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- <!-- [Theme 29] Leafless by Laighlin (portfolio ver.)
- hmu at linthm.tumblr with all comments and questions! :>
- -->
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- /*duplicate this bit for more categories. don't forget to increase the numbers too!*/
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- }
- {
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- {block:HomePage}{block:ShowHeaderImage}
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- {/block:ShowHeaderImage}{/block:HomePage}
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- <!-- container to keep everything together -->
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- <img id="blog-avatar" class="{select:Accent shape}" src="{PortraitURL-128}">
- </a>
- {/block:ShowAvatar}{/block:HomePage}
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- {block:ShowTitle}<h1 id="blog-title">{Title}</h1>{/block:ShowTitle}
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- {/block:HomePage}
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- <a class="nav-link" href="/">{lang:Home}</a>
- {block:HasPages}
- <!-- only renders if the blog has custom links enabled. CHECK THE FAQ -->
- {block:Pages}
- <a class="nav-link" href="{URL}">{Label}</a>
- {/block:Pages}
- {/block:HasPages}
- {block:AskEnabled}<a class="nav-link" href="/ask">{AskLabel}</a>{/block:AskEnabled}
- <!-- only renders if asks are enabled -->
- </nav>
- </header>
- <div class="clearfix"></div>
- <!-- categories - these won't show up on non-home pages -->
- {block:HomePage}
- <nav id="content" class="categories">
- <!-- duplicate this section for as many categories as you want. remember to increment the numbers too! -->
- <a href="/tagged/{text:Tag 1}" class="category-link">
- <div class="category-thumb-wrapper">
- <div class="category-thumb cat-1"></div>
- </div>
- <span class="category-label {select:Accent shape}">{text:Label 1}</span>
- </a>
- <!-- end of section -->
- <a href="/tagged/{text:Tag 2}" class="category-link">
- <div class="category-thumb-wrapper">
- <div class="category-thumb cat-2"></div>
- </div>
- <span class="category-label {select:Accent shape}">{text:Label 2}</span>
- </a>
- <a href="/tagged/{text:Tag 3}" class="category-link">
- <div class="category-thumb-wrapper">
- <div class="category-thumb cat-3"></div>
- </div>
- <span class="category-label {select:Accent shape}">{text:Label 3}</span>
- </a>
- <a href="/tagged/{text:Tag 4}" class="category-link">
- <div class="category-thumb-wrapper">
- <div class="category-thumb cat-4"></div>
- </div>
- <span class="category-label {select:Accent shape}">{text:Label 4}</span>
- </a>
- </nav>
- {/block:HomePage}
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- {block:Posts}
- <article class="post type-{PostTypeNoun}{block:Date} is-post{/block:Date}">
- {block:Title}<h2 class="post-title">{Title}</h2>{/block:Title}
- {block:Text}<div class="caption">{Body}</div>{/block:Text}
- <!-- if not enclosed in those blocks, the title variable will display the title of the blog instead of the post title -->
- <!-- media -->
- {block:Photo}
- <figure class="media-wrap"><img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}"></figure>
- {/block:Photo}
- {block:Photoset}
- <figure class="media-wrap">{Photoset}</figure>
- <!-- this element is responsive - finally! lmao photosets used to be really annoying to style -->
- {/block:Photoset}
- {block:Video}
- <figure class="media-wrap">{Video-500}</figure>
- {/block:Video}
- {block:Caption}
- <!-- this will render for any media post that has a caption! hax -->
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- {block:NotReblog}{Caption}{/block:NotReblog}
- {block:RebloggedFrom}
- {block:Reblogs}
- <!-- renders for reblogs only -->
- <div class="reblogged-comment">
- <a class="user {block:IsDeactivated}inactive{/block:isDeactivated}" href="{Permalink}">{Username}</a>
- <div class="comment-content">{Body}</div>
- </div>
- {/block:Reblogs}
- {/block:RebloggedFrom}
- </div>
- {/block:Caption}
- {block:ifClickThroughButton}{block:IndexPage}
- <a class="click-thru {select:Accent shape}" href="{Permalink}">Info</a>
- {/block:IndexPage}{/block:ifClickThroughButton}
- </article>
- {/block:Posts}
- </main> <!-- end of posts block -->
- {block:Pagination}
- <nav id="pagination">
- {block:PreviousPage}
- <a class="pagi-link" href="{PreviousPage}">{lang:Previous}</a>
- {/block:PreviousPage}
- {block:NextPage}
- <a class="pagi-link" href="{NextPage}">{lang:Next}</a>
- {/block:NextPage}
- </nav>
- {/block:Pagination}
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