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- #!/usr/local/bin/gst -q
- FileStream fileIn: '../../smalltalk/'!
- Point extend [
- distance: pt [ ^(self x - pt x) abs + (self y - pt y) abs ]
- ]
- Integer extend [
- " Does number % N, but returns residue on interval of 1 to N, not 0 to N-1. "
- %% modulus [ ^self - 1 \\ modulus + 1 ]
- ]
- Object subclass: Valley [
- | dim grid start end vBlizz hBlizz |
- dirs := { (1@0). (-1@0). (0@1). (0@-1). (0@0) }.
- Valley class >> new: textArray [
- ^super new init: textArray
- ]
- init: arr [
- | blizz sentinel |
- dim := (arr first size) @ (arr size).
- " Build flattened array version of grid with sentinels "
- sentinel := String new.
- dim x timesRepeat: [ sentinel := sentinel, '#' ].
- grid := sentinel, arr join, sentinel.
- " Break input into list of coordinates for each character "
- blizz := Dictionary new.
- (1 to: dim y) do: [ :y |
- (1 to: dim x) do: [ :x |
- (blizz at: ((arr at: y) at: x) ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) add: (x@y)
- ].
- ].
- stdout nextPutAll: 'Gathered blizzards...'; nl; flush.
- " Find start and end positions "
- start := (blizz at: $.) detect: [:pt | pt y = 1].
- end := (blizz at: $.) detect: [:pt | pt y = arr size].
- stdout nextPutAll: 'Building vertical table...'; nl; flush.
- vBlizz := (1 to: dim y - 2) collect: [:x | Set new].
- (0 to: dim y - 3) do: [ :time |
- | vb |
- vb := vBlizz at: time + 1.
- vb addAll: ((blizz at: $^) collect: [:pt | pt x @ ((pt y - time - 1) %% (dim y - 2) + 1)]).
- vb addAll: ((blizz at: $v) collect: [:pt | pt x @ ((pt y + time - 1) %% (dim y - 2) + 1)]).
- ].
- hBlizz := (1 to: dim x - 2) collect: [:x | Set new].
- (0 to: dim x - 3) do: [ :time |
- | hb |
- hb := hBlizz at: time + 1.
- hb addAll: ((blizz at: $<) collect: [:pt | ((pt x - time - 1) %% (dim x - 2) + 1) @ pt y]).
- hb addAll: ((blizz at: $>) collect: [:pt | ((pt x + time - 1) %% (dim x - 2) + 1) @ pt y]).
- ].
- ^self
- ]
- clear: pt at: time [
- | blizz |
- blizz := ((vBlizz at: (time + 1) %% (dim y - 2)) includes: pt)
- or: [(hBlizz at: (time + 1) %% (dim x - 2)) includes: pt].
- ^blizz not and: [(grid at: (pt y * dim x + pt x)) ~= $#]
- ]
- from: startPos to: endPos begin: startTime [
- | queue visit key dist count state time pos |
- visit := Set new.
- count := 0.
- queue := PriorityQueue new.
- queue at: 0 insert: {startTime. startPos}.
- [ (state := queue next) notNil ] whileTrue: [
- time := state first.
- pos := state second.
- ((count := count + 1) \\ 1000) = 0 ifTrue: [
- stderr nextPutAll: ('[%1] %2 ' % {time. pos}); cr; flush.
- ].
- (pos = endPos) ifTrue: [ ^time - 1 ].
- key := time asString, ':', pos printString.
- (visit includes: key) ifFalse: [
- visit add: key.
- (dirs collect: [:d | pos + d]) do: [ :neigh |
- (self clear: neigh at: time) ifTrue: [
- dist := neigh distance: endPos.
- queue at: (time + 1 + dist) insert: {time + 1. neigh}.
- ].
- ].
- ]
- ]
- ]
- dim [ ^dim ]
- start [ ^start ]
- end [ ^end ]
- ]
- "
- | Mainline
- "
- ObjectMemory spaceGrowRate: 500.0.
- valley := Valley new: stdin lines contents.
- stdout nextPutAll: 'Loaded.'; nl; flush.
- time := valley from: valley start to: valley end begin: 0.
- ('Part 1: %1 ' % {time}) displayNl.
- time := valley from: valley end to: valley start begin: time.
- time := valley from: valley start to: valley end begin: time.
- ('Part 2: %1 ' % {time}) displayNl.
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