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- type
- TPointArray = array of TPoint;
- TIntegerArray = array of Integer;
- PNode = ^TNode;
- PNodeArray = array of PNode;
- TNode = record
- pos: TPoint;
- parent: PNode;
- open, closed: Boolean;
- distance: Extended;
- index: Integer;
- end;
- TBox = record
- x1, y1: Integer;
- x2, y2: Integer;
- end;
- TBoxArray = array of TBox;
- function FindNeighbours(var neigh: PNodeArray; start: Integer; maxdist: Extended): Boolean;
- var
- i, maxY, minY, maxX, minX: Integer;
- h: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- h := -1;
- SetLength(neigh, 10);
- maxY := nodes[start].pos.y + Round(maxdist);
- minY := nodes[start].pos.y - Round(maxdist);
- maxX := nodes[start].pos.x + Round(maxdist);
- minX := nodes[start].pos.x - Round(maxdist);
- for i := start - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (minY > nodes[i].pos.y) then
- Break;
- if (minX > nodes[i].pos.x) or (maxX < nodes[i].pos.x) then
- Continue;
- if sqrt(Sqr(nodes[i].pos.x - nodes[start].pos.x) + Sqr(nodes[i].pos.y - nodes[start].pos.y)) <= maxdist then
- begin
- Inc(h);
- neigh[h] := @nodes[i];
- if h mod 10 = 9 then
- SetLength(neigh, h + 11);
- end;
- end;
- for i := start + 1 to High(nodes) do
- begin
- if (maxY < nodes[i].pos.y) then
- Break;
- if (minX > nodes[i].pos.x) or (maxX < nodes[i].pos.x) then
- Continue;
- if sqrt(Sqr(nodes[i].pos.x - nodes[start].pos.x) + Sqr(nodes[i].pos.y - nodes[start].pos.y)) <= maxdist then
- begin
- Inc(h);
- neigh[h] := @nodes[i];
- if h mod 10 = 9 then
- SetLength(neigh, h + 11);
- end;
- end;
- SetLength(neigh, h + 1);
- Result := h <> -1;
- end;
- function Dijkstra(start: Integer; ending: TPointArray; maxdist: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- len: Integer;
- open, closed, neigh: PNodeArray;
- openH, closeH: Integer;
- endBoxes: TBoxArray;
- st: TNode;
- cl: PNode;
- clI, i, counter: Integer;
- clD, tmpD: Extended;
- begin
- Result := False;
- len := High(ending);
- SetLength(endBoxes, len + 1);
- for i := len downto 0 do
- begin
- clI := Ceil(maxdist);
- endBoxes[i].x1 := ending[i].x - clI;
- endBoxes[i].x2 := ending[i].x + clI;
- endBoxes[i].y1 := ending[i].y - clI;
- endBoxes[i].y2 := ending[i].y + clI;
- end;
- len := Length(nodes);
- SetLength(open, len);
- SetLength(closed, len);
- openH := 0;
- closeH := -1;
- nodes[start].open := True;
- open[0] := @nodes[start];
- repeat
- if openH = -1 then
- Break;
- clI := 0;
- clD := open[0]^.distance;
- for i := 1 to openH do
- begin
- if open[i]^.distance < clD then
- begin
- clD := open[i]^.distance;
- clI := i;
- end;
- end;
- cl := open[clI];
- Inc(closeH);
- closed[closeH] := cl;
- open[clI] := open[openH];
- Dec(openH);
- cl^.closed := True;
- for i := High(endBoxes) downto 0 do
- begin
- if (cl^.pos.x >= endBoxes[i].x1) and (cl^.pos.x <= endBoxes[i].x2) then
- if (cl^.pos.y >= endBoxes[i].y1) and (cl^.pos.y <= endBoxes[i].y2) then
- begin
- if sqrt(sqr(cl^.pos.x - ending[i].x) + sqr(cl^.pos.y - ending[i].y)) <= maxdist then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Result then
- Break;
- if not FindNeighbours(neigh, cl^.index, maxdist) then
- Continue;
- for i := High(neigh) downto 0 do
- begin
- tmpD := cl^.distance + sqrt(sqr(cl^.pos.x - neigh[i]^.pos.x) + sqr(cl^.pos.y - neigh[i]^.pos.y));
- if neigh[i]^.open then
- begin
- if tmpD < neigh[i]^.distance then
- begin
- neigh[i]^.distance := tmpD;
- neigh[i]^.parent := cl;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- neigh[i]^.distance := tmpD;
- neigh[i]^.parent := cl;
- neigh[i]^.open := True;
- Inc(openH);
- open[openH] := neigh[i];
- end;
- end;
- until False;
- if Result then
- frmMain.Canvas.MoveTo(ending[i])
- else
- begin
- frmMain.Canvas.MoveTo(cl^.pos.x, cl^.pos.y);
- cl := cl^.parent;
- frmMain.Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;
- end;
- while cl <> nil do
- begin
- frmMain.Canvas.LineTo(cl^.pos.x, cl^.pos.y);
- cl := cl^.parent;
- end;
- if not Result then
- frmMain.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
- end;
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