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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- $|=1;
- while (<>) {
- @X = split;
- if ($X[0] =~ m/^http.*/) {
- $url = $X[0];
- $referer = $X[1];
- $urlreferer = $X[0] ." ". $X[1];
- } else {
- $chanel = $X[0];
- $url = $X[1];
- $referer = $X[2];
- $urlreferer = $X[1] ." ". $X[2];
- }
- #youtube googlevideo
- if ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*google.*video(playback|goodput).*/){
- @cpn = m/[=%&?\/]cpn[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/;
- @id = m/[=%&?\/]id[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/;
- @itag = m/[=%&?\/]itag[=%&?\/]([\d]*)/;
- @range = m/[=%&?\/]range[=%&?\/]([\d]*-[\d]*)/;
- @mime = m/[=%&?\/]mime[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/;
- if ($referer =~ m/^https?\:\/\/(www|gaming)\.youtube\.com\/(watch\?v|embed|v)[=%&?\/]([^\&\s\?]*)/){
- @id = $3;
- } else {
- if (defined(@cpn[0])){
- if (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
- open FILE, "/tmp/@cpn";
- @id = <FILE>;
- close FILE;
- }
- }
- }
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/google/video/id=@id/itag=@itag/mime=@mime/range=@range";
- #youtube parameter
- } elsif (
- ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*(stream_204|watchtime|qoe|atr|csi_204|playback).*[=%&?\/]docid[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/) ||
- ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*(ptracking|set_awesome).*[=%&?\/]video_id[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/) ||
- ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*(player_204).*[=%&?\/]v[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/)
- ){
- @id = $2;
- @cpn = m/[=%&?\/]cpn[=%&?\/]([^\&\s]*)/;
- if ($referer !~ m/^https?\:\/\/(www|gaming)\.youtube\.com\/(watch\?v|embed|v)[=%&?\/]([^\&\s\?]*)/){
- unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
- open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
- print FILE @id;
- close FILE;
- }
- }
- $out = "ERR";
- #utmgif
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/google-analytics/__utm.gif";
- or video range
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(fbcdn\.net|akamaihd\.net).*\/([\w-]+\.[\w]{2,4}).*(bytestart[=%&?\/][\d]+[&\/]byteend[=%&?\/][\d]+)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/$1/$2/$3";
- or with size
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(fbcdn\.net|akamaihd\.net).*\/([a-zA-Z][\d]+[x][\d]+\/[\w-]+\.[\w]{2,4})($|\?)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/$1/$2";
- or safe_image.php
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(fbcdn\.net|akamaihd\.net).*\/safe_image\.php\?(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/$1/$2";
- #reverbnation
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/c2lo\.reverbnation\.com\/audio_player\/ec_stream_song\/(.*)\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/reverbnation/$1";
- #playstore
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.c\.android\.clients\.google\.com\/market\/GetBinary\/GetBinary\/(.*\/.*)\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/android/market/$1";
- #filehost
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*datafilehost.*\/get\.php.*file\=(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/datafilehost/$1";
- #speedtest
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(speedtest|espeed).*\/(.*\.(txt|jpg)).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/speedtest/$2";
- #filehippo
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.filehippo\.com\/.*\/([\w-]+\.[\w]{2,4})\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/filehippo/$1";
- #4shared preview.mp3
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.4shared\.com\/.*\/(.*\/.*)\/dlink.*preview.mp3/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/4shared/preview/$1";
- #4shared
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.4shared\.com\/download\/(.*\/.*)\?tsid.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/4shared/download/$1";
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?:\/\/www\.savefile\.co\:182\/.*\/(.*\.(mp4|flv|3gp)).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/savefile:182/$1";
- #imdb
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/video\-http\.media\-imdb\.com\/(.*\.mp4)\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/imdb/$1";
- #sourceforge
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/([\w-]+\.[\w]{2,3})/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/sourceforge/$1";
- #steampowered dota 2
- } elsif ($url =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*steam(powered|content).*\/((client|depot)\/[\d]+\/(chunk|manifest)\/[^\?\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://squid/steam/content-powered/$2";
- } else {
- $out="ERR";
- }
- if ($X[0] =~ m/^http.*/) {
- print "$out\n";
- } else {
- print "$chanel $out\n";
- }
- }
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