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- local event = require("event")
- local serial = require("serialization")
- local component = require("component")
- local fs = require("filesystem")
- local keyboard = require("keyboard")
- -- The name of the file which holds information about the switches.
- local SWITCH_DEFINITION_FILE = "/home/switch.tbl"
- -- The table of switch information, that is loaded from the above file on startup.
- local switches = nil
- local RUNNING = true
- -- Loads the switch definition from a serialized table.
- local function loadSwitchDefinitionFromFile(filename)
- local file =, "r")
- if file == nil then
- io.stderr:write("Could not open file "..filename.." for reading.\n")
- return nil
- end
- local tbl = serial.unserialize(file:read("*a"))
- file:close()
- return tbl
- end
- -- Gets a component address from the user.
- local function inputComponentAddress()
- local address = nil
- repeat
- address =
- if address == nil or #address ~= 36 then
- print("Invalid component address. Please enter a 36-character string.")
- end
- until address ~= nil and #address == 36
- return address
- end
- -- Gets switch information from the user, and saves it to the file.
- local function initSwitchDefinitionFile(filename)
- print("How many switches should this system control?")
- local switchCount = nil
- repeat
- switchCount = tonumber(
- if switchCount == nil or switchCount <= 0 then
- print("Invalid number of switches given. Please enter a positive number.")
- end
- until switchCount ~= nil and switchCount > 0
- print("You will now enter some information about each switch.")
- local tentative_switches = {}
- for i=1, switchCount do
- print("Switch "..i..":")
- print("What is the address of the detector augment before this switch?")
- local detector_address = inputComponentAddress()
- print("What is the address of the redstone component that controls this switch?")
- local rs_address = inputComponentAddress()
- print("What branch is does this switch direct traffic to when activated?")
- local switch_to = nil
- repeat
- switch_to =
- until switch_to ~= nil
- print("In summary, this switch has the following information:")
- print(" Detector: \""..detector_address.."\"")
- print(" Redstone I/O: \""..rs_address.."\"")
- print(" Switches when locomotive's tag contains: \""..switch_to.."\"")
- print("Is this information correct? [y/n]")
- local choice =
- if choice == "y" or choice == "yes" then
- tentative_switches[i] = {
- detector_address = detector_address,
- rs_address = rs_address,
- switch_to = switch_to
- }
- else
- i = i - 1
- end
- end
- print("Saving this switch definition to "..filename..".")
- local f =, "w")
- if f == nil then
- io.stderr:write("Could not open file "..filename.." for writing.\n")
- return nil
- end
- f:write(serial.serialize(tentative_switches))
- f:close()
- return tentative_switches
- end
- -- Sets the output of all switches to 0, to reset the system.
- local function resetSwitches(switches)
- for index, switch in pairs(switches) do
- local redstone = component.proxy(switch.rs_address)
- redstone.setOutput({0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- end
- end
- -- What to do when a train runs over a detector, just before it reaches the switch.
- local function onDetectorTriggered(detector_address, stock_uuid)
- local this_switch = nil
- for index, switch in pairs(switches) do
- if switch.detector_address == detector_address then
- this_switch = switch
- end
- end
- if this_switch == nil then
- io.stderr:write("Fatal error: Could not find a switch that has a detector with address: "..detector_address.."\n")
- return
- end
- local detector = component.proxy(detector_address)
- local redstone = component.proxy(this_switch.rs_address)
- local info =
- if info == nil or info.throttle == nil then
- return
- end
- local tag = info.tag
- if tag == nil then
- tag = ""
- end
- print("Approaching locomotive has tag: \""..tag.."\"")
- if string.find(tag, this_switch.switch_to) then
- print(" Tag contains \""..this_switch.switch_to.."\", switching.")
- redstone.setOutput({15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15})
- else
- print(" Tag doesn't contain \""..this_switch.switch_to.."\", not switching.")
- redstone.setOutput({0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- end
- end
- -- What to do when the user has typed some keys.
- local function onKeyDown(code)
- local key = keyboard.keys[code]
- if (keyboard.isControlDown()) then
- if (key == "r") then
- print("Resetting switches to their default positions.")
- resetSwitches(switches)
- elseif (key == "q") then
- print("Quitting.")
- RUNNING = false
- end
- end
- end
- -- General purpose event handler that delegates different events to their own functions.
- local function handleEvents()
- local event_name, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = event.pull()
- if event_name == "ir_train_overhead" then
- local component_address = p1
- local augment_type = p2
- local stock_uuid = p3
- if augment_type == "DETECTOR" then
- onDetectorTriggered(component_address, stock_uuid)
- end
- elseif event_name == "key_down" then
- local key_code = p3
- onKeyDown(key_code)
- end
- end
- -- Load the switch definitions from either a file, or from the user if it's the first time.
- if (fs.exists(SWITCH_DEFINITION_FILE)) then
- switches = loadSwitchDefinitionFromFile(SWITCH_DEFINITION_FILE)
- print("Loaded switch definition from file.")
- else
- print("No switch definition found, please create one now.")
- switches = initSwitchDefinitionFile(SWITCH_DEFINITION_FILE)
- print("Loaded switch definition from user input.")
- end
- if switches == nil then
- io.stderr:write("Fatal error: Could not load switch definition from file or user input.\n")
- return
- end
- print("Resetting switches to their starting positions.")
- resetSwitches(switches)
- print("Waiting for locomotives... Type CTRL + Q to quit, or CTRL + R to reset switches.")
- -- The main loop of the program.
- while RUNNING do
- handleEvents()
- end
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