
*OP* wood tping jjsploit and more... working

Feb 13th, 2019
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  1. local.player.humanoid = true function ()
  2. local.player.humanoid spawn y, z, x
  3. local player coordidents y, 21 z, 35 x 51
  4. player spawn = true
  5. wood *tp* wood = true
  6. print wood (tp) = true
  7. print (tp) is teleport
  8. gui button function ()
  9. when button clicked tp wood of choice to local player y, z, x
  10. when gui activated loading.. loading... wait (5)
  11. print wait (5) 5 = 5seconds = true
  12. when printed wait (5) load gui
  14. ---------Wood Tp------
  15. Local txt button = true
  16. local text button print = function ()
  17. when text button clicked activate = true
  18. text button (1) print Blue wood
  19. getting... getting... loading... loading... wait (10) loaded
  20. when loaded = function ()
  21. If function = true then do load string
  22. once activated tp wood to local player y, z, x = true
  23. true function () wait (5) wood tped
  24. tped = true
  25. print tped = teleported
  26. if teleported then
  27. script function () = true
  28. if script dont work *then* debug
  29. once debug continue...
  30. end wood name text button
  31. local text button name...
  32. LoneCave wood
  33. LoneCave = end wood
  34. once clicked loading... loading... wait (5) print
  35. prining… printed... load = true
  36. function right ~= nil
  37. nil type left = true
  38. end wood successful loaded
  39. palm wood tp
  40. tping palm
  41. cutting... cutting...
  42. return spawn
  43. click tp wood when wanted
  44. if clicked chop tree get
  45. getting.. loaded loading... function ()
  46. function = true
  47. true = ~=nil
  48. `when loaded function () activated
  49. when tped function loading... wait (5)
  50. print tped = true
  51. tped = teleported recopy
  52. then recopy blue wood script
  53. change file record
  54. blue wood changed to...
  55. end wood
  56. then repeat same script fixed
  57. fix script debug
  58. then function () script
  59. cherry tree tped
  60. tped = teleported
  61. change print
  62. when print = true
  63. when tree print = true
  64. snowglow tree = true
  65. snowglow tree repeated
  66. script debug = true
  67. when repeated then...
  68. function () script
  69. snowglow tree function local.player.humanoid = true
  70. true coordinates local.player.humanoid y, z, x = true
  71. then repeated = true ~= nil
  72. when done reapeat
  73. ...done ...loading ...nil = true
  74. function = true
  75. when function () script then...
  76. load
  77. function ()
  78. endend
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  83. ----ReJoin-----
  84. if script rejoin function ()
  85. then... = true function () ~nil
  86. ~nil string = G_STRING
  87. local.player.humanoid rejoin sever place
  88. (Game) exit id function () = true ~nil
  89. local.player.main rejoin game (id)
  90. game (id) locate = true
  91. located...
  92. rejoing… rejoining... loading... wait (5)
  93. (print wait (5) = 5seconds)
  94. 5 seconds = true
  95. true script debug =~nil
  96. function ()
  97. function ()
  98. endend
  99. end
  100. end
  101. end
  102. end
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