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- stockHeight = [1080, 960, 720, 640, 576, 480, 360, 240]
- resizeScreen = () ->
- gameResolution =
- width: $PARAMS.resolution.width
- height: $PARAMS.resolution.height
- screenResolution =
- width: window.screen.availWidth
- height: window.screen.availHeight
- if $PARAMS.preview or GameManager.inLivePreview then return
- if !nw? then return
- isFullscreen = nw.Window.get().isFullscreen
- ratio = gameResolution.width / gameResolution.height
- if isFullscreen then return
- for height in stockHeight
- if gameResolution.height < height then continue
- if screenResolution.height < height then continue
- width = height * ratio
- if screenResolution.width < width then continue
- diff =
- width: window.innerWidth - width
- height: window.innerHeight - height
- window.resizeBy(-diff.width, -diff.height)
- return
- gs.YEM = {} if !gs.YEM?
- gs.YEM.resizeScreen = resizeScreen
- gs.YEM.resizeScreen()
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