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- #FuckSysteme./
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- #+# [+] USA federal reserve funds leaked By: ~{J!h4d-X}~ #+#
- #+# [+] Contact: #+#
- #+# [+] Greetz: { X-muslim ~ Root Max ~ KiNG H4ck3r ~ Rajaoui PS } #+#
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#
- ___________________________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________________________
- County Federal Funds Health and Human Services Education Transportation Housing Environment Energy Workforce Public Safety Other
- Allegany "29,641,503" "29,641,503" "10,748,108" "21,192,428" "21,850,881" "12,113,000" "1,062,435" "516,205" "328,255" "92,139"
- Anne Arundel "65,666,719" "65,666,719" "84,414,121" "57,903,777" "28,244,293" "3,699,053" "7,517,332" "719,127" "1,998,681" "511,211"
- Baltimore City "165,739,898" "165,739,898" "86,073,404" "114,606,479" "12,905,451" "12,179,383" "10,182,735" "3,215,728" "3,427,705" "267,469"
- Baltimore "387,643,873" "387,643,873" "195,352,228" "135,905,347" "93,935,042" "21,956,157" "9,103,189" "6,144,936" "18,981,892" "1,526,327"
- Calvert "12,648,150" "12,648,150" "16,925,570" "8,254,441" "905,523" "683,000" "2,292,762" "116,289" "130,378" "14,349"
- Caroline "9,463,666" "9,463,666" "6,524,157" "7,267,975" "626,424" "1,134,600" "270,000" "217,689" "117,707" "10,000"
- Carroll "21,246,183" "21,246,183" "24,697,762" "10,261,637" "1,818,300" "962,484" "1,553,383" "588,322" "868,676" "30,815"
- Cecil "21,945,307" "21,945,307" "14,882,424" "7,581,915" "10,499,206" "527,933" "1,210,122" "449,627" "103,782" "27,797"
- Charles "21,362,967" "21,362,967" "27,885,943" "10,062,919" "1,237,732" "3,790,901" "632,300" "116,289" "683,961" "117,466"
- Dorchester "12,028,003" "12,028,003" "6,326,291" "6,395,296" "4,244,589" "5,828,850" "293,690" "217,689" "190,895" "15,000"
- Frederick "29,555,135" "29,555,135" "42,093,262" "25,638,048" "2,958,265" "7,704,555" "1,293,525" "427,851" "521,752" "47,717"
- Garrett "8,792,449" "8,792,449" "5,482,325" "9,908,952" "3,935,754" "1,707,633" "713,000" "516,205" "144,168" "24,157"
- Harford "33,459,639" "33,459,639" "30,643,889" "18,998,885" "5,538,720" "660,343" "3,148,146" "449,627" "575,003" "47,570"
- Howard "29,139,685" "29,139,685" "51,500,521" "22,395,331" "3,216,433" "3,936,436" "4,086,085" "588,322" "848,721" "54,832"
- Kent "4,566,549" "4,566,549" "3,283,294" "3,763,618" "13,086,244" "495,600" "427,500" "217,689" "232,149" "69,502"
- Montgomery "120,513,699" "120,513,699" "178,476,406" "92,352,945" "15,003,726" "3,801,359" "9,991,857" "1,301,992" "2,834,552" "326,978"
- Prince George's "156,683,552" "156,683,552" "184,242,213" "113,915,818" "12,628,823" "7,894,377" "10,751,419" "3,307,712" "19,014,999" "179,465"
- Queen Anne's "6,123,560" "6,123,560" "6,760,582" "4,897,031" "537,559" "2,517,083" "340,280" "217,689" "137,997" "16,157"
- St. Mary's "20,031,135" "20,031,135" "17,809,630" "10,016,503" "4,258,020" "3,649,545" "1,293,725" "116,289" "342,185" "19,827"
- Somerset "9,632,644" "9,632,644" "32,564,453" "4,739,223" "9,163,995" "5,048,768" "183,000" "479,706" "7,932" "3,550"
- Talbot "6,413,945" "6,413,945" "3,434,365" "7,448,554" "1,022,915" "5,489,880" "810,700" "217,689" "127,760" "10,000"
- Washington "36,299,847" "36,299,847" "20,875,982" "11,450,119" "2,530,387" "8,455,692" "1,258,238" "516,205" "238,506" "59,187"
- Wicomico "32,351,619" "32,351,619" "15,372,775" "6,271,466" "2,619,668" "7,403,700" "1,016,628" "479,706" "598,576" "161,733"
- Worcester "9,922,189" "9,922,189" "7,211,634" "9,381,924" "1,691,368" "2,350,000" "396,726" "479,706" "346,097" 0
- Unallocated $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $- $0 $0 $0 $0
- TOTAL "$1,250,871,918 " "$1,250,871,918 " "$1,073,581,337" "$720,610,631 " "$254,459,319 " "$123,990,332 " "$69,828,777 " "$21,618,288 " "$52,802,329 " 3633248
- "1,250,871,918" "1,250,871,918" "1,073,581,337" "720,610,631" "254,459,319" "123,990,332" "69,828,777" "21,618,288" "52,802,329" "3,633,248"
- ##############################################################################################
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
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- Done ./
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