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- function createVersionString()
- local length = math.random(10, 32)
- local string2 = ""
- for i=0,length do
- string2 ..= string.char(math.random(62, 239))
- end
- return string2
- end
- local startTime = os.time()
- print([=[Loading...]=])
- print([=[Grabbing executor name...]=])
- print([=[STARTING sUNC test. Join our Discord server if you want :) []]=])
- wait(9.43968870000026 / 2)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:PivotTo(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:GetPivot() +, -0.5, 0))
- wait(9.43968870000026 / 2)
- game:GetService("CoreGui").TopBarApp.UnibarLeftFrame.HealthBar.Visible = true
- print([=[❗ Starting basic loadstring testing]=])
- print([=[❗ Finished basic loadstring testing]=])
- print([=[❗ Starting simple loadstring URL testing...]=])
- wait(0.649242100000265)
- print([=[✅ Passed the simple loadstring test. Short obfuscated scripts can be executed.]=])
- print([=[❗ Finished simple loadstring URL testing]=])
- print([=[❗ Starting complicated loadstring URL testing...]=])
- wait(1.4213442000000214 + math.random(1, 2))
- print([=[❗ Finished complicated loadstring URL testing]=])
- print([=[loadstring[complicated]]=], [=[true]=])
- print([=[loadstring[simple]]=], [=[true]=])
- print([=[loadstring[basic]]=], [=[true]=])
- wait(10.861563999998907 + math.random(1, 10))
- print([=[Interesting]=])
- wait(0.1799049000001105)
- print([=[
- ]=])
- print([=[✅ Drawing.Fonts]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅]=])
- print([=[✅ WebSocket.connect]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ appendfile]=])
- print([=[✅ base64_decode]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ base64_encode]=])
- print([=[✅ cache.invalidate]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ cache.iscached]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ cache.replace]=])
- print([=[✅ checkcaller]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ cleardrawcache]=])
- print([=[✅ clonefunction]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ cloneref]=])
- print([=[✅ compareinstances]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ crypt.decrypt]=])
- print([=[✅ crypt.encrypt]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ crypt.generatebytes]=])
- print([=[✅ crypt.generatekey]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ crypt.hash]=])
- print([=[✅ debug.getconstant]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ debug.getconstants]=])
- print([=[✅ debug.getinfo]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ debug.getproto]=])
- print([=[✅ debug.getprotos]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ debug.getstack]=])
- print([=[✅ debug.getupvalue]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ debug.getupvalues]=])
- print([=[✅ debug.setconstant]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ debug.setstack]=])
- print([=[✅ debug.setupvalue]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ decompile]=])
- print([=[✅ delfile]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ delfolder]=])
- print([=[✅ fireclickdetector]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ fireproximityprompt]=])
- print([=[✅ firesignal]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ firetouchinterest]=])
- print([=[✅ getcallbackvalue]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getcallingscript]=])
- print([=[✅ getconnections]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getcustomasset]=])
- print([=[✅ getgc]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getgenv_access]=])
- print([=[✅ gethiddenproperty]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ gethui]=])
- print([=[✅ getinstances]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getloadedmodules]=])
- print([=[✅ getnamecallmethod]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getnilinstances]=])
- print([=[✅ getrawmetatable]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getrenderproperty]=])
- print([=[✅ getrenv]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getrunningscripts]=])
- print([=[✅ getscriptbytecode]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getscriptclosure]=])
- print([=[✅ getscripts]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ getsenv]=])
- print([=[✅ getthreadidentity]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ hookfunction]=])
- print([=[✅ hookmetamethod]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ identifyexecutor]=])
- print([=[✅ iscclosure]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ isexecutorclosure]=])
- print([=[✅ isfile]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ isfolder]=])
- print([=[✅ islclosure]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ isrbxactive]=])
- print([=[✅ isreadonly]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ isrenderobj]=])
- print([=[✅ isscriptable]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ listfiles]=])
- print([=[✅ loadfile]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ loadstring]=])
- print([=[✅ lz4compress]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ lz4decompress]=])
- print([=[✅ makefolder]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ newcclosure]=])
- print([=[✅ readfile]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ request]=])
- print([=[✅ restorefunction]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ sethiddenproperty]=])
- print([=[✅ setrawmetatable]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ setreadonly]=])
- print([=[✅ setrenderproperty]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ setscriptable]=])
- print([=[✅ setthreadidentity]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[✅ writefile]=])
- task.wait()
- print([=[
- ]=])
- print([=[😎 Passed the test with 100% succеss rate (87 out of 87)]=])
- print([=[❌ Total tests failed: 0]=])
- wait(0.012557900001411326)
- print([=[😏 This test was made by senS (fuck all the inco pastes/unc fakers)]=])
- print([=[Finished the test in ]=] .. math.floor((os.time() - startTime)) .. [=[ seconds]=])
- print([=[
- ]=])
- print([=[sUNC, VERSION 1.51 ]=] .. createVersionString())
- print([=[Contributors: vvultt, GRH, 0_void, Dottik, Pixeluted, bytevector(🥭), s.irius, citam.]=])
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