

Aug 13th, 2017
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  1. <Nattack> thanks bud
  2. <xuaqua> lol
  3. <xuaqua> whats itm ena
  4. <Nattack> Its a boss from FF7, which is cheesy as all fuck but I've been using it since 97 and its too late to change back now
  5. <xuaqua> ahh
  6. <Nattack> also i like it, theres that
  7. <xuaqua> never played FInal fantasy
  8. <xuaqua> lol
  9. <xuaqua> I know the game some what
  10. <Nattack> Back in its day it was pretty revolutionary. or at least super popular
  11. <xuaqua> aha
  12. <xuaqua> I guess your odler than me lol
  13. <xuaqua> Youre a pokemon fan tooo?
  14. <Nattack> nah.
  15. <Nattack> never really got into it. I played red when it came out, but thats about it
  16. <xuaqua> yo ufrom the US btw?
  17. <Nattack> Canada, but close enough
  18. <xuaqua> ah
  19. <xuaqua> Toronto Im visting
  20. <xuaqua> can I get soem advice? hahah soldi if ya dont mind its a bit detailed
  21. <Nattack> I can only really offer advice to specific questions
  22. <xuaqua> haha alirught ill be specific
  23. <xuaqua> so I'm jsut wondering can I get your take on thsi gurl that I know shes ab it fugly in m yview deu to her scrunched up face and fucking honker nose. can I share hwo she loos and get your hoenst take and go on for a bit?
  24. <Nattack> you go right ahead
  25. <xuaqua> alright
  26. <xuaqua> so let me be clear too im writign  smalll paper on it so bear with me > I've bene up to Tornto a few tiems as well btw anwyays.
  27. <Nattack> hmm.. indian? filipino? a mix?
  28. <Nattack> shes alright.
  29. <xuaqua> here she is scrolll through the page... I geuss tell me what you think ugh  Icant stnad her sruncehd up face and that nose... I geuss what im wodndering is hwo does she look? and do you think if she was say yoru sisiter or well (future teenage older daugther woudltnt she be the balck sheep of the famil ydeu to her looks
  30. <xuaqua> Indian I think
  31. <Nattack> eh, nothin wrong with her i think
  32. <Nattack> oh yeah, def indian
  33. <xuaqua> really what do ya  mean def Indian and her face isnt a bit butter face or?
  34. <Nattack> a bit butterface, sure, but nobody's perfect
  35. <xuaqua> waht do ya mean a bit btuter face ? and what do ya mean by ha def Indian? and her figure is what? eh?
  36. <Nattack> shes got a good figure
  37. <xuaqua> What do ya mean by a bit of a butter face? and hwo can ya say shes def Indian hah/
  38. <xuaqua> sorry I lagged
  39. <Nattack> Def indian because shes surrounded by indians
  40. <Nattack> also her name is Ontar
  41. <xuaqua> yeah
  42. <xuaqua> How bad is her butter face liek what can ya say about it?
  43. <Nattack> It's fine
  44. <Nattack> nothing special
  45. <xuaqua> Liek she def woudlnt be the ugly sheep fo the fam hahah or jsut a regular butter face of the fam?
  46. <Nattack> yes, i suppose thats right
  47. <xuaqua> hm? what do ya mean/
  48. <Nattack> hard to quantify average
  49. <Nattack> shes fine
  50. <xuaqua> also
  51. <xuaqua> like basedo n ehr figure do yo uthink 5gkg or so wouldnt hurt?
  52. <xuaqua> Do you think 5kg or so wouldnt hrut her?
  53. <Nattack> 5kg is a lot for anybody
  54. <Nattack> shes fine
  55. <xuaqua> no sure  Im jsut saying if she gained 5-7 kg hwo would she look ay think?
  56. <xuaqua> eh nattack ?
  57. <Nattack> i dunno, maybe a little too big? she doesnt need to gain weight
  58. <xuaqua> well I know im jsut hytpoehsizign for what im writing
  59. <xuaqua> what I'm wodnering is if she did say gain 5k it wouldnt loo kTOO bad right?
  60. <xuaqua> look*
  61. <Nattack> no, of course not
  62. <Nattack> im speaking strictly from a health standpoint, 5k is like 12 pounds, not necessary.
  63. <xuaqua> But mostly where woudl it go jsut generall ysepeaking her face or butt or?
  64. <Nattack> i have no idea really
  65. <xuaqua> wellll can i be ab it mroe detailed?
  66. <xuaqua> if ya dont mind?
  67. <Nattack> i spose
  68. <xuaqua> so I know up here yo ugot Timmies and Mcdoanlds what i' mgetting at is I know timmies has you know eclairs and creme fileld stuff and welll big ass burritos and such if she ate those (not all the time ) but welll say jsut as a tupical eprson her age ddi . She'd def gain?
  69. <Nattack> if a person of her frame ate around 2000 calories a day shed most likely gain
  70. <xuaqua> Yeah liek woudl Tim Hrotons help more I mean in general ya think? I'm jsut speaking i nteh sense that It seems Tim Hrotons has quite a lto of decelaries on the front when you go in
  71. <xuaqua> I see
  72. <xuaqua> eh? sorry take yoru time
  73. <xuaqua> delcies*
  74. <Nattack> i guess they do, anything high in sugar would
  75. <xuaqua> like TIm Hrotons certainly woudl do it or? what do you think bsaed on her frame and face and such?
  76. <Nattack> enough food would make anyone fat
  77. <xuaqua> well
  78. <xuaqua> not TOO FAT
  79. <xuaqua> thats the thing... overweightness isnt the idea
  80. <xuaqua> I jsut mean a bit... pudgy or midlly every milldly pudgy?
  81. <xuaqua> what do you think?
  82. <Nattack> i think shes fine the way she is though
  83. <xuaqua> no I know
  84. <xuaqua> im hypotheiszing for the paper nad such
  85. <xuaqua> what do you think based on what I said/
  86. <Nattack> if she ate tim hortons enough she would gain weight, and if she would gain 10-15 pounds she'd look none too different really
  87. <xuaqua> really? hm hwo woudl she look slightly different?  
  88. <xuaqua> well 10-20 lbs max
  89. <Nattack> probs around 15 pounds youd notice a real change i guess
  90. <Nattack> 20 is noticable on anybody
  91. <xuaqua> right lets jsut sto pat 15
  92. <xuaqua> what would that do to her lets jsut assuem she gaiend 15 i nretrospect like Tim Hrotons woudl definetly do it jsut based on what youv'e seen there if you go there often? I dont really I jsut go when I come up here lol
  93. <Nattack> i pick up a coffee pretty often i guess
  94. <Nattack> not like religiously though
  95. <Nattack> just need a caffeine fix
  96. <xuaqua> gotcha but yeah wha do you think what would 15 do to her? I jsut men based on what you see in the you knwo glass window what do ya think plus the ygot brekfast burittos and such
  97. <Nattack> but i mean, shed just look bigger. particularly around the hips and waist.
  98. <xuaqua> sorry laged what ya say
  99. <xuaqua> im tyrign to be as not as broad as i was before
  100. <xuaqua> trying
  101. <Nattack> <Nattack> i pick up a coffee pretty often i guess
  102. <Nattack> <Nattack> not like religiously though
  103. <Nattack> <Nattack> just need a caffeine fix
  104. <Nattack> <xuaqua> gotcha but yeah wha do you think what would 15 do to her? I jsut men based on what you see in the you knwo glass window what do ya think plus the ygot brekfast burittos and such
  105. <Nattack> <Nattack> but i mean, shed just look bigger. particularly around the hips and waist.
  106. <xuaqua> ah
  107. <xuaqua> Why do you think around the hips/waist? what m akes ya think that/
  108. <Nattack> thats generally where women gain
  109. <xuaqua> by hips/waist you mean her btut or?
  110. <Nattack> thats in the all encompassing area, so yeah
  111. <xuaqua> Her btut would jsut what? get bigger or jsut well suit her better or what?
  112. <xuaqua> butt*
  113. <Nattack> it'd get bigger, sure
  114. <Nattack> i dont know if it would look better, i havent seen it
  115. <xuaqua> well I mean based on what yovue seen of her from the phtoso woudl the hips/wasit loo tooo bad from what yoveu seen if she gaiend 10-20?
  116. <xuaqua> let me find a photo
  117. <xuaqua> photos*
  118. <Nattack> nah
  119. <Nattack> she'd look fine
  120. <xuaqua>
  121. <xuaqua> does that help?
  122. <Nattack> aint no ass in there
  123. <Nattack> looks fine though
  124. <xuaqua>
  125. <xuaqua>
  126. <xuaqua>
  127. <xuaqua> that help or?
  128. <xuaqua> well combiend wit hthe other phtoos what do ya think
  129. <Nattack> she looks good
  130. <Nattack> doesnt need to gain weight, shed look fine if she did gain though
  131. <Nattack> but her stomach is flat so
  132. <xuaqua> well  igeuss I jsut mean what would 10-20 do to her you think if she did gain?
  133. <xuaqua> rwaht do ya m ean but her stomach is flat so?
  134. <Nattack> a bit chunky
  135. <Nattack> its good the way it is
  136. <xuaqua> what do you mean a bit chunky?
  137. <Nattack> she doesnt need 20 pounds, is what I mean
  138. <xuaqua> well 15
  139. <xuaqua> how woudl that suit her? not TOO BAD I M ean 20 is horrible heck no
  140. <xuaqua> I meant hypteothically obviosuly
  141. <Nattack> nah, shed be fine with 20
  142. <Nattack> this is a pretty long con guy, lets get to the punchline
  143. <xuaqua> Im jsut saying liek yo usaid she isnt that ugly in yoru view but has a bit of a butter face but her body isnt bad at alll?
  144. <xuaqua> yeah sorry ha im jsut trying to keep it simple
  145. <xuaqua> Nattack
  146. <xuaqua> eh?
  147. <Nattack> sir
  148. <xuaqua> agree or
  149. <xuaqua> ?
  150. <xuaqua> sir?
  151. <Nattack> and yeah i guess thats agreeable
  152. <Nattack> i dont really judge peoples looks well
  153. <xuaqua> ahh
  154. <xuaqua> all im saying si that even if she did gain 15 I mean  that wouldnt be chunky right or?
  155. <Nattack> nah, not fat
  156. <xuaqua> what would se be then?
  157. <Nattack> i dunno, anything with a bmi over 25 or so
  158. <Nattack> for her probably like 155 pounds
  159. <Nattack> er
  160. <Nattack> 165
  161. <xuaqua> gotcha I jsut mean like TH woudl defiently help wit hthat? like I said what do ya see when you go i nthere? dont they have thsoe creeme fileld thigns and buurritos and such?
  162. <xuaqua> I feel liek TH would help more than McDoanlds
  163. <xuaqua> like
  164. <Nattack> Timmies doesnt have burritos. wraps yes, burrito no
  165. <xuaqua> er not burritos
  166. <xuaqua> maybe wraps
  167. <xuaqua> yes
  168. <Nattack> but theres only so much tims a guy can eat. mcdonalds is quick and easy
  169. <Nattack> instant 1200 calories
  170. <Nattack> thats a daily minimum
  171. <xuaqua> Would those help? theyre  jsut mroe loaded than stuff I've ever seen? would those help  more or? woudl Timmeis be better?
  172. <xuaqua> hm so McODnalds woudl do it mroe ya think?
  173. <Nattack> mcdonalds has a more expansive menu, and higher calorie food, thus faster weight gain
  174. <Nattack> not to mention you can the salty food incites drinking more soda
  175. <xuaqua> so liek if she got a Breakfast from McDoanlds that woudl def do it? again 20 lbs sitn the idea here hypteotcically or even the fries or what are ya getting at liek what would ya susepct?
  176. <xuaqua> the brugers or?
  177. <xuaqua> burgers
  178. <Nattack> nah burgs
  179. <Nattack> gotta be burgs
  180. <Nattack> angus burgs or big mac
  181. <Nattack> with fries
  182. <xuaqua> ah
  183. <xuaqua> 15 lbs would def be on her in a month haha or?
  184. <Nattack> you could easily gain 15 pounds a month, yeah
  185. <xuaqua> Gotcha
  186. <xuaqua> Itnersting I really didnt think fo the Timmeis vs McDoandls angle I geuss yoru right a bruger a day or ocne a weeek woudl defiently do mroe than jsut a Timmies  wrap or something?
  187. <xuaqua> intersting
  188. <Nattack> timmies sandwich is like 700 cals max, and kind of filling once you're done
  189. <Nattack> like i can eat maybe one and maybe a donut
  190. <xuaqua> But Mcdoandls woudl def work better for her jsut based o nwhat ya see of her in the photos?
  191. <Nattack> it doesnt matter what food she eats as long as she gets enough of it, but for best effect, yeah, mcdonalds would work best
  192. <xuaqua> so liek an angus bruger ocne a week woudl def do it with amybe a side of fries?
  193. <xuaqua> like
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