprintToggle = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_sprintTurnOffHoldTime = 0.3 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_sprintTurnOffMode = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_strengthscale = 1 []
- cl_tpvAngDamping = 0.001 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvAngDampingNav = 0.01 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvDeltaDist = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvDeltaDistNav = 2.55 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvDeltaVel = 12 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvDeltaVelNav = 12 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvDist = 3.5 []
- cl_tpvFOVDamping = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvPosDamping = 15 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvPosDampingNav = 15 [DUMPTODISK]
- cl_tpvYaw = 0 []
- cl_useCurrentUserNameAsDefault = 1 []
- cl_ViewSystemDebug = 0 []
- cl_visualLog = 0 []
- cl_visualLogFolder = VisualLog []
- cl_visualLogImageFormat = bmp []
- cl_visualLogImageScale = 128 []
- cl_voice_recording = 0 []
- cl_voice_volume = 1 []
- con_debug = 0 []
- con_display_last_messages = 0 []
- con_line_buffer_size = 1000 []
- con_restricted = 0 [RESTRICTEDMODE]
- con_showonload = 0 []
- co_coopAnimDebug = 0 []
- co_slideWhileStreaming = 0 []
- co_usenewcoopanimsystem = 1 []
- ctrlr_corner_smoother = 1 []
- ctrlr_corner_smoother_debug = 0 []
- ctrlr_corner_smoother_target_max_distance = 2.5 []
- ctrl_aspectCorrection = 2 []
- ctrl_Coeff_X = 12.25 []
- ctrl_Coeff_Z = 25 []
- ctrl_Curve_X = 3 []
- ctrl_Curve_Z = 3 []
- ctrl_input_smoothing = 0 []
- ctrl_ZoomMode = 1 []
- c_shakeMult = 1 []
- d3d11_CBUpdateStats = 0 []
- d3d11_forcedFeatureLevel = [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- d3d11_preventDriverThreading = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- demo_ai = 1 []
- demo_file = timedemo []
- demo_finish_cmd = []
- demo_finish_memreplay_sizer = 0 []
- demo_finish_memreplay_stop = 0 []
- demo_fixed_timestep = 0 []
- demo_game_state = 0 []
- demo_max_frames = 100000 []
- demo_noinfo = 0 []
- demo_num_orientations = 1 []
- demo_num_runs = 1 []
- demo_panoramic = 0 []
- demo_profile = 1 []
- demo_quit = 0 []
- demo_replay_entities = 0 []
- demo_restart_level = 0 []
- demo_savestats = 0 []
- demo_save_every_frame = 0 []
- demo_screenshot_frame = 0 []
- demo_scroll_pause = 1 []
- demo_StartDemoChain (Command)
- demo_StartDemoLevel (Command)
- demo_start_cmd = []
- demo_time_of_day = -1 []
- demo_use_hmd_rotation = 1 []
- demo_vtune = 0 []
- designer_warning_enabled = 1 []
- designer_warning_level_resources = 0 []
- dlc_directory = []
- dt_enable = 0 []
- dt_meleeTime = 0.3 []
- dt_time = 0.25 []
- dump_action_maps (Command)
- dump_maps (Command)
- dump_stats (Command)
- eqp_DumpPacks (Command)
- es_activateEntity = []
- es_AreaManagerUpdateBudget = 3 []
- es_AudioListenerOffset (Command)
- es_bboxes = 0 []
- es_CharZOffsetSpeed = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- es_ClearPoolBookmarksOnLayerUnload = 1 []
- es_compile_area_grid (Command)
- es_deactivateEntity = []
- es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 1 []
- es_debug = 0 []
- es_debugAnim (Command)
- es_debugDrawEntityIDs = 0 []
- es_debugEntityLifetime = 0 []
- es_DebugEntityUsage = 0 []
- es_DebugEntityUsageFilter = []
- es_DebugEvents = 0 []
- es_DebugInvalidRemoveEntity = 1 []
- es_DebugPool = 0 []
- es_DebugPoolFilter = []
- es_DebugTimers = 0 []
- es_debug_not_seen_timeout = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- es_DisableTriggers = 0 []
- es_DrawAreaDebug = 0 []
- es_DrawAreaGrid = 0 []
- es_DrawAreas = 0 []
- es_DrawAudioProxyZRay = 0 []
- es_DrawProximityTriggers = 0 []
- es_dump_bookmarks (Command)
- es_dump_entities (Command)
- es_dump_entity_classes_in_use (Command)
- es_EnablePoolUse = -1 []
- es_enable_full_script_save = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- es_EntityUpdatePosDelta = 0.1 []
- es_ExcludeUnusedNames = 0 []
- es_FarPhysRagdollTimeout = 16 []
- es_FarPhysTimeout = 4 []
- es_helpers = 0 []
- es_HitCharacters = 1 []
- es_HitDeadBodies = 1 []
- es_ImpulseScale = 0 []
- es_LayerDebugInfo = 0 []
- es_LayerSaveLoadSerialization = 0 []
- es_log_collisions = 0 []
- es_MaxImpulseAdjMass = 2000 []
- es_MaxPhysDist = 100 []
- es_MaxPhysDistCloth = 300 []
- es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25 []
- es_MinImpulseVel = 0 []
- es_not_seen_timeout = 30 [DUMPTODISK]
- es_ParallelComponentUpdate = 1 []
- es_ParallelEntityUpdate = 1 []
- es_PerInstanceStreaming = 1 []
- es_PerInstanceStreamingClassSpawnBudget = 2 []
- es_PerInstanceStreamingDebug = 0 []
- es_PerInstanceStreamingDespawnHysteresis = 0.2 []
- es_PerInstanceStreamingForceRemove = 0 []
- es_profileentities = 0 []
- es_removeEntity = []
- es_SaveLoadUseLUANoSaveFlag = 0 []
- es_SortUpdatesByClass = 0 []
- es_SplashThreshold = 1 []
- es_SplashTimeout = 3 []
- es_TestPoolSignatures = 0 []
- es_UpdateAI = 1 []
- es_UpdateCollision = 1 []
- es_UpdateCollisionScript = 1 []
- es_UpdateContainer = 1 []
- es_UpdateEntities = 1 []
- es_UpdatePhysics = 1 []
- es_UpdateScript = 1 []
- es_UpdateTimer = 1 []
- es_updateType = 1 []
- es_UsePhysVisibilityChecks = 1 []
- es_VisCheckForUpdate = 1 []
- e_3dEngineLogAlways = 0 []
- e_3dEngineTempPoolSize = 8192 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_AutoPrecacheCameraJumpDist = 16 []
- e_AutoPrecacheCgf = 1 []
- e_AutoPrecacheTerrainAndProcVeget = 0 []
- e_AutoPrecacheTexturesAndShaders = 0 []
- e_AutoViewDistRatio = 0 []
- e_BBoxes = 0 []
- e_BreezeAffectsRigidsWH = 0 []
- e_Brushes = 1 []
- e_BrushUseTerrainColor = 0 []
- e_CacheNearestCubePicking = 1 []
- e_CameraFreeze = 0 []
- e_CameraGoto = 0 []
- e_CameraRotationSpeed = 0 []
- e_CGFMaxFileSize = -1 []
- e_CharLodMin = 0 []
- e_CharRenderLodMin = 0 []
- e_CheckOcclusion = 1 []
- e_CheckOcclusionJobBatchSize = 8 []
- e_CheckOcclusionOutputQueueSize = 32768 []
- e_CheckOctreeObjectsBoxSize = 1 []
- e_ClipVolumes = 1 []
- e_Clouds = 1 []
- e_CoverageBuffer = 1 []
- e_CoverageBufferAABBExpand = -0.1 []
- e_CoverageBufferBias = 0.05 []
- e_CoverageBufferCullIndividualBrushesMaxNodeSize = 16 []
- e_CoverageBufferDebug = 0 []
- e_CoverageBufferDebugFreeze = 0 []
- e_CoverageBufferDrawOccluders = 0 []
- e_CoverageBufferEarlyOut = 1 []
- e_CoverageBufferEarlyOutDelay = 3 []
- e_CoverageBufferOccludersViewDistRatio = 1 []
- e_CoverageBufferRastPolyLimit = 60000 []
- e_CoverageBufferReproj = 6 []
- e_CoverageBufferShowOccluder = 0 []
- e_CoverageBufferTerrain = 0 []
- e_CoverageBufferTerrainExpand = 0.025 []
- e_CoverCgfDebug = 0 []
- e_CullVegActivation = 50 []
- e_DebugDraw = 0 []
- e_DebugDrawFilter = []
- e_DebugDrawMaxDistance = 1000 []
- e_DebugDrawShowOnlyCompound = 0 []
- e_DebugDrawShowOnlyLod = -1 []
- e_DebugGeomPrep = 0 []
- e_DebugLights = 0 []
- e_Decals = 1 []
- e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 1 []
- e_DecalsClip = 1 []
- e_DecalsDeferredDynamic = 1 []
- e_DecalsDeferredDynamicDepthScale = 4 []
- e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0 []
- e_DecalsHitCache = 1 []
- e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 2 []
- e_DecalsMaxTrisInObject = 8000 []
- e_DecalsMaxUpdatesPerFrame = 4 []
- e_DecalsMaxValidFrames = 600 []
- e_DecalsMerge = 0 []
- e_DecalsNeighborMaxLifeTime = 4 []
- e_DecalsOverlapping = 1 []
- e_DecalsPlacementTestAreaSize = 0.08 []
- e_DecalsPlacementTestMinDepth = 0.05 []
- e_DecalsPreCreate = 1 []
- e_DecalsRange = 20 []
- e_DecalsSpawnDistRatio = 4 []
- e_DefaultMaterial = 0 []
- e_DeferredPhysicsEvents = 1 []
- e_DeformableObjects = 1 []
- e_DisplayMemoryUsageIcon = 1 []
- e_DissolveUsePermanentRenderObjects = 1 []
- e_DynamicDistanceShadows = 1 []
- e_DynamicLights = 1 []
- e_DynamicLightsConsistentSortOrder = 1 []
- e_DynamicLightsForceDeferred = 1 []
- e_DynamicLightsFrameIdVisTest = 1 []
- e_DynamicLightsMaxCount = 512 []
- e_Entities = 1 []
- e_EntitySuppressionLevel = 0 []
- e_ExecuteRenderAsJobMask = 33218534 []
- e_Fog = 1 []
- e_FogVolumes = 1 []
- e_FoliageBranchesDamping = 10 []
- e_FoliageBranchesStiffness = 100 []
- e_FoliageBranchesTimeout = 4 []
- e_FoliageBrokenBranchesDamping = 15 []
- e_FoliageStiffness = 3.2 []
- e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25 []
- e_ForceDetailLevelForScreenRes = 0 [DEPRECATED]
- e_GeomCacheBufferSize = 32 []
- e_GeomCacheDecodeAheadTime = 0.5 []
- e_GeomCacheEnabled = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_GeomCacheLerpBetweenFrames = 1 []
- e_GeomCacheMaxBufferAheadTime = 5 []
- e_GeomCacheMaxPlaybackFromMemorySize = 0 []
- e_GeomCacheMinBufferAheadTime = 2 []
- e_GeomCachePreferredDiskRequestSize = 1024 []
- e_GeomCaches = 1 []
- e_GeomCacheUsePoolMemory = 0 []
- e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 1 []
- e_GsmDepthBoundsDebug = 0 []
- e_GsmLodsNum = 5 []
- e_GsmSizesWH = 3,10,32,120,600 []
- e_GsmStats = 0 []
- e_HwOcclusionCullingWater = 1 []
- e_JointStrengthScale = 1 []
- e_levelStartupFrameDelay = 0 []
- e_levelStartupFrameNum = 0 []
- e_LightIlluminanceThreshold = 0.00025 []
- e_LightShadowCastSpecWH = 4 []
- e_LightVolumes = 1 []
- e_LightVolumesDebug = 0 []
- e_LodCompMaxSize = 6 []
- e_LodFaceArea = 2 []
- e_LodFaceAreaPixels = 5 []
- e_LodFaceAreaTargetSize = 0.0012 []
- e_LodFaceAreaTargetSizeVegetationMult = 1 []
- e_LodMax = 5 []
- e_LodMin = 0 []
- e_LodMinTtris = 300 []
- e_LodRatio = 60 []
- e_Lods = 1 []
- e_LodsForceUse = 1 []
- e_LodTransitionTime = 0.5 []
- e_MaxDrawCalls = 0 []
- e_MaxViewDistance = -1 []
- e_MaxViewDistFullDistCamHeight = 1000 []
- e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshes = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshesActiveDist = 250 []
- e_MergedMeshesBufferWH = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshesBulletLifetime = 0.15 []
- e_MergedMeshesBulletScale = 35 []
- e_MergedMeshesBulletSpeedFactor = 0.05 []
- e_MergedMeshesCullingLodRatioWH = 0.7 []
- e_MergedMeshesDebug = 0 []
- e_MergedMeshesDebugMaxCnt0 = 27000 []
- e_MergedMeshesDebugMaxCnt1 = 40000 []
- e_MergedMeshesDebugMaxCnt2 = 60000 []
- e_MergedMeshesDedicatedCullingJob = 0 []
- e_MergedMeshesDeformViewDistMod = 0.45 []
- e_MergedMeshesDissolveRangeShadowWH = 10 []
- e_MergedMeshesDissolveRangeWH = 20 []
- e_MergedMeshesForceUpdate = 0 []
- e_MergedMeshesInitialIterationsWH = 4 []
- e_MergedMeshesInitialLongIterationWH = 30 []
- e_MergedMeshesInitialPlasticityWH = 0.2 []
- e_MergedMeshesInitialSimulationWH = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshesInitialUpdateDistanceLodWH = 12 []
- e_MergedMeshesInitialVelocityMultWH = 0.2 []
- e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist = 24 []
- e_MergedMeshesLodRatio = 30 []
- e_MergedMeshesMaxStreamingInProgress = 32 []
- e_MergedMeshesMaxTriangles = 600 []
- e_MergedMeshesOutdoorOnly = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshesPool = 16384 []
- e_MergedMeshesPoolSpines = 32 []
- e_MergedMeshesTesselationSupport = 0 []
- e_MergedMeshesUseDissolveWH = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshesUseSpines = 1 []
- e_MergedMeshesViewDistRatio = 140 []
- e_MinMassDistanceCheckRenderMeshCollision = 0.5 []
- e_ObjectLayersActivation = 1 []
- e_ObjectLayersActivationPhysics = 1 []
- e_Objects = 1 []
- e_ObjectsTreeBBoxes = 0 []
- e_ObjectsTreeLevelsDebug = 0 []
- e_ObjectsTreeNodeMinSize = 8 []
- e_ObjectsTreeNodeSizeRatio = 0.0625 []
- e_ObjFastRegister = 1 []
- e_ObjQuality = 4 []
- e_ObjShadowCastSpec = 4 []
- e_ObjStats = 0 []
- e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1 []
- e_OcclusionLazyHideFrames = 0 []
- e_OcclusionVolumes = 1 []
- e_OcclusionVolumesViewDistRatio = 0.05 []
- e_OnDemandMaxSize = 100000 []
- e_OnDemandPhysics = 3 []
- e_ParticleListEffects (Command)
- e_ParticleListEmitters (Command)
- e_ParticleMemory (Command)
- e_Particles = 1 []
- e_ParticlesAllowRuntimeLoad = 1 []
- e_ParticlesAnimBlend = 1 []
- e_ParticlesAudio = 1 []
- e_ParticlesCollisions = 3 []
- e_ParticlesConvertPfx1 = 0 []
- e_ParticlesCullAgainstOcclusionBuffer = 1 []
- e_ParticlesCullAgainstViewFrustum = 1 []
- e_ParticlesDebug = 0 []
- e_ParticlesDumpMemoryAfterMapLoad = 0 []
- e_ParticlesForceSeed = 0 []
- e_ParticlesGI = 1 []
- e_ParticleShadowsNumGSMs = 3 []
- e_ParticlesIndexPoolSize = 16 []
- e_ParticlesLayeredUpdateMul = 1 []
- e_ParticlesLights = 1 []
- e_ParticlesLightsViewDistRatio = 256 []
- e_ParticlesLod = 1 []
- e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen = 2 []
- e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 180 []
- e_ParticlesMinDrawAlpha = 0.004 []
- e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1 []
- e_ParticlesMinPhysicsDynamicBounds = 2 []
- e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 2 []
- e_ParticlesPrecacheAssets = 1 []
- e_ParticlesPreload = 1 []
- e_ParticlesProfile = 0 []
- e_ParticlesProfiler = 0 []
- e_ParticlesProfilerCountBudget = 80000 []
- e_ParticlesProfilerOutputFolder = %USER%/ParticlesProfiler/ []
- e_ParticlesProfilerOutputName = frame []
- e_ParticlesProfilerTimingBudget = 10000 []
- e_ParticlesQuality = 4 []
- e_ParticlesSerializeNamedFields = 1 []
- e_ParticlesShadows = 1 []
- e_ParticlesSoftIntersect = 1 []
- e_ParticlesSortQuality = 1 []
- e_ParticlesUseLevelSpecificLibs = 0 []
- e_ParticlesVertexPoolSize = 256 []
- e_PermanentRenderObjectReserveTime = 4 []
- e_PermanentRenderObjects = 1 []
- e_PhysFoliage = 2 []
- e_PhysMinCellSize = 4 []
- e_PhysOceanCell = 0.5 []
- e_PhysProxyTriLimit = 5000 []
- e_Portals = 1 []
- e_PortalsBigEntitiesFix = 0 []
- e_PortalsBlend = 1 []
- e_PortalsMaxRecursion = 8 []
- e_PrecacheLevel = 0 []
- e_PreloadDecals = 1 []
- e_PreloadMaterials = 1 []
- e_PrepareDeformableObjectsAtLoadTime = 0 []
- e_ProcVegetation = 0 []
- e_ProcVegetationMaxCacheLevels = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_ProcVegetationMaxObjectsPerSector = 2048 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_ProcVegetationMaxSectorsInCache = 16 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_ProcVegetationMaxViewDistance = 128 []
- e_Recursion = 1 []
- e_RecursionViewDistRatio = 0.1 []
- e_ReloadSurfaces (Command)
- e_Render = 1 []
- e_RenderMeshCollisionLod = 1 []
- e_RenderMeshCollisionTolerance = 0.3 []
- e_RenderMeshUpdateAsync = 1 []
- e_RNTmpDataPoolMaxFrames = 300 []
- e_Roads = 1 []
- e_Ropes = 1 []
- e_ScissorDebug = 0 []
- e_ScreenShot = 0 []
- e_ScreenShotDebug = 0 []
- e_ScreenShotFileFormat = tga []
- e_ScreenShotHeight = 1080 []
- e_ScreenShotMapCamHeight = 4000 []
- e_ScreenShotMapCenterX = 0 []
- e_ScreenShotMapCenterY = 0 []
- e_ScreenShotMapOrientation = 0 []
- e_ScreenShotMapResolution = 512 []
- e_ScreenShotMapSizeX = 1024 []
- e_ScreenShotMapSizeY = 1024 []
- e_ScreenShotMinSlices = 1 []
- e_ScreenShotQuality = 30 []
- e_ScreenShotWidth = 1920 []
- e_Shadows = 1 []
- e_ShadowsAdaptScale = 2.72 []
- e_ShadowsAutoBias = 1.3 []
- e_ShadowsAutoBiasLodScaleWH = 1,1,1,1,1 []
- e_ShadowsBlendCascades = 1 []
- e_ShadowsBlendCascadesVal = 0.75 []
- e_ShadowsCacheExtendLastCascade = 0 []
- e_ShadowsCacheJobs = 1 []
- e_ShadowsCacheMaxNodesPerFrame = 50 []
- e_ShadowsCacheObjectLod = 0 []
- e_ShadowsCacheRenderCharacters = 0 []
- e_ShadowsCacheUpdate = 2 []
- e_ShadowsCascadesCentered = 0 []
- e_ShadowsCascadesDebug = 0 []
- e_ShadowsCastFadeOutRatioLightsWH = 0.3 []
- e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0.9 []
- e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioLights = 0.1 []
- e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioMulInvis = 0.3 []
- e_ShadowsClouds = 1 []
- e_ShadowsConstBias = 1 []
- e_ShadowsDebug = 0 []
- e_ShadowsDoubleSidedBias = 1 []
- e_ShadowsFrustums = 0 []
- e_ShadowsLodBiasFixed = 0 []
- e_ShadowsLodBiasInvis = 0 []
- e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 2048 []
- e_ShadowsMaxTexResSunWH = 2048 []
- e_ShadowsPerObject = 0 []
- e_ShadowsPerObjectResolutionScale = 1 []
- e_ShadowsPoolSize = 8192 []
- e_ShadowsResScale = 2.8 []
- e_ShadowsSlopeBias = 1 []
- e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 1 []
- e_ShadowsTessellateDLights = 0 []
- e_ShadowsUpdateViewDistRatio = 100 []
- e_SkipInFrustumOptimizationWH = 0 []
- e_SkyBox = 1 []
- e_SkyQuality = 1 []
- e_SkyType = 1 []
- e_SkyUpdateRate = 15 []
- e_Sleep = 0 []
- e_SQTestBegin = 0 []
- e_SQTestCount = 0 []
- e_SQTestDelay = 5 []
- e_SQTestDistance = 80 []
- e_SQTestExitOnFinish = 0 []
- e_SQTestMip = 1 []
- e_SQTestMoveSpeed = 10 []
- e_SQTestTextureName = strfrn_advrt_boards_screen []
- e_StaticInstancing = 1 []
- e_StaticInstancingMinInstNum = 32 []
- e_StatObjBufferRenderTasks = 1 []
- e_StatObjMerge = 1 []
- e_StatObjMergeMaxTrisPerDrawCall = 500 []
- e_StatObjPreload = 1 []
- e_StatObjStoreMesh = 0 []
- e_StatObjTessellationMode = 1 []
- e_StatObjValidate = 0 []
- e_StreamAutoMipFactorMax = 1 []
- e_StreamAutoMipFactorMaxDVD = 0.5 []
- e_StreamAutoMipFactorMin = 0.5 []
- e_StreamAutoMipFactorSpeedThreshold = 0 []
- e_StreamCgf = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_StreamCgfDebug = 0 []
- e_StreamCgfDebugFilter = []
- e_StreamCgfDebugHeatMap = 0 []
- e_StreamCgfDebugMinObjSize = 100 []
- e_StreamCgfFastUpdateMaxDistance = 16 []
- e_StreamCgfGridUpdateDistance = 0 []
- e_StreamCgfMaxNewTasksPerUpdate = 40 []
- e_StreamCgfMaxTasksInProgress = 120 []
- e_StreamCgfPoolSize = 1280 []
- e_StreamCgfUpdatePerNodeDistance = 1 []
- e_StreamCgfVisObjPriority = 0.5 []
- e_StreamInstances = 1 []
- e_StreamInstancesDistRatio = 0.2 []
- e_StreamInstancesMaxTasks = 32 []
- e_StreamInstancesMinLoadedNodes = 128 []
- e_StreamPredictionAhead = 0.5 []
- e_StreamPredictionAheadDebug = 0 []
- e_StreamPredictionAlwaysIncludeOutside = 0 []
- e_StreamPredictionBoxRadius = 1 []
- e_StreamPredictionDistanceFar = 16 []
- e_StreamPredictionDistanceNear = 0 []
- e_StreamPredictionMaxVisAreaRecursion = 9 []
- e_StreamPredictionMinFarZoneDistance = 16 []
- e_StreamPredictionMinReportDistance = 0.25 []
- e_StreamPredictionTexelDensity = 1 []
- e_StreamPredictionUpdateFarTimeSlice = 0.18 []
- e_StreamSaveStartupResultsIntoXML = 0 []
- e_Sun = 1 []
- e_SunAngleSnapDot = 0.99999 []
- e_SunAngleSnapMinLodWH = 2 []
- e_SunAngleSnapSec = 0.9 []
- e_SunElevationClamp = 20 []
- e_surfaceTypesFile = Libs/MaterialEffects/SurfaceTypes.xml [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_svoDebug = 0 []
- e_svoDispatchX = 64 []
- e_svoDispatchY = 16 []
- e_svoDVR = 0 []
- e_svoDVR_DistRatio = 0.5 []
- e_svoEnabled = 1 []
- e_svoLoadTree = 0 []
- e_svoMaxAreaMeshSizeKB = 65536 []
- e_svoMaxAreaSize = 32 []
- e_svoMaxBricksOnCPU = 1536 []
- e_svoMaxBrickUpdates = 8 []
- e_svoMaxNodeSize = 32 []
- e_svoMaxStreamRequests = 256 []
- e_svoMinNodeSize = 8 []
- e_svoRender = 1 []
- e_svoRootless = 1 []
- e_svoStreamVoxels = 1 []
- e_svoTI_Active = 1 []
- e_svoTI_AnalyticalGI = 0 []
- e_svoTI_AnalyticalOccluders = 0 []
- e_svoTI_AnalyticalOccludersRange = 4 []
- e_svoTI_AnalyticalOccludersSoftness = 0.5 []
- e_svoTI_Apply = 1 []
- e_svoTI_AsyncCompute = 0 []
- e_svoTI_ConeMaxLength = 30 []
- e_svoTI_ConstantAmbientDebug = 0 []
- e_svoTI_DiffuseAmplifier = 1 []
- e_svoTI_DiffuseConeWidth = 8 []
- e_svoTI_Diffuse_Cache = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Diffuse_Spr = 0 []
- e_svoTI_DualTracing = 2 []
- e_svoTI_DynLights = 1 []
- e_svoTI_EmissiveMultiplier = 4 []
- e_svoTI_ForceGIForAllLights = 0 []
- e_svoTI_GsmCascadeLod = 3 []
- e_svoTI_HalfresKernelPrimary = 0 []
- e_svoTI_HalfresKernelSecondary = 0 []
- e_svoTI_HighGlossOcclusion = 0 []
- e_svoTI_IndoorFadeInTime = 2 []
- e_svoTI_IndoorFadeOutTime = 5 []
- e_svoTI_IndoorSkyMultiplier = 0.2 []
- e_svoTI_IndoorSunMultiplier = 0.3 []
- e_svoTI_InjectionMultiplier = 1 []
- e_svoTI_IntegrationMode = 1 []
- e_svoTI_LightingUpdateDistancePriorityBonus = 20 []
- e_svoTI_LightingUpdateInViewPriorityBonus = 40 []
- e_svoTI_LowSpecMode = 1 []
- e_svoTI_MaxSyncUpdateTime = 2 []
- e_svoTI_MinLightEffectiveRadius = 1 []
- e_svoTI_MinReflectance = 0.2 []
- e_svoTI_MinVoxelOpacity = 0.01 []
- e_svoTI_NumberOfBounces = 2 []
- e_svoTI_NumStreamingThreads = 2 []
- e_svoTI_ObjectsLod = 0 []
- e_svoTI_ObjectsMaxViewDistance = 64 []
- e_svoTI_ObjectsMaxViewDistanceScale = 1 []
- e_svoTI_PointLightsBias = 0 []
- e_svoTI_PointLightsMaxDistance = 20 []
- e_svoTI_PointLightsMultiplier = 1 []
- e_svoTI_PortalsDeform = 0 []
- e_svoTI_PortalsInject = 0 []
- e_svoTI_PropagationBooster = 1 []
- e_svoTI_Reflect_Vox_Max = 500 []
- e_svoTI_Reflect_Vox_Max_Overhead = 50 []
- e_svoTI_ResScaleAir = 4 []
- e_svoTI_ResScaleBase = 2 []
- e_svoTI_ResScaleSpecular = 1 []
- e_svoTI_RsmConeMaxLength = 6 []
- e_svoTI_RsmConeMaxLengthFOVMaxMul = 10 []
- e_svoTI_RsmConeMaxLengthFOVMulEnabled = 0 []
- e_svoTI_RT_Active = 0 []
- e_svoTI_RT_MaxDistCam = 0 []
- e_svoTI_RT_MaxDistRay = 0 []
- e_svoTI_RT_MaxTexRes = 512 []
- e_svoTI_RT_MaxTrisPerVoxel = 100 []
- e_svoTI_RT_MinGloss = 0 []
- e_svoTI_RT_MinRefl = 0 []
- e_svoTI_RT_SafetyBorder = 0.25 []
- e_svoTI_Saturation = 1 []
- e_svoTI_ShadowsFromHeightmap = 1 []
- e_svoTI_ShadowsFromSun = 0 []
- e_svoTI_ShadowsSoftness = 1.25 []
- e_svoTI_SkipNonGILights = 0 []
- e_svoTI_SkyColorMultiplier = -0.8001 []
- e_svoTI_SpecularAmplifier = 1 []
- e_svoTI_SpecularFromDiffuse = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Specular_Sev = 1 []
- e_svoTI_SSAOAmount = 1 []
- e_svoTI_SSDepthTrace = 0 []
- e_svoTI_SyncUpdateLighting = 0 []
- e_svoTI_TemporalFilteringBase = 0.2 []
- e_svoTI_TraceVoxels = 1 []
- e_svoTI_TranslucentBrightness = 1 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Active = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Brightness = 1 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_CloudGenTurb_Freq = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_CloudGenTurb_Scale = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_CloudGen_Freq = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_CloudGen_FreqStep = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_CloudGen_Height = 1000 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_CloudGen_Scale = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Density = 1 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Ground_Height = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Layer0_Dens = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Layer0_Height = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Layer0_Rand = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Layer1_Dens = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Layer1_Height = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Layer1_Rand = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Snow_Height = 0 []
- e_svoTI_Troposphere_Subdivide = 0 []
- e_svoTI_UpdateGeometry = 0 []
- e_svoTI_UpdateLighting = 1 []
- e_svoTI_UseLightProbes = 0 []
- e_svoTI_VegetationMaxOpacity = 1 []
- e_svoTI_VoxelizationLODRatio = 1 []
- e_svoTI_VoxelizationMapBorder = 0 []
- e_svoTI_VoxelizationPostpone = 2 []
- e_svoTI_VoxelizeHiddenObjects = 0 []
- e_svoTI_VoxelizeUnderTerrain = 1 []
- e_svoTI_VoxelOpacityMultiplier = 1 []
- e_svoVoxDistRatio = 14 []
- e_svoVoxelPoolResolution = 128 []
- e_svoVoxGenRes = 512 []
- e_svoVoxNodeRatio = 4 []
- e_Terrain = 1 []
- e_TerrainAutoGenerateBaseTexture = 0 []
- e_TerrainAutoGenerateBaseTextureTiling = 0.0625 []
- e_TerrainBBoxes = 0 []
- e_TerrainBlendingDebug = 0 []
- e_TerrainDeformations = 0 []
- e_TerrainDetailMaterials = 1 []
- e_TerrainDetailMaterialsDebug = 0 []
- e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 35 []
- e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 80 []
- e_TerrainDetailMaterialsWeightedBlending = 1 []
- e_TerrainDrawThisSectorOnly = 0 []
- e_TerrainEditPostponeTexturesUpdate = 10 []
- e_TerrainIntegrateObjectsMaxHeight = 32 []
- e_TerrainIntegrateObjectsMaxVertices = 30000 []
- e_TerrainLodDistanceRatio = 0.5 []
- e_TerrainLodErrorRatio = 0.05 []
- e_TerrainMeshInstancingMinLod = 3 []
- e_TerrainMeshInstancingShadowBias = 0.5 []
- e_TerrainMeshInstancingShadowLodRatio = 0.3 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCulling = 1 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingDebug = 0 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxSteps = 50 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingPrecision = 0.25 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingPrecisionDistRatio = 3 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingStepSize = 4 []
- e_TerrainOcclusionCullingStepSizeDelta = 1.05 []
- e_TerrainTextureLodRatio = 1 []
- e_TerrainTextureStreamingDebug = 0 []
- e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum = 256 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- e_Tessellation = 0 []
- e_TessellationMaxDistance = 30 []
- e_TimeOfDay = 21.1523 []
- e_TimeOfDayDebug = 2 []
- e_TimeOfDaySpeed = 15 []
- e_Vegetation = 1 []
- e_VegetationBending = 2 []
- e_VegetationBillboards = 0 []
- e_VegetationBoneInfo = 0 []
- e_VegetationMinSize = 0 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = 1 []
- e_VegetationUseTerrainColorDistance = 250 []
- e_ViewDistCompMaxSize = 64 []
- e_ViewDistMin = 5 []
- e_ViewDistRatio = 140 []
- e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 60 []
- e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 30 []
- e_ViewDistRatioInteriorReflexLights = 0.9 []
- e_ViewDistRatioLargeEnvCubemap = 0.5 []
- e_ViewDistRatioLights = 24 []
- e_ViewDistRatioModifierGameDecals = 4 []
- e_ViewDistRatioPortals = 60 []
- e_ViewDistRatioSmallEnvCubemap = 1.5 []
- e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 140 []
- e_VolObjShadowStrength = 0.4 []
- e_VolumetricFog = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- e_WaterOcean = 0 []
- e_WaterOceanBottom = 1 []
- e_WaterOceanFFT = 0 []
- e_WaterRipplesDebug = 0 []
- e_WaterTessellationAmount = 10 []
- e_WaterTessellationAmountX = 10 []
- e_WaterTessellationAmountY = 10 []
- e_WaterTessellationSwathWidth = 12 []
- e_WaterVolumes = 1 []
- e_WaterWaves = 0 []
- e_WaterWavesTessellationAmount = 5 []
- e_Wind = 1 []
- e_WindAreas = 1 []
- e_WindBendingAreaStrength = 1 []
- e_WindBendingDistRatio = 0.5 []
- e_WindBendingStrength = 1 []
- fg_abortOnLoadError = 0 []
- fg_debugmodules = 0 []
- fg_debugmodules_filter = []
- fg_iDebugNextStep = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- fg_iEnableFlowgraphNodeDebugging = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- fg_InspectAction (Command)
- fg_InspectEntity (Command)
- fg_Inspector (Command)
- fg_inspectorLog = 0 []
- fg_noDebugText = 1 []
- fg_profile = 0 []
- fg_SystemEnable = 1 []
- gamedata_playback (Command)
- gamedata_record (Command)
- gamedata_stop_record_or_playback (Command)
- gfx_ampserver = 0 []
- gfx_debugdraw = 0 []
- gfx_draw = 1 []
- gfx_enabled = 1 []
- gfx_inputevents_triggerrepeat = 0.05 []
- gfx_inputevents_triggerstart = 0.3 []
- gfx_loadtimethread = 1 []
- gfx_reloadonlanguagechange = 0 []
- gfx_reload_all (Command)
- gfx_uiaction_enable = 1 []
- gfx_uiaction_folder = Libs/UI/ []
- gfx_uiaction_log = 0 []
- gfx_uiaction_log_filter = []
- gfx_uievents_editorenabled = 1 []
- goc_enable = 0 []
- goc_targetx = 0.5 []
- goc_targety = -2.5 []
- goc_targetz = 0.2 []
- gpu_particle_physics = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- g_aimdebug = 0 []
- g_alignQuadruped = 1 []
- g_alignQuadrupedDebug = 0 []
- g_alignQuadrupedRotation = 0 []
- g_alignSkeletonVertical = 1 []
- g_asynclevelload = 0 []
- g_autoteambalance = 0 []
- g_battleDust_debug = 0 []
- g_battleDust_effect = misc.battledust.light []
- g_battleDust_enable = 1 []
- g_battleRange = 50 []
- g_breakageFadeDelay = 6 []
- g_breakageFadeTime = 6 []
- g_breakagelog = 0 []
- g_breakageMinAxisInertia = 0.01 []
- g_breakageNoDebrisCollisions = 0 []
- g_breakageTreeDec = 0 []
- g_breakageTreeInc = 0 []
- g_breakageTreeIncGlass = 0 []
- g_breakageTreeMax = 0 []
- g_breakage_debug = 0 []
- g_breakage_mem_limit = 0 []
- g_breakage_particles_limit = 200 []
- g_breakImpulseScale = 1 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- g_breaktimeoutframes = 140 []
- g_buddyMessagesIngame = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_ColorGradingBlendTime = 3 []
- g_combatFadeTime = 17 []
- g_combatFadeTimeDelay = 7 []
- g_cutsceneSkipDelay = 0 []
- g_deathCam = 1 []
- g_debugaimlook = 0 []
- g_debugCollisionDamage = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_DebugConfigureActivity (Command)
- g_debugDialogBuffers = 0 []
- g_debugDirectMPMenu = 0 []
- g_debugHits = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_debugNetPlayerInput = 0 []
- g_DebugProgressAchievement (Command)
- g_debugSaveLoadMemory = 0 []
- g_DebugSetCurrentActivity (Command)
- g_DebugTimeWarp = 0 []
- g_DebugUnlockAchievement (Command)
- g_debug_fscommand = 0 []
- g_debug_minimap (Command)
- g_debug_objectives (Command)
- g_debug_spawns (Command)
- g_debug_stats = 0 []
- g_debug_teams (Command)
- g_detachCamera = 0 []
- g_difficultyHintSystem = 2 [READONLY]
- g_difficultyLevel = 0 [READONLY]
- g_difficultyRadius = 300 [READONLY]
- g_difficultyRadiusThreshold = 5 [READONLY]
- g_difficultySaveThreshold = 5 [READONLY]
- g_disableInputKeyFlowNodeInDevMode = 0 []
- g_disableSequencePlayback = 0 []
- g_disableWinKeys = 0 []
- g_disable_grab = 0 []
- g_disable_pickup = 0 []
- g_disable_throw = 0 []
- g_displayIgnoreList = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_distanceForceNoIk = 0 []
- g_distanceForceNoLegRaycasts = 5 []
- g_distanceForceNoLegRaycastsQuadrupeds = 50 []
- g_dofset_limitScale = 9 []
- g_dofset_maxScale = 3 []
- g_dofset_minScale = 1 []
- g_dof_averageAdjustSpeed = 20 []
- g_dof_distAppart = 10 []
- g_dof_ironsight = 1 []
- g_dof_maxAdjustSpeed = 200 []
- g_dof_maxHitScale = 2 []
- g_dof_minAdjustSpeed = 100 []
- g_dof_minHitScale = 0.25 []
- g_dof_sampleAngle = 5 []
- g_dumpClassRegistry (Command)
- g_dump_stats (Command)
- g_ec_enable = 1 []
- g_ec_extent = 2 []
- g_ec_radiusScale = 2 []
- g_ec_removeThreshold = 20 []
- g_ec_volume = 0.75 []
- g_empStyle = 0 []
- g_enableAlternateIronSight = 0 []
- g_enableFriendlyFallAndPlay = 0 []
- g_enableitems = 1 []
- g_enableloadingscreen = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_EnableLoadSave = 1 []
- g_enableMergedMeshRuntimeAreas = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- g_enableMPStealthOMeter = 0 []
- g_enablePoolCache = 1 []
- g_enableSlimCheckpoints = 0 []
- g_enableSpeedLean = 0 []
- g_enableTracers = 1 []
- g_energy_scale_income = 1 []
- g_energy_scale_price = 0 []
- g_fallAndPlayThreshold = 50 []
- g_footstepSoundMaxDistance = 20 []
- g_footstepSoundMinInterval = 0.2 []
- g_footstepSoundsFollowEntity = 1 []
- g_forceFastUpdate = 0 []
- g_fpDbaManagementDebug = 0 []
- g_fpDbaManagementEnable = 1 []
- g_fraglead = 1 []
- g_fraglimit = 0 []
- g_friendlyfireratio = 1 []
- g_gameplayAnalyst = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- g_glassAutoShatter = 0 []
- g_glassAutoShatterMinArea = 0 []
- g_glassAutoShatterOnExplosions = 0 []
- g_glassForceTimeout = 0 []
- g_glassForceTimeoutSpread = 0 []
- g_glassMaxPanesToBreakPerFrame = 0 []
- g_glassNoDecals = 0 []
- g_glassSystemEnable = 1 []
- g_godMode = 0 []
- g_grabLog = 0 []
- g_groundAlignAll = 1 []
- g_groundeffectsdebug = 0 []
- g_handleEvents = 1 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_debug = 0 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_disableRagdoll = 0 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_disable_ai = 1 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_enable = 1 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_logReactionAnimsOnLoading = 0 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_streaming = 1 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_useLuaDefaultFunctions = 0 []
- g_hitDeathReactions_usePrecaching = 1 []
- g_immersive = 1 []
- g_interactiveObjectDebugRender = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_joint_breaking = 1 []
- g_landingBobLandTimeFactor = 0.1 []
- g_landingBobTimeFactor = 0.2 []
- g_language = english []
- g_languageAudio = english []
- g_ledgeGrabClearHeight = 0.2 []
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDraw = 0 []
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDrawInEditor = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDrawInEditor_Distance = 35 []
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDrawInEditor_ToleranceMax = 1.2 []
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDrawInEditor_ToleranceMin = 0.7 []
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDrawInEditor_UseTerrain = 0 []
- g_LedgeGrabManager_DebugDraw_Distance = 35 []
- g_ledgeGrabMovingledgeExitVelocityMult = 1.5 []
- g_loadPlayerModelOnLoad = 1 []
- g_localPacketRate = 50 []
- g_Log_Drawcalls (Command)
- g_Log_FPS (Command)
- g_Log_Frametime (Command)
- g_Log_Memory (Command)
- g_Log_VisReg (Command)
- g_meleeWhileSprinting = 0 []
- g_minplayerlimit = 2 []
- g_minteamlimit = 1 []
- g_movementTransitions_debug = 0 []
- g_movementTransitions_debugFilter = []
- g_movementTransitions_enable = 1 []
- g_movementTransitions_log = 0 []
- g_movementTransitions_reload (Command)
- g_multiplayerEnableVehicles = 1 []
- g_no_breaking_by_objects = 0 []
- g_no_secondary_breaking = 0 []
- g_playerFallAndPlay = 0 []
- g_playerHealthValue = 100 []
- g_playerInteractorRadius = 1.8 []
- g_playerLowHealthThreshold = 40 []
- g_playerRespawns = 0 []
- g_pp_scale_income = 1 []
- g_pp_scale_price = 1 []
- g_preroundtime = 8 []
- g_procedural_breaking = 1 []
- g_ProjectilePathDebugGfx = 0 []
- g_proneAimAngleRestrict_Enable = 1 []
- g_proneNotUsableWeapon_FixType = 1 []
- g_punishFriendlyDeaths = 1 []
- g_radialBlur = 1 []
- g_resetActionmapOnStart = 0 []
- g_revivetime = 20 []
- g_roundlimit = 30 []
- g_roundtime = 2 []
- g_saveLoadBasicEntityOptimization = 1 []
- g_saveLoadDumpEntity (Command)
- g_saveLoadExtendedLog = 0 []
- g_saveLoadUseExportedEntityList = 1 []
- g_setActorModelFromLua = 0 []
- g_showBitmapUi = 1 []
- g_showIdleStats = 0 []
- g_showPlayerState = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_showUpdateState = 0 []
- g_show_crosshair = 1 []
- g_show_crosshair_tp = 1 []
- g_show_fullscreen_info = 0 []
- g_skipIntro = 0 []
- g_spectatorCollisions = 1 []
- g_stanceTransitionSpeed = 15 []
- g_startFirstTime = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- g_statisticsMode = 2 []
- g_stereoFrameworkEnable = 1 []
- g_stereoIronsightEyeDistance = 0.0064 []
- g_stereoIronsightWeaponDistance = 0.375 []
- g_suddendeathtime = 30 []
- g_syncClassRegistry = 0 []
- g_teamlock = 2 []
- g_timelimit = 60 []
- g_tk_punish = 1 []
- g_tk_punish_limit = 5 []
- g_tpview_control = 0 []
- g_tpview_enable = 0 []
- g_tpview_force_goc = 0 []
- g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0 []
- g_useSinglePosition = 1 []
- g_vaultMinAnimationSpeed = 0.7 []
- g_vaultMinHeightDiff = 1.2 []
- g_visibilityTimeout = 0 []
- g_visibilityTimeoutTime = 30 []
- g_walkMultiplier = 1 []
- g_waterHitOnly = 0 []
- g_XMLCPBAddExtraDebugInfoToXmlDebugFiles = 0 []
- g_XMLCPBGenerateXmlDebugFiles = 0 []
- g_XMLCPBSizeReportThreshold = 2048 []
- g_XMLCPBUseExtraZLibCompression = 1 []
- hit_assistMultiplayerEnabled = 0 []
- hit_assistSingleplayerEnabled = 0 []
- hr_dotAngle = 0.75 []
- hr_fovAmt = 0.03 []
- hr_fovTime = 0.05 []
- hr_rotateFactor = -0.1 []
- hr_rotateTime = 0.07 []
- http_password = password []
- http_startserver (Command)
- http_stopserver (Command)
- int_moveZoomTime = 0.1 []
- int_zoomAmount = 0.75 []
- int_zoomInTime = 5 []
- int_zoomOutTime = 0.1 []
- i_bufferedkeys = 1 []
- i_debug = 0 []
- i_debugDigitalButtons = 0 []
- i_debuggun_1 = ai_statsTarget [DUMPTODISK]
- i_debuggun_2 = ag_debug [DUMPTODISK]
- i_debug_mp_flowgraph = 0 []
- i_debug_projectiles = 0 []
- i_debug_sounds = 0 []
- i_debug_zoom_mods = 0 []
- i_dropitem (Command)
- i_forcefeedback = 1 []
- i_giveallitems (Command)
- i_giveammo (Command)
- i_givedebugitems (Command)
- i_giveitem (Command)
- i_inventory_capacity = 64 []
- i_itemSystemDebugMemStats = 0 []
- i_kinGlobalExpCorrectionFactor = 0.5 []
- i_kinGlobalExpDeviationRadius = 0.04 []
- i_kinGlobalExpJitterRadius = 0.05 []
- i_kinGlobalExpPredictionFactor = 0.5 []
- i_kinGlobalExpSmoothFactor = 0.5 []
- i_kinSkeletonMovedDistance = 0.125 []
- i_kinSkeletonSmoothType = 1 []
- i_lighteffects = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_listitems (Command)
- i_lying_item_limit_mp = 64 []
- i_lying_item_limit_sp = 64 []
- i_mouse_accel = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_mouse_accel_max = 100 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_mouse_buffered = 0 []
- i_mouse_inertia = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_mouse_scroll_coordinate_origin = 0 []
- i_mouse_sensitivity = 1 []
- i_mouse_smooth = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_particleeffects = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_postScePadTrackingEvent = 1 []
- i_precache = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_saveweaponposition (Command)
- i_soundeffects = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_staticfiresounds = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- i_useKinect = 0 []
- i_xinput_deadzone_handling = 1 []
- log_EnableRemoteConsole = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- log_Filter = [DUMPTODISK]
- log_flush (Command)
- log_IncludeTime = 0 []
- log_Module = []
- log_SpamDelay = 0 []
- log_tick = 0 []
- log_UseFilter = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- log_Verbosity = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- log_VerbosityOverridesWriteToFile = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- log_WriteToFile = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- log_WriteToFileVerbosity = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- lua_CodeCoverage = 0 []
- lua_debugger = 0 []
- lua_debugger_show (Command)
- lua_dump_coverage (Command)
- lua_dump_state (Command)
- lua_garbagecollect (Command)
- lua_reload_script (Command)
- lua_stackonmalloc = 0 []
- lua_StopOnError = 0 []
- mfx_Debug = 0 []
- mfx_DebugFlowGraphFX = 0 []
- mfx_DebugVisual = 0 []
- mfx_DebugVisualFilter = []
- mfx_Enable = 1 []
- mfx_EnableAttachedEffects = 1 []
- mfx_EnableFGEffects = 1 []
- mfx_ParticleImpactThresh = 2 []
- mfx_pfx_maxDist = 35 []
- mfx_pfx_maxScale = 1.5 []
- mfx_pfx_minScale = 0.5 []
- mfx_RaisedSoundImpactThresh = 3.5 []
- mfx_Reload (Command)
- mfx_ReloadFGEffects (Command)
- mfx_SerializeFGEffects = 0 []
- mfx_SoundImpactThresh = 1.5 []
- mfx_Timeout = 0.01 []
- mn_allowEditableDatabasesInPureGame = 0 []
- mn_DebugAI (Command)
- mn_listAssets (Command)
- mn_LogToFile = 0 []
- mn_reload (Command)
- movie_physicalentity_animation_lerp = 0.85 []
- movie_timeJumpTransitionTime = 1 []
- mov_cameraPrecacheTime = 4 []
- mov_enableFakeProjection = 0 []
- mov_maxTimeStepForMovieSystem = 0.2 []
- mov_NoCutscenes = 0 []
- mov_overrideCam = []
- m_wh_demo_positionOverride = []
- net_active_http_connections = 0 [READONLY]
- net_debugVerboseLevel = 0 []
- net_disconnect_on_rmi_error = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- net_inactivitytimeout = 10 []
- net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode = 10 []
- net_lanbrowser = 0 []
- net_lan_scanport_first = 64087 [DUMPTODISK]
- net_lan_scanport_num = 5 [DUMPTODISK]
- net_log = 0 []
- net_log_remote_methods = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- net_numNetIDHighBitBits = 11 []
- net_numNetIDLowBitBits = 5 []
- net_numNetIDMediumBitBits = 9 []
- net_pb_cl_enable (Command)
- net_pb_sv_enable (Command)
- net_phys_debug = 0 []
- net_phys_lagsmooth = 0.1 []
- net_phys_pingsmooth = 0.1 []
- net_receiveQueueSize = 20971520 []
- net_sendQueueSize = 5242880 []
- net_set_cdkey (Command)
- net_stats_login = [DUMPTODISK]
- net_stats_pass = [DUMPTODISK]
- open_url (Command)
- osm_enabled = 0 []
- osm_fbMinScale = 0.66 []
- osm_fbScaleDeltaDown = 5 []
- osm_fbScaleDeltaUp = 1 []
- osm_historyLength = 5 []
- osm_setFBScale (Command)
- osm_targetFPS = 28 []
- osm_targetFPSTolerance = 1 []
- player_dumpFow (Command)
- player_revealFow (Command)
- pl_clientInertia = 25 []
- pl_curvingSlowdownSpeedScale = 0.5 []
- pl_debugFallDamage = 0 []
- pl_DebugFootstepSounds = 0 []
- pl_debugInterpolation = 0 []
- pl_debug_filter = []
- pl_debug_jumping = 0 []
- pl_debug_movement = 0 []
- pl_fallDamage_Normal_SpeedFatal = 13.7 []
- pl_fallDamage_Normal_SpeedSafe = 8 []
- pl_fallDamage_SpeedBias = 1.5 []
- pl_fallHeight = 0.8 []
- pl_inputAccel = 30 []
- pl_jump_control.air_control_scale = 1 []
- pl_jump_control.air_inertia_scale = 1 []
- pl_jump_control.air_resistance_scale = 1 []
- pl_ledgeClamber.cameraBlendWeight = 1 []
- pl_ledgeClamber.debugDraw = 0 []
- pl_ledgeClamber.enableVaultFromStanding = 2 []
- pl_lookAccel = 0 []
- pl_movement.crouch_SpeedScale = 1 []
- pl_movement.ground_timeInAirToFall = 0.5 []
- pl_movement.ground_velocityToFall = 3.5 []
- pl_movement.mp_slope_speed_multiplier_downhill = 1 []
- pl_movement.mp_slope_speed_multiplier_minHill = 0 []
- pl_movement.mp_slope_speed_multiplier_uphill = 1 []
- pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 55 []
- pl_movement.speedScale = 1.2 []
- pl_movement.sprintStamina_debug = 0 []
- pl_movement.sprint_SpeedScale = 1.8 []
- pl_movement.strafe_SpeedScale = 0.9 []
- pl_netAimLerpFactor = 0.5 []
- pl_netSerialiseMaxSpeed = 4 []
- pl_nightvisionModeBinocular = 4 []
- pl_playerErrorSnapDistSquare = 5 []
- pl_scaledMovement = 0 []
- pl_serialisePhysVel = 1 []
- pl_swimBackSpeedMul = 0.8 []
- pl_swimBaseSpeed = 4 []
- pl_swimJumpSpeedBaseMul = 1 []
- pl_swimJumpSpeedCost = 50 []
- pl_swimJumpSpeedSprintMul = 2.5 []
- pl_swimJumpStrengthBaseMul = 1 []
- pl_swimJumpStrengthCost = 50 []
- pl_swimJumpStrengthSprintMul = 2.5 []
- pl_swimNormalSprintSpeedMul = 1.5 []
- pl_swimSideSpeedMul = 0.9 []
- pl_swimSpeedSprintSpeedMul = 2.5 []
- pl_swimUpSprintSpeedMul = 2 []
- pl_swimVertSpeedMul = 0.5 []
- pl_velocityInterpAirControlScale = 1 []
- pl_velocityInterpAirDeltaFactor = 0.75 []
- pl_velocityInterpAlwaysSnap = 0 []
- pl_velocityInterpPathCorrection = 1 []
- pl_velocityInterpSynchJump = 2 []
- pp_LoadOnlineAttributes = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- pp_RichSaveGames = 0 []
- pp_RSFDebugWrite = 1 []
- pp_RSFDebugWriteOnLoad = 0 []
- profile_additionalsub = 0 []
- profile_allthreads = 0 []
- profile_filter = []
- profile_filter_thread = []
- profile_graph = 0 []
- profile_graphScale = 100 []
- profile_network = 0 []
- profile_pagefaults = 0 []
- profile_peak = 10 []
- profile_peak_display = 8 []
- profile_sampler = 0 []
- profile_sampler_max_samples = 2000 []
- profile_smooth = 1 []
- profile_weighting = 1 []
- p_accuracy_LCPCG = 0.005 []
- p_accuracy_LCPCG_no_improvement = 0.05 []
- p_accuracy_MC = 0.002 []
- p_approx_caps_len = 1.2 []
- p_break_on_validation = 0 []
- p_CharacterIK = 1 []
- p_check_out_of_bounds = 3 []
- p_climbable_offset = 0.25 []
- p_collision_mode = 0 []
- p_cull_distance = 100 []
- p_damping_group_size = 8 []
- p_debug_explosions = 0 []
- p_debug_joints = 0 []
- p_DLCDebug = 0 []
- p_DLCDRegionCount = 1 []
- p_do_step = 0 []
- p_draw_cells = 0 []
- p_draw_helpers = 0 []
- p_draw_helpers_num = 0 []
- p_enforce_contacts = 1 []
- p_ent_grid_use_obb = 1 []
- p_fixed_timestep = 0 []
- p_fly_mode = 0 []
- p_force_sync = 1 []
- p_GEB_max_cells = 1024 []
- p_group_damping = 0.5 []
- p_joint_damage_accum = 2 []
- p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2 []
- p_joint_gravity_step = 1 []
- p_jump_to_profile_ent = 0 []
- p_lattice_max_iters = 100000 []
- p_limit_simple_solver_energy = 1 []
- p_list_active_objects = 0 []
- p_log_lattice_tension = 0 []
- p_max_approx_caps = 7 []
- p_max_bone_velocity = 10 []
- p_max_contacts = 150 []
- p_max_contact_gap = 0.01 []
- p_max_contact_gap_player = 0.01 []
- p_max_contact_gap_simple = 0.03 []
- p_max_debris_mass = 1e+10 []
- p_max_entity_cells = 300000 []
- p_max_LCPCG_contacts = 100 []
- p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters = 4 []
- p_max_LCPCG_iters = 5 []
- p_max_LCPCG_microiters = 12000 []
- p_max_LCPCG_microiters_final = 25000 []
- p_max_LCPCG_subiters = 120 []
- p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final = 250 []
- p_max_MC_iters = 6000 []
- p_max_MC_mass_ratio = 100 []
- p_max_MC_vel = 15 []
- p_max_object_splashes = 3 []
- p_max_plane_contacts = 8 []
- p_max_plane_contacts_distress = 4 []
- p_max_player_velocity = 150 []
- p_max_substeps = 5 []
- p_max_substeps_large_group = 5 []
- p_max_unproj_vel = 2.5 []
- p_max_velocity = 100 []
- p_max_world_step = 0.25 []
- p_min_LCPCG_improvement = 0.05 []
- p_min_MC_iters = 4 []
- p_min_separation_speed = 0.02 []
- p_net_debugDraw = 0 []
- p_net_extrapmax = 0.5 []
- p_net_interp = 0.1 []
- p_net_sequencefrequency = 256 []
- p_num_bodies_large_group = 100 []
- p_num_startup_overload_checks = 20 []
- p_num_threads = 1 []
- p_penalty_scale = 0.3 []
- p_players_can_break = 0 []
- p_predicted_slope_distance_in = 0.4 []
- p_predicted_slope_distance_out = 0.2 []
- p_profile = 0 []
- p_profile_entities = 0 []
- p_profile_functions = 0 []
- p_prohibit_unprojection = 1 []
- p_proxy_highlight_range = 800 []
- p_proxy_highlight_threshold = 200 []
- p_pumploggedevents_parallel = 0 []
- p_ray_fadeout = 0.2 []
- p_ray_peak_time = 0 []
- p_rope_collider_size_limit = 0 []
- p_single_step_mode = 0 []
- p_skip_redundant_colldet = 1 []
- p_sliding_time_mult = 3 []
- p_splash_dist0 = 7 []
- p_splash_dist1 = 30 []
- p_splash_force0 = 10 []
- p_splash_force1 = 100 []
- p_splash_vel0 = 4.5 []
- p_splash_vel1 = 10 []
- p_tick_breakable = 0.1 []
- p_time_granularity = 0.0001 []
- p_unproj_vel_scale = 10 []
- p_use_distance_contacts = 0 []
- p_use_unproj_vel = 0 []
- p_wireframe_distance = 40 []
- q_Quality (Command)
- q_Renderer = 3 []
- q_ShaderFX = 3 []
- q_ShaderGeneral = 3 []
- q_ShaderGlass = 3 []
- q_ShaderHDR = 3 []
- q_ShaderIce = 3 []
- q_ShaderMetal = 3 []
- q_ShaderPostProcess = 3 []
- q_ShaderShadow = 3 []
- q_ShaderTerrain = 3 []
- q_ShaderVegetation = 3 []
- q_ShaderWater = 3 []
- rcon_command (Command)
- rcon_connect (Command)
- rcon_disconnect (Command)
- rcon_password = []
- rcon_startserver (Command)
- rcon_stopserver (Command)
- rc_debugVerboseLevel = 0 []
- r_3MonHack = 0 []
- r_3MonHackHUDFOVX = 28 []
- r_3MonHackHUDFOVY = 60 []
- r_3MonHackLeftCGFOffsetX = 0.93 []
- r_3MonHackRightCGFOffsetX = -0.93 []
- r_3PLAverageIlluminanceAttenuationMin = 0.0015 []
- r_3PLAverageIlluminanceMultiplier = 0.4 []
- r_3PLFalloffBegin = 0.0001 []
- r_3PLFalloffEnd = 0.0015 []
- r_3PLFillDirStr = 0,-5,-125 []
- r_3PLGradientAngle = 0 []
- r_3PLGradientEnd = 0.4 []
- r_3PLKeyDirStr = 0,0,90 []
- r_3PLMaxRelativeIlluminanceRatio = 1 []
- r_3PLRimDirStr = 0,15,-55 []
- r_AllowLiveMoCap = 0 []
- r_AntialiasingMode = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_AntialiasingModeDebug = 0 []
- r_AntialiasingModeEditor = 1 []
- r_AntialiasingModeSCull = 1 []
- r_AntialiasingSMAAThreshold = 0.1 []
- r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffHiFreq = 10 []
- r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffLowFreq = 2 []
- r_AntialiasingTAAPattern = 1 []
- r_AntialiasingTAASharpening = 0 []
- r_AntialiasingTSAAMipBias = -0.25 []
- r_AntialiasingTSAASmoothness = 40 []
- r_AntialiasingTSAASubpixelDetection = 0.02 []
- r_auxGeom = 1 []
- r_AuxGeomAutoScaleOver1080pWH = 1 []
- r_AuxGeomFontAutoScaleMultiplierOver1080pWH = 0.8 []
- r_BreakOnError = 0 []
- r_Brightness = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_buffer_banksize = 4 []
- r_buffer_banksize_small = 1 []
- r_buffer_enable_lockless_updates = 1 []
- r_buffer_pool_debug_log = 0 []
- r_buffer_pool_defrag_dynamic = 0 []
- r_buffer_pool_defrag_max_moves = 64 []
- r_buffer_pool_defrag_static = 0 []
- r_buffer_pool_max_allocs = 65520 []
- r_buffer_sli_workaround = 0 []
- r_buffer_staged_update_max_size = 4 []
- r_CBufferUseNativeDepth = 1 []
- r_Character_NoDeform = 0 []
- r_ChromaticAberration = 0 []
- r_ColorGrading = 1 []
- r_ColorGradingChartImage (Command)
- r_ColorGradingCharts = 1 []
- r_ColorGradingChartsCache = 0 []
- r_ColorGradingFilters = 1 []
- r_ColorGradingLevels = 1 []
- r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor = 1 []
- r_ColorRangeCompression = 0 []
- r_ComputeMipMapGen = 1 []
- r_ComputeSkinning = 1 []
- r_ComputeSkinningDebugDraw = 0 []
- r_ComputeSkinningMorphs = 1 []
- r_ComputeSkinningTangents = 1 []
- r_Contrast = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_CROConstantBufferPreallocationAmount = 45000 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_CubemapGenerationAdditionalWaitFramesWH = 3 []
- r_CubemapGenerationTimeout = 100 []
- r_CustomResHeight = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_CustomResMaxSize = 4096 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_CustomResPreview = 1 []
- r_CustomResWidth = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_CustomVisions = 3 []
- r_D3D12AsynchronousCompute = 0 []
- r_D3D12BatchResourceBarriers = 2 []
- r_D3D12DebugLayerBreakpoints = 0 []
- r_D3D12EnablePIXCaptureRuntime = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_D3D12EnablePlacedResources = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_D3D12EnableResourceTracking = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_D3D12EnableTiledResources = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_D3D12HardwareComputeQueue = 1 []
- r_D3D12HardwareCopyQueue = 2 []
- r_D3D12MaxCreatedCommandLists = 256 []
- r_D3D12MaxGarbageResourceDescriptors = 700000 []
- r_D3D12MaxGarbageSamplerDescriptors = 512 []
- r_D3D12MaxHeapDecommitLatency = 512 []
- r_D3D12MaxLiveCommandLists = 100 []
- r_D3D12RecycleHeapMaxSize = 128 []
- r_D3D12ReleaseHeapMaxSize = 256 []
- r_D3D12SubmissionThread = 15 []
- r_D3D12UploadAllocatorSize = 2 []
- r_D3D12WaitableSwapChain = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_DebugFontRendering = 0 []
- r_DebugGBuffer = 0 []
- r_debugGBufferCaptions = 1 []
- r_DebugLayerEffect = 0 []
- r_DebugLights = 0 []
- r_DebugLightVolumes = 0 []
- r_DebugRefraction = 0 []
- r_DebugRenderMode = 0 []
- r_DeferredDecals = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_deferredDecalsDebug = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_deferredDecalsMaxLimit = 1280 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShading3PL = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingAmbientLights = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingAreaLights = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingEnvProbes = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingFilterGBuffer = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingLightLodRatio = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingLights = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingLightStencilRatio = 0.21 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingLightVolumes = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingSortLights = 0 []
- r_DeferredShadingSSS = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingTiled = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingTiledDebug = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DeferredShadingTiledHairQuality = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DepthOfField = 2 []
- r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 0 []
- r_DepthOfFieldMode = 1 []
- r_DetailDistance = 6 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DetailTextures = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_DisplayInfoFontScale = 1 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_DisplayInfoTargetDrawCalls = 0 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_displayinfoTargetFPS = 30 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_DisplayInfoTargetPolygons = 0 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_dofMinZ = 0 []
- r_dofMinZBlendMult = 1 []
- r_dofMinZScale = 0 []
- r_DrawNearFarPlane = 40 []
- r_DrawNearFoV = 60 []
- r_DrawNearShadows = 1 []
- r_DrawNearZRange = 0.12 []
- r_DuplicateLastFrameOnCameraChangeWH = 1 []
- r_DuplicateLastFrameWH = 1 []
- r_durango_async_dips = 0 []
- r_durango_async_dips_sync = 9999 []
- r_DynTexSourceSharedRTHeight = 0 []
- r_DynTexSourceSharedRTWidth = 0 []
- r_DynTexSourceUseSharedRT = 0 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- r_enableAltTab = 1 []
- r_enableAuxGeom = 1 []
- r_EnableDebugLayer = 0 []
- r_EnableFramePacing = 0 []
- r_EnableNvidiaAftermath = 1 []
- r_EnableNvidiaAftermathCallstackCollection = 0 []
- r_EnableNvidiaAftermathShaderDumps = 1 []
- r_EnableRSCResourceTrimming = 0 []
- r_enable_full_gpu_sync = 0 []
- r_EnvCMResolution = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_EnvTexResolution = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.05 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ExcludeMesh = []
- r_ExcludeShader = 0 []
- r_FlareHqShafts = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_Flares = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_FlaresChromaShift = 6 []
- r_FlaresEnableColorGrading = 1 []
- r_FlaresIrisShaftMaxPolyNum = 200 []
- r_FlaresTessellationRatio = 1 []
- r_FlashDynTextureResQuality = 0 []
- r_FlushToGPU = 1 []
- r_FogDepthTest = -0.001 []
- r_FogShadows = 0 []
- r_FogShadowsMode = 0 []
- r_FogShadowsWater = 1 []
- r_Fullscreen = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_FullscreenNativeRes = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_Gamma = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_GeomCacheInstanceThreshold = 10 []
- r_GetScreenShot = 0 []
- r_GpuParticles = 1 []
- r_GpuParticlesGpuBoundingBox = 0 []
- r_GpuPhysicsFluidDynamicsDebug = 1 []
- r_GrainEnableExposureThreshold = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_GraphicsPipelineMobile = 0 []
- r_GraphicsPipelinePassScheduler = 0 []
- r_HDRBloom = 0 []
- r_HDRBloomQuality = 2 []
- r_HDRDebug = 0 []
- r_HDRDithering = 1 []
- r_HDREyeAdaptationMode = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDREyeAdaptationSpeed = 3 []
- r_HDRGrainAmount = 1 []
- r_HDRRangeAdapt = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed = 4 []
- r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax = 0.125 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDRRangeAdaptMax = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange = 4 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDRTexFormat = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HDRVignetting = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_Height = 2160 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_HeightMapAO = 1 []
- r_HeightMapAOAmount = 1 []
- r_HeightMapAORange = 1000 []
- r_HeightMapAOResolution = 2048 []
- r_HideFogVolumesInCubemaps = 1 []
- r_HideSSReflectionsInCubemaps = 1 []
- r_HideSunInCubemaps = 1 []
- r_HideVolumetricFogInCubemaps = 1 []
- r_InitialWindowSizeRatio = 0.666 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_Log = 0 []
- r_LogShaders = 0 []
- r_LogTexStreaming = 0 []
- r_LogVBuffers = 0 []
- r_LogVidMem = 0 []
- r_MaterialsBatching = 1 []
- r_MaxFrameGCLatency = 32 []
- r_MaxFrameGCReuseSize = 64 []
- r_MaxFrameLatency = 1 []
- r_MeasureOverdrawScale = 1.5 []
- r_MergeShadowDrawcalls = 1 []
- r_MeshInstancePoolSize = 0 []
- r_MeshPoolForceFreeAfterUpdate = 0 []
- r_MeshPoolSize = 0 []
- r_MeshPrecache = 1 []
- r_MobilePipelineHDRMode = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_MobilePipelineLumMeasMode = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_MobilePipelineLumMeasSampleCount = 64 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_MotionBlur = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_MotionBlurCameraMotionScale = 0.2 []
- r_MotionBlurGBufferVelocity = 1 []
- r_MotionBlurInlineWithAutoExposure = 1 []
- r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 160 []
- r_MotionBlurQuality = 2 []
- r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 200 []
- r_MotionBlurThreshold = 0.0001 []
- r_MotionBlurTileFastGatherDebug = 0 []
- r_MotionBlurTileFastGatherThreshold = 0.15 []
- r_MotionBlurTileSize = 32 []
- r_MotionVectors = 1 []
- r_MouseControllerEmulation = 1 []
- r_MouseCursorOffsetX = 0 []
- r_MouseCursorOffsetY = 0 []
- r_MouseCursorTexture = %ENGINE%/EngineAssets/Textures/ []
- r_MouseUseSystemCursor = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_MultiGPU = 1 []
- r_MultiSampleCount = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_MultiThreaded = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_MultiThreadedDrawing = -2 []
- r_MultiThreadedDrawingMinJobSize = 100 []
- r_NightVision = 2 []
- r_NightVisionBrightLevel = 3 []
- r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseAmount = 0.4 []
- r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseBlendSpeed = 2 []
- r_NightVisionFinalMul = 6 []
- r_NightVisionSonarLifetime = 2 []
- r_NightVisionSonarMultiplier = 0.2 []
- r_NightVisionSonarRadius = 32 []
- r_NoDraw = 0 []
- r_NoDrawNear = 0 []
- r_NoHWGamma = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_NormalsLength = 0.2 []
- r_OverdrawComplexity = 0 []
- r_OverdrawComplexityBluePoint = 4 []
- r_OverdrawComplexityCompression = 1 []
- r_OverdrawComplexitySmoothness = 1.25 []
- r_overrideDXGIAdapter = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_overrideRefreshRate = 0 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_overrideScanlineOrder = 0 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_OverscanBorders (Command)
- r_OverscanBorderScaleX = 0 []
- r_OverscanBorderScaleY = 0 []
- r_OverscanBordersDrawDebugView = 0 [DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE]
- r_ParticlesDebug = 0 []
- r_ParticlesHalfRes = 0 []
- r_ParticlesHalfResAmount = 0 []
- r_ParticlesHalfResBlendMode = 0 []
- r_ParticlesInstanceVertices = 1 []
- r_ParticlesMaxVertexPoolSize = 1048576 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_ParticlesRefraction = 1 []
- r_ParticlesSoftIsec = 1 []
- r_ParticlesTessellation = 1 []
- r_ParticlesTessellationTriSize = 16 []
- r_ParticlesVertexPoolSize = 131072 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_PipelineResourceDiscardAfterFrame = 0 []
- r_PipelineStateCollectionMode = 0 []
- r_PipelineStatePrecacheMode = 2 []
- r_PostProcessDebugMode = 0 []
- r_PostProcessEffects = 1 []
- r_PostProcessFilters = 1 []
- r_PostProcessGameFx = 1 []
- r_PostProcessHUD3D = 1 []
- r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 0 []
- r_PostProcessHUD3DDebugView = 0 []
- r_PostProcessHUD3DGlowAmount = 1 []
- r_PostProcessHUD3DShadowAmount = 1.7 []
- r_PostProcessHUD3DStencilClear = 1 []
- r_PostProcessNanoGlassDebugView = 0 []
- r_PostProcessParamsBlending = 1 []
- r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale = 12 []
- r_PostProcessReset = 0 []
- r_PrecacheShaderList (Command)
- r_PrintMemoryLeaks = 0 []
- r_profiler = 0 []
- r_profilerSmoothingWeight = 0.9 []
- r_profilerTargetFPS = 30 []
- r_PSOCompilationStatStart (Command)
- r_PSOCompilationStatStop (Command)
- r_PSOCompilationWorkerThreads = 2 []
- r_Rain = 2 []
- r_RainAmount = 1 []
- r_RainDistMultiplier = 2 []
- r_RainDropsEffect = 1 []
- r_RainIgnoreNearest = 1 []
- r_RainMaxViewDist = 32 []
- r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 150 []
- r_RainOccluderSizeTreshold = 10 []
- r_RainPuddleWindSpeedWH = 0.2 []
- r_RC_AutoInvoke = 1 []
- r_Reflections = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ReflectionsOffset = 0 []
- r_ReflectionsQuality = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ReflectTextureSlots = 1 []
- r_Refraction = 1 []
- r_RefractionPartialResolveMaxResolveCount = 16 []
- r_RefractionPartialResolveMinResolveAreaWH = 0.001 []
- r_RefractionPartialResolveMode = 2 []
- r_RefractionPartialResolvesDebug = 0 []
- r_ReleaseAllResourcesOnExit = 1 []
- r_ReloadBillboardAtlas (Command)
- r_ReloadDecalAtlas (Command)
- r_ReloadDetailAtlas (Command)
- r_ReloadMacroAtlas (Command)
- r_ReloadMaterialAtlas (Command)
- r_ReloadShaders = 0 []
- r_RemappedBoneIndicesDebug = 0 []
- r_RemappedBoneIndicesDebugFilter = []
- r_RemoveCachedResourceDesc (Command)
- r_RenderMeshHashGridUnitSize = 0.5 []
- r_RenderTargetPoolSize = 0 []
- r_ReprojectOnlyStaticObjects = 1 []
- r_resizableWindow = 0 []
- r_ShaderCompilerDontCache = 0 []
- r_ShaderCompilerFolderName = []
- r_ShaderCompilerFolderSuffix = []
- r_ShaderCompilerPort = 31671 []
- r_ShaderCompilerServer = localhost []
- r_ShaderEmailCCs = []
- r_ShaderEmailTags = Build Version: []
- r_ShadersAllowCompilation = 1 []
- r_ShadersAsyncActivation = 0 []
- r_ShadersAsyncCompiling = 3 []
- r_ShadersAsyncMaxThreads = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_shadersCacheClearOnVersionChange = 0 []
- r_ShadersCacheDeterministic = 1 []
- r_ShadersCompileAutoActivate = 0 []
- r_ShadersCompileCompatible = 1 []
- r_ShadersCompileStrict = 0 []
- r_ShadersDebug = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadersEditing = 0 []
- r_ShadersIgnoreIncludesChanging = 0 []
- r_ShadersLazyUnload = 0 []
- r_ShadersLogCacheMisses = 0 []
- r_ShadersRemoteCompiler = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadersSubmitRequestline = 1 []
- r_shadersWarningsAsErrorsWH = 1 []
- r_ShaderTarget = [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowCastingLightsMaxCount = 24 []
- r_ShadowGenDepthClip = 1 []
- r_ShadowJittering = 5 []
- r_ShadowJitteringMultiplierWH = 0.8 []
- r_ShadowMapsUpdate = 1 []
- r_ShadowMaskStencilPrepass = 0 []
- r_ShadowPoolBaseCostWH = 25 []
- r_ShadowPoolBudgetPerFrameWH = 5000 []
- r_ShadowPoolImportanceDistanceMultWH = 1 []
- r_ShadowPoolImportanceFrameDeltaMultWH = 5 []
- r_ShadowPoolImportanceFrameDeltaNeverRenderedValueWH = 10000 []
- r_ShadowPoolImportanceLightUpdateRateMultWH = 2 []
- r_ShadowPoolMapSizeCostCoeffWH = 26 []
- r_ShadowPoolMapSizeCostMultWH = 0.015 []
- r_ShadowPoolMaxFrames = 3 []
- r_ShadowPoolShadowCastersCostMultWH = 0.025 []
- r_ShadowsAdaptionMin = 0.35 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsAdaptionRangeClamp = 0.02 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsAdaptionSize = 0.3 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsCache = 0 []
- r_ShadowsCacheFormat = 1 []
- r_ShadowsCacheResolutions = []
- r_ShadowsGridAligned = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsLocalLightsFaceCullingWH = 2 []
- r_ShadowsLocalLightsLinearizeDepth = 1 []
- r_ShadowsMask = 1 []
- r_ShadowsMotionBiasConstWH = 0.0001 []
- r_ShadowsMotionBiasDirWH = 1e-07 []
- r_ShadowsMotionBiasDirZWH = 2 []
- r_ShadowsMotionBiasLocalCostWH = 0.01 []
- r_ShadowsMotionBiasWH = 1 []
- r_ShadowsNearestMapResolution = 4096 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_ShadowsParticleAnimJitterAmount = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsParticleJitterAmount = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsParticleKernelSize = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsParticleNormalEffect = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ShadowsPCFiltering = 1 []
- r_ShadowsScreenSpace = 1 []
- r_ShadowsScreenSpaceFadeoutBegin = 1000 []
- r_ShadowsScreenSpaceFadeoutEnd = 2000 []
- r_ShadowsScreenSpaceLength = 0.015 []
- r_ShadowsScreenSpaceStrength = 0.85 []
- r_ShadowTexFormat = 0 []
- r_Sharpening = 0 []
- r_ShowDynTextures = 0 []
- r_ShowDynTexturesFilter = * []
- r_ShowDynTexturesMaxCount = 36 []
- r_ShowLightBounds = 0 []
- r_ShowLines = 0 []
- r_ShowNormals = 0 []
- r_ShowRenderTarget (Command)
- r_ShowTangents = 0 []
- r_ShowTexture = []
- r_ShowTimeGraph = 0 []
- r_ShowVideoMemoryStats = 0 []
- r_SilhouettePOM = 0 []
- r_SkipAlphaTested = 0 []
- r_Snow = 0 []
- r_SnowDisplacement = 0 []
- r_SnowFlakeClusters = 100 []
- r_SnowHalfRes = 0 []
- r_SonarVision = 1 []
- r_ssdo = 1 []
- r_ssdoAmountAmbient = 2 []
- r_ssdoAmountDirect = 0.7 []
- r_ssdoAmountReflection = 4 []
- r_ssdoColorBleeding = 0.8 []
- r_ssdoFadeoutBegin = 2000 []
- r_ssdoFadeoutEnd = 4000 []
- r_ssdoHalfRes = 2 []
- r_ssdoRadius = 0.1 []
- r_ssdoRadiusMax = 0.3 []
- r_ssdoRadiusMin = 0.015 []
- r_ssdoSecondaryBandRadius = 15 []
- r_SSReflDistance = 0.15 []
- r_SSReflections = 2 []
- r_SSReflEnvBRDFMultWH = 3 []
- r_SSReflEnvBRDFPowWH = 2 []
- r_SSReflHalfRes = 0 []
- r_SSReflSamples = 16 []
- r_Stats = 0 []
- r_statsMinDrawCalls = 0 []
- r_StencilBits = 8 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoEnableMgpu = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoEyeDist = 0.02 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoFlipEyes = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoGammaAdjustment = 0.12 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoHudScreenDist = 0.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoNearGeoScale = 0.65 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_stereoScaleCoefficient = 1 []
- r_StereoScreenDist = 0.25 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_StereoStrength = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_sunshafts = 2 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_CustomReactiveMaskScaleWH = 0.5 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_CustomResolutionScaleWH = 0.5 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_QualityMode = 1 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_ReactiveMask_BinaryValue = 0.5 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_ReactiveMask_CutoffThreshold = 0.35 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_ReactiveMask_Scale = 1 []
- r_SuperResolution_AMD_FSR_TransparencyAndCompositionMask = 0 []
- r_SuperResolution_Mode = 0 []
- r_SuperResolution_NVIDIA_APP_ID = 0 []
- r_SuperResolution_NVIDIA_DLSS_ExposureCompensation = 0 []
- r_SuperResolution_NVIDIA_DLSS_Preset = 0 []
- r_SuperResolution_NVIDIA_DLSS_QualityMode = 2 []
- r_SuperResolution_ReactiveMask_Mode = 1 []
- r_SuperResolution_Sharpness = 0.684576 []
- r_SuperResolution_SONY_PSSR_ResolutionScale = 0.5 []
- r_SuperResolution_TextureMipBias = 0 []
- r_Supersampling = 1 []
- r_SupersamplingFilter = 0 []
- r_SyncToFrameFence = 1 []
- r_TessellationDebug = 0 []
- r_TessellationTriangleSize = 8 []
- r_TexBindMode = 0 []
- r_TexelsPerMeter = 0 []
- r_TexLog = 0 []
- r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- r_TexMinAnisotropy = 16 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- r_TexNoLoad = 0 []
- r_TexPostponeLoading = 1 []
- r_TexPreallocateAtlases = 0 []
- r_TextureCompiling = 1 []
- r_TextureCompilingIndicator = 0 []
- r_TextureLodDistanceRatio = -1 []
- r_TexturesAllowDynamicSampler = 1 []
- r_TexturesStreamDynamicPool = 1 []
- r_TexturesStreamDynamicPoolMaxSizeWH = 8192 []
- r_TexturesStreamDynamicPoolMinSize = 2048 []
- r_TexturesStreamDynamicPoolTargetVramUsage = 80 []
- r_TexturesStreaming = 2 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_TexturesStreamingDebug = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingDebugDumpIntoLog = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingDebugFilter = []
- r_TexturesStreamingDebugMinMip = 100 []
- r_TexturesStreamingDebugMinSize = 100 []
- r_TexturesStreamingDisableNoStreamDuringLoad = 0 []
- r_texturesstreamingJobUpdate = 1 []
- r_TexturesStreamingLowestPrefetchBias = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedJobs = 32 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedMB = 4 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMaxUpdateRate = 1 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMinReadSizeKB = 64 []
- r_texturesstreamingMinUsableMips = 8 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMipBias = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMipClampDVD = 1 []
- r_TexturesStreamingMipFading = 8 []
- r_TexturesStreamingNoUpload = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingOnlyVideo = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingPostponeMips = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingPostponeThresholdKB = 1024 []
- r_texturesstreamingPostponeThresholdMip = 1 []
- r_TexturesStreamingPrecacheRounds = 1 []
- r_texturesstreamingSkipMips = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingSuppress = 0 []
- r_TexturesStreamingUpdateType = 1 []
- r_texturesstreampooldefragmentation = 0 []
- r_texturesstreampooldefragmentationmaxamount = 524288 []
- r_texturesstreampooldefragmentationmaxmoves = 8 []
- r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = 8192 []
- r_ThermalVision = 1 []
- r_ThermalVisionViewDistance = 150 []
- r_transient_pool_size = 4 []
- r_TransparentPasses = 1 []
- r_TranspDepthFixup = 1 []
- r_TrimResourceCache (Command)
- r_UpdateInstances = 0 []
- r_UseDisplacementFactor = 0.2 []
- r_UseHWSkinning = 1 []
- r_UseMaterialLayers = 2 []
- r_UseZPass = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_ValidateDraw = 0 []
- r_VisAreaClipLightsPerPixel = 1 []
- r_VolumetricClouds = 2 []
- r_VolumetricCloudsPipeline = 0 []
- r_VolumetricCloudsRaymarchStepNum = 64 []
- r_VolumetricCloudsShadowResolution = 64 []
- r_VolumetricCloudsStereoReprojection = 1 []
- r_VolumetricCloudsTemporalReprojection = 1 []
- r_VolumetricFogDownscaledSunShadow = -1 []
- r_VolumetricFogDownscaledSunShadowRatio = 1 []
- r_VolumetricFogMinimumLightBulbSize = 0 []
- r_VolumetricFogReprojectionBlendFactor = 0.9 []
- r_VolumetricFogReprojectionMode = 1 []
- r_VolumetricFogSample = 2 []
- r_VolumetricFogShadow = 1 []
- r_VolumetricFogSunLightCorrection = 1 []
- r_VolumetricFogTexDepth = 64 []
- r_VolumetricFogTexScale = 10 []
- r_VrProjectionPreset = 0 []
- r_VrProjectionType = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- r_WaterCaustics = 1 []
- r_WaterCausticsDeferred = 2 []
- r_WaterCausticsDistance = 100 []
- r_WaterGodRays = 1 []
- r_WaterGodRaysDistortion = 1 []
- r_WaterReflections = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterReflectionsMGPU = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateDistanceMul = 10 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateFactorMul = 20 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 4 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterReflectionsUseMinOffset = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterUpdateDistance = 2 []
- r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.01 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WaterUpdateThread = 5 []
- r_WaterVolumeCaustics = 0 []
- r_WaterVolumeCausticsDensity = 128 []
- r_WaterVolumeCausticsMaxDist = 35 []
- r_WaterVolumeCausticsSnapFactor = 1 []
- r_Width = 3840 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WindowIconTexture = %ENGINE%/EngineAssets/Textures/ []
- r_WindowTopMost = 0 []
- r_WindowType = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_window_fullscreen_to_desktop_mode = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WinPosX = -10000 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_WinPosY = -10000 [DUMPTODISK]
- r_wireframe = 0 []
- r_XboxEnableInstrumented = 0 []
- r_XboxGpuHangDetectionThreshold = 2000 []
- r_XboxImmediateThresholdPercent = 5 []
- r_ZFightingDepthScale = 0.995 []
- r_ZFightingExtrude = 0.001 []
- r_ZPassDepthSorting = 1 []
- r_ZPassOnly = 0 []
- r_ZPrepassMaxDist = 16 []
- r_ZPrepassVegetation = 0 []
- save_genstrings (Command)
- STAP_DEBUG = 0 []
- sv_autoconfigurl = []
- sv_bandwidth = 50000 []
- sv_DedicatedCPUPercent = 0 []
- sv_DedicatedCPUVariance = 10 []
- sv_DedicatedMaxRate = 30 []
- sv_dumpstats = 1 []
- sv_dumpstatsperiod = 1000 []
- sv_gamerules = SinglePlayer []
- sv_gamerulesdefault = SinglePlayer []
- sv_input_timeout = 0 []
- sv_lanonly = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_levelrotation = levelrotation []
- sv_LoadAllLayersForResList = 0 []
- sv_map = kutnohorsko []
- sv_maxplayers = 32 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_maxspectators = 32 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_pacifist = 0 []
- sv_packetRate = 30 []
- sv_password = [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_port = 64087 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_requireinputdevice = dontcare [DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- sv_servername = [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_timeofdayenable = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_timeofdaylength = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_timeofdaystart = 12 [DUMPTODISK]
- sv_timeout_disconnect = 0 []
- sv_votingCooldown = 180 []
- sv_votingRatio = 0.51 []
- sv_votingTeamRatio = 0.67 []
- sv_votingTimeout = 60 []
- sw_debugInfo = 1 []
- sw_draw_bbox = 1 []
- sw_gridSize = 6 []
- sys_affinity = 0 []
- sys_AI = 1 []
- sys_audio_disable = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_auto_detect_spec_override = 0 []
- sys_budget_frametime = 50 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_numdrawcalls = 2000 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_numpolys = 500000 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_soundchannels = 32 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_soundCPU = 15 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_soundmem = 32 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_streamingthroughput = 1024 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_sysmem = 512 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_budget_videomem = 90 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_build_folder = []
- sys_crashtest (Command)
- sys_DeactivateConsole = 0 []
- sys_deferAudioUpdateOptim = 0 []
- sys_display_threads = 0 []
- sys_dll_ai = CryAISystem []
- sys_dll_game = WHGame []
- sys_dll_response_system = []
- sys_driveinfo (Command)
- sys_dump_aux_threads = 1 []
- sys_dump_type = 2 []
- sys_enable_budgetmonitoring = 0 []
- sys_entities = 1 []
- sys_error_debugbreak = 0 []
- sys_filesystemCaseSensitivity = 0 []
- sys_firstlaunch = 0 []
- sys_flash = 1 []
- sys_flash_address_space = 65536 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_flash_allow_reset_mesh_cache = 1 []
- sys_flash_check_filemodtime = 0 []
- sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 2 []
- sys_flash_debugdraw = 0 []
- sys_flash_edgeaa = 1 []
- sys_flash_frame_catchup_count = 2 []
- sys_flash_log_options = 0 []
- sys_flash_mipmaps = 1 []
- sys_flash_reset_mesh_cache = 0 []
- sys_flash_static_pool_size = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_flash_stereo_maxparallax = 0.02 []
- sys_flash_use_arenas = 1 []
- sys_flash_video_soundvolume = 1 []
- sys_flash_video_subaudiovolume = 1 []
- sys_flash_warning_level = 1 []
- sys_force_installtohdd_mode = 0 []
- sys_gamertag = []
- sys_game_folder = Data []
- sys_game_name = Kingdom Come: Deliverance II [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_ime = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_initpreloadpacks = []
- sys_intromoviesduringinit = 1 []
- sys_job_system_enable = 1 []
- sys_job_system_filter = []
- sys_job_system_max_worker = 16 []
- sys_job_system_process_wait_on_jobs_wh = 1 []
- sys_job_system_profiler = 0 []
- sys_job_system_profiler_max_scale_wh = 2 []
- sys_job_system_worker_queue_ratio_wh = 1 []
- sys_keyboard = 1 []
- sys_keyboard_break = 0 []
- sys_languages = []
- sys_languagesAvailable = japanese,english,french,spanish,german,italian,portuguese,russian,korean,chineset,chineses,polish,czech,turkish,ukrainian []
- sys_languagesAvailable_audio = english []
- sys_languages_audio = english,czech,german,french,spanish,japanese []
- sys_limit_phys_thread_count = 1 []
- sys_livecreate = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_LoadFrontendShaderCache = 0 []
- sys_localization_folder = Localization []
- sys_localization_reload (Command)
- sys_logallocations = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- sys_LvlRes_finalstep (Command)
- sys_LvlRes_findunused (Command)
- sys_main_CPU = 0 []
- sys_MaxFPS = -1 []
- sys_MaxFPSThrotteled = 60 []
- sys_max_step = 0.05 []
- sys_MemoryDeadListSize = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_memory_debug = 0 []
- sys_menupreloadpacks = []
- sys_min_step = 0.01 []
- sys_noupdate = 0 []
- sys_no_crash_dialog = 0 []
- sys_no_jobs_inlining = 1 []
- sys_PakDisableNonLevelRelatedPaks = 1 []
- sys_PakInMemorySizeLimit = 6 []
- sys_PakLoadCache = 1 []
- sys_PakLoadModePaks = 0 []
- sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess = 0 []
- sys_PakLogMissingFiles = 0 []
- sys_PakMessageInvalidFileAccess = 0 []
- sys_PakPriority = 2 []
- sys_PakReadSlice = 0 []
- sys_PakSaveFastLoadResourceList = 0 []
- sys_PakSaveLevelResourceList = 0 []
- sys_PakSaveMenuCommonResourceList = 0 []
- sys_PakSaveTotalResourceList = 0 []
- sys_PakStreamCache = 0 []
- sys_PakTotalInMemorySizeLimit = 30 []
- sys_PakValidateFileHash = 0 []
- sys_parallel_processing = 1 []
- sys_physics = 1 []
- sys_physics_CPU = 1 []
- sys_preload = 0 []
- sys_ProfileLevelLoading = 0 []
- sys_ProfileLevelLoadingDump = 0 []
- sys_RestoreSpec (Command)
- sys_root = [READONLY]
- sys_scale3DMouseTranslation = 0.2 []
- sys_Scale3DMouseYPR = 0.05 []
- sys_scaleform_shared_font_tex_size = 2048 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- sys_SimulateTask = 0 []
- sys_SleepIfInactiveWH = 1 []
- sys_spec = 0 []
- sys_spec_characters = 4 []
- sys_spec_full = 4 [] RealState=Custom
- sys_spec_globalillumination = 4 []
- sys_spec_light = 4 []
- sys_spec_objectdetail = 4 []
- sys_spec_particles = 4 []
- sys_spec_postprocessing = 4 []
- sys_spec_quality = 4 []
- sys_spec_shading = 4 [] RealState=Custom
- sys_spec_shadows = 4 []
- sys_spec_texture = 4 []
- sys_spec_textureresolution = 8 []
- sys_spec_vegetation = 4 []
- sys_spec_volumetriceffects = 4 []
- sys_ssd_warning = 1 []
- sys_SSInfo = 0 []
- sys_streaming_CPU = 1 []
- sys_streaming_CPU_worker = 5 []
- sys_streaming_debug = 0 []
- sys_streaming_debug_filter = 0 []
- sys_streaming_debug_filter_file_name = []
- sys_streaming_debug_filter_min_time = 0 []
- sys_streaming_in_blocks = 1 []
- sys_streaming_max_bandwidth = 0 []
- sys_streaming_max_finalize_per_frame = 0 []
- sys_streaming_memory_budget = 20480 []
- sys_streaming_requests_grouping_time_period = 2 []
- sys_streaming_resetstats = 0 []
- sys_streaming_use_optical_drive_thread = 1 []
- sys_TaskThread0_CPU = 3 []
- sys_TaskThread1_CPU = 5 []
- sys_TaskThread2_CPU = 4 []
- sys_TaskThread3_CPU = 3 []
- sys_TaskThread4_CPU = 2 []
- sys_TaskThread5_CPU = 1 []
- sys_telemetry_keep_alive = 5 []
- sys_telemetry_stream_file = []
- sys_telemetry_stream_ip = []
- sys_trackview = 1 []
- sys_UncachedStreamReads = 1 []
- sys_update_profile_time = 1 []
- sys_user_folder = KingdomCome2 []
- sys_user_subfolder = []
- sys_vtune = 0 []
- sys_warnings = 0 []
- s_ATLPoolSize = 8192 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- s_AudioEventPoolSize = 4096 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- s_AudioObjectPoolSize = 2048 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- s_AudioProxiesInitType = 0 []
- s_AudioStandaloneFilePoolSize = 512 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- s_AudioSystemImplementationName = CryAudioImplFmod []
- s_ExecuteTrigger (Command)
- s_FileCacheManagerSize = 16384 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- s_FmodPrimaryPoolSize = 143360 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- s_FullObstructionMaxDistance = 5 []
- s_LanguageToCheckForMissingFiles = english []
- s_MasterVolume = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- s_MusicVolume = 0.596572 [DUMPTODISK]
- s_OcclusionMaxDistance = 500 []
- s_OcclusionMaxSyncDistance = 10 []
- s_PositionUpdateThreshold = 0.1 []
- s_SetRtpc (Command)
- s_SetSwitchState (Command)
- s_SoundVolume = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- s_StopTrigger (Command)
- s_VelocityTrackingThreshold = 0.1 []
- test_delegate (Command)
- test_playersBounds (Command)
- test_profile (Command)
- test_reset (Command)
- TMP_init = 0 []
- TMP_update = 0 []
- tracer_max_count = 32 []
- tracer_max_distance = 50 []
- tracer_max_scale = 5 []
- tracer_min_distance = 4 []
- tracer_min_scale = 0.5 []
- tracer_player_radiusSqr = 400 []
- t_Debug = 0 []
- t_GameScale = 1 []
- t_MaxStep = 0.25 []
- t_Scale = 1 []
- t_Smoothing = 1 []
- voice_mute (Command)
- v_altitudeLimit = 600 []
- v_altitudeLimitLowerOffset = 0.1 []
- v_debugSounds = 0 []
- v_draw_slip = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- v_draw_suspension = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- v_dumpFriction = 0 []
- v_invertPitchControl = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- v_pa_surface = 1 []
- v_profileMovement = 0 []
- v_rockBoats = 1 []
- v_sprintSpeed = 0 []
- v_stabilizeVTOL = 0.35 [DUMPTODISK]
- v_wind_minspeed = 0 []
- wait_frames (Command)
- wait_seconds (Command)
- watch_enabled = 1 []
- watch_text_render_fxscale = 13 []
- watch_text_render_lineSpacing = 9.3 []
- watch_text_render_size = 1.75 []
- watch_text_render_start_pos_x = 35 []
- watch_text_render_start_pos_y = 180 []
- wh_aa_DBQueryProfiling = 0 []
- wh_aa_DebugEvents = 0 []
- wh_aa_DebugEventsTarget = []
- wh_aa_PreprocessVerbosity = 0 []
- wh_actor_ActorTargetDefaultPrepareRadius = 1 []
- wh_actor_DebugGhosting = []
- wh_actor_DefaultPitchAngleLimit = 1.39626 []
- wh_actor_EnableActionNaturalLogicalEnd = 1 []
- wh_actor_FallSpeedHeavyLand = 10 []
- wh_actor_GhostingBumpDelay = 0.1 []
- wh_actor_GhostingEnabled = 1 []
- wh_actor_GhostingEnterTimer = 1 []
- wh_actor_GhostingExitTimer = 0.5 []
- wh_actor_GroundNormalBlendMultiplier = 10 []
- wh_actor_IdleStateUseStanceObjectTransform = 1 []
- wh_actor_info = 0 []
- wh_actor_info_filter = []
- wh_actor_JumpCapsuleAdditionalRadius = 0 []
- wh_actor_JumpHeight = 1 []
- wh_actor_JumpHeightAnimBlendTime = 0.15 []
- wh_actor_JumpInPlaceMovementSmoothingTime = 0.25 []
- wh_actor_LandCheckDelay = 0.3 []
- wh_actor_LipSyncStartTransitionTime = 0.15 []
- wh_actor_LipSyncStopTransitionTime = 0.5 []
- wh_actor_model = []
- wh_actor_MovementSpeedMultDefault = 0.9 []
- wh_actor_MovementSpeedMultEnabled = 1 []
- wh_actor_MovementSpeedMultSmoothingRate = 5 []
- wh_actor_MovementSpeedMultSmoothingRateForHorse = 0.05 []
- wh_actor_ParallelPrePhysicsUpdate = 1 []
- wh_actor_SimplifiedPhysicsBodySubPartId = 2 []
- wh_actor_SlidingPreventsJumping = 0 []
- wh_actor_UnderTerrainTestOffset = 2 []
- wh_actor_UnstuckJumpTimeout = 1 []
- wh_actor_UnstuckSpeed = 0.1 []
- wh_actor_UpdateStopLeg = 1 []
- wh_actor_WaterRippleInjectionDistance = 0.1 []
- wh_actor_WaterRippleScale = 0.5 []
- wh_actor_WaterRippleStrength = 0.1 []
- wh_ac_UpdateBBoxByHipsDebugDraw = []
- wh_ai_ActivitySystemSleepOutsideMLOD = 1 []
- wh_ai_AdvancedNavMeshSpanMerge = 1 []
- wh_ai_AfterMoveTargetCosAngleTolerance = 0.98 []
- wh_ai_AfterMoveTargetLookAhead = 3 []
- wh_ai_AllowPathFollowShortcuting = 1 []
- wh_ai_AllowPathFollowShortcutingFlee = 1 []
- wh_ai_AnimalPoint_EatingCheckOffset = 1.15 []
- wh_ai_AnimalPoint_MaxEatingSlopeDeg = 20 []
- wh_ai_AnimalPoint_MaxSleepingNormalDeg = 15 []
- wh_ai_AnimalPoint_MaxSleepingNormalDifferenceDeg = 12 []
- wh_ai_AnimalPoint_MaxSleepingSlopeDeg = 15 []
- wh_ai_AnimalPoint_SleepingCheckOffset = 0.75 []
- wh_ai_AnimalSpawner_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_AnimalSpawner_MinDespawnDistance = 250 []
- WH_AI_ANIM_Debug_DisplayAdditionalInfo = 0 []
- WH_AI_ANIM_Debug_DisplayTags = 1 []
- WH_AI_ANIM_Debug_ShowFlags = 0 []
- WH_AI_ANIM_Debug_TrashDepth = 5 []
- wh_ai_AreaProximity_FarThreshold = 275 []
- wh_ai_AreaProximity_NearThreshold = 200 []
- wh_ai_AreaToNavSOAllowedLinkNames = entrance []
- wh_ai_AttrEditWindowSizeX = 640 []
- wh_ai_AttrEditWindowSizeY = 480 []
- wh_ai_AutomaticMNMRebuild = 0 []
- wh_ai_BehaviorTreeCachePreload = 1 []
- wh_ai_BehaviorTreeImmediateChildReset = 1 []
- wh_ai_BehaviorTreeRuntimeCacheUnusedTimeout = 600 []
- wh_ai_BoidReachablePointHorExtent = 2 []
- wh_ai_BoidReachablePointMaxSearchDistanceMin = 2 []
- wh_ai_BoidReachablePointMaxSearchEuclidDistanceMult = 2 []
- wh_ai_BoidReachablePointVertExtent = 3 []
- wh_ai_BoidTimeoutLODMult = 8 []
- WH_AI_Boid_DisableThreats = 0 []
- WH_AI_Boid_MinPathLenght = 0.4 []
- wh_ai_BrainMultiSubbBudgetSplitMode = 1 []
- wh_ai_BrainMultiSubbSleep = 1 []
- WH_AI_BT_Node_Profile = 0 []
- WH_AI_BudgetedCombatSUBB = 0 []
- WH_AI_BudgetEnabled = 0 []
- wh_ai_budgetsClearLog (Command)
- wh_ai_budgetsFlushLog (Command)
- wh_ai_ChangeCrouchActionInstantDeferredSuccess = 1 []
- wh_ai_ChangeStanceActionNoReplanThreshold = 2 []
- wh_ai_ChangeStanceActionReplanCloseInterval = 1 []
- wh_ai_ChangeStanceActionReplanCloseThreshold = 7 []
- wh_ai_ChangeStanceActionReplanInterval = 5 []
- wh_ai_CheckPathGraphConnectivityFrom (Command)
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceCandidatesMode = 2 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceCircularQueryRadius = 50 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceConsistentCandidate = 1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceConsistentCandidatePrevMaxDif = 0 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceFallenActorRadiusExtra = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceObstacleTravel = 1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceObstacleTravelMultiplier = 0.9 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceOutputHalfspace = 1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceSameFloorThreshold = 2 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceSameFloorThresholdMin = 1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceShrinkOthersDecreaseRate = 0.15 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceShrinkOthersIncreaseRate = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceSmoothingDotLimit = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceSmoothingTimeHi = 0.05 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceSmoothingTimeLow = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceTimeScale = 1 []
- wh_ai_CollisionAvoidanceTimeScaleFallback = 0.25 []
- WH_AI_CombatIgnoreTargetAttraction = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatIgnoreTargetOnSweetSpot = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_AccelerationLimit = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_AccelerationLimitHorse = 14 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ApproachOffset = 6 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_BehindCut = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CatchDistanceCap = 130 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CatchDistanceTolerance = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CatchTimeAngleLimit = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingChangeSmoothTime = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingChooseMoveMaxProb = 0.6 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingDirectionDurationMax = 1.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingDirectionDurationMin = 0.6 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingLowestMovementActivity = 0.25 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingWaitingDurationMax = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CirclingWaitingDurationMin = 1.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_CuttingHisteresis = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DampingSize = 1.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DestinationRepulsionAlliesOnly = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DestinationRepulsionMinDist = 1.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DestinationRepulsionThreshold = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogBackwardLimitAngle = 0.7 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogDistanceMax = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogDistanceMin = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogMaxLateralLogicalSpeed = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogMaxSpeed = 9 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogMinLateralLogicalSpeed = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogMinTurnRadius = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_DogUseTurnAngle = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_EvasionManeuversSpeedRandPart = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_EvasionManeuversTimeIntervalRandomPart = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_EvasionManeuversTimeToChangeDirMax = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_EvasionManeuversTimeToChangeDirMin = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceDisableMoveTransition = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceFocusBack_Horse = 0.7 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceFocusFront_Horse = 1.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceKeepDistance = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceOffsetMax = 0.9 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceOffsetMaxSpeed = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceSpeedupBase = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceSpeedupDistance_Horse = 1.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceSpeedupDistance_NPC = 2.1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForceSpeedupDistance_NPCIndoor = 0.9 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ForeignTargetRepulsion = 0.6 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_FormationFacing = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_FormationLookAimTolerance = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_FormationRepulsionOverrideRelaxed = 1.3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_FormationRepulsionOverrideTight = 0.9 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_FormationSpeedGapTolerance = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_GuardDisableTimeout = 1000 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_GuardEnableTimeout = 300 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_HorseModeRadiusMultiplier = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_InAreaHysteresisTolerance = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_InfrontCut = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MaxAllowedSlope = 0.8 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MaxAllowedSlopePlayer = 0.7 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MaxArcRange = 50 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MaxCongetsion = 1.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MaxIgnoredSlope = 0.1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MaxIgnoredSlopePlayer = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_MinArcRange = 35 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_PlayerSecondaryAttackerHuntMultiplier = 0.1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_PlayerSecondaryAttackerOuterCircleTolerance = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_PlayerSecondaryAttackerSpeedMultiplier = 0.15 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ReactionMaxTime = 400 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ReactionMinTime = 100 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_RefreshTime = 300 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_RepulsionForceCapped = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_RepulsionForceMaxZDifference = 2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_RunawaySpeedForSyncGuardMinRange = 3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SlopeEstimateDistance = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SpeedHysteresisAdditiveBonus = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SpeedHysteresisMultiplicativeBonus = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_StopTolerance = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_AngleOffsetSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_ArcPeriod = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_BiasPeriod = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_CenterSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_DebugDrawZOffset = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_DistanceOffsetSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_DorsalSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_LateralCutMinRaycastLength = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_LateralSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_MainAxisSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_MaxSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_MinSmoothTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_RangePeriod = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_SSInflow = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_SweetSpotArea_SweetSpotDistanceRatio = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TacticalFollowersUpdate = 1000 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TacticalRangeGain = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TacticalSurround = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TargetRepulsionDampSpeedThreshold = 10 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_ToGuardFactor = 1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TooFarLowerClamp = 25.1 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TooFarToleranceFactor = 5 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TurnAngleBackwardsChangeCooldown = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TurnAngleMinSpeedToDisable = 1.8 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TurnAngleRotationMax = 1.9 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TurnAngleSmoothIn = 0.25 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_TurnAngleSmoothOut = 0.15 []
- WH_AI_CombatMove_UnreachableWeaponTolerance = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_AccuracyMaxAgeMSec = 2000 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_AccuracyMinAgeMSec = 100 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_Allow = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_DebugDraw = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_ExperimentDefinition = []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_ExperimentRepeat = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_LogPredictions = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_MonitorAccuracy = 0 []
- WH_AI_CombatSimulator_SearchesToKeep = 30 []
- WH_AI_CombatUsePrediction = 0 []
- wh_ai_ConditionUpdateOnWrite = 1 []
- WH_AI_ConsoleDebug = 0 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_ApproachDistance = 12 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_AreaRadius = 2 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_DistanceAssist = 4 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_DistanceMain = 2 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_DistanceObserver = 200 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_DistanceObserverMin = 8 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_DistanceVariance = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_CrimeFollower_RepulsionOverride = 1.12 []
- wh_ai_CrimeSearchingFilteringMode = 0 []
- wh_ai_CrimeSearchingPolyFilteringIdealPointBase = 2 []
- wh_ai_CrimeSearchingPolyFilteringIdealPointIncrement = 10 []
- wh_ai_CryAIObjectMovementNotifications = 0 []
- wh_ai_CryNavigationSystemEnabled = 0 []
- wh_ai_CryPipeUserUpdateCoverAndSpecial = 0 []
- wh_ai_CryPuppetCalculatePriority = 0 []
- wh_ai_CryPuppetUpdateAllParts = 0 []
- wh_ai_CrySmartObjectsEnabled = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_CrySmartObjectsEntitySystemSinkEnabled = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- WH_AI_DampDirectionChange = 1 []
- wh_ai_DataFolder = AI/ []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputer = 2 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerAlwaysReload = 0 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerDebugDrawName = []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerSurroundingsRapidRecalculationDelta = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerSurroundingsRapidRecalculationMoveTargetDistanceThreshold = 2 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerSurroundingsRecalculateMoveTargetDirectionThreshold = 0.99 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerSurroundingsRecalculateMoveTargetDistanceThreshold = 1 []
- wh_ai_DeltaMovementComputerUseSurroundings = 1 []
- wh_ai_DetourPolyBoundsCacheSize = 256000 []
- wh_ai_DetourRayCastEndPointTolerance = 0.05 []
- wh_ai_DetourTileCacheContoursUseZ = 1 []
- wh_ai_DetourTileCacheKeepTileBoundaryVertices = 1 []
- wh_ai_DetourTileCacheRemoveVertexTolerance = 2 []
- wh_ai_DetourTileCacheTriangulationBetweenTestUseZ = 1 []
- WH_AI_DisableAnimErrorCvar = 0 []
- wh_ai_DisableMissingBehaviorErrors = 0 []
- wh_ai_DisableORCAInBattle = 1 []
- wh_ai_DisplayNPCHistory (Command)
- wh_ai_DistanceBasedMovementPlanFail = 0 []
- wh_ai_DistanceBasedMovementPlanFailDistance = 3 []
- wh_ai_DogPointManager_ClearTimeouts (Command)
- WH_AI_DogPointManager_DrawPoints = 0 []
- WH_AI_DogPointManager_ReloadPoints (Command)
- wh_ai_DogPointNpcCourtSniffTimeout = 480 []
- wh_ai_DogPointNpcDrinkTimeout = 240 []
- wh_ai_DogPointNpcMarkTimeout = 120 []
- wh_ai_DogPointNpcSniffTimeout = 15 []
- wh_ai_DogPointNpcWaterTupDringTimeout = 600 []
- wh_ai_DogPointRecentlyMarkedTimeout = 30 []
- wh_ai_DogPointRecentlyUsedTimeout = 60 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmDirectionDotMinimum = 0.85 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmMaxObjectiveDistance = 25 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmObjectiveDisobedienceDuration = 15 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmObjectiveDisobediencePauseDuration = 180 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmObjectiveDuration = 30 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmObjectiveDurationVariation = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AlarmYieldingDelay = 2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_AmbushNPCTrackRadius = 2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_BarkInterval = 300 []
- WH_AI_Dog_BarkMaxDistance = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_BarkMinDistance = 4 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ChaseActionTimeout = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ChaseBarkingTimeout = 3 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ChaseMasterDogDistance = 8 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ChaseMaxDistanceToTarget = 30 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ChaseMinDistanceToTarget = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_CourtSniffMinInterval = 1200 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DigMaxMasterVelocity = 1 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DigMaxRange = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DigMinInterval = 60 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DogMinTeleportDistance = 15 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DogTeleportDistance = 40 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DrinkMinInterval = 90 []
- WH_AI_Dog_DrinkStopDistance = 0.75 []
- WH_AI_Dog_EatingApproachingPredictionWeight = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_Dog_EatingReplanDistance = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_Dog_EatingTime = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_EatingWalkingDistance = 2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FetchGrabVictimDistance = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FetchPutVictimDistance = 1.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FetchPutVictimMountedDistance = 2.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FetchValidVictimDistanceOffset = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FetchVictimStopDistance = 0.9 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowActivationDogStealthDistance = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowDogReactionTime = 2.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowDogTargetApproachDistance = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowEmergencyFleeDistanceToFlee = 100 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowEmergencyFleeDistanceToTarget = 400 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowEmergencyRadius = 30 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowHeelDynamicOffset = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowHeelRadius = 2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowHeelRadiusWhenMounted = 3.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowHeelStaticOffset = -0.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowHeelTimeout = 20 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowMaxDistanceMasterToTarget = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowMaxDogPanicDistance = 60 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowMinDogPanicDistance = 30 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowMinimalNewPointDistance = 2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowMovementOffsetPrediction = 0.7 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowSpeedChangeCooldown = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowSpeedDogAheadOffset = 1 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowSpeedIncreaseDistance = 1.8 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowTargetPointRange = 4 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowYiedingMasterSpeedTolerance = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FollowYiedingMaxMasterDistance = 7 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FoundByMasterBarkTime = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FoundByMasterDistance = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FunMoveMaxRange = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FunMoveMinDistance = 3.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FunMoveMinInterval = 20 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FunMoveYieldingMasterDistance = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FunOnPointMaxDistance = 7 []
- WH_AI_Dog_FunOnTargetPointUpdateTimeout = 1 []
- WH_AI_Dog_GrowlDuration = 3 []
- WH_AI_Dog_HuntCapacityReplenishRate = 240 []
- WH_AI_Dog_HuntMaximumCapacity = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_HuntPeriod = 120 []
- WH_AI_Dog_HuntWaitForMasterTermDist = 4 []
- WH_AI_Dog_HuntWaitForMasterTimeout = 60 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MarkMinInterval = 60 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MaxCombatBorder = 15 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MaxHuntObjectiveDistance = 40 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MaxHuntSpeed = 9 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MaxMildAlarmDistance = 25 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MaxPointDistance = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_MaxRiderFollowDistance = 15 []
- WH_AI_Dog_OwnerTrackerSamplingCacheSize = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_OwnerTrackerSamplingInterval = 0.25 []
- WH_AI_Dog_OwnerTrackerSmoothFalloffDelay = 0 []
- WH_AI_Dog_OwnerTrackerSmoothTime = 1 []
- WH_AI_Dog_PathsEnabled = 0 []
- WH_AI_Dog_RequestObjective (Command)
- WH_AI_Dog_RunawayHideDistance = 100 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchFailedTimeout = 300 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchFoundBarkTime = 60 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchMaxAttempts = 20 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchMaxDistanceToStart = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchMaxRange = 2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchPOIAproxSize = 2.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchPOIRadiusOffset = 1.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchRecentTimeout = 600 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchStashAproxSizeOffset = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchSuccessfulTimeout = 600 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchWaitDistance = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SearchWaitingTime = 0 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SetMode (Command)
- WH_AI_Dog_ShakeoutInterval = 30 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ShakeoutMinimumWaterDepth = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ShakeoutRainThreshold = 0.35 []
- WH_AI_Dog_ShakeoutTimeAfterRainStart = 15 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SniffMinInterval = 20 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SniffOffset = 0.15 []
- WH_AI_Dog_SniffStopDistance = 1 []
- WH_AI_Dog_StealthInertiaTime = 30 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitActivityVariation = 5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceAngle = 0.97 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceDistance = 7 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceDogRotationAngle = 0.6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceForbiddenAngle = 0.7 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceMaxDistanceFromOrigPos = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceMaxFindPointAttemps = 50 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceMaxNPCVel = 6 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceMinMoveDistance = 1 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitAvoidanceMoveDistance = 3 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitForsakenDistance = 7 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitForsakenMinTime = 10 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitProrityMaxMasterSpeed = 3 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaitYieldingOtherTimeout = 2.5 []
- WH_AI_Dog_WaterTubDrinkingMinInterval = 600 []
- wh_ai_DrawPathFollowerLimitSpeed = 0 []
- WH_AI_DrawPredefinedPath = 0 []
- wh_ai_DumpNPCHistory (Command)
- WH_AI_EmergencyThreshold = 10 []
- wh_ai_EntitySpawnerTimeBudget = 1 []
- wh_ai_ExactPositioningOnFailedMoveTransitionBuffer = 0.1 []
- WH_AI_FaderBarrier_TimeoutDuration = 25 []
- wh_ai_FillPathFindingGapWithHistory = 1 []
- wh_ai_findBestPath_offsetFraction = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_findBestPath_radius = 40 []
- wh_ai_findBestpath_useHeuristicInDetourTagpoints = 0 []
- wh_ai_FindPathFleeCostMultiplier = 5 []
- wh_ai_FindPathFleeUseFallbackRawPath = 0 []
- wh_ai_FindPathGeneratedNSOCostDistanceMax = 30 []
- wh_ai_FindPathGeneratedNSOCostDistanceMin = 5 []
- wh_ai_FindPathGeneratedNSOCostMultiplierMax = 5 []
- wh_ai_FindPathGeneratedNSOCostMultiplierMin = 1 []
- wh_ai_FindPathNavPathEndpointsMode = 1 []
- wh_ai_FindPathObstaclesMultiplier = 3 []
- wh_ai_FindPathShortcutCoef = 1000 []
- wh_ai_FindPathUseObstacles = 1 []
- WH_AI_FormationApproachDistance = 8 []
- WH_AI_FormationApproachDistanceHorse = 40 []
- wh_ai_FormationSpineShortcuttingEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_FormationSpineShortcuttingStraightLineThreshold = 0.95 []
- WH_AI_FormationTurnMaxDistance = 1.5 []
- WH_AI_FormationTurnSmoothingActive = 1 []
- WH_AI_Formation_StopPredictionMaxLogicalSpeed = 0 []
- WH_AI_Formation_StopPredictionTimeReserve = 0.6 []
- WH_AI_FWD_WarnIfMissing = 0 []
- WH_AI_GraphSearchSteps = 65535 []
- wh_ai_hearing_distance_attenuation_power = 2.1 []
- wh_ai_hearing_enabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_hearing_parallelUpdate = 0 []
- wh_ai_hearing_parallelUpdateSize = 150 []
- wh_ai_HelperAnimValidationMode = 0 []
- wh_ai_IgnorePathsWhenDistToPathIsMoreThan = 150 []
- wh_ai_IgnorePathsWhenEuclDistIsLessThan = 15 []
- wh_ai_IgnoreShortcutEuclidZMultiplier = 11 []
- wh_ai_IgnoreShortcutWhenEuclidDistIsAtLeast = 150 []
- wh_ai_informationBroadcastFactionLabel = settlement []
- wh_ai_ItemHandlingActionGenericStoppingDistance = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_LandSmartAreaTemplateName = sa_land []
- wh_ai_LedgeSOTemplateName = so_nav_ledge []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedAboveWalkEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedDashBoundary = 0.8 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedDirectionCriticalDistance = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedDirectionCurveMaxDeadZone = 0.9 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedDirectionCurveMinDeadZone = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedDistance = 2 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedLookAheadDistance = 5 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedPathCurveMaxDeadZone = 0.96 []
- wh_ai_LimitSpeedSprintBoundary = 0.5 []
- WH_AI_LinkArrowLength = 0.4 []
- WH_AI_LinkArrowWidth = 0.2 []
- WH_AI_LinkGizmoArrowHeadDistance = 3 []
- WH_AI_LinkSparkleVisibility = 0 []
- WH_AI_LinkSpeed = 5 []
- WH_AI_LinkVisibility = 8 []
- WH_AI_LOD_Areas = 2 []
- WH_AI_LOD_ForceFullPriorityUpdateObserverPosChangeThreshold = 50 []
- WH_AI_LOD_GroupInterval = 500 []
- wh_ai_LOD_HideBudgetFrameThresholdToDecrease = 3 []
- wh_ai_LOD_HideBudgetFrameThresholdToIncrease = 7 []
- wh_ai_LOD_HideBudgetMax = 6 []
- wh_ai_LOD_HideBudgetMin = 1 []
- WH_AI_LOD_HysteresisMultiplierDetail = 0.8 []
- WH_AI_LOD_HysteresisMultiplierMonsterLOD = 1.4 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxCountDetail = 80 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxCountDetailBuffer = 10 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxCountLOD = 400 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxCountLODBuffer = 50 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxCountLODUnstealableByMLWakeUp = 0 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxDetailDistance = 180 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxNonMLDistance = 600 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxNonMLDistanceHysteresisMultiplier = 1.2 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MaxNonMLDistanceSkipTime = 50 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MLBehaviorTimeout = 360000 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MLBehaviorTimeoutVariation = 240000 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MLPostponedTeleportPlayerDistance = 70 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MLUseFakeMovementMinimalDistance = 20 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MLUseFakeMovementMinimalDistanceSkipTime = 20 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MonsterLODPerception_MaxNPCsPerBatch = 3 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MonsterLODPerception_MessageInterval = 9 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MonsterLODPerception_MessageNPCCooldown = 300 []
- WH_AI_LOD_MonsterLODPerception_MessageRadius = 10 []
- wh_ai_Lod_MoveIntervalLOD = 1 []
- wh_ai_Lod_MoveIntervalMonsterLOD = 10 []
- WH_AI_LOD_SOWakeupDistanceMultiplier = 0.8 []
- wh_ai_LogBodiesFilter = []
- WH_AI_LogLevel = 1 []
- wh_ai_LoopAnimWaitingTimeLimit = 2 []
- wh_ai_MailboxDiscardsOldestMessage = 1 []
- wh_ai_MessageStatisticsCollect (Command)
- wh_ai_MessageStatisticsCollectInUpdate = 0 []
- wh_ai_MessageStatisticsDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_MessageStatisticsDebugDrawOffset = 0 []
- wh_ai_MinPortEditZoomLevel = 0.8 []
- WH_AI_Module_Debug_Draw = 0 []
- wh_ai_MovementActorAdapterLimitUrgencyFrequency = 3 []
- wh_ai_MovementActorSleep = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorLeaveOpenedPlayerDistanceHor = 5 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorLeaveOpenedPlayerDistanceVert = 2 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorOpenInMaxDistanceForLateralTest = 4 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorOpenInMaxLateralDistance = 0.4 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorOpenInMinDistanceForLateralTest = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorOpenInMinLateralDistance = 0 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorOpenInMinRotationDif = 0.85 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockDoorOutputDirectionDistance = 2 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockLadderApproachDistance = 2 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockLadderApproachDistanceVariation = 2 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockLadderClimbSpeed = 3 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockLedgeAlignBoneOffsetBuffer = 0.15 []
- wh_ai_MovementBlockLedgeUseAlignBoneOffset = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleAlertedWalk = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleDash = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleFastRun = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleModerateDash = 0.82 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleModerateSprint = 0.8 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleRelaxedWalk = 0.6 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleRun = 0.6 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleSlowDash = 0.55 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleSlowestDash = 0.27 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleSlowSprint = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleSprint = 1 []
- wh_ai_MovementSpeedThrottleWalk = 0.8 []
- wh_ai_MovementTaskMovingFarArivalDistance = 20 []
- wh_ai_MovementTaskMovingFarMinimumDistance = 20 []
- wh_ai_MovementTaskRainSpeedUpDistance = 8 []
- wh_ai_MovementTaskSkipRequestExactDirectionTolerance = 0.995 []
- wh_ai_MovementTaskSkipRequestExactDistanceTolerance = 0.08 []
- wh_ai_MovementTeleportWhenStuck = 2 []
- WH_AI_MoveToAnimationThreshold = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NavigationElementPathSideOffsetMult = -1 []
- wh_ai_NavigationRequestCutterDensity = 2 []
- wh_ai_NavigationRequestCutterEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_NavigationRequestCutterLookAhead = 40 []
- wh_ai_NavigationRequestCutterPointDistance = 10 []
- wh_ai_NavigationRequestCutterSegmentMinLenght = 1e-05 []
- wh_ai_NavMeshInUserData = 0 []
- wh_ai_NonCircleCollisionAvoidance = 1 []
- WH_AI_NotNearPlayerAheadTime = 5 []
- WH_AI_NotNearPlayerRadius = 50 []
- wh_ai_NPCBoundaryLayer2 = 5 []
- wh_ai_NPCBoundaryLayer3 = 50 []
- wh_ai_NPCBoundaryLayer4 = 10000 []
- wh_ai_NPCContextGameLoadExecuteStateChange = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCContextGameLoadUpdatesBudget = 3 []
- wh_ai_NPCContextStateSearchPostProcess = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCDryUpdateMode = 2 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTarget = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetDirectionFilter = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetDisableAnimVariations = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetDistanceFilterXY = 10 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetDistanceFilterZ = 2 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetEyeOffsetMode = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetHistoryTimeOutMax = 20 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetHistoryTimeOutMin = 10 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetInYourFaceDistanceSQ = 6.25 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetMinTime = 3 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetMinTimeInYourFace = -1 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointDirectionFilter = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointHistoryTimeOutMax = 10 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointHistoryTimeOutMin = 5 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointMinTime = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointPhi = 0.392699 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointRadiusMax = 15 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointRadiusMin = 10 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetRandomPointTheta = 0.785398 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetUseRandomPoint = 2 []
- wh_ai_NPCLookTargetUseSpatialFilterForPerceptionTargets = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCMovementRandomThrottle = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_NPCNavMeshPosCheckLastPoly = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCNavMeshPosRefreshToleranceSQ = 0.0625 []
- wh_ai_NPCNavMeshPosUpdateBudget = 20 []
- wh_ai_NPCPriorityBoostSchedulerActivityHighThreshold = 24 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_NPCPriorityBoostSchedulerActivityLowThreshold = 10 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_NPCPriorityLayerBoostSchedulerActivityDistance = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCPriorityLayerHysteresis = 5 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateActionSubsequentPathFindDistance = 20 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateActionSubsequentPathLength = 3 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateActionSubsequentPathReachableTest = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateActionSubsequentPathReachableTestTolerance = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateActionSubsequentPathShortTrendLength = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateActionSubsequentPathTrendLength = 3 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateAnimActionNameAligned = AlignedAnimAction []
- wh_ai_NPCStateAnimActionNameNoMovement = NonAlignedAnimAction []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchActiveRequests = 5 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchActiveRequestsPostLoad = 30 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchCenterPosMode = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchCenterPosThresholdSQ = 25 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchImmediateSuccessEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchSliceUpdateCount = 10 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchSliceUpdateCountPostLoad = 30 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchUpdatesLimit = 100 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateSearchUsePostLoadBudgets = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCStateUnstanceDatabaseUseGenericFastOuts = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateBudgetLowerBound = 3.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateBudgetRatioLayer0 = -1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateBudgetRatioLayer1 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateBudgetRatioLayer2 = 0.27 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateBudgetRatioLayer3 = 0.12 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateBudgetRatioLayer4 = 0.11 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountAdditionLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountAdditionLayer1 = 5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountAdditionLayer2 = 15 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountAdditionLayer3 = 25 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountAdditionLayer4 = 180 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountLayer0 = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountLayer1 = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountLayer2 = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountLayer3 = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateCountLayer4 = 1 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateFixedBudget = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateJobBudgetLayer0 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateJobBudgetLayer1 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateJobBudgetLayer2 = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateJobBudgetLayer3 = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateJobBudgetLayer4 = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer1 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer2 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer3 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer4 = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer1 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer2 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer3 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer4 = 0 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdateNonMasterBudgetLowerBoundMultiplier = 1.6 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdatePostLoadBudget = 150 []
- wh_ai_NPCUpdatePostLoadJobBudget = 15 []
- wh_ai_ObjectUpdateSelectedObserverMode = 0 []
- wh_ai_ObjectUpdateSelectorCloseObjectRadius = 30 []
- wh_ai_ObjectUpdateSelectorLodAgentBudget = 50 []
- wh_ai_ObjectUpdateSelectorNPCBudget = 200 []
- wh_ai_ObserverAdapterMode = 0 []
- wh_ai_ObstaclesAddToCollisionAvoidance = 1 []
- wh_ai_OverrideMNM = 1 []
- wh_ai_OverrideMovementSpeed = 1 []
- WH_AI_ParallelUpdate = 1 []
- WH_AI_PassiveWaiting = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathDebugDrawSegmentSize = -1 []
- wh_ai_PathFinderAdditionalUpdateThresholdDefault = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderAdditionalUpdateThresholdHigh = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderAdditionalUpdateThresholdPathsOnly = 60 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderAdditionalUpdateThresholdReachablePoint = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderCenterPosChangeThresholdSQ = 25 []
- wh_ai_PathFinderCenterPosMode = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathFinderEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathFinderPostLoadBudgetPrioritySlotsDefault = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPostLoadBudgetPrioritySlotsHigh = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPostLoadBudgetPrioritySlotsPathsOnly = 2 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPostLoadBudgetPrioritySlotsReachablePoint = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPostLoadBudgetUpdateCountMultiplier = 10 []
- wh_ai_PathFinderPriorityPromotionThresholdDefault = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPriorityPromotionThresholdHigh = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPriorityPromotionThresholdPathsOnly = 30 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPriorityPromotionThresholdReachablePoint = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPrioritySlotsDefault = 8 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPrioritySlotsHigh = 2 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPrioritySlotsPathsOnly = 2 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderPrioritySlotsReachablePoint = 4 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_PathFinderReuseFreeBudgetLimit = 3 []
- wh_ai_PathfindingAutoAllowedSmartObjects = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathFindingBlockPathSearchExpectedNodesCount = 25000 []
- wh_ai_PathfindingIgnoreIncludeFlags = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathFindingRequestSortingPenalty = 30 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowerEndBodyDirDist = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherDistToEndThreshold = 3 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherEndDirThreshold = 0.6 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherMinSpeedThreshold = 1.5 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherOppositeSideThreshold = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherStartDirThreshold = -0.1 []
- wh_ai_PathFollowResultSmootherStartSpeedLimitDirThreshold = -0.1 []
- wh_ai_PathGridDebugDrawMode = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathGridStatsDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathManager_ClearAll (Command)
- wh_ai_PathMaxConnectionLength = 3.4 []
- wh_ai_PathMaxConnectionLengthOffmesh = 2 []
- wh_ai_pathSlicedDebugCurrentIterationCount = 0 []
- wh_ai_pathSlicedDebugEnabled = 0 []
- wh_ai_pathSlicedDebugNextIterations = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathStraightForDashCheckDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_PathStraightForDashCheckDistance = 2 []
- wh_ai_PathStraightForDashFullDistanceRequired = 1 []
- wh_ai_PathUseOldHeuristic = 0 []
- WH_AI_Path_AllowPathConnectionsEnds = 9999999 []
- WH_AI_Path_AllowPathConnectionsMiddle = 9999999 []
- wh_ai_perception_bypass_rpg = 0 []
- wh_ai_perception_cone_bias_enable = 1 []
- wh_ai_perception_cone_bias_log_base = 3 []
- wh_ai_perception_cone_hysteresis = 0.05 []
- wh_ai_perception_enabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_perception_ignore_fov_cylinder_back_section_deg = 200 []
- wh_ai_perception_ignore_fov_cylinder_height = 1.8 []
- wh_ai_perception_ignore_fov_cylinder_weight_direction = 0.7 []
- wh_ai_perception_ignore_fov_radius = 1.5 []
- wh_ai_perception_jobs_per_frame = 7 []
- wh_ai_perception_lod_enabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_perception_perceived_states_parallel_update = 0 []
- wh_ai_perception_perceived_states_parallel_update_size = 15 []
- wh_ai_perception_recognizing_threshold = 0.001 [READONLY]
- wh_ai_perception_target_filtering_enable = 1 []
- wh_ai_PlayerHorseSchedulerProxy = playerHorseProxy []
- wh_ai_PlayerSchedulerProxy = playerProxy []
- wh_ai_PlayerStateHandlerCameraLimitHorizontalDeg = 75 []
- wh_ai_PlayerStateHandlerCameraLimitVerticalMaxDeg = 70 []
- wh_ai_PlayerStateHandlerCameraLimitVerticalMinDeg = -75 []
- wh_ai_PlayerStateHandlerFreeSpotForPlayerInterruptPriority = 100 []
- wh_ai_PlayerSurroundingsAttenuation = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_PlayerSurroundingsPosThreshold = 2 []
- wh_ai_PlayerSurroundingsSearchDistance = 20 []
- wh_ai_PositioningDurationWarningThreshold = 10 []
- wh_ai_PostLoadBudgetsInPrecacheMode = 1 []
- wh_ai_PostLoadBudgetsInSkipTime = 1 []
- wh_ai_PostLoadErrorForceCancel (Command)
- wh_ai_PreferClosesPathOverRaycastedIfXTimesCloser = 2 []
- wh_ai_PrintNodeContexts (Command)
- WH_AI_ReadinessWait_TimeoutDuration = 25 []
- wh_ai_RebuildNavmesh (Command)
- wh_ai_RebuildNavmeshFromCache (Command)
- WH_AI_RecentlySkirmishMaxTime = 600 []
- wh_ai_ReloadConfiguration (Command)
- wh_ai_RepeatedRayCastOffMeshTolerance = 0.02 []
- wh_ai_schedulerExplicitInterruptWarningPriorityThreshold = 200 []
- wh_ai_schedulerInvalidSearchTimeout = 300000 []
- wh_ai_scheduler_corpseDisablingRange = 10 []
- wh_ai_scheduler_SkipBehaviorNearCorpseMaxPriority = 9 []
- wh_ai_scheduler_SkipOnFailMaxPriority = 9 []
- wh_ai_SituationGameTimeMinInterval = 3000 []
- wh_ai_SituationInterruptPriority = 10 []
- wh_ai_SituationInterruptUrgency = Slow []
- wh_ai_SituationManagerSearchBudget = 1 []
- wh_ai_SituationSubsystemDebugDraw = []
- wh_ai_SituationWorldTimeMinInterval = 120000 []
- wh_ai_SkipTimeJobBudgetMultiplier = 10 []
- wh_ai_SkipTimeLayerBudgetMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_ai_SkipTimePathFindingBudgetMultiplier = 5 []
- wh_ai_SkipTimeUpdateMinimalCountAdditionMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_ai_SkiptTimeLayerBudgetAdditionMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateBudgetLowerBound = 0.7 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateBudgetRatioLayer0 = -1 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateBudgetRatioLayer1 = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateBudgetRatioLayer2 = 0.7 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateCountAdditionLayer0 = 2 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateCountAdditionLayer1 = 4 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateCountAdditionLayer2 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateCountLayer0 = 1 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateCountLayer1 = 2 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateCountLayer2 = 2 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateFixedBudget = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateJobBudgetLayer0 = 0.15 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateJobBudgetLayer1 = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateJobBudgetLayer2 = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer1 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer2 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer1 = 0.21 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer2 = 0.49 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdateNonMasterBudgetLowerBoundMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdatePostLoadBudget = 150 []
- wh_ai_SmartAreaUpdatePostLoadJobBudget = 15 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectBoundaryLayer1SQ = 625 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectBrainLoadOptimization = 1 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectDatabaseLoadValidAnimations = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_SmartObjectDatabaseSaveValidAnimations = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_SmartObjectHelpers_DrawHelperValidityPerActorClass = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectPriorityLayerHysteresisSQ = 25 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateAll = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateBudgetLowerBound = 0.7 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateBudgetRatioLayer0 = -1 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateBudgetRatioLayer1 = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateBudgetRatioLayer2 = 0.7 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateCountAdditionLayer0 = 2 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateCountAdditionLayer1 = 4 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateCountAdditionLayer2 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateCountLayer0 = 1 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateCountLayer1 = 2 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateCountLayer2 = 2 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateFixedBudget = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateJobBudgetLayer0 = 0.15 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateJobBudgetLayer1 = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateJobBudgetLayer2 = 0.1 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer1 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateMinimalBudgetAdditionLayer2 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer0 = 0 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer1 = 0.21 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateMinimalBudgetLayer2 = 0.49 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdateNonMasterBudgetLowerBoundMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdatePostLoadBudget = 250 []
- wh_ai_SmartObjectUpdatePostLoadJobBudget = 15 []
- wh_ai_SmartPathFollowerShortcuttingLimitedDistance = 5 []
- WH_AI_StartingForceDelay = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_StartingForceDelayVariation = 0.3 []
- WH_AI_StartingForceLowestSpeedRatio = 0.83 []
- WH_AI_StoppingForceLowestSpeedRatio = 0.5 []
- wh_ai_StuckDetectionAllowAnyMovement = 1 []
- wh_ai_SubsystemBudgetsDurationSmoother = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_SubsystemBudgetsFixedRenderDurationMode = 1 []
- wh_ai_SubsystemBudgetsFixedRenderDurationMs = 8 []
- wh_ai_SubsystemBudgetsRenderRatio = 0.8 []
- wh_ai_suppressAddingActorsIntoCryAI = 1 []
- WH_AI_TargetFollower_OutOfMNMRaycastBudget = 3 []
- WH_AI_TargetTracker_EstimateCount = 10 []
- WH_AI_TargetTracker_EstimateInterval = 300 []
- WH_AI_TargetTracker_EstimateMinimalSpeed = 2 []
- wh_ai_TeleportBehaviorName = teleport []
- wh_ai_TeleportToPlayerInterruptPriority = 255 []
- wh_ai_TileCacheAsBuildBuffer = 200 []
- wh_ai_TooltipZoomThreshold = 0.75 []
- wh_ai_TorchDropBeforeMoveEndDistance = 3 []
- wh_ai_TrackDisabledAIActors = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ai_TransformManagerForceUpdateCloseObjects = 1 []
- wh_ai_TransformManagerUpdateBudget = 200 []
- wh_ai_TreeUpdaterUpdatesPerFrame = 5 []
- wh_ai_triggerAreas_debugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ai_TurnNodeIgnoreThresholdRad = 0.3 []
- wh_ai_TurnNodeThresholdRad = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_TurnTowardsPositionMinimalCorrectTime = 0.2 []
- wh_ai_TurnTowardsPositionTimeout = 8 []
- wh_ai_TurnTowardsPositionTolerance = 17 []
- wh_ai_UnstanceInActionNoReplanThreshold = 3 []
- wh_ai_UnstanceInActionReplanCloseInterval = 1.5 []
- wh_ai_UnstanceInActionReplanCloseThreshold = 7 []
- wh_ai_UnstanceInActionReplanInterval = 5 []
- wh_ai_UpdateEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_UpdateSuspenderEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ai_UseBehaviorTreeCache = 1 []
- wh_ai_UseEdgeCrossingPrediction = 1 []
- wh_ai_validatePathsOnMnmOnProfileSwitch = 0 []
- WH_AI_ZeroForceOnMNMLimiter = 0 []
- wh_ai_ZoomOnBreakpointHits = 1 []
- wh_ai_z_axis_diff_lower = 1.5 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_ai_z_axis_diff_upper = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_al_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_al_DisableAlignment = 0 []
- wh_al_DisableGroundAlignment = 0 []
- wh_al_GroundAlignmentFade = 0.5 []
- wh_al_GroundAlignmentMaxAngle = 0.872665 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_AdaptiveInterruptionThreshold = 0.2 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_EndStifness = 0.01 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_Interruption = 1 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_InterruptionDistance = 1.5 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_InterruptionMinDistance = 0.45 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_ModeBlendTime = 0.1 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_RatioStifness = 0.02 []
- wh_al_PosAlignment_StartStifness = 0.5 []
- wh_al_PosCombinedAlignment_EndStifness = 0.01 []
- wh_al_PosCombinedAlignment_InterruptionFrames = 6 []
- wh_am_AnimationControllerManagerUpdateAll = 1 []
- wh_am_AnimationControllerManagerUpdateEndsBeforeStartAnimProc = 1 []
- wh_am_BoneCameraDebug = 0 []
- wh_am_CCDFPS = 800 []
- wh_am_CCDPredCoef = 12 []
- wh_am_CCDPredLength = 0 []
- wh_am_DebugAttachments = 0 []
- wh_am_DebugAttachmentsFilter = []
- wh_am_DebugCollisions = 0 []
- wh_am_DebugHandIK = 0 []
- wh_am_DebugHandIKMode = 3 []
- wh_am_DebugPlayAnimation (Command)
- wh_am_DrawCollisions = 0 []
- wh_am_DrawIntersections = 0 []
- wh_am_ForceCCD = 0 []
- wh_am_JointPoseMorphDebug = 0 []
- wh_am_LOD_Debug = []
- wh_am_LOD_ForceEmitAllAnimEvents = 0 []
- wh_am_LOD_LocatorPeriodicalUpdate = 10 []
- wh_am_LOD_Test = 0 []
- wh_am_ReloadDB (Command)
- wh_ansel_enable = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- WH_AreaNotifier_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ArrowTrailEffectStartDistance = 3 []
- wh_assignStashInventories (Command)
- WH_Audio_AudioModel = 2 []
- WH_Audio_DebugDraw = 0 []
- WH_Audio_OverrideCrySoundPerceptionMechanism = 0 []
- wh_autoDemo = 0 []
- wh_boid_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_boid_KillAngle = 0.89 []
- wh_boid_KillDistance = 0.9 []
- wh_boid_MaxDistFromPlayerForRaycasts = 30 []
- wh_boid_RatScareTime = 4 []
- wh_boid_RoosterCrowTimeEnd = 10 []
- wh_boid_RoosterCrowTimeStart = 4 []
- wh_bridle_DebugInfo = 0 []
- WH_BubbleLOD_DebugDraw = 0 []
- WH_BubbleLOD_Enable = 0 []
- WH_BubbleLOD_NumOfThreads = 0 []
- WH_BubbleLOD_Proximity = 0 []
- WH_BubbleLOD_UseThreads = 0 []
- wh_cam_DumpLocation = 0 []
- wh_cart_ActorDependentUpdate = 1 []
- wh_cart_CaravanBlendDist = 2 []
- wh_cart_CaravanMaxBackDist = 14 []
- wh_cart_CaravanMinFrontDist = 11 []
- wh_cart_Debug = []
- wh_cart_DisableAuxPhysics = 0 []
- wh_cart_DisableTestNotSeenByPlayer = 0 []
- wh_cart_DozerObstacleOffset = 0.5 []
- wh_cart_DozerObstacleOffsetStep = 0.8 []
- wh_cart_DozerObstacleRadius = 2 []
- wh_cart_DozerObstacleRadiusDecrement = 0.3 []
- wh_cart_DozerObstaclesCount = 6 []
- wh_cart_ForceEnablePlayerSeat = 0 []
- wh_cart_MainObstacleOffset = -1 []
- wh_cart_MainObstacleRadius = 1.5 []
- wh_cart_MovementPitchFactor = 1.3 []
- wh_cart_MovementPitchMinLimit = 2 []
- wh_cart_MovementSmoothingStiffness = 0.5 []
- wh_cart_MovementSpeedNormal = 1.8 []
- wh_cart_NavigationPlatzPadding = 4 []
- wh_cart_ObstacleSpeedMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_cart_ReplanMoveAreaPadding = 3 []
- wh_cart_SlowdownPlayerInProximity = 1 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- wh_cat_AlwaysSpawn = 0 []
- wh_cat_AttackTriggerDist = 15 []
- wh_cat_debug = 0 []
- wh_cat_FreeAttackTriggerDist = 3 []
- wh_cat_MaxVisibilityDistance = 60 []
- wh_cat_MinRunAnimationSpeed = 0.65 []
- wh_cat_PathSmoothingPeriod = 1 []
- wh_cat_ProximityScareDist = 1 []
- wh_cat_RollBlendTime = 0.2 []
- wh_cat_RollLimit = 0.8 []
- wh_cat_RollPerRadianPerSecond = 0.25 []
- wh_cat_RunRotationInterpolationSpeed = 30 []
- wh_cat_TerrainFollowingBlendTime = 0.1 []
- wh_cat_TimeScaleChangeTime = 0.1 []
- wh_cat_TurnTimeSpeedupRatio = 0.7 []
- wh_ca_AnimationComputationJobBatchSize = 4 []
- wh_ca_BlendSimulationDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ca_CacheSkinValidation = 1 []
- wh_ca_CharStreamLodAll = 0 []
- wh_ca_CharStreamLodOverride = -1 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetAdaptivePriority = 1 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetAdjustmentPerFrame = 1 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetDefaultPriorityCutoff = 0 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetIncreaseBudgetWhenMainThreadIsIdling = 1 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetMaxCutoff = 100 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetMaxFramesToSkip = 1 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetMaxSSaxisSizePercToSkipFrames = 0.3 []
- wh_ca_ClothBudgetMinTimeToConsiderAsMainThreadIdling = 1.5 []
- wh_ca_ClothCollisionMaxExpectedSlideDist = 0.15 []
- wh_ca_ClothCollisionNormalSmoothing = 2 []
- wh_ca_ClothDisableSimulationAtDistance = 22 []
- wh_ca_ClothEnableSimulationSSaxisSizePerc = 0.04 []
- wh_ca_ClothLimitedModeMinFramesOn = 2 []
- wh_ca_ClothLimitedModeNumIterations = 3 []
- wh_ca_ClothLimitedModeThreshold = 0.03 []
- wh_ca_ClothMaxProxiesTranslateThreshold = 0.3 []
- wh_ca_ClothProxyCollisionMode = 0 []
- wh_ca_ClothProxyResolveFactor = 0.85 []
- wh_ca_ClothRagdollSkinningBlendFactor = 0.85 []
- wh_ca_ClothSimulationRestartDebug = 0 []
- wh_ca_DebugCloth = 0 []
- wh_ca_DebugDrawCloth = 0 []
- wh_ca_DebugDrawClothNNDC = 0 []
- wh_ca_DebugDrawClothProxies = 0 []
- wh_ca_DebugSkinLODs = 0 []
- wh_ca_DebugSkinLODsEntityFilter = []
- wh_ca_DebugSkinLODsMaxDistance = 20 []
- wh_ca_DebugSkinLODsSkeletonFilterList = humans []
- wh_ca_DeleteDBAOnLevelUnload = 0 []
- wh_ca_ExtendSkeletonOnAttachmentAdd = 1 []
- wh_ca_GeometricMeanOverride = 0.0004 []
- wh_ca_PendulumDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ca_PendulumIgnoredMotionDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ca_PendulumJointCollisionMinSpeed = 0.07 []
- wh_ca_PendulumResolveJointCollisions = 1 []
- wh_ca_SkinLodBonesMismatchAction = 1 []
- wh_ca_SkinningTypeOverride = 0 []
- wh_ca_SocketsBypassSimulation = 0 []
- wh_ca_WarnOnUnmappedJoints = 0 []
- wh_cc_AnimCharBloodOverrideRandomness = 0 []
- wh_cc_AttachmentSlotPoseModifier = 1 []
- wh_cc_BleedingSpeed = 0.1 []
- wh_cc_ClothingAM = 1 []
- wh_cc_CutsceneManagerPriorityBoost = 100 []
- wh_cc_DirtSystem = 1 []
- wh_cc_HiddenInvisibleManagerPriorityDecrease = 100 []
- wh_cc_LodForUberlod = 4 []
- wh_cc_LRUCache = 0 []
- wh_cc_MaxSkinLoaderJobQueueSize = 20 []
- wh_cc_MaxSkinLoaderJobs = 1 []
- wh_cc_MaxSkinLoadingInProgress = 40 []
- wh_cc_OverrideBloodZoneMask (Command)
- wh_cc_PreloadMaterials = 1 []
- wh_cc_RequiredPostLoadReadyManagers = 35 []
- wh_cc_RequiredPostLoadReadyTime = 0.5 []
- wh_cc_SchedulerBudgetPerLayer = 2 []
- wh_cc_SchedulerDebug = 0 []
- wh_cc_SchedulerLayer0Count = 2 []
- wh_cc_SchedulerMaxSortIterations = 2 []
- wh_cc_SchedulerPostLoadBudgetPerLayer = 40 []
- wh_cc_SkinAttachmentFlags = 32 []
- wh_cc_TotalUpdateBudget = 10 []
- wh_cc_UberlodLoadDistRatio = 1.1 []
- wh_cc_UberlodMaterial = uberlod_mat_generic []
- wh_cc_UnloadHysteresisDist = 3 []
- wh_cc_visorAnimDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_cheat_addItem (Command)
- wh_cheat_money (Command)
- wh_cl_DofMinZ = 0.4 []
- wh_cl_DofMinZScale = 4 []
- wh_cl_invertControllerHorizontal = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_cl_invertControllerHorizontalCombat = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_cl_invertControllerVertical = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_cl_invertControllerVerticalCombat = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_cl_NearDof = 0 []
- wh_cl_sensitivityHorizontal = 45 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_cl_sensitivityVertical = 45 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_concept_Debug = 0 []
- wh_concept_DebugFilter = []
- wh_concept_DebugShowOnlyChanged = 0 []
- wh_concept_DefinitionFile = Definitions.xml []
- wh_concept_ExportDefinitions (Command)
- wh_concept_FullReload (Command)
- wh_concept_MaxNestedDataFetchThreshold = 200 []
- wh_concept_MaxNestedTriggerThreshold = 200 []
- wh_concept_MemorySavingDoNotLoadOtherLevel = 1 []
- wh_concept_Path = Libs/Concept/ []
- wh_concept_RandomEventStreaming = 1 []
- wh_concept_RandomEventStreamingDebug = 0 []
- wh_concept_Reload (Command)
- wh_concept_ReloadOnGameModeStart = 0 []
- wh_concept_ReloadOnlyModified = 1 []
- wh_con_expr_prefix = ! []
- wh_con_unix = 1 [RESTRICTEDMODE]
- wh_cs_AddFilter (Command)
- wh_cs_AIAttackFiglProb = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AIAttackInterval = 8 []
- wh_cs_AIDistanceTolerance = 0 []
- wh_cs_AIForceBlockMode = 0 []
- wh_cs_AIForceProfile = 1 []
- wh_cs_AIForceSymetric = 0 []
- wh_cs_AIMoveDistance = 2.6 []
- wh_cs_AIMoveMode = 1 []
- wh_cs_AIMoveSpeed = 0.6 []
- wh_cs_AIMoveTimer = 4 []
- wh_cs_AIReblockMode = 0 []
- wh_cs_AISkillProfile = 1 []
- wh_cs_AISlotDurationMod = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_ArmWeaponRadius = 0.13 []
- wh_cs_AttackTimeToHitEst = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ClinchActionDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ClinchActionDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ClinchAlternativeProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ComboHitCancelProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ComboProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ComboSteps = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_Dodge = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_GuardAbilityLevel = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_GuardBorderHystDiameter = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_GuardBorderLevel0 = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_GuardBorderLevel1 = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_Mode = 4 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_NB = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_NoAction = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_PB = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_PeriodicalAttackTime = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_RiposteProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_SelectProfile (Command)
- wh_cs_Automation1_SPB = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_StaticPreblock = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_Target = []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickActionDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickActionDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickAttackProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickChangeZoneProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickEndAttackProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickNewQueryTimeoutMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickNewQueryTimeoutMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickReactionDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_TrickReactionDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_WeaponMissileDistRangeMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ZoneAdaptationDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ZoneAdaptationDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ZoneChangeDefenseModeWeight = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ZoneChangeOffenseModeWeight = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ZoneChangeTimeoutMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation1_ZoneChangeTimeoutMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ClinchActionDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ClinchActionDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ClinchAlternativeProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ComboHitCancelProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ComboProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ComboSteps = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_Dodge = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_GuardAbilityLevel = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_GuardBorderHystDiameter = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_GuardBorderLevel0 = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_GuardBorderLevel1 = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_Mode = 4 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_NB = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_NoAction = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_PB = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_PeriodicalAttackTime = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_RiposteProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_SelectProfile (Command)
- wh_cs_Automation2_SPB = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_StaticPreblock = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_Target = []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickActionDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickActionDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickAttackProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickChangeZoneProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickEndAttackProb = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickNewQueryTimeoutMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickNewQueryTimeoutMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickReactionDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_TrickReactionDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_WeaponMissileDistRangeMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ZoneAdaptationDelayMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ZoneAdaptationDelayMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ZoneChangeDefenseModeWeight = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ZoneChangeOffenseModeWeight = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ZoneChangeTimeoutMax = -1 []
- wh_cs_Automation2_ZoneChangeTimeoutMin = -1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_AttackAfterComboTime = 1.4 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_AttackImmediateDistance = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_AttackUpdateInterval = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementQueryRadius = 15 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementShootingAngleHorizontal = 80 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementShootingAngleVertical = 150 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementShootingElevationTolerance = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementShootingMaxRange = 50 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementShootingMinRange = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_BattlementUpdateInterval = 1.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_DebugDrawTarget = []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_DefenseMoveReactionVelocityLim = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_DelayedEnd = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_DogAttackAngleLimit = 0.9 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ForceUnarmedHealthThreshold = 40 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardApproachHystTimer = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardEscapeMinDuration = 1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardFOV = 360 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardFOVHyst = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardFOVVertical = 50 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardInjuredDistanceMod = 1.4 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardMaxSpeed = 2.9 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardMinAtkDist = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardRotDisableOnDodgeCooldown = 3 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_GuardUpdateInterval = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_HigherComboStepBias = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_HuntAttackDist = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_HuntAttackDistRand = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_HuntAttackTimeLimit = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MaxDistanceForTarget = 60 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MissileAimingFailureCooldown = 6 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MissileCylRaycastOffset = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MissileCylRaycastRadius = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MissileDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MissileHuntAttackCooldown = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MissileUpdateInterval = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MovementRestrictionOverlapTime = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_AfterHuntAttackDuration = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_BypassUncertainOnIsAimedDuration = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_DebugForceUncertain = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_DistanceFlee = 60 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_DistanceThreat = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_DistanceThreatForcedUncertain = 7 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_EstimatingMoveCooldown = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_EventFilteringTreshold = 1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_NoPathMissileAttemptCooldown = 4 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_SlowPursuitDuration = 40 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_TotalDuration = 60 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_UncertainDuration = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_UnreachableFilterDuration = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_UnreachedFilterDuration = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_MoveProblem_WeaponChangeDuration = 6 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutActionGuardCooldown = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutActionGuardCooldownVariation = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutClinchGuardCooldown = 0.25 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutDistanceLimitMax = 15 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutIdleGuardCooldown = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutIdleGuardCooldownVariation = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ShoutIdleUpdateInterval = 1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_StaticPreblockEnabled = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_StaticPreblockRateHistoryDuration = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_StaticPreblockUpdateInterval = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_TemporaryGuardStarterPeriod = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponAttackDistTimeTolerance = 3 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponChangeViaSignal = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponMissileInitRandCoef = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponMissileLoadingMinDistance = 10 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponOversizedAttackProblemDuration = 12 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponsUpdateInterval = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_WeaponUnreachedTest = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeAdaptationHysteresis = 1.1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeAttackSequenceMaxCount = 6 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeAttackSequenceMinCount = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeComboOppositeStanceWeight = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeComboSameStanceWeight = 1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeComboSameZoneWeight = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangePhysicalZoneTimer = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeQualityTimingCoef = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeRestrictionTimer = 1 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeRestrictionWeight = 0.01 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceChangeGap = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceMaxCount = 5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceMaxTimeMax = 8 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceMaxTimeMin = 20 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceMinCount = 2 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceMinTimeMax = 4 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceMinTimeMin = 15 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceSkillBonus = 0.6 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeSequenceTime = 0.6 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeToAttackMinDelay = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_AutomationAction_ZoneChangeUpdateInterval = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_BattleDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_cs_BattleDebugDrawFilter = []
- wh_cs_BattleMaxIdleAnimationTimeOffset = 6 []
- wh_cs_BattleMaxIdleAnimationTimeScale = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_BattleMaximumDeadNPC = 15 []
- wh_cs_BattleMaximumNPC = 30 []
- wh_cs_BattleMaximumShooterAngle = 70 []
- wh_cs_BattleMaximumShooterDistance = 100 []
- wh_cs_BattleShooterAngleWeight = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_BattleShooterDistanceWeight = 1 []
- wh_cs_BattleShootingAimingMultiplier = 0.75 []
- wh_cs_BattleShootingAimingVariation = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_BehindCollisionIgnoreThreshold = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_BigTurnThreshold = 40 []
- wh_cs_BlockCooldown = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_BlockWithdrawalBlendWeightLoss = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_BrokenBlockInterruptWhenDestroyedWeapon = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_BrokenBlockOverride = 0 []
- wh_cs_camera_near = 0.01 []
- wh_cs_camera_offset = 0 []
- wh_cs_CanAlmostHitOffset = 2 []
- wh_cs_ChargedAttackOverride = 0 []
- wh_cs_ClenchedHandOverlapTime = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_Combat3PCameraFOV = 40 []
- wh_cs_CombatAnimCameraBlendOut = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_CombatAnimCameraSmooth = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_CombatCameraStyle = 1 []
- wh_cs_CombatCapsulePosZ = 1.2 []
- wh_cs_CombatCapsuleWidth = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_CombatCursorMode = 1 []
- wh_cs_CombatCursorSmoothing = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_CombosEnabled = 1 []
- wh_cs_ComboSlotDuration = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_CursorOffsetDog = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_CursorOffsetNPC = 1.2 []
- wh_cs_DBQueryCache = 0 []
- wh_cs_DBQueryProfiling = 0 []
- wh_cs_DeadBodyDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_cs_DeadBodyDebugDrawFilter = []
- wh_cs_DeathSyncHitHPTolerance = 5 []
- wh_cs_DebugAI = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugAnimDebug = []
- wh_cs_DebugAttackStart = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugCameraOverride = []
- wh_cs_DebugCombatActions = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugCombatGroups = 1 []
- wh_cs_DebugDrawAttackActions = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugDrawLods = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugDrawPlayerInput = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugDrawQuery = []
- wh_cs_DebugHitStrength = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugIdleTurns = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugInfo = []
- wh_cs_DebugInfoPosY = 50 []
- wh_cs_DebugIsAimedOff = []
- wh_cs_DebugIsAimedOn = []
- wh_cs_DebugObstacleMask = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugObstacleTestTarget = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugOpponent = []
- wh_cs_DebugPhys = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugPlayer = 0 []
- wh_cs_DebugShowCombatDebugInTests = 1 []
- wh_cs_DelayedBlock = 0 []
- wh_cs_DelayedMasterStrikeInSlot = 0 []
- wh_cs_DelayedPerfectBlockInSlot = 0 []
- wh_cs_DelayedRiposteInSlot = -1 []
- wh_cs_DisableCombatCamera = 0 []
- wh_cs_DisabledAttackDebug = 0 []
- wh_cs_DisabledAttackTimeout = 0 []
- wh_cs_DisablePlayerOpponentSelection = 0 []
- wh_cs_DisableScripts = 0 []
- wh_cs_DisableWeakBlock = 0 []
- wh_cs_Dodge_DistanceFactorOverride = -1 []
- wh_cs_Dodge_Duration = 1 []
- wh_cs_Dodge_IgnoreCollision = 1 []
- wh_cs_Dodge_MaxDistance = 4 []
- wh_cs_Dodge_SpatialTimeLimit = 0.9 []
- wh_cs_Dodge_WindowMod = 0.65 []
- wh_cs_DogClinchOpponentAlignmentOffset = -0.5 []
- wh_cs_DonotUseDatabaseIndices = 0 []
- wh_cs_DumpQuery (Command)
- wh_cs_EnableCollisionResizing = 0 []
- wh_cs_EnableCombatGroups = 1 []
- wh_cs_EnableNavmeshTest = 1 []
- wh_cs_EnableStealthActions = 1 []
- wh_cs_EnvSpatialGridRefreshRate = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_EventIdleCooldown = 0.6 []
- wh_cs_EventIdleCooldownVar = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_EventIdleFollowingCooldown = 3 []
- wh_cs_EventIdleFollowingCooldownVar = 1.5 []
- wh_cs_FixedCombatCursor = 0 []
- wh_cs_ForceAttack = 0 []
- wh_cs_ForceBlock = 0 []
- wh_cs_ForceDodge = 0 []
- wh_cs_ForceLod = -1 []
- wh_cs_ForceZone = -1 []
- wh_cs_FreeBlockPreparingDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationActionTimer = 2.5 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationNonPrimaryTargetMinDistance = 2.8 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationOneShotPeriod = 3 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationOneShotVar = 2 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationOpponentActionTimer = 3 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationPrimaryTargetMinDistance = 3.5 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationStartCombatTimer = 1.5 []
- wh_cs_GuardVariationUpdatePeriod = 5 []
- wh_cs_HitReactions = 0 []
- wh_cs_HorsePullDownAngle = 55 []
- wh_cs_HorsePullDownForce = 0 []
- wh_cs_HorsePullDownZAngle = 15 []
- wh_cs_HorsePullDownZeroAngle = 20 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackAttackerMinLogical = 0 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackDebugMode = 0 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackDisableVelocity = 0 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackFwdAngleLimit = 30 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackMoveWeight = 2 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackOppFwdMovementAngleLimit = 90 []
- wh_cs_HuntAttackVictimMinLogical = 1 []
- wh_cs_IdleTurnDuration = 1.5 []
- wh_cs_IdleTurnInterruptionThreshold = 60 []
- wh_cs_IdleTurnPredictionTimeout = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_IgnoreHitDuringDeathTimer = 3 []
- wh_cs_IntentionalTargetAngleDefault = 50 []
- wh_cs_IntentionalTargetAngleLimitOpponentCount = 5 []
- wh_cs_IntentionalTargetAngleMax = 120 []
- wh_cs_IntentionalTargetAngleMin = 20 []
- wh_cs_IntentionalTargetAngleRadius = 1.4 []
- wh_cs_LegWeaponRadius = 0.14 []
- wh_cs_LockedAttackDistanceTolerance = 1 []
- wh_cs_LockedAttackMaxAngle = 1.0472 []
- wh_cs_LockedAttackMaxAngleDogVsNPC = 0.349066 []
- wh_cs_LockedAttackMaxAngleDogVsPlayer = 0.698132 []
- wh_cs_LockedAttackZAngle = 1.0472 []
- wh_cs_LockedAttackZTolerance = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_LodAmbientDistance = 20 []
- wh_cs_LodBattleDistanceModifier = 0.7 []
- wh_cs_LodFarDistance = 14 []
- wh_cs_LodNearDistance = 8 []
- wh_cs_LogicalBlockMaxAngle = 1.0472 []
- wh_cs_MasterStrikeOnRiposteTimeOffset = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_MaxAttackDistanceDebug = 0 []
- wh_cs_MaxAttackDistanceMoveOffset = 2 []
- wh_cs_MaxAttackDistanceMoveOffsetStiffness = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_MaxAttackRotationDeviation = 60 []
- wh_cs_MaxFakeCollisionDistance = 1.8 []
- wh_cs_MaxIdleTurnTimeout = 2 []
- wh_cs_MinIdleTurnTimeout = 1 []
- wh_cs_MinimalTurnThreshold = 30 []
- wh_cs_MinimalTurnThresholdByTime = 14 []
- wh_cs_MinimalTurnThresholdWhenTurning = 7 []
- wh_cs_MoveCooldown = 0.35 []
- wh_cs_NoCombatArmedAlignmentOffset = -0.2 []
- wh_cs_NoCombatUnarmedAlignmentOffset = -0.3 []
- wh_cs_OnlyBigTurns = 0 []
- wh_cs_OpenSlotFOVBiasNPC = 45 []
- wh_cs_OpenSlotFOVBiasPlayer = 35 []
- wh_cs_OpponentManagerBruteForce = 0 []
- wh_cs_PerfectBlock_RetargetAngleFOVBias = 0 []
- wh_cs_PerfectBlock_SpatialVolumeRadius = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_PhysHitReaction_ImpactCoef = 15 []
- wh_cs_PhysSim = 0 []
- wh_cs_PhysWeaponColSim_ImpactCoef = 1 []
- wh_cs_PhysWeaponHitReaction_ImpactCoef = 3 []
- wh_cs_PlayerAttackInactivityDuration = 2 []
- wh_cs_PlayerAttackInactivityDurationVsDog = 6 []
- wh_cs_PlayerDistanceTolerance = 0.35 []
- wh_cs_PlayerFreeAttackMinDistance = 0.7 []
- wh_cs_PlayerFreeAttackPrepareTime = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_PlayerFreeAttackStabMinDistance = 1.3 []
- wh_cs_PlayerFreeCameraModeGamepadDeadZone = 1 []
- wh_cs_PlayerFreeCameraModeMouseDeadZone = 5 []
- wh_cs_PlayerHorizontalUnlockDelay = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputBypass = 0 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputCombatAngleAfterKill = -0.698132 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputCombatDelayAfterKill = 0.6 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputCombatDelayAfterKillWithOtherOpponent = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputCombatUnlockDelay = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputCursorUnlockDistance = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputGamepadSensitivity = 0.05 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputGamepadUnlockMinDistanceToUnlock = 5 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputGamepadUnlockMinTime = 0 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputGamepadUnlockMinTimeSameZone = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputGamepadUnlockReturnTime = 0.15 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputIndicator = 0 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputLockAreaWidth = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputLockAreaWidthNoCombat = 1.9 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputLockingTolerance = 60 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseSensitivity = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlocking = 1 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlockMinDistanceToUnlock = 15 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlockMinOppAngle = 35 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlockMinTime = 0.15 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlockReturnTime = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlockXThreshold = 45 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseUnlockZThreshold = 40 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseZoneChangeMinDistance = 50 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseZoneChangeMinTime = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseZoneChangePreventionAfterAction = 0.05 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputMouseZoneChangeSensitivity = 16 []
- wh_cs_PlayerInputUnlockAreaWidthHyst = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_PlayerLockDisabled = 0 []
- wh_cs_PlayerLockOpponentAngleBias = 45 []
- wh_cs_PlayerMaxOpponentAngleToLock = 0.785398 []
- wh_cs_PlayerMaxOpponentAngleToUnlock = 0.872665 []
- wh_cs_PlayerMaxOpponentDistanceToLock = 4 []
- wh_cs_PlayerMaxOpponentDistanceToUnlock = 7 []
- wh_cs_PlayerMaxThreatDistance = 15 []
- wh_cs_PlayerNormalAttackOffset = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_PlayerTutorialStep = 0 []
- wh_cs_PlayerUnlockTimeout = 3 []
- wh_cs_PlayerVerticalUnlockDelay = 1 []
- wh_cs_PlayerVIPTargetAttackDot = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_PLSkillProfile = 1 []
- wh_cs_PLSlotDurationMod = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_PosAlignmentInterruptionZAngleThreshold = 50 []
- wh_cs_PreBlockRestartCooldown = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_ProcessSyncHits = 0 []
- wh_cs_Profiling = 0 []
- wh_cs_ReloadDB (Command)
- wh_cs_RemoveFilter (Command)
- wh_cs_RepeatHitTimeout = 1.5 []
- wh_cs_RiderWeaponCollisionLen = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_RipostePerfectBlockZoneDistance = 1 []
- wh_cs_RiposteSlotDuration = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_ShowCombatUI = 1 []
- wh_cs_ShowComboZonesUI = 1 []
- wh_cs_ShowEnvSpatialGrid = 0 []
- wh_cs_ShowLiveSpatialGrid = 0 []
- wh_cs_ShowPreprocessedSpatialGrid = 0 []
- wh_cs_ShowRiposteUI = 1 []
- wh_cs_SignificantDeviationAngle = 30 []
- wh_cs_SlotEndHitOffset = 0.15 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridBlendSpace = 0 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridBlendSpaceDistance = 0.25 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridDisection = 32 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridDisectionPlayerAddition = 2 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridPreprocess = 1 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridRadius = 1 []
- wh_cs_SpatialGridWeaponLength = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_StandardSlotDuration = 1 []
- wh_cs_StaticAttackCooldown = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_StealthActionAngle = 135 []
- wh_cs_StealthActionDistance = 2 []
- wh_cs_StealthActionLyingAngle = 150 []
- wh_cs_StealthActionMaxAngle = 0.523599 []
- wh_cs_StealthAlwaysSuccess = 0 []
- wh_cs_StealthDisableAIBackoff = 0 []
- wh_cs_StealthDisableAIPerfectBlock = 0 []
- wh_cs_StealthTimewarpDurationOverride = -1 []
- wh_cs_StealthTimewarpSpeed = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardAutoTriggerMaxVelocity = 4 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardAutoTriggerMinVelocity = 0 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardAutoTriggerMoveWeight = 1.8 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardBackoffTimer = 2 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardkDistanceTolerance = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardMaxXYAngle = 0.698132 []
- wh_cs_SyncGuardMaxZAngle = 0.698132 []
- wh_cs_SyncSlotEndHitOffset = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_TargetUseSpineBone = 0 []
- wh_cs_ThreatenedTargetsSelectionDistanceBias = -0.1 []
- wh_cs_ThreatenedTargetsSelectionDistanceOverride = 0 []
- wh_cs_ThreatenedTargetsSelectionFOV = 80 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_BlockSpeedMod = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_ImpulseMinSpeed = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_MaxAnimAddition = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_MaxAttackSpeedBias = 2 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_MaxBlockSpeedBias = 10 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_MinAttackSpeedBias = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_MinBlockSpeedBias = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_MinConstSpeedBias = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_TimeAlignment_SlotDelayDuration = 0.07 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpDurationOpp = 0.05 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpDurationPlayer = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpFadeIn = 0.01 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpFadeOut = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpMSFadeSpeedForOpp = 1 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpPBFadeSpeedForOpp = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpPBFadeSpeedForPlayer = 1 []
- wh_cs_TimewarpStealthPBSpeedForOpp = 1 []
- wh_cs_TimeWarpSyncPBFadeIn = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_TimewarpSyncPBSpeedForOpp = 0.4 []
- wh_cs_TraceMNDebug = 0 []
- wh_cs_TutorialSlotActionFadeIn = 0 []
- wh_cs_TutorialSlotActionFadeOut = 0 []
- wh_cs_UnarmedTargetToHeadBone = 1 []
- wh_cs_UnarmedVsArmedAlignmentOffsetOppositeStance = -0.14 []
- wh_cs_UnarmedVsArmedAlignmentOffsetSameStance = -0.12 []
- wh_cs_UseDudeInTests = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponCollisionCCDPosBias = 0.2 []
- wh_cs_WeaponDisableOffhand = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcDisableOffhand = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolver = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverColBlendLimiter = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverColExtraOffset = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverColFilterFOVOBias = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverDebug = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverDebugCollisions = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverForceLOD = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverImpactArea = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverLod1Duration = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverMethod = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverNearColDist = 0.12 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverNearColDistVisualFilter = 0.25 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverPosOffhandFade = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverProfiling = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRecoilEffectDist = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRecoilEffectTime = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRecoveryIKBlendThreshold = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRecoveryTime = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotAnimDelaySharpness = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotInterpolatorSel = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotMaxAnimDeviationAng = 120 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotRecoverySharpness = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotRecoveryTimeMax = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotRecoveryTimeMin = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponProcSolverRotSmoothTime = 20 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolver = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverColBlendLimiter = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverColExtraOffset = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverColFilterFOVOBias = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverDebug = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverDebugCollisions = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverEnableMultipleCollisions = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceEnableMultipleCollisionsOnWeapon = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceLOD = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceMode = -1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForcePenetration = -1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceRecoilDuration = -1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceRecoilIntensityPos = -1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceRecoilIntensityRot = -1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverForceStuckDelaySharpness = 2 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverImpactArea = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverLod1Duration = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverMethod = 1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverNearColDist = 0.12 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverNearColDistVisualFilter = 0.25 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverPosOffhandFade = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverProfiling = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRecoilEffectDist = 0 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRecoveryDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRecoveryIKBlendThreshold = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRecoveryTime = 0.5 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotAnimDelaySharpness = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotInterpolatorSel = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotMaxAnimDeviationAng = 120 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotRecoverySharpness = 0.8 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotRecoveryTimeMax = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotRecoveryTimeMin = 0.1 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverRotSmoothTime = 20 []
- wh_cs_WeaponSolverSlidingDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_cs_WindowMinWeight = 0.5 []
- wh_dbg_EntityDistanceStats = 0 []
- wh_dbg_EntityDistanceStatsBracket = 10 []
- wh_dbg_EntityDistanceStatsFilter = NPC, NPC_Female, AnimChar []
- wh_dbg_LabelDistance = 15 []
- wh_dbg_LabelFilter = []
- wh_dbg_ShowLabels = 0 []
- wh_db_AllowPatching = 0 []
- wh_db_ReloadObjectDatabase (Command)
- wh_demo_enabledInputEvents = 1 []
- wh_demo_profile_peak = 150 []
- wh_demo_skipLogInfo = 0 []
- wh_demo_variableTime = 1 []
- wh_de_Enabled = 0 []
- wh_de_Layer = 0 []
- wh_de_MoveDown (Command)
- wh_de_MoveLeft (Command)
- wh_de_MoveRight (Command)
- wh_de_MoveToLast (Command)
- wh_de_MoveUp (Command)
- wh_de_NextLayer (Command)
- wh_de_PreviousLayer (Command)
- wh_de_RulerLeft (Command)
- wh_de_RulerRight (Command)
- wh_de_Target = Dude []
- wh_de_TurnMultiline (Command)
- wh_de_ZoomIn (Command)
- wh_de_ZoomOut (Command)
- wh_dlc_FakeLicense = []
- wh_dlg_ActorSoundDebug = 0 []
- wh_dlg_AutoSkip = 0 []
- wh_dlg_CamParam1 = 0 []
- wh_dlg_CamParam2 = 0 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubbles = 2 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubblesDistance = 12 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubblesMaxOffset = 0.16 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubblesMinOffset = 0.12 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubblesMinScale = 0.4 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubblesSmoothingSpeed = 0.68 []
- wh_dlg_ChatBubblesSmoothingThreshold = 0.8 []
- wh_dlg_ChatResponsesLeadTime = 3 []
- wh_dlg_CollisionRadius = 0.15 []
- wh_dlg_CreateObstacle = 1 []
- wh_dlg_CreateObstacleForIngameNpcDialogues = 0 []
- wh_dlg_DBARoot = Animations/humans/facials/dialog []
- wh_dlg_DebugDrawCamera = 0 []
- wh_dlg_DefaultChatTimeLimit = 10 []
- wh_dlg_DefaultMaxDistance = 0 []
- wh_dlg_DialogDebug = 0 []
- wh_dlg_DisplayDecisionIdleTimeout = 0 []
- wh_dlg_Enable = 1 []
- wh_dlg_EnableFallbackVoice = 1 []
- wh_dlg_FacialStreamTimeout = 10 []
- wh_dlg_ForceCamera = 0 []
- wh_dlg_ForcedDecision = []
- wh_dlg_ForcePOV = 0 []
- wh_dlg_HeightCoef = 1.2 []
- wh_dlg_IngameDialogueObstacleDistanceThreshold = 1 []
- wh_dlg_IngameDialogueObstacleRadiusAddition = -0.5 []
- wh_dlg_LODRatio = 60 []
- wh_dlg_LookAtTransitionDurationMax = 0.375 []
- wh_dlg_LookAtTransitionDurationMin = 0.275 []
- wh_dlg_MaxAnimDurationScale = 1.3 []
- wh_dlg_MinAnimDurationScale = 0.7 []
- wh_dlg_MinCutTime = 60000 []
- wh_dlg_MinTimeToCut = 3.5 []
- wh_dlg_NoCameras = 0 []
- wh_dlg_RecordDialog = 0 []
- wh_dlg_ReloadDB (Command)
- wh_dlg_reloadFunctions (Command)
- wh_dlg_RequestMaxAxisAngle = 45 []
- wh_dlg_RequestMaxDistance = 6.25 []
- wh_dlg_RequestMaxTotalAngle = 90 []
- wh_dlg_RequestTimeout = 20 []
- wh_dlg_RestrictDialogHeightDifference = 0.5 []
- wh_dlg_RestrictDialogHeightHorseDifference = 2 []
- wh_dlg_SetAnimDurationScales (Command)
- wh_dlg_ShowOrigActor = 0 []
- wh_dlg_SkipCooldown = 0.2 []
- wh_dlg_SkipPhysPosAdjustment = 1 []
- wh_dlg_SmoothTime = 5 []
- wh_dlg_TestMode = 0 []
- wh_dlg_TestPreselectedSequences = []
- wh_dlg_TwinDismountedHorseFrustumConeAngle = 320 []
- wh_dlg_TwinDismountedHorseFrustumMaxDistance = 30 []
- wh_dlg_TwinDismountedHorseFrustumMinDistance = 2 []
- wh_dlg_TwinKeepPoseFrontConeAngle = 180 []
- wh_dlg_TwinPlayerOverlapQueryCount = 20 []
- wh_dlg_Verbosity = 1 []
- wh_dlg_VisibleSequence = 0 []
- wh_dlg_VoiceCategoryPriorityCoef = 1.5 []
- wh_dlg_VoiceRoot = Localization/dialog []
- wh_dlg_WaitForCloth = 1 []
- wh_dlg_WordDelay = 0.45 []
- wh_dog_DebugAction = 0 []
- wh_dog_PetMaxAngle = 75 []
- wh_dog_PetMaxDistance = 1.85 []
- wh_dog_SmoothTerrainTraversal = 1 []
- wh_dumpBigInventories (Command)
- wh_ed_editorAreaDebug = 0 []
- wh_ed_reloadFlashOnGameModeStart = 0 []
- WH_Enable_FileProfiling = 0 []
- wh_ent_AnimSynchronizerForceUpdateAnimController = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_ent_AutoRuntimePrefabsDebug = 0 []
- wh_ent_AutoRuntimePrefabsMinDistanceSqr = 100 []
- wh_ent_CarryItemHeadAngleCap = 40 []
- wh_ent_CarryItemHintsVisibilityTimeout = 5 []
- wh_ent_CarryItemPileMaxDistance = 1.5 []
- wh_ent_DebugAreaSpawn = 0 []
- wh_ent_DebugLogActorActions = 0 []
- wh_ent_DisappearingObjectDespawnDistance = 40 []
- wh_ent_EquipmentSlotsDebug = 0 []
- wh_ent_EquipmentSlotsDebugSoul = []
- wh_ent_GameProfileManagerDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ent_GameProfileManagerDebugDrawFilter = []
- wh_ent_GameProfileManagerDump (Command)
- wh_ent_LedgeContinuousBlendWeight = 1 []
- wh_ent_PhysicsDebugDraw = []
- wh_ent_RestockPerFrameBudget = 1 []
- wh_ent_RestockStartTimeMinutes = 180 []
- wh_ent_ShowHelperObjects = 1 []
- wh_env_CloudDensitySaturationValue = 10 []
- wh_env_debugTod = 0 []
- wh_env_DirtCreationSpeed = 0.05 []
- wh_env_DirtDryupSpeed = 0.05 []
- wh_env_DisableRainController = 0 []
- wh_env_GridInsertDistanceSquared = 400 []
- wh_env_LightningThreshold = 0.75 []
- wh_env_ParallelUpdate = 1 []
- wh_env_PuddleCreationDelay = 25 []
- wh_env_PuddleCreationSpeed = 0.017 []
- wh_env_PuddleDryupDelay = 400 []
- wh_env_PuddleDryupSpeed = 0.0008 []
- wh_env_PuddleMaskMax = 0.95 []
- wh_env_PuddleMaskMin = 0 []
- wh_env_PuddlesRippleAmountMul = 20 []
- wh_env_RainCurrentAmount = 1 []
- wh_env_RainDebug = 0 []
- wh_env_RainDiffuseDarkening = 0.4 []
- wh_env_RainDropsAmountMul = 8 []
- wh_env_RainDropsSpeedBase = 1.5 []
- wh_env_RainDropsSpeedMul = 8 []
- wh_env_RainDropsSpeedWindMul = 0.1 []
- wh_env_RainFilterFreq = 0.2 []
- wh_env_RainIntensityOverride = -1 []
- wh_env_RainLayers = 3 []
- wh_env_RainMoveBlend = 5 []
- wh_env_RainMoveStrength = 0.3 []
- wh_env_RainThreshold = 0.3 []
- wh_env_RainWindStrength = 30 []
- wh_env_RandomPresetDelay = 4 []
- wh_env_RespawnDebug = 0 []
- wh_env_RespawnDebugIntervalSec = 0 []
- wh_env_RespawnDistance = 10 []
- wh_env_RespawnHerbBboxScale = 2 []
- wh_env_RespawnPickDistance = 1.5 []
- wh_env_RespawnRaycastUpdateDelta = 0.05 []
- wh_env_RespawnTypicalHerbHeight = 0.35 []
- wh_env_SplashesAmountMul = 4 []
- wh_env_WeatherLayerProfileDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_env_WeatherLayerProfileHidingDelay = 15 []
- wh_env_WeatherLayerProfileProcessingBudget = 16 []
- wh_env_WeatherUpdateEnabled = 1 []
- wh_env_WetDryThreshold = 0.01 []
- wh_es_SlicedLoading = 1 []
- wh_es_SlicedLoadingDebug = 0 []
- wh_es_SlicedLoadingTimeBudget = 3 []
- wh_eval (Command)
- wh_e_AllowPersistentRenderObjectsForEntities = 1 []
- wh_e_AreaLightShadowCameraOffsetBias = 0.1 []
- wh_e_AreaLightShadowClampSmoothing = 0.01 []
- wh_e_ClipVolumesGrid = 1 []
- wh_e_ClipVolumesPrepareJob = 1 []
- wh_e_CloudMapSpeed = 56 []
- wh_e_CoverageBufferReprojIgnoreDistance = 1 []
- wh_e_CoverageBufferReprojMethod = 1 []
- wh_e_DebugDrawBadFaceArea = 4 []
- wh_e_DebugDrawGoodFaceArea = 400 []
- wh_e_DebugDrawTextureMemoryLimit = 32768 []
- wh_e_FullGSMUpdateAfterCameraChange = 0 []
- wh_e_HDREyeAdaptationEVMin = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodClusterSwitchingDistanceExponent = 1 []
- wh_e_HLodClusterSwitchingDistanceMin = 150 []
- wh_e_HLodClusterSwitchingDistanceMultiplier = 0.5 []
- wh_e_HLodDebugColoring = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodDebugLabel = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodDebugSelectedOnly = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodDebugSwitchingDistance = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodDebugTypeFilter = 14 []
- wh_e_HLodHysteresisDistance = 8 []
- wh_e_HLodInteriorSwitchingDistance = 12 []
- wh_e_HlodMaxStreamingTasks = 2 []
- wh_e_HLodSignificantObjectRatio = 0.05 []
- wh_e_HLodSimulateSlowStreamingFrameCount = 0 []
- wh_e_HLodStreamBrushInstances = 1 []
- wh_e_HLodStreamingFramesUntilObjectLoadingTimeout = 300 []
- wh_e_HLodStreamingFramesUntilUnload = 600 []
- wh_e_HLodStreamingMaxReleasedPerFrame = 2 []
- wh_e_HLodStreamingMaxUpdatedPerFrame = 200 []
- wh_e_HLodSwitchingDistanceIn2D = 1 []
- wh_e_HLodSystemEnabled = 1 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- wh_e_HLodUpdatePaused = 0 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
- wh_e_HLodUseDissolve = 1 []
- wh_e_HLodVegetationSwitchingDistances = 8000 4000 2000 500 []
- wh_e_HLodViewDistRatioOverride = 254 []
- wh_e_HLodViewDistRatioOverrideRadiusThreshold = 0 []
- wh_e_IgnorePerInstanceLodRatio = 0 []
- wh_e_IgnorePerInstanceViewDistRatio = 0 []
- wh_e_MaterialBufferDebugDraw = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_e_MaterialBufferUnassignedFeatureDebug = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_e_MaterialFeatureBufferSize = 55296 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_e_MaterialInstanceBufferSize = 2560 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_e_MaxCompiledRoadsPerFrame = 5 []
- wh_e_ObjectsTreeRenderNodeListTypeDebug = 0 []
- wh_e_ObjectsTreeRenderNodeTypeDebug = 0 []
- wh_e_ObserverDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_e_ObserverEnable (Command)
- wh_e_ObserverMinDistance = 2 []
- wh_e_ObserverMinFOVChange = 0.2 []
- wh_e_ObserverMinTeleportDistance = 16 []
- wh_e_ObserverMode = 0 []
- wh_e_ObserverTeleportWarning = 1 []
- wh_e_ParticlesAudioFarDistSq = 625 []
- wh_e_ParticlesAudioMaxDistance = 50 []
- wh_e_ParticlesAudioNearDistSq = 400 []
- wh_e_ParticlesLimitPerContainer = 600 []
- wh_e_ParticlesProfileToplist = -1 []
- wh_e_ParticlesUpdateThreshold = 3 []
- wh_e_ParticlesViewDistMul = 3 []
- wh_e_PernamentPhysicalization = 1 []
- wh_e_PernamentPhysicalizationSyncLoad = 0 []
- wh_e_RoadRenderNodeBBoxes = 0 []
- wh_e_ScreenShotFileName = []
- wh_e_ShadowsSparseGSMUpdate = 1 []
- wh_e_StatObjDsStreaming = 0 []
- wh_e_StreamCgfHeaders = 1 []
- wh_e_StreamCgfSizePenality = 0.25 []
- wh_e_StreamPredictionUpdateNearTimeSlice = 0.35 []
- wh_e_surfaceTypeDebugColoring = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_e_svoTI_UseProbe = 0 []
- wh_e_TimeOfDayMode = 1 []
- wh_e_VerticalLightCulling = 2 []
- wh_e_ViewDistRatioRoad = 130 []
- wh_e_WindDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_fmod_with_liveupdate = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_frameStatsClampValues = 1 []
- wh_game_pauseDebug = 0 []
- wh_game_unpause (Command)
- wh_gfx_useSWF = 0 []
- wh_g_showHelp = 0 []
- wh_HitReaction_CollisionCacheEvictionInterval = 1 []
- wh_HitReaction_CollisionsEnabled = 1 []
- wh_HitReaction_Debug = 0 []
- wh_HitReaction_DebugIgnorePlayer = 0 []
- wh_HitReaction_Enabled = 1 []
- wh_HitReaction_EnvironmentCollisionScale = 1 []
- wh_HitReaction_PhysicalHitCoef = 10 []
- wh_horse_AltControls = 0 []
- wh_horse_AutoResetBridleDist = 0.1 []
- wh_horse_CallMaxDistance = 50 []
- wh_horse_CallMinDistance = 20 []
- wh_horse_CameraCentering = 0.2 []
- wh_horse_CameraCenteringMagnetismDegreeLimit = 150 []
- wh_horse_CameraCenteringPitchOffset = -2.5 []
- wh_horse_CameraCenteringSwayCoeff = 0 []
- wh_horse_CameraCenteringTime = 3 []
- wh_horse_CameraCenteringTimeInCombat = 2 []
- wh_horse_CameraSmoothing = 0.1 []
- wh_horse_CameraTwitchAmount = 1 []
- wh_horse_CameraTwitchDebug = 0 []
- wh_horse_ClampDelta = 0.1 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoidance = 0 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoidanceDebug = 0 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoidanceMoraleHits = 1 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoidanceNoAvoiding = 1 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoider = 1 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderDebug = 0 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastDistMin = 4.5 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastDistMinRoad = 3 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastDistMult = 0.7 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastDistMultRoad = 0.5 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastFlags = 31 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastHeight[low] = 0.6 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastHeight[mid] = 1.3 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastHeight[top] = 2 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastMinDegreeUp = 45 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastMinElevation = 0.25 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastRotationAmount = 0 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastSmoothMaxTriangleCount = 352 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastWidth[center] = 0 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastWidth[left] = -0.25 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderRaycastWidth[right] = 0.25 []
- wh_horse_CollisionAvoiderSmoothNormalsTime = 1 []
- wh_horse_ControlMapPow = 2.5 []
- wh_horse_DashFovChangeSpeed = 0.33 []
- wh_horse_DashFovMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_horse_DashInterruptDuration = 0.5 []
- wh_horse_DashInterruptMask = 3 []
- wh_horse_DebugControls = 0 []
- wh_horse_DebugStaminaBuff = 0 []
- wh_horse_DismountLockDuration = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_DismountLockSaddleRotation = 60 []
- wh_horse_EnableRiderHeadCollision = 1 []
- wh_horse_FastStopHoldTime = 0.2 []
- wh_horse_FollowInnerCircleRadius = 3.2 []
- wh_horse_FollowInnerCircleRadiusBias = 0.8 []
- wh_horse_FollowInputMovementScaleX = 1 []
- wh_horse_FollowInputMovementScaleY = 0.33 []
- wh_horse_FollowMaxBackwardSpeed = 2 []
- wh_horse_FollowMaxForwardSpeed = 12.5 []
- wh_horse_FollowMaxStartDistance = 12 []
- wh_horse_FollowMinDistance = 2.5 []
- wh_horse_FollowNPCSpeedForMaximumOffset = 2 []
- wh_horse_FollowOffsetX = 1.7 []
- wh_horse_FollowOffsetY = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_FollowOffsetYWhenCenter = -1 []
- wh_horse_FollowOuterCircleMinSpeed = 3 []
- wh_horse_FollowOuterCircleRadius = 10 []
- wh_horse_FollowOuterCircleTargetSpeedScale = 3 []
- wh_horse_FollowPlayerTimer = 15 []
- wh_horse_FollowTurnAroundSpeed = 2 []
- wh_horse_GroundBodingEnabled = 0 []
- wh_horse_HideReinsWhenMounted = 1 []
- wh_horse_Idle2MoveWithPlayer = 1 []
- wh_horse_JumpGravityMult = 1 []
- wh_horse_JumpHeight = 1.6 []
- wh_horse_JumpOnSlopeNormalZLimit = 0.9 []
- wh_horse_LevelBarrierDistanceMult = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_MountLockDuration = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_MountLockSaddleRotation = 90 []
- wh_horse_MovementSpeedMultClamp = 0.5 []
- wh_horse_MovementSpeedMultMult = 2 []
- wh_horse_MovementSpeedMultPow = 2 []
- wh_horse_PushNPCsForce = 4 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetism = 1 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismBacktrackPathLength = 12 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismCartCenterOffsetY = 4 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismCartHeight = 10 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismCartWidth = 4 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismCrossroadPredictionLen = 24 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismDashMaxDegree = 25 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismDeactivateTime = 2.5 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismDebug = 0 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismDisableHintsVisibleTime = 4 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismEnterAngle = 22.5 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismFlickDebug = 0 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismFlickLimit = 0.3 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismFlickMinAngle = 10 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismForce = 0 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismInterruptTime = 1 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismMaxDelta = 1.9 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismPathMaxWidth = 10 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismPathMinWidth = 0 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismPathWidthCoeff = 1 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismReactivateTime = 2.5 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismRemainAngle = 5 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismRoadCosLimit = 0.5 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismRunMaxDegree = 65 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismSnapTime = 1 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismSprintMaxDegree = 40 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismTrendMaxSteer = 180 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismTrendMaxWidth = 6 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismTrendMinSteer = 0 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismTrendMinWidth = 3 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismTrendSteerWeight = 0.25 []
- wh_horse_RoadMagnetismTrendWidthWeight = 0.5 []
- wh_horse_RotationCoeff = 2 []
- wh_horse_RotationMax = 5 []
- wh_horse_RotationSmoothInSpeed = 0.3 []
- wh_horse_RotationSmoothOutSpeed = 0.05 []
- wh_horse_SmoothTerrainTraversal = 0 []
- wh_horse_SpawnOnCall = 0 []
- wh_horse_SpurDebuffGenerosity = 0.33 []
- wh_horse_StealCurrentHorse (Command)
- wh_horse_StopHintDelay = 1 []
- wh_horse_StopHintDuration = 3 []
- wh_horse_StraightenMovementMaxAngle = 2.5 []
- wh_horse_StuckLimit = 15 []
- wh_horse_ThrowDown (Command)
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownCoeff[Dash] = 1 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownCoeff[Run] = 1 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownCoeff[Sprint] = 0.5 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownCoeff[Walk] = 1 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownMaxAngle[Dash] = 3.14159 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownMaxAngle[Run] = 3.14159 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownMaxAngle[Sprint] = 3.14159 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownMaxAngle[Walk] = 3.14159 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownPow[Dash] = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownPow[Run] = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownPow[Sprint] = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_TurnSlowdownPow[Walk] = 1.5 []
- wh_horse_UseBridleParamsFromLua = 0 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitBottom = 59 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitBottomDismounting = 22.5 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitBottomMounting = 15 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitBottomRear = 35 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitNarrow = 90 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitNarrowDismounting = 45.5 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitNarrowMounting = 60 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitNarrowRear = 80 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitWide = 150 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitWideDismounting = 45.5 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitWideMounting = 80 []
- wh_horse_ViewLimitWideRear = 120 []
- wh_horse_WhistleTeleportBackDistance = 30 []
- wh_horse_WhistleTeleportInFrontDistance = 100 []
- wh_horse_YeetMultiplier = 3 []
- wh_human_DebugLadder = []
- wh_iLogMaxTraceLevel = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_item_DropHeightOffset = 0.4 []
- wh_item_DroppedAmmoMaxCount = 10 []
- wh_item_DroppedAmmoRadius = 4 []
- wh_item_DroppedBrokenAmmoBonusTime = 5 []
- wh_item_DroppedItemsDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_item_HomeSlotAutoReturnInitialTimeout = 10000 []
- wh_item_HomeSlotAutoReturnMode = 1 []
- wh_item_HomeSlotPhaseReset = 1 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning = 2 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_DespawnBudgetMax = 3 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_DespawnBudgetMin = 1 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_Parallel = 1 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_Radius = 80 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_RadiusHysteresis = 30 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_SearchSizePerFrame = 1000 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_SpawnBudgetFrameThresholdToDecrease = 40 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_SpawnBudgetFrameThresholdToIncrease = 100 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_SpawnBudgetMax = 10 []
- wh_item_ItemSlotDynSpawning_SpawnBudgetMin = 1 []
- wh_item_PreloadItemModels = 1 []
- wh_item_PreloadItemPhaseModels = 1 []
- wh_item_TagPoached = poached []
- wh_item_ViewDistRatio = 100 []
- wh_i_adaptiveTriggerEffect = 1 []
- wh_i_controllerVibrations = 1 []
- wh_i_deadZone = 0.2 []
- wh_i_Debug = 0 []
- wh_i_defaultDeadZone = 0.2 [READONLY]
- wh_i_immersiveTriggerEffect = 1 []
- wh_i_lightBarEffect = 1 []
- wh_i_thumbstickButtonThreshold = 0.76 []
- wh_i_vibrationIgnoreFocus = 0 []
- wh_loco_DebugInfo = 0 []
- wh_lua_better_print = 0 []
- wh_map_CompassPOIDistanceRatio = 3 []
- wh_map_MoveCursorSens = 10 []
- wh_map_ShowFastTravelPoints = 1 []
- wh_map_StickDeadZone = 0.001 []
- WH_MNM_TileAdjecancyTolerance = 0.1 []
- WH_MNM_TileBorderSize = 0.5 []
- WH_MNM_TriangulateSurfaceAlignHeuristic = 1 []
- wh_mod_GenerateReport (Command)
- wh_mod_ShowUsedModsInSaveTooltip = 0 []
- WH_Move_AllowOffMeshNavigation = 0 []
- WH_Move_AllowTeleport = 0 []
- WH_Move_OffMeshStuckDetectionMultiplier = 2 []
- WH_Move_OffMesh_HorizontalSearchThreshold = 4 []
- WH_Move_OffMesh_VerticalSearchThreshold = 1 []
- wh_openInventory (Command)
- wh_osh_DebugDistance = 0 []
- wh_osh_DrawDebug = 0 []
- wh_osh_enabled = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_osh_load (Command)
- wh_osh_play (Command)
- wh_osh_rtpc (Command)
- wh_osh_stop (Command)
- wh_osh_xml_filename = libs/GameAudio/oldschool_haptics.xml [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_photomode_CameraSize = 0.15 []
- wh_photomode_debugCamCollisions = 0 []
- wh_photomode_MaxDistance = 5 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowInnerCircleRadius = 2.5 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowInnerCircleRadiusBias = 0.2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowInputMovementScaleX = 0.8 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowInputMovementScaleY = 1.2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowMaxStartDistance = 10 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowMinDistance = 2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowNPCSpeedForMaximumOffset = 2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowOffsetX = 2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowOffsetY = 0.8 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowOffsetYWhenCenter = -2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowOuterCircleMinSpeed = 2 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowOuterCircleRadius = 5 []
- wh_playerHorse_FollowOuterCircleTargetSpeedScale = 2 []
- wh_player_BowControlScheme = 2 []
- wh_player_DashMaxInterval = 1 []
- wh_player_DeepWaterLevel = 0.85 []
- wh_player_DefaultPitchAngleDownLimit = -1.18682 []
- wh_player_DefaultPitchAngleUpLimit = 1.39626 []
- wh_player_FollowAlwaysCanFollow = 0 []
- wh_player_FollowDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_player_FollowInnerCircleRadius = 1.5 []
- wh_player_FollowInnerCircleRadiusBias = 0.2 []
- wh_player_FollowInputMovementScaleX = 0.8 []
- wh_player_FollowInputMovementScaleY = 1.2 []
- wh_player_FollowMaxStartDistance = 8 []
- wh_player_FollowMinDistance = 1 []
- wh_player_FollowNPCSpeedForMaximumOffset = 1 []
- wh_player_FollowOffsetX = 1 []
- wh_player_FollowOffsetY = 0.8 []
- wh_player_FollowOffsetYWhenCenter = -0.8 []
- wh_player_FollowOuterCircleMinSpeed = 2 []
- wh_player_FollowOuterCircleRadius = 5 []
- wh_player_FollowOuterCircleTargetSpeedScale = 2 []
- wh_player_FrontCollisionBlendIn = 4 []
- wh_player_FrontCollisionCrouchedVerticalOffset = 1.05 []
- wh_player_FrontCollisionForwardOffset = 0.35 []
- wh_player_FrontCollisionRadius = 0.3 []
- wh_player_FrontCollisionVerticalOffset = 1.05 []
- wh_player_HorseDashShoutTimeout = 3 []
- wh_player_HorseHintsVisibilityTimeout = 0 []
- wh_player_InPlaceJumpAirControl = 0.75 []
- wh_player_InteractorChatMagnetismHeight = 13 []
- wh_player_InteractorChatMagnetismWidth = 8 []
- wh_player_InteractorDistance = 2 []
- wh_player_InteractorDistanceOnHorse = 3 []
- wh_player_InteractorDistanceSitting = 2.3 []
- wh_player_InteractorDogMagnetismHeight = 20 []
- wh_player_InteractorDogMagnetismWidth = 10 []
- wh_player_InteractorMagnetismHeight = 10 []
- wh_player_InteractorMagnetismWidth = 10 []
- wh_player_PickPlaceAngleCap = 40 []
- wh_player_SlidingDistanceMultForDamage = 0.5 []
- wh_player_TenseCircumstanceDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_player_Unlink (Command)
- wh_player_WeaponDrawHolsterHeadAngleCap = 50 []
- wh_pl_AlchemyDistileryFireLightColor = 115.0 63.0 23.0 []
- wh_pl_AlchemyDistileryFireLightIntensity = 0.05 []
- wh_pl_AlchemyFinishFaderLength = 1 []
- wh_pl_AlchemyPotFireLightColor = 115.0 63.0 23.0 []
- wh_pl_AlchemyPotFireLightIntensity = 0.22 []
- wh_pl_AnimatedCameraBone = []
- wh_pl_AutoAcceptChat = 0 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryEntryPointOffset = -0.35 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryExitPointOffset = -0.5 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryKeyboardSensitivity = 3 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryLookingPointOffset = -0.2 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryMaxHAngle = 60 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryMinHAngle = -25 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryMouseSensitivity = 40 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryPalisadeCenterDistance = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryPalisadeShootingPointOffset = -0.2 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryPlayerUseLeaningOut = 0 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryShootingMaxVAngle = 10 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryShootingMinVAngle = -50 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryUnlockDistanceOffset = 0.05 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryUseAngle = 0.95 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryUseDistance = 0.3 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryUseMaxZDistance = 1.2 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryUseMinZDistance = 0.8 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryUseRadius = 1 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryWallCenterDistance = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_BattleArcheryWallShootingPointOffset = 0.05 []
- wh_pl_BattlementDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_pl_BellowsUseCountToDistill = 2 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAlmostFinishedWorkpieceCompletition = 0.9 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilMovementGamepad = 1.5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilMovementMouse = 0.09 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesEfficiencyMax = 0.9 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesEfficiencyMin = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesMax = 3 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesMin = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilRotation = 40 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithBarkSupressCooldownAfterSinging = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithColdWorkpieceCount = 5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithColdWorkpieceTemperature = 650 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithCompletionGainMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithDisableHeatLoss = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForcedSongId = []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeBag = 1 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeCoalMaxIntensity = 60 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeCoalMinIntensity = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeCoolingSpeed = -5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeExtraCoalMaxIntensity = 500 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeExtraCoalMinIntensity = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeHeatingSpeed = 50 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeLightMaxIntensity = 0.6 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeLightMinIntensity = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeMovementGamepad = 0.8 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeMovementMouse = 5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeOtherHeatFactor = 0.1 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeOtherTemperatureFactor = 0.65 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgePowerFactor = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeTemperatureLightFactor = 0.4 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHalfFinishedWorkpieceCompletition = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHardeningCoolingPower = 500 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHardeningHeatingPower = 100 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHardeningWorkpieceTemperature = 850 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithIneffectiveStrokingCount = 3 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithIneffectiveStrokingTolerance = 0.01 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithInitialForgeTemperature = 200 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithMaxForgeTemperature = 1800 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithMinForgeTemperature = 200 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithNormalHeatLossFactor = -0.016 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithNormalTemperature = 30 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithPerfectStroke = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithPotentialFadeOutTime = 53 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithQualityLossMultiplier = 1 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithReturnIngredientCoef = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithSelectedRecipe = []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithSingingPause = 4 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithStroke = 1 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithStrokeMoveCount = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithStrokeMoveIntensityCoef = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithTimingMaxDuration = 3 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithTimingMinCount = 2 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithTimingTolerance = 0.28 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithUseDistance = 1.8 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithVoxelSize = 0.02 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithWorkpieceCannotBreak = 0 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithWorkpieceIntensityCoef = 1 []
- wh_pl_BlacksmithZoneTemperatureCap = -1 []
- wh_pl_ButcheringFaderLength = 1.5 []
- wh_pl_CameraFollowEntity = 0 []
- wh_pl_cfm_AttackCostCapacity = 30 []
- wh_pl_cfm_AttackCostStrengthTreshold = 6 []
- wh_pl_cfm_CriticallyLowStaminaTreshold = 5 []
- wh_pl_cfm_LowStaminaTreshold = 30 []
- wh_pl_cfm_MaxTriggerStrength = 8 []
- wh_pl_cfm_MediumTriggerStrength = 4 []
- wh_pl_DebugAlchemy = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugFPC = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugHoleDigging = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugHudMask = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugIKLimbs = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugInteractor = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugLockPicking = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugMovementDirs = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugPicking = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugPickpocketing = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugPitchYaw = 0 []
- wh_pl_DebugView = 0 []
- wh_pl_DiceAIAllBadges = 0 []
- wh_pl_DiceAIHoldingDelay = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_DiceAIPlayerTurnDelay = 1 []
- wh_pl_DiceCameraHeight = 0.25 []
- wh_pl_DiceCameraHorizontal = 3 []
- wh_pl_DiceDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_DiceGoldFormationsScore = 500 []
- wh_pl_DiceHighThrowCount = 3 []
- wh_pl_DiceIdleTimeout = 50 []
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitDown = 50 []
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitLeft = 30 []
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitRight = 30 []
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitUp = 10 []
- wh_pl_DicePlumbFormationsScore = 200 []
- wh_pl_DiceScoreForHighBark = 1200 []
- wh_pl_DiceScoreForLowBark = 200 []
- wh_pl_DiceSilverFormationsScore = 400 []
- wh_pl_DiceTargetScore = 2000 []
- wh_pl_DiggingFaderLength = 1 []
- wh_pl_DisableApseOnControllerAfterChatDelay = 0.3 []
- wh_pl_DistractHandOffset = 0.25 []
- wh_pl_DogInteractorDayLen = 20 []
- wh_pl_DogInteractorNightLen = 5 []
- wh_pl_DrawAnim = 1 []
- wh_pl_ExactPosDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_FakeFastTravelTo (Command)
- wh_pl_FastTravelDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelDismountedHorseFrustumConeAngle = 320 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelDismountedHorseFrustumMaxDistance = 20 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelDismountedHorseFrustumMinDistance = 2 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelDistanceTolerance = 5 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelEnabled = 1 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelSkipTimeStepModif = 0 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelSlowDownPerceptionCount = 4 []
- wh_pl_FastTravelTo (Command)
- wh_pl_FocusAngleAboveTargetLimit = 5 []
- wh_pl_FocusCancelLimits_Down = 1 []
- wh_pl_FocusCancelLimits_Left = 0 []
- wh_pl_FocusCancelLimits_Right = 1 []
- wh_pl_FocusCancelLimits_Top = 0 []
- wh_pl_FocusDampingFactor = 6 []
- wh_pl_FocusDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_pl_FocusFOVBlendTime = 0.55 []
- wh_pl_FocusFOVMaxAngleLength = 40 []
- wh_pl_FocusFOVMaxDecrease = 30 []
- wh_pl_FocusFOVMaxDistance = 15 []
- wh_pl_FocusFOVMinAngleLength = 3 []
- wh_pl_FocusFOVMinDistance = 4 []
- wh_pl_FocusInChatEnabled = 1 []
- wh_pl_FocusInitialLimits_Down = 0.55 []
- wh_pl_FocusInitialLimits_Left = 0.45 []
- wh_pl_FocusInitialLimits_Right = 0.55 []
- wh_pl_FocusInitialLimits_Top = 0.45 []
- wh_pl_FocusLimits_Down = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_FocusLimits_Left = 0.495 []
- wh_pl_FocusLimits_Right = 0.505 []
- wh_pl_FocusLimits_Top = 0.41 []
- wh_pl_FocusOnlyHeadTurnTime = 1.5 []
- wh_pl_FocusOutsideCancelBoxDeltaLimit = 10 []
- wh_pl_FocusRotationTime = 1.5 []
- wh_pl_FollowEntity (Command)
- wh_pl_ForcedSkipTime (Command)
- wh_pl_FOWEnabled = 1 []
- wh_pl_FOWVisibilityRadius = 100 []
- wh_pl_FOWVisibilityRadiusHC = 275 []
- wh_pl_FOWVisibilityRadiusQuestLimited = 5 []
- wh_pl_GameMode = 1 []
- wh_pl_GameOverTest (Command)
- wh_pl_HerbGatheringFadeInLength = 0.4 []
- wh_pl_HerbGatheringFadeLength = 0.3 []
- wh_pl_HerbGatheringFadeOutLength = 0.4 []
- wh_pl_HerbGatheringLength = 1.4 []
- wh_pl_HoleHeightIncrement = 1.25 []
- wh_pl_InventoryDebugMode = 0 []
- wh_pl_InventoryDummy = 1 []
- wh_pl_LockPickedDoorTimeout = 86400 []
- wh_pl_LockPickingDOF = 1 []
- wh_pl_LockPickingForceFeedback = 0.1 []
- wh_pl_LockPickingLayoutDifficulty = -1 []
- wh_pl_LockpickingMouseSensitivityCoefficient = 0.68 []
- wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = -1 []
- wh_pl_LockPickingShakeStart = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_MagicBox (Command)
- wh_pl_MaxRaycastsPerChatInteractor = 3 []
- wh_pl_MaxRaycastsPerDogInteractor = 3 []
- wh_pl_MaxRaycastsPerInteractorTotal = 8 []
- wh_pl_MaxRaycastsPerPlayerInteractor = 4 []
- wh_pl_minigameDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_NearZ = 0.05 []
- wh_pl_OrbitCameraPosition (Command)
- wh_pl_PickAlways = 0 []
- wh_pl_PickDistTolerance = 0.75 []
- wh_pl_PickFarMinBlend = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_PickFarThreshold = 0.65 []
- wh_pl_PickingTransformAtAttach = 1 []
- wh_pl_PickMaxDistance = 1 []
- wh_pl_PickpocketAssumeBagHasNoDefaultRotation = 0 []
- wh_pl_PickpocketDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_pl_PickpocketInteractDepth = 0.14 []
- wh_pl_PickpocketInteractRadius = 0.17 []
- wh_pl_PickpocketInteractYOffset = 0.02 []
- wh_pl_PickpocketInteractZOffset = 0.08 []
- wh_pl_PickSlotCanInverseDirection = 0 []
- wh_pl_PlatformActivitiesDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_PopupTutorialDefaultDuration = 60 []
- wh_pl_PopupTutorialHorseDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_PopupTutorialHorseHoldForwardDuration = 12.5 []
- wh_pl_PopupTutorialHorseHoldSpurDuration = 5 []
- wh_pl_PopupTutorialHorseOverspurrCount = 3 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsAutoSpawnEnabled = 1 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsCooldownsEnabled = 1 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsDefaultMapTimeout = 30 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsDefaultNPCCountStandardDeviation = 0 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsDespawnDistance = 200 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsFastTravelCooldownMult = 10 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGenericEventsDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGenericEventsDebugEntityFilter = []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGenericEventsQueryRadius = 10 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGlobalCooldownCaravan = 900 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGlobalCooldownCity = 480 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGlobalCooldownDefault = 240 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGlobalCooldownFast = 0 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsGlobalCooldownGenericEvents = 60 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsInFastTravelConceptStreamingAdditionalDistance = 10 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsSelectEventPlaceOverride = []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsSelectVariantOverride = []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsTagDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_pl_RandomEventsVariantDefaultCooldown = 7200 []
- wh_pl_RefreshInteractorTime = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningCameraRotation = 0 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningDebugInfo = 0 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningEffDecMult = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningEffIncMult = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningMousePositionMult = 0.0004 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningMousePressureSteps = 5 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningMouseRotationMult = 0.001 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningParticleFailMult = 15 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningParticleNormalMult = 300 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningPedalSpeedInc = 0.3 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningPerSecSpeedMult = 0.2 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningPerSecSpeedPressMult = 0.3 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningPositionMult = 0.9 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningRotationMult = 0.5 []
- wh_pl_SharpeningUseBothSticks = 0 []
- wh_pl_ShowFireCursor = 1 []
- wh_pl_ShowHead = 0 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeAllowInTrespass = 2 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeEnableOptiCVars = 1 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeMaxUpdatesPerFrame = 45 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeMaxWorldTimeRatio = 360 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeMaxWorldTimeRatioHours = 48 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeRenderOnEachDialogUpdate = 0 []
- wh_pl_SkipTimeStep = 500 []
- wh_pl_StateDebug = []
- wh_pl_StateEventDebug = []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingAngleTolerance = 0.65 []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingLaunchStrength = 1600 []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingLaunchXAngle = 85 []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingMaxDistance = 1.8 []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingMinDistance = 0.3 []
- wh_pl_StoneThrowingMovementSmoothing = 3 []
- wh_pl_StopSkipTimeDebug (Command)
- wh_pl_SwitchPlayerDebug = 0 []
- wh_pl_TurningAnimOff = 0 []
- wh_pl_TutorialActionDismissCooldown = 30000 []
- wh_pl_TutorialOldSaveAgeInSeconds = 2592000 []
- wh_pl_UseOldPlayerInteractor = 0 []
- wh_pl_VisualDebug = []
- wh_pl_VisualDebugLayout = []
- WH_Positioning_Allow = 1 []
- WH_Positioning_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_quest_DebugQuestLog = []
- wh_quest_DebugQuestLogPage = 0 []
- wh_quest_DebugQuestMarkers = []
- wh_quest_ListQuests = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_quest_ListQuestsPage = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_rd_Debug = 0 []
- wh_rd_DefaultStiffness = 500 []
- wh_rd_HitSpeedThreshold = 3 []
- wh_rd_PlayerHeadColliderRescale = 3.5 []
- wh_rd_StillDuration = 2 []
- wh_rd_StillSpeedThreshold = 0.3 []
- wh_RecordFrameTimesIncludeMemory = 1 []
- wh_RecordFrameTimesPause (Command)
- wh_RecordFrameTimesStart (Command)
- wh_RecordFrameTimesStop (Command)
- wh_RecordFrameTimesTestStop (Command)
- wh_RecordFrameTimesUnpause (Command)
- wh_rpg_AchievementsDebug = 0 []
- wh_rpg_ActorIlluminanceIntervalEndpoints = 0.001 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.5 2 []
- wh_rpg_AutoReloadRoles = 0 []
- wh_rpg_BarkExpirationPeriod = 2 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingGlobalCooldown = 0 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingGuardCooldown = 0 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingGuardCooldownVar = 0 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingInitialSoulCooldown = 5 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingMaxDistance = 8 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingSoulCooldown = 0 []
- wh_rpg_BarkingSpeakerEventAngleThreshold = 45 []
- wh_rpg_BattleShooterAngleWeight = 4 []
- wh_rpg_BattleShooterDistanceWeight = 1 []
- wh_rpg_BattleShooterMaxAngle = 80 []
- wh_rpg_BattleShooterMaxDistance = 40 []
- wh_rpg_CombatHistoryExpirationTime = 1200 []
- wh_rpg_ContextOverride_BodyPart = -1 []
- wh_rpg_ContextOverride_Health = -1 []
- wh_rpg_ContextOverride_SkillLevelRelative = -1 []
- wh_rpg_CorpseDisappearAddedDelay = 60000 []
- wh_rpg_countFastTravelPoints (Command)
- wh_rpg_CurrentTargetMaxPriorityBoost = 20 []
- wh_rpg_CurrentTargetMinPriorityBoost = 10 []
- wh_rpg_DebugAlcohol = 0 []
- wh_rpg_DebugFactionId = <INVALID> []
- wh_rpg_DebugFactions = 0 []
- wh_rpg_DebugSouls = 0 []
- wh_rpg_DebugSoulsDistance = 15 []
- wh_rpg_DebugSoulsFilter = []
- wh_rpg_DebugSoulsStringFilter = []
- wh_rpg_discover (Command)
- wh_rpg_discoverAll (Command)
- wh_rpg_discoverLocation (Command)
- wh_rpg_discoverPOI (Command)
- wh_rpg_DistancePriorityWeight = 30 []
- wh_rpg_DistancePriorityWeightWithSkirmishMove = 50 []
- wh_rpg_dumpLocations (Command)
- wh_rpg_EnableReputationOverride = 0 []
- wh_rpg_EventLogDebug = 0 []
- wh_rpg_ExcludePlayerFromSkirmishAsPassive = 0 []
- wh_rpg_ExcludePlayerFromTargeting = 0 []
- wh_rpg_FlushEventLog (Command)
- wh_rpg_FollowDrainHorseStamina = 0 []
- wh_rpg_FollowDrainRiderStamina = 0 []
- wh_rpg_ForbiddenTargetExpirationDuration = 18 []
- wh_rpg_ForbiddenTargetInvalidPriorityDuration = 10 []
- wh_rpg_ForbiddenTargetPriorityWeight = -5 []
- wh_rpg_GameTimeRatioOn = 1 []
- wh_rpg_getLocation (Command)
- wh_rpg_IgnoreStaticBedPOI = 1 []
- wh_rpg_IndulgencePriceCacheExpirationTime = 5 []
- wh_rpg_ItemFullHealthByDefault = 0 []
- wh_rpg_LastPlayerHitBoostFadeOut = 20 []
- wh_rpg_LastPlayerHitBoostWeight = 40 []
- wh_rpg_LiteSoulTargetPriorityBoost = 50 []
- wh_rpg_LocationReputationCacheExpirationTime = 5 []
- wh_rpg_LockOnAllTargets = 0 []
- wh_rpg_LogCompression = -1 []
- wh_rpg_LogFilepath = %USER%/Logs/ []
- wh_rpg_LogInterval = 60 []
- wh_rpg_LogLevel = 0 []
- wh_rpg_LogReasons = 0 []
- wh_rpg_LogSize = 32000 []
- wh_rpg_LogTarget = 0 []
- wh_rpg_LogType = 0 []
- wh_rpg_MaxPriorityDistance = 1.8 []
- wh_rpg_MaxPrioritySetTargetDuration = 8 []
- wh_rpg_MaxSoulUpdateDelta = 2 []
- wh_rpg_MinPriorityDistance = 15 []
- wh_rpg_MinPrioritySetTargetDuration = 0 []
- wh_rpg_MoraleSpreadDistance = 6 []
- wh_rpg_MoraleSpreadDivisionFactor = 1 []
- wh_rpg_MoveCutAngleFromPoint = 45 []
- wh_rpg_MoveDetailedDebugEntity = []
- wh_rpg_MoveDorsalMaxDistanceFromAllies = 5 []
- wh_rpg_MoveDorsalMinDistanceFromAllies = 1 []
- wh_rpg_MoveDorsalMinimalDotAbsSize = 0.4 []
- wh_rpg_MoveEnabledMinAllies = 1000 []
- wh_rpg_MoveEnabledMinAlliesOrEnemies = 2 []
- wh_rpg_MoveIgnoreEnemies = 0 []
- wh_rpg_MoveMaxBiasAngleSatisfied = 25 []
- wh_rpg_MoveMidpointComputationMode = 1 []
- wh_rpg_OneShotKill = 0 []
- wh_rpg_ParallelUpdate = 1 []
- wh_rpg_PerceptionPriorRelationshipFuncType = 1 []
- wh_rpg_ProfilingLog = 1 []
- wh_rpg_ProfilingLogInterval = 30 []
- wh_rpg_ProfilingLogSmoothingFactor = 0.005 []
- wh_rpg_reload (Command)
- wh_rpg_removePOI (Command)
- wh_rpg_ReputationLogMaxSize = 30 []
- wh_rpg_ReputationOverride = 0 []
- wh_rpg_ReputationWeight = 1 []
- wh_rpg_resetLocations (Command)
- wh_rpg_ResetLogging (Command)
- wh_rpg_ResetStatistics (Command)
- wh_rpg_SchedulerBudgetPerLayer = 8 []
- wh_rpg_SchedulerDebug = 0 []
- wh_rpg_SchedulerSortIterations = 3 []
- wh_rpg_SchedulerSoulsInLayer0 = 8 []
- wh_rpg_SchedulerUpdate = 1 []
- wh_rpg_skill (Command)
- wh_rpg_SkipAll = 0 []
- wh_rpg_SkipEffectsOn = []
- wh_rpg_SkipFoodTimers = 0 []
- wh_rpg_SkipTimersOn = []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishDebugDrawFilter = []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishDebugLog = 0 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishIndifferenceExpirationTime = 6 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishMergeDistance = 20 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishPassiveMaxDistance = 15 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishPassiveMaxDistanceFromBattleManager = 110 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishPassiveMinDistance = 10 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishPassiveMinDistanceFromBattleManager = 100 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishSoulUpdateBudget = 1 []
- wh_rpg_SkirmishTemporalJoinCooldown = 30 []
- wh_rpg_skirmishTriggerEvent (Command)
- wh_rpg_SoulCombatSimulatorDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_rpg_SoulCombatSimulatorMeleeMaxDistance = 8 []
- wh_rpg_SoulCombatSimulatorMeleeTimeout = 10 []
- wh_rpg_SoulCombatSimulatorMissileTimeout = 16 []
- wh_rpg_StatisticsDebug = 0 []
- wh_rpg_TargetAttackersWeight = -5 []
- wh_rpg_TargetingFleePriority = -4 []
- wh_rpg_TargetingHumanPriority = 10 []
- wh_rpg_TargetingMeWeight = 10 []
- wh_rpg_TargetingOthersWeight = 2.5 []
- wh_rpg_TargetProblemPeriod = 15 []
- wh_rpg_TargetProblemPriorityDebuf = -50 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryEnforced = 0 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryLimitedToPlayer = 1 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryLimitedToPlayline = 0 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryMarketingConsent = 1 [READONLY]
- wh_rpg_TelemetryMaxRetryCount = 30 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryPlaionEnable = 1 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryPlaionSendStats (Command)
- wh_rpg_TelemetryRetryDelay = 5000 []
- wh_rpg_TelemetryServer = []
- wh_rpg_TelemetrySpamFiltering = 1 []
- wh_rpg_undiscoverAll (Command)
- wh_rpg_UnlockAchievement (Command)
- wh_rpg_UnlockAll = 0 []
- wh_rpg_UnlockAllAchievements (Command)
- wh_rpg_VirtualSkirmishRadius = 15 []
- wh_rpg_WeaponChangePriorityBoost = 25 []
- wh_rpg_WeaponChangePriorityBoostPeriod = 8 []
- wh_r_BillboardAtlasDiffuseConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/BillboardAtlas/Diffuse 2048 2048 8 2DArray BC3 []
- wh_r_BillboardAtlasHeightConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/BillboardAtlas/Height 2048 2048 8 2DArray BC4 []
- wh_r_BillboardAtlasNormalConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/BillboardAtlas/Normal 2048 2048 8 2DArray BC5S []
- wh_r_BindlessSkinningMaxBoneCount = 131072 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_r_BindlessSkinningMaxMorphCount = 4096 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_r_DecalAtlasDiffuseConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/DecalAtlas/Diffuse 512 512 12 2DArray BC3 []
- wh_r_DecalAtlasNormalConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/DecalAtlas/Normal 512 512 12 2DArray BC5S []
- wh_r_DecalAtlasSmoothnessConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/DecalAtlas/Normal 512 512 12 2DArray BC4 []
- wh_r_DecalAtlasSpecularConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/DecalAtlas/Specular 512 512 12 2DArray BC1 []
- wh_r_DetailAtlasConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/DetailAtlas 512 512 32 2DArray BC7 []
- wh_r_DofLdr = 1 []
- wh_r_DynamicLightTimes = 3,4,4:45,5:45,7,13,19,20:15,21:15,22,23 []
- wh_r_MacroAtlasBGSConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MacroAtlas/BGS 1024 1024 5 2DArray BC7 []
- wh_r_MacroAtlasDiffuseConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MacroAtlas/Diffuse 1024 1024 5 2DArray BC1 []
- wh_r_MacroAtlasNormalConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MacroAtlas/Normal 1024 1024 5 2DArray BC5S []
- wh_r_MacroAtlasSmoothnessConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MacroAtlas/Normal 1024 1024 5 2DArray BC4 []
- wh_r_MaterialAtlasDiffuseConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MaterialAtlas/Diffuse 256 256 128 2DArray BC3 []
- wh_r_MaterialAtlasMaskConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MaterialAtlas/Mask 256 256 128 2DArray BC7 []
- wh_r_MaterialAtlasNormalConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MaterialAtlas/Normal 256 256 128 2DArray BC5S []
- wh_r_MaterialAtlasSmoothnessConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MaterialAtlas/Normal 256 256 128 2DArray BC4 []
- wh_r_MaterialAtlasSpecularConfig = EngineAssets/Textures/MaterialAtlas/Specular 256 256 128 2DArray BC1 []
- wh_r_MultiThreadedEditor = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_r_PerObjectShadowsDistanceSq = 20 []
- wh_r_ProbeCubemapTexSize = 128 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_r_ProfilerScaleX = 1 []
- wh_r_ProfilerScaleY = 1 []
- wh_r_ProfilerX = 0 []
- wh_r_ProfilerY = 0 []
- wh_r_ReflexLightDebug = 0 []
- wh_r_ReflexLightRes = 64 []
- wh_r_ScreenShotFile = []
- wh_r_ScreenShotFolder = []
- wh_r_SemiPersistentCompiledObjectsDuration = 30 []
- wh_r_ShadersRemoteCompilerNetworkFailRetries = 3 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_r_TexturesStreamingIdleTrimLimitKB = 1048576 []
- wh_r_texturesstreamingKickDuringTrimStage = 1 []
- wh_r_texturesstreamingScheduleTimeLimitUs = 3000 []
- wh_r_VolumetricCloudsMapOverride = 0 []
- wh_r_VolumetricFogGlobalDensityOverride = -1 []
- WH_Sensations_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_sequence_aux_widsh_file = aux_layer.widsh [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_sequence_fmod_event_name = event:/music/music [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_sequence_main_widsh_file = main_layer.widsh [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_sequence_music_path = Music/kcd/ [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_shop_MinDistToPlayerToUpdateDisplayed = 100 []
- wh_shotgun_numProjectiles = 5 []
- wh_shotgun_spreadAngle = 0.1 []
- wh_sh_DebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_sh_HearingWeightMaxHit = 1 []
- wh_sh_HearingWeightMinHit = 0.2 []
- wh_sh_HearingWeightScreams = 0.7 []
- wh_sh_HearingWeightShouts = 0.5 []
- WH_Situations_Allow = 1 []
- WH_Situations_CompareSearchAlgs = 0 []
- WH_Situations_DebugDraw = 0 []
- WH_Situations_LogSearchStats = 0 []
- wh_situations_PreventMultipleSearchRequest = 1 []
- wh_snd_audio_request_queue_dump_cooldown = 60 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_audio_request_queue_dump_enabled = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_audio_request_queue_dump_threshold_size = 1024 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_audio_request_queue_max_size = 16384 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_audio_xmls_dir = /libs/gameaudio/ [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_buffer_length = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_enable_audio_backchannel = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_filter (Command)
- wh_snd_fmcount (Command)
- wh_snd_fmfiles (Command)
- wh_snd_fmod_maxchannels_consoles = 512 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_fmod_maxchannels_windows = 512 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_fmstatus (Command)
- wh_snd_getatt (Command)
- wh_snd_getplayer (Command)
- wh_snd_ignore_focus = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_listbanksbeingloaded (Command)
- wh_snd_loadbank (Command)
- wh_snd_loadbankmetadata (Command)
- wh_snd_memory (Command)
- wh_snd_muteall = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_num_buffers = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_pauseall (Command)
- wh_snd_playfile (Command)
- wh_snd_ProcessBlendSpaceAnimEvents (Command)
- wh_snd_sound_behavior_xml = libs/GameAudio/sound_behavior.xml [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_sqcdebug (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcget (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcinfo (Command)
- wh_snd_sqclist (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcpause (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcplay (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcreload (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcset (Command)
- wh_snd_sqcuptime (Command)
- wh_snd_statobj (Command)
- wh_snd_stopallfiles (Command)
- wh_snd_underground_rtpc_name = player_underground [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_snd_underground_snapshot_name = player_underground_snapshot [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_snd_unloadbank (Command)
- wh_snd_unloadbankmetadata (Command)
- wh_snd_unpauseall (Command)
- wh_snd_volctrl_mastermax = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_volctrl_mastermin = -24 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_volctrl_musicmax = -0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_volctrl_musicmin = -24 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_volctrl_sfxmax = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_volctrl_sfxmin = -24 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_volctrl_silence = 0.05 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_z_axis_diff_lower = 2 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_snd_z_axis_diff_upper = 4 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_spawnItems (Command)
- wh_sqc_log_enabled = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_storm_DebugOperationTypeFilter = []
- wh_storm_DebugSoul = []
- wh_storm_DebugSubstringFilter = []
- wh_storm_ProgramLocation = Libs\Storm\storm.xml []
- wh_storm_RefreshAll (Command)
- wh_storm_RefreshSoul (Command)
- wh_storm_RunTask (Command)
- wh_sys_allow_screensaver = 0 []
- wh_sys_assembly_date = 2025-01-27 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_AutoLoadLastSave = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_AutoPatchDB = 1 []
- wh_sys_BaseLevelId = 3 []
- wh_sys_BuildInfo = 1.1.1-11377-release_1_1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_CheckResourcesInRuntime = 0 []
- wh_sys_CollectResources = 1 []
- wh_sys_CollectResourcesAtStartup = 0 []
- wh_sys_CompilerInfo = release_1_1_933032_526 [Jan 27 2025 20:09:59] MasterMasterSteamPGO RACK-BUILD36 [READONLY]
- wh_sys_ConsoleMode = 0 []
- wh_sys_ContentFilter = [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_DebugLevelInfo = 0 []
- wh_sys_DebugMouseEvents = 0 []
- wh_sys_DebugPlayline = -1 []
- wh_sys_DebugSaveLock = 0 []
- wh_sys_DoCrash = 0 []
- wh_sys_DoFatalError = 0 []
- wh_sys_ExcludedTableParts = [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_ExprReportMissingVariables = 0 []
- wh_sys_ExtraRewardsDebug = 0 []
- wh_sys_FakeExtraRewards = []
- wh_sys_ForceMainMenu = 0 []
- wh_sys_ForceUserName = [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_FreezePlayline = 0 []
- wh_sys_FullDumpPath = \\buildresults.warhorse.local\gamefulldumps\Unsorted\ []
- wh_sys_GameReleaseVersion = ver_01_01_01 []
- wh_sys_GameSaveForceLoadingError = -1 []
- wh_sys_GameSaveId = []
- wh_sys_GameSaveInstallCompleted = -1 []
- wh_sys_GameSaveName = []
- wh_sys_game_polite_exit = 0 []
- wh_sys_HideIntroVideo = 0 []
- wh_sys_HideLoadingScreen = 0 []
- wh_sys_ipl_mode = 0 []
- wh_sys_keybind_profile = []
- wh_sys_LastLoadedSave = %USER%/saves/playline0/save380.whs []
- wh_sys_listpaks (Command)
- wh_sys_LoadGameFilter = -1 []
- wh_sys_LogFlushInterval = 0.05 []
- wh_sys_lowMemoryLimitMB = 24576 []
- wh_sys_lowMemoryMessageBox = 1 []
- wh_sys_MainMenuVideoName = [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_NestedGameSaveId = []
- wh_sys_noExitWithoutUser = 0 []
- wh_sys_NoPlaylineDeleting = 0 []
- wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1 []
- wh_sys_noUserWithoutController = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_outOfMemoryMessageBox = 1 []
- wh_sys_PakExportAlignmentUsingZlibHeader = 1 []
- wh_sys_PakExportEmbedZlibHeader = 1 []
- wh_sys_PlaylineSavegameCount = 100 []
- wh_sys_PrecacheModeDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_sys_PrefabsDir = Prefabs []
- wh_sys_PreferredDB = XML []
- wh_sys_ProfilingMode = 0 []
- wh_sys_ProsDebug = 0 []
- wh_sys_ProsEnable = 1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_ProsFakeEntitlements = []
- wh_sys_ProsMode = 0 []
- wh_sys_ProsUseStagingServer = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_publishing = steam []
- wh_sys_RandomSeed = -1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_ReadinessObserverDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_sys_ReadinessObserverEnabled = 1 []
- wh_sys_ReadinessObserverProfiler = 0 []
- wh_sys_ReadinessObserverTimeoutDuration = 50 []
- wh_sys_ReadinessTaskProfiler = 1 []
- wh_sys_ResetSaveLocks (Command)
- wh_sys_ShowDlcInSaveTooltip = 0 []
- wh_sys_ShowInfoInSaveTooltip = 0 []
- wh_sys_SkipStartupVideoWhenPossible = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_specVersion = master_master []
- wh_sys_StartupVideoFileName = Videos/startup/startup_01/startup_01.bk2 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_sys_streaming_directstorage_enabled = 0 []
- wh_sys_version = 1.1.1 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
- wh_s_ObstructionSmoothFloatDefaultAlpha = 0.8 []
- wh_s_OcclusionBubbleThreshold = 0.5 []
- wh_s_OcclusionBubbleThresholdEnable = 1 []
- wh_s_OcclusionRayEnabled = 1 []
- wh_s_OcclusionRayNPCVerticalOffset = 1.4 []
- wh_s_OcclusionSmoothFloatDefaultAlpha = 0.8 []
- wh_tvr_OptimizeRawAnimKeys = 0 []
- wh_tvr_PosVelocityThreshold = 0.05 []
- wh_tvr_RecBonesFromAnims = 0 []
- wh_tvr_RecBufferSize = 1800 []
- wh_tvr_RecRawAnim = 1 []
- wh_tvr_RotVelocityThreshold = 10 []
- wh_tvr_SessionName = []
- wh_tvr_SessionNameOutputSuffix = []
- wh_tvr_SessionRootDir = recorded []
- wh_tw_CameraShakeCharacter = objects/characters/assets/cs_shake/cs_shake.cdf []
- wh_tw_editmode = 0 []
- wh_ui_ActivateDof = 0 []
- wh_ui_ApseCameraChangeTime = 0.5 []
- wh_ui_ApseCameraPosOffset = 0 []
- wh_ui_ApseLightsDebugDraw = 0 []
- wh_ui_ApseLightsMoving = 1 []
- wh_ui_ApseLightsProlong = 0.15 []
- wh_ui_ApseLightsShieldDebug = [READONLY]
- wh_ui_ApsePauseRatio = 1000 []
- wh_ui_ApseShieldActivateAnimationDuration = 0.05 []
- wh_ui_ApseShieldDeactivateAnimationDuration = 0.2 []
- wh_ui_ApseShieldLightModalIntensity = 0.2 []
- wh_ui_ApseUnloadMode = 2 []
- wh_ui_BubbleDebug = 0 []
- wh_ui_BubblesEnabled = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_ui_CompassFarThreshold = 150 []
- wh_ui_CompassFarThresholdHC = 20 []
- wh_ui_CompassLayerThreshold = 50 []
- wh_ui_CompassNearThreshold = 25 []
- wh_ui_CompassPitchAngleThreshold = 10 []
- wh_ui_CompassPitchMinZThreshold = 2.5 []
- wh_ui_consoleModeChosen = 0 []
- wh_ui_ControllerLightBarHealthEffectFrequency = 10 []
- wh_ui_CopyrightMsgLeft = []
- wh_ui_CopyrightMsgRight = []
- wh_ui_creditsSecondPartStart = 5000 []
- wh_ui_DebugApse = 0 []
- wh_ui_DebugItemSelection = 0 []
- wh_ui_DebugItemTransfer = 0 []
- wh_ui_DebugShop = 0 []
- wh_ui_DebugShowHiddenActionHints = 0 []
- wh_ui_DisableNewGameDebugFader = 0 []
- wh_ui_DisablePros = 0 []
- wh_ui_EnableSubtitleBg = 1 []
- wh_ui_EnableSubtitleSpeakerName = 1 []
- wh_ui_eulaConfirmedVersion = 1 []
- wh_ui_eulaCurrentVersion = 1 []
- wh_ui_ExitToMainMenu = 0 []
- wh_ui_FaderAutoDebug = 1 []
- wh_ui_FaderDebug = 0 []
- wh_ui_FaderDebugAlpha = 1 []
- wh_ui_FaderDebugStuckDetectorTimerDuration = 55 []
- wh_ui_FaderFadeInDefaultDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_ui_FaderFadeOutDefaultDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_ui_FaderProfiler = 1 []
- wh_ui_FaderProfilerSaveDuration = 2 []
- wh_ui_FaderProfilerSavePath = %USER%/FaderProfiler/ []
- wh_ui_FaderProgressIndicatorTimerDuration = 5 []
- wh_ui_FaderSuspend = 0 []
- wh_ui_FPS = 1 []
- wh_ui_GameEventLogLevel = 2 []
- wh_ui_HoldCursorDuration = 0.3 []
- wh_ui_InputDevice = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_ui_KillFader (Command)
- wh_ui_ListCutscenes (Command)
- wh_ui_ListShieldMemoryTimeLimit = 30 []
- wh_ui_NewGameDebugInMenu = 0 []
- wh_ui_notLocalize = 0 []
- wh_ui_PauseGameOnFocusLoss = 0 []
- wh_ui_PlayCutscene (Command)
- wh_ui_PlayMovie (Command)
- wh_ui_PreferredInputDevice = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_ui_PublicTimer = 1200 []
- wh_ui_ReadinessObserverProfilerSavePath = %USER%/ReadinessProfiler/ []
- wh_ui_ScreenFaderDebug = 0 []
- wh_ui_ShowBubbles = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowBuffs = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowCommonEvent = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowCompass = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowCrime = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowCursor = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowDialogLeft = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowDialogRight = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowDiceContainer = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowDiceCursor = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowFancyEvent = 1 []
- wh_ui_showFirstTimeOverlays = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowGameLog = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowHints = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowHud = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowInfoText = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowItemTransfer = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowNormalCursor = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowPopUpBackground = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowQAMFood = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowQAMWeapon = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowRatioStrips = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowSequenceNotice = 0 []
- wh_ui_ShowShootingContest = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowSkillCheck = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowStats = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowSubtitles = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowTrespassing = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowTutorialInDialog = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowTutorialMessage = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowVignette = 1 []
- wh_ui_ShowWanted = 1 []
- wh_ui_StopCutscene (Command)
- wh_ui_StopMovie (Command)
- wh_ui_SubtitlesEnabled = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- wh_ui_SubtitleSize = 0 []
- wh_ui_telemetryConfirmed = 1 []
- wh_ui_TutorialOverlayEnabled = 1 []
- wh_ui_TutorialsEnabled = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
- WH_VisualMap_DebugDraw = 0 []
- WH_VisualMap_Enabled = 1 []
- WH_VisualMap_ProcessingLimit = -1 []
- WH_VisualMap_TrackFrameCount = 60 []
- WH_VisualMap_UpdatePeriod = 1000 []
- wh_weaponSystemReload (Command)
- wh_w_AimByProjectile = 0 []
- wh_w_AlertCosinus = -0.25 []
- wh_w_AlertRadius = 2 []
- wh_w_DebugTrajectory = 0 []
- wh_w_fire (Command)
- wh_w_SensitivityMod = 0.6 []
- wh_w_ShotTest = 0 []
- wh_w_TrajectoryDashes = 0.5 []
- wh_w_TrajectoryGaps = 0.3 []
- wh_w_TrajectoryResolution = 0.03 []
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