
Random sentence gen thing

Mar 5th, 2020
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  1. local lines = 600
  2. local seed = 2
  3. random_names = {
  4. "The koolaid man",
  5. "Bob",
  6. "Rob",
  7. "A cupake",
  8. "A dog",
  9. "A stray dog",
  10. "A school girl",
  11. "A school boy",
  12. "An anime boy",
  13. "An anime girl",
  14. "A can of noodles",
  15. "A can of hotdog",
  16. "Ronald McDonald",
  17. "Your grandfather",
  18. "Your grandmother",
  19. "Mary",
  20. "A moderatly big slice of cheese",
  21. "Karma",
  22. "Karen",
  23. "That one frenchfry on the bottom of the bag",
  24. "That one stoner",
  25. "That one crackhead",
  26. "A lump of ass",
  27. "A very brown fish",
  28. "A very thick piece of paper",
  29. "A can of bowling balls",
  30. "A can of fish smelling corn",
  31. "A misshapen bulge",
  32. "A clone of yourself",
  33. "A fucking dumbass",
  34. "A green chocolate bar",
  35. "My melted grandmother",
  36. "A pair of very short shorts"
  37. }
  39. function starterSelector()
  40. local nammy
  41. for i=1,seed do
  42. nammy = random_names[math.random(1,#random_names)]
  43. end
  44. random_starters = {
  45. "Once upon a time, "..nammy.." thought it would be a good idea to",
  46. "One time, "..nammy.." got the bright idea to",
  47. "Without hesitation, "..nammy.." went to go",
  48. nammy.." wanted to go",
  49. "One day, "..nammy.." suddenly woke up from its long slumber and tried to",
  50. nammy.." walked up to a man and begun to",
  51. "With the help of "..nammy..", "..random_names[math.random(1,#random_names)].." thought it would be a good idea to",
  52. "In a turn of unfortunatly events, "..nammy.." went to go"
  53. }
  54. local keker
  55. for i=1,seed do
  56. keker = random_starters[math.random(1,#random_starters)]
  57. end
  58. return keker
  59. end
  61. random_verbs = {
  62. "eat",
  63. "scream at",
  64. "get underneath",
  65. "furiously explode",
  66. "sprint towards",
  67. "bone",
  68. "cheese",
  69. "water",
  70. "assalt",
  71. "drink",
  72. "moderately die from",
  73. "juice",
  74. "fuck",
  75. "bump",
  76. "jump",
  77. "cream",
  78. "hump"
  79. }
  80. random_gen_words = {
  81. "their",
  82. "your grandmother's",
  83. "your grandfather's",
  84. "a woman's",
  85. "a man's",
  86. "your mother's",
  87. "your father's",
  88. "your belly button's",
  89. "your elbow's",
  90. "your forehead's"
  91. }
  93. random_gen_words2 = {
  94. "butt",
  95. "salad",
  96. "chicken nugget",
  97. "chicken nuggies",
  98. "chicken nuggers",
  99. "mc dicks",
  100. "forehead"
  101. }
  103. random_enders = {
  104. "as furiously as possible",
  105. "as fast as possible",
  106. "with a lot of chipotle",
  107. "with a nice amount of sugar",
  108. "with a ton of sugar",
  109. "using an apple and a grape",
  110. "using the dog as a supplement",
  111. "using the cat as an example",
  112. "using the kids as an example"
  113. }
  115. for i=1,lines do
  116. local math1
  117. local math2
  118. local math3
  119. local math4
  120. for k=1,seed do
  121. --math1 = math.random(1,#random_starters)
  122. math2 = math.random(1,#random_verbs)
  123. math3 = math.random(1,#random_gen_words)
  124. math4 = math.random(1,#random_gen_words2)
  125. math5 = math.random(1,#random_enders)
  126. end
  127. print(i.." | "..starterSelector().." "..random_verbs[math2].." "..random_gen_words[math3].." "..random_gen_words2[math4].." "..random_enders[math5])
  128. end
  132. --random_char = {"weird ","Bob ","ate ","drank ","ass ","milk ","oranges ","I ","for ","everyday ","24/7 ","dick ","sporting ","goods ","cheerfully ","screamed ","at ","died ","with ","James ","April ","in ","under ","a women ","a man ","an undefined gender ","Wednesday ","without ","cheese ","cheesy ","got ","and ","and then ","but then ","exploded ","oofed ","sewer ","a ","pencil ","school boy ","school girl ","briefcase ","courtroom ","their house ","in bed ","in the shower ","in prison ","got fucked ","but died ","got yeeted ","creamy ","for eternity ","apples ","eggplants ","thick peaches ","boned ","jump ","creamed ","under certain circumstances ","very thick "}
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