
ben drowned virus copypasta

Mar 21st, 2016
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  1. ben drowned into his own computer virus made by Microsoft BENNY LINKHED and managed to clone himself into ImportantFiles in C:\Windows\ then found himself as a registry saying "you shouldnt've done that.. donew ut?" in his own drown after his benned ass his ass got drowned into the abyss of his own fury. when he gets shit furied all over his sniffle then he got penised asdaifhsaiedfhweafiuehsaudihwaifhweuf hiwuh iuiefuh weufha we then i ran outta ideas so i installed a kaspersky rescue disk and removed ImporantFiles afterwords its X button fell apart so did its border so it set itself onto an icon named ben afterwords he created this comment and wanted to infect pokeyoshi3 resulting in him creating this virus.. dont drown benny cuz u died 3 0 1 0 1 0 3 times in a row after commiting suicide 3000 times because this comment makes no sense. i hate this comment and now i'll post this anyways. this is one of the longest comments i have ever made on this youtube video in fact i have declared that "Ben drowned in his own fury o' shit" and that is all i got. cya l8r on the next long comment about benny drowning in his own shit o' fury. hahahhahahhahahhahhehhehehhehohohohoohahhaohroahroeoaheohaoehohaoehoahehuehuehueheuhhoaoehauoaoueohauehoaeuhaoheouhaouehouahehauhoeuhaoehuahuehuahehaouehouahoeuhaohehuaoehouahoeuhaouehouhaoeuhaouehouhaouehuahouehaoehaouheoahouehouahehaouehouahoeuhaouheouahoeuhaouheouhaouehouahoeuhoauheouhaoeuhouaehouhaouahouehauehuaheouhaohaouheuaheouhaeouheoaheouehaoueohuahueahuehouahueao soisoisosisosisosiroflroflroflrolf nocomputertodaysillyboygooutsietoplaye cya l8r
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