
le blockLG list

Sep 14th, 2015
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  1. bugless r1
  3. oddish
  4. ditto?
  5. squirtle
  6. goldeen
  7. 4848 gyarados
  8. ebuzz?
  9. mr mime
  10. alakazam
  11. use 9F 8 times
  12. 4848 shellder
  13. machamp
  14. 4848 rhyhorn
  15. use 9F 5 times
  16. toss 1 from repel
  17. jynx
  18. 4848 scyther
  19. caterpie
  20. 4848 eggs
  21. weedle
  22. ekans
  23. 4848 lickitung
  25. bugless r2
  26. walk 1 step more right into route 6 (as if you were walking to route 6 normally)
  27. toss 223 max potions to get to 31
  28. swap tm43 (from rival name originally) with hm03
  29. swap []j. item in warping with tileset
  31. omanyte
  32. chansey (bonus)
  33. tentacool
  35. blockLG start:
  36. for each pokemon:
  37. use 8 8, then use 9F in battle
  38. toss the amount required from the blockID item
  39. flash trainer card, then flash 4848
  40. catch pokemon and use 8 8
  41. run away from dittoization
  43. charmander = 247
  44. poliwag = 121
  46. toss 2 from first item at top of inventory
  47. swap blockID item with first moon stone x0 you see
  48. toss 16 from max potions
  49. scroll to a 4848 in roaming and use it
  51. dux = 247
  52. slowpoke = 210
  53. nido-f = 207 / nido-m = 203
  54. dratini = 196
  55. swap current blockID item with another item, swap [item] into the blockID slot
  57. growlithe = 38
  58. magmar = 29 (bonus)
  59. venonat = 15
  60. ivysaur = 14
  61. mankey = 8
  62. hitmonchan = 7
  63. tauros = 5
  65. swap blockID item used before into blockID slot, scroll down to tileset, swap [].j in tileset into warping, use same 4848 again
  67. jigglypuff = 184
  68. koffing = 152
  69. tangela = 62
  70. ===
  71. omanyte
  72. chansey (pls don't get chansey just pls)
  73. tentacool
  74. charmander
  75. poliwag
  76. dux
  77. nidoM
  78. hitmonchan
  79. tauros
  80. 9F spam x9
  81. 4848 cubone
  82. mankey
  83. 4848 lapras
  84. slowpoke
  85. dratini
  86. 9F spam x5
  87. growlithe
  88. magmar
  89. venonat
  90. ivysaur
  91. jigglypuff
  92. koffing
  93. tangela (crashes)
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