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- from turtle import *
- import time
- setup(600,800,0,0)
- speed(0)
- penup()
- seth(90)
- fd(340)
- seth(0)
- pendown()
- speed(5)
- begin_fill()
- fillcolor('red')
- circle(50,30)
- for i in range(10):
- fd(1)
- left(10)
- circle(40,40)
- for i in range(6):
- fd(1)
- left(3)
- circle(80,40)
- for i in range(20):
- fd(0.5)
- left(5)
- circle(80,45)
- for i in range(10):
- fd(2)
- left(1)
- circle(80,25)
- for i in range(20):
- fd(1)
- left(4)
- circle(50,50)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- circle(120,55)
- speed(0)
- seth(-90)
- fd(70)
- right(150)
- fd(20)
- left(140)
- circle(140,90)
- left(30)
- circle(160,100)
- left(130)
- fd(25)
- penup()
- right(150)
- circle(40,80)
- pendown()
- left(115)
- fd(60)
- penup()
- left(180)
- fd(60)
- pendown()
- end_fill()
- right(120)
- circle(-50,50)
- circle(-20,90)
- speed(1)
- fd(75)
- speed(0)
- circle(90,110)
- penup()
- left(162)
- fd(185)
- left(170)
- pendown()
- circle(200,10)
- circle(100,40)
- circle(-52,115)
- left(20)
- circle(100,20)
- circle(300,20)
- speed(1)
- fd(250)
- penup()
- speed(0)
- left(180)
- fd(250)
- circle(-300,7)
- right(80)
- circle(200,5)
- pendown()
- left(60)
- begin_fill()
- fillcolor('green')
- circle(-80,100)
- right(90)
- fd(10)
- left(20)
- circle(-63,127)
- end_fill()
- penup()
- left(50)
- fd(20)
- left(180)
- pendown()
- circle(200,25)
- penup()
- right(150)
- fd(180)
- right(40)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- fillcolor('green')
- circle(-100,80)
- right(150)
- fd(10)
- left(60)
- circle(-80,98)
- end_fill()
- penup()
- left(60)
- fd(13)
- left(180)
- pendown()
- speed(1)
- circle(-200,23)
- penup()
- speed(5)
- forward(140)
- left(100)
- forward(160)
- write("Соня это тебе 🧡", font = ( "Arial", 24, "normal" ))
- exitonclick()
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