
#12HourChallenge by RoHiSakk

Aug 5th, 2016
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  1. #12HourChallenge by RoHiSakk
  3. Greetings! If you are reading this is because you have curiosity about the challenge that Im doing this time, so I prepared a little FAQ to answer some question that you might think
  5. -What is #12HourChallenge
  6. The #12HourChallenge is a bi-anual event created by Golden, which objetive is to play a new speedgame and learn the most of it in 12 hours. There are no rules on which game to play, how to learn it, even in how much time to stream it. The only "rule" is to have fun with it. Is the perfect event to introduce yourself to speedrunning
  8. -So, what are you doing this time?
  9. Im doing Pokemon Red any% glitchless, a game and category that I have been watching since I got into speedrunning, but I never got the time to learn.
  11. -What's gonna be your learning schedule?
  12. I dont have a specific schedule but I always try to follow the same training line: First I do a blind or semi blind full run of the game with or without the help of a guide. Then, I do a research of all the important segments of the run. In parallel, I try to get what I did right and wrong on the first run. After that, I do not-full run attempts of certain segments of the game, to finalize doing a full run with all the learned things
  14. -What's gonna be your streaming schedule?
  15. I'm planning to do 3-4 streams of 3-4 hours instead of one very-long 12 hour stream, for the sake of my time and mental sanity. There's a big probability that I'll not finish the 12 hours before monday, but Im planing to do all the 12 hours sooner or later, so stay tune!
  17. -I don't know a thing about speedrunning or pokemon red, can I watch?
  18. Of course! Let's learn together this amazing game!
  20. -I am the WR holder/I know a lot about this game, can I watch?
  21. Of course! Any advice during my streams is very appreciate
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